583 research outputs found

    Bridging GPS Outages Using Spectral Fusion and Neural Network Models in Support of Multibeam Hydrography

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    In classical hydrographic surveying, the use of GPS is limited to providing horizontal control for survey vessels. More recently, an alternative practice has evolved, which determines depth values relative to a geodetic datum and then relate them to tidal datums through a series of vertical datum transformations. Although it has a number of advantages over classical hydrographic surveying, this practice requires accurate 3D positioning information. Unfortunately, accurate 3D positioning solution may not always be available as a result of communication link problems, GPS outages, or unsuccessful fixing for the ambiguity parameters. This paper examines the use of wavelet analysis to spectrally combine the GPS/INS height data series and the heave signal to bridge the height data gaps. In addition, a neural network-based model is developed to precisely predict the horizontal component of the survey vessel.En los levantamientos hidrográficos clásicos, el uso del GPS está limitado al suministro de control horizontal para los buques hidrográficos. Más recientemente, se ha desarrollado una práctica alterna-tiva, que determina los valores de la profundidad relativos a un datum geodésico y los relaciona pos-teriormente con los datums de mareas a través de una serie de transformaciones del datum vertical. Aunque tiene una serie de ventajas con respecto a los levantamientos hidrográficos clásicos, esta práctica requiere una información precisa del posicionamiento en 3D. Desgraciadamente, puede que una solución de posicionamiento preciso en 3D no esté siempre disponible como resultado de los problemas de enlaces de datos, los cortes GPS, o un ajuste infructuoso de parámetros de ambigüedad. Este artículo examina el uso de un análisis de ondas pequeñas para combinar espectralmente la serie de datos de altura GPS/INS y la señal de oleaje para superar las deficiencias de datos de alturas. Además, se ha desarrollado un modelo basado en la red neural para predecir con precisión la compo-nente horizontal del buque hidrográfico.Dans les levés hydrographiques classiques, l‘utilisation du GPS est limitée à la fourniture d‘un contrôle horizontal pour les bâtiments hydrographiques. Plus récemment, une autre pratique est ap-parue et celle-ci détermine les valeurs de profondeur par rapport à un système géodésique puis les rapporte au niveau de référence des marées par le biais d‘une série de transformations du système géodésique vertical. Bien que ceci offre un certain nombre d‘avantages par rapport aux levés hydro-graphiques classiques, cette pratique nécessite des informations exactes sur la détermination de la position en 3D. Malheureusement, une solution exacte de détermination de la position en 3D n‘est pas toujours disponible à cause de problèmes de liaison en matière de communications, de défaillan-ces GPS, ou de réparation infructueuse des paramètres d‘ambiguïté. Le présent article examine l‘uti-lisation d‘une analyse des ondelettes pour combiner de manière spectrale les séries de données de hauteur GPS/INS et le signal de pilonnement afin de combler les lacunes en données de hauteur. En outre, un modèle inspiré d‘un réseau neuronal est en cours de développement en vue d‘une prédic-tion précise de la composante horizontale du bâtiment hydrographique


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    The paper presents an effort to develop learning models based on the massive amounts of data that has been accumulated over the past decades during the process of digital documentation of heritage structures around the globe especially those in disaster zones.The development of an ontology is proposed that describes heritage buildings, their sites, and major hazard events that may cause damage to them. This ontology can serve as a repository for documenting heritage structures and provide highly structured data for developing machine learning systems that can identify patterns of damage from recorded image data. For heritage structures in seismic zones, the first step in ontology development is analyzing available earthquake information about the event and the damage information. The resulting model will create links between information items, for example relating the extent of the damage of an element to the earthquake magnitude and its distance from the epicenter. The ontology may also include collected images from previous earthquake events, with links to the objects in each image. Special tools will focus on selecting sub-models to be included in a machine learning model. For example, if the learning objective is to identify the damage and its extent from an image, then the rules will select the features in the model that relate to structural damage and identify each type of damage. It is hoped that this work will help develop learning systems that speed up processing of large volumes of image damage data collected from heritage sites.</p

    Posttraumatic ankle arthritis due to a novel Nocardia species

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    Introduction: Nocardial arthritis in immunocompetent patients is rare, and the optimum duration of antimicrobial therapy is unknown, although several months of antibiotic treatment is often recommended. Case report: We here report the first case of human infection with a novel Nocardia sp., summarise the epidemiology of nocardial arthritis and outline the feasibility of relatively short antibiotic treatments after careful surgical drainag

    ADC mapping of the aging frontal lobes in mild cognitive impairment

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    Normal aging, leukoaraiosis (LA) and vascular disease particularly involve the human frontal lobes. We decided to investigate a population of elderly patients referred for neuroimaging because of progressive minor cognitive deficits but no dementia. They underwent conventional Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using axial T1 and T2-weighted imaging as well as coronal FLAIR sequences in addition to the axial diffusion-weighted MRI. MRI allowed us to differentiate patients with leukoaraïosis (LA+) from those without it (LA-) and mapping of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) to investigate local tissular water motion.We observed an increase in the ADC in all investigated patients with increasing age (r=0.326, p=0.002). This increase was observed in both patients groups (LA+ and LA-) . In addition, the LA+ group had significant higher ADC values than the LA- group after controlling for age (p<0.0001

    Subcutaneous rupture of the Achilles tendon and ipsilateral fracture of the medial malleolus

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    BACKGROUND: Although ankle fractures and an Achilles tendon rupture are relatively frequent in isolation, their association in the same injury is uncommon. CASE PRESENTATION: A 38 year old male tree surgeon fell six meters from a tree, sustaining a subcutaneous rupture of the Achilles tendon and an ipsilateral closed fracture of the medial malleolus. The injuries were diagnosed following clinical examination and imaging. CONCLUSION: This injury combination is infrequent, and management of the Achilles tendon rupture should take into account the necessity not to secondarily displace the fracture of the medial malleollus

    Are super-face-recognisers also super-voice-recognisers? Evidence from cross-modal identification tasks

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    Individual differences in face identification ability range from prosopagnosia to super-recognition. The current study examined whether face identification ability predicts voice identification ability (participants: N = 529). Superior-face-identifiers (exceptional at face memory and matching), superior-face-recognisers (exceptional at face memory only), superior-face-matchers (exceptional face matchers only), and controls completed the Bangor Voice Matching Test, Glasgow Voice Memory Test, and a Famous Voice Recognition Test. Meeting predictions, those possessing exceptional face memory and matching skills outperformed typical-range face groups at voice memory and voice matching respectively. Proportionally more super-face-identifiers also achieved our super-voice-recogniser criteria on two or more tests. Underlying cross-modality (voices vs. faces) and cross-task (memory vs. perception) mechanisms may therefore drive superior performances. Dissociations between Glasgow Voice Memory Test voice and bell recognition also suggest voice-specific effects to match those found with faces. These findings have applied implications for policing, particularly in cases when only suspect voice clips are available

    Persistence and quality of vegetation cover in expired Conservation Reserve Program fields

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    For nearly 40 years, the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) has implemented practices to reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, and provide habitat for wildlife and pollinators on highly erodible cropland in the United States. However, an approximately 40,470 ha (10 million acres) decline in enrolled CRP land over the last decade has greatly reduced the program\u27s environmental benefits. We sought to assess the program\u27s enduring benefits in the central and western United States by (1) determining the proportion of fields that persist in CRP cover after contracts expired, (2) identifying the type of agricultural production that CRP fields shift to after contract expiration, (3) comparing the vegetation characteristics of expired CRP fields that are persisting in CRP-type cover with enrolled CRP fields, and (4) identifying differences in management activities (e.g., haying, grazing) between expired and enrolled CRP fields. We conducted edge-of-field vegetation cover surveys in 1092 CRP fields with contracts that expired ≥3 years prior and 1786 currently enrolled CRP fields in 14 states. We found that 41% of expired CRP fields retained at least half of their area in CRP-type cover, with significant variation in persistence among regions ranging from 19% to 84%. When expired fields retained CRP vegetation, bare ground was low in all regions and grass cover was somewhat greater than in fields with current CRP contracts, but at the expense of forb cover in some regions. Evidence of more frequent management in expired CRP fields may explain differences between active and expired CRP fields. Overall, there is clear evidence that CRP-type cover frequently persists and provides benefits for more than three years after contract expiration. Retaining CRP-type cover, post-contract, is an under-recognized program benefit that persists across the central and western United States long after the initial retirement from cropland

    The role of an extended medial column arthrodesis for Charcot midfoot neuroarthropathy

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    The etiology of diabetic Charcot neuroarthropathy involving the midfoot often includes an inciting traumatic event or repetitive micro-trauma from an uncompensated biomechanical imbalance that potentiates an incompletely understood pathway leading to a rocker-bottom foot deformity and ulceration. In the setting of a severe Charcot foot fracture and/or dislocation with obvious osseous instability, diagnostic delay can potentiate the limb-threatening sequelae of infected midfoot ulcerations in this patient population. In this article, the authors discuss the thought process as well as the advantages of performing an extended medial column arthrodesis for selected Charcot midfoot deformities

    Risk classification at diagnosis predicts post-HCT outcomes in intermediate-, adverse-risk, and KMT2A-rearranged AML

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    Little is known about whether risk classification at diagnosis predicts post-hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) outcomes in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We evaluated 8709 patients with AML from the CIBMTR database, and after selection and manual curation of the cytogenetics data, 3779 patients in first complete remission were included in the final analysis: 2384 with intermediate-risk, 969 with adverse-risk, and 426 with KMT2A-rearranged disease. An adjusted multivariable analysis detected an increased risk of relapse for patients with KMT2A-rearranged or adverse-risk AML as compared to those with intermediate-risk disease (hazards ratio [HR], 1.27; P 5.01; HR, 1.71; P,.001, respectively). Leukemia-free survival was similar for patients with KMT2A rearrangement or adverse risk (HR, 1.26; P 5.002, and HR, 1.47; P,.001), as was overall survival (HR, 1.32; P,.001, and HR, 1.45; P,.001). No differences in outcome were detected when patients were stratified by KMT2A fusion partner. This study is the largest conducted to date on post-HCT outcomes in AML, with manually curated cytogenetics used for risk stratification. Our work demonstrates that risk classification at diagnosis remains predictive of post-HCT outcomes in AML. It also highlights the critical need to develop novel treatment strategies for patients with KMT2A-rearranged and adverse-risk disease
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