284 research outputs found


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     The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of covid-19 on teaching and learning activities in Islamic Rreligious Education materials at SMP Negeri 2 Stepan Aceh Utara. This study used field research methods, and used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in this study was interviews and observation. Participants in this study involved teachers in the field of Islamic Religious Education and classroom situations whose data were then analyzed through a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic until the end of the semester (2020), learning was carried out online through the WhatsApp application, face-to-face in turns and also offline. The atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the level of student understanding of the lesson, it was decreased because the teaching and learning process was not optimal where during online learning the teacher only gave assignments without explaining the material, and during face-to-face there was not time enaoughm it wa a very short study time. As a result, student learning achievement was also stagnant; there was no improvement, even for Final Grade Assessment only refers to the results of the last semester's learning evaluation, student attendance scores and student assignment scores. 

    Diversification of Regional Specialty Products: Ladu As Typical Tourist Destinations in Batu City

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     Culinary businesses, especially regional snacks, are being optimized to boost tourist shopping in tourist destinations, one of which is the city of Batu. Batu City actually has typical snacks of the Gunungsari archipelago which are snacks and are known as Ladu. However, the production of Ladu snacks is currently starting to be limited, this is due to the lack of interest of tourists in buying this Ladu product. This research was conducted to find out how the right diversification strategy in increasing and adding variants of Ladu products in order to increase the purchasing power of tourists. The methodology in this study uses qualitative descriptive analysis through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results of this study show that ladu snacks are produced and distributed by producers to second parties without paying attention to good packaging. The lack of knowledge and development in production makes Ladu snack products less varied both in terms of shape and toppings. This can be seen from the small availability of ladu snacks in several souvenir shops typical of Batu.             The strategy needed to diversify snacks is to use a horizontal concentric type, which is an effort to increase product diversity to increase profitability and achieve higher sales volumes than existing products. Various variants of ladu snacks produced have a sweet and salty taste with chocolate toppings, and cheese. Diversification Strategy is an alternative choice in producing variants of snack products that are of interest to visitors. Thus the visitors will have more choices in determining the choice of taste of ladu snacks

    The Influence of Self-Efficacy and Attitude Towards Digital Technologies on Teachers’ Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge

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    This research aims to investigate Indonesian teachers’ perceptions of self-efficacy and attitudes towards digital technologies, as well as their technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) in teaching and factors that affect digital technology integration into classroom. A mixed-methods approach was employed. Finding revealed that teachers ‘possessed good self-efficacy, attitudes, and TPACK in the classroom. Findings also suggested that students’ access to ICT facilities was the most preventive factor for employing digital tools in the classroom


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    AbstractThe background of this research is the formulation of the problem, namely how the ability of basic badminton techniques for beginners at Asjad Club Pontianak. The goal to be achieved is to determine the basic technical ability of badminton in beginner athletes at Asjad Club Pontianak. The research method used is descriptive quantitative method in the form of survey research. The sample used in this study were 30 beginner athletes at Asjad Club Pontianak.Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the value of 30 athletes for long service obtained an average value of 46.47, while in the good category as many as 22 athletes with a percentage of 73.33% and 8 athletes can be categorized as sufficient with a percentage of 26.67%. The backhand short serve value obtained an average value of 52.33 and from 30 athletes all of them could be categorized as good with a percentage of 100%. The average value for the basic technical ability of badminton over lob obtained an average value of 52.37 with a good category obtained by 26 athletes with a percentage of 86.67%, a sufficient category with a percentage of 6.67% with 2 athletes and for the very good category a percentage value of 6.67% with 2 athletes. As for the value of basic smash ability, the average value is 56.70 with a sufficient category obtained by 2 athletes with a percentage of 6.67% and a good category obtained a percentage of 93.33% with 28 novice athletes at Asjad Club Pontianak. The results of the research above can be concluded that the overall basic technical ability of badminton in 30 beginner athletes at Asjad Club Pontianak can be categorized as good.Keywords: Basic Technique Ability, Badminton Strokea


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    PT. DIAR PATRIA PROPERINDO adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa properti dan kebersihan gedung. Pada perusahaan ini pada sistem kepegawaian masih dilakukan secara manual pada departemen masing-masing, sehingga menyebabkan terlambatnya informasi penerimaan karyawan baru. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan informasi ini, maka perlu dikembangkan suatu Sistem kepegawaian yang memadai sehingga dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih baik. Perancangan Sistem kepegawaian berbasis komputer ini diharapkan mampu menjawab permasalahan yang ada mengenai sistem kepegawaian yang terkomputerisasi sehingga akan mempermudah tugas operator dalam menghasilkan sistem informasi yang akurat, tepat waktu, dan relevan sehingga dapat digunakan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Data base terdiri dari 2 bagian yaitu pegawai yang meliputi Id_Admin, Nama, jabatan, User name, dan Password dan karyawan meliputi Id_Karyawan, Nama, Alamat, Tgl_Lahir, Bln_lahir, Thn_lahir, Jenis Kelamin, Pendidikan, Skill, Ket_pelatihan, Riwayat, Tgl_Input. Operator yang mengoperasikan program SIM kepegawaian adalah staff pada bagian administrasi


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    Robot penyedot debu Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89S52 berfungsi untuk menyedot debu secara otomatis. Proses menghisap debu menggunakan vacuum cleaner mini sebagai penyedot debu pada robot. untuk vacuum cleaner mini pada robot di aktifkan secara manual. Alat ini dibuat berdasarkan beberapa bagian antara lain : Mikrokontroler AT89S52, dengan pemrograman assembler. Sensor limit switch yang merupakan rangkaian sensor sebagai inputan pada mikrokontroler. Limit switch juga berfungsi untuk merasakan adanya benturan pada robot yang langsung masuk ke mikrokontroler. Output mikrokontroler akan menghasilkan logika 1 untuk mengaktifkan driver motor pada pin IC L293D untuk mengaktifkan motor roda kanan dan roda kiri melalui relay pada rangkaian PCB pada robot. Motor DC yang digunakan sebagai pengerak robot. Baterai kering ukuran AA di gunakan sebagai catu daya pada robot. Komponen terpenting yang dipergunakan pada Robot Penyedot Debu adalah dengan menggunakan salah satu jenis Mikrokontroller yaitu AT89S52. Dengan menggunakan Mikrokontroller AT89S52 tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa dalam merancang sebuah robot dapat ditentukan gerak laju robot tersebut secara otomatis sesuai dengan program yang telah diinputkan ke dalam chip robot

    Hubungan di antara latihan dan motivasi terhadap kepuasan kerja: Kajian kes di Pusat Latihan Pengajar dan Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST), Shah Alam, Selangor

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    The objective of this research is to study the relationship between training and motivational towards job satisfaction amongst the selected staffs in Centre for Instructor and Advanced Skills Training (CIAST). The study involved 122 staffs using simple random sampling technique. Quantitative data were processed using SPSS software. Pearson Correlation shows that there is a positive relationship between motivation and job satisfaction (r2 = 0.478; p < 0.01) and there is also positive relation between training and job satisfaction are (r2 = 0.481; p < 0.01). Multiple Regression Test has shown that there are significant relation between motivation and job satisfaction (β = 0.288; p < 0.01). This study also shows that training and job satisfaction have significant relationship (β = 0.296; p < 0.01). The implications of this research are also being discussed with recommendations for future studies in the same area

    Pembuatan Video Profil Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Sudimoro Berbasis Multimedia

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    Multimedia adalah salah satu cara yang tepat untuk menyampaikan informasi dalam bentuk audio dan video, multimedia mampu menghasilkan sesuatu hal menjadi lebih menarik dan hidup. Salah satunya penerapan multimedia untuk menvisualisasi Video Profil / Company profile.  Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Sudimoro adalah Sekolah Menengah yang berdiri pertama di Sudimoro yang terletak di jalan raya Sudimoro No. 05 Sudimoro, sejak berdirinya sekolah tersebut belum pernah dibuatkan media penyampaian informasi yang berbentuk video sehingga  masyarakat minim akan adanya informasi, tetapi sekolah ini mampu bersaing, berkompetisi, berkreasi, berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi sesusai dengan perkembangan dunia global. Adapun masalahnya yaitu bagaimana membuat video profil yang menarik dengan menggunakan komputer multimedia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempromosikan dan memamaparkan Visi dan Misi SMP Negeri 1  Sudimoro. Manfaat dari penelitian antara lain bagi penulis dapat memperoleh pengetahuan tentang  proses pembutan video profil yang baik dan menarik. Bagi sekolah yaitu adanya video profil SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro sehingga mudahnya menyajikan informasi dan melakukan promosi kepada masyrakat umum. Bagi kampus merupakan suatu tambahan informasi dan referensi bacaan sehingga dapat menambah wawasan bagi para mahasiswa yang akan menyusun laporan penelitian. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu dengan Studi pustaka, Observasi, Wawancara, Analisis, Perancangan, Pengambilan Gambar, Editing, Uji Coba dan Implementasi. Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam pembuatan video profil menggunakan komputer multimedia meliputi dokumentasi, promosi dan media penyampaian Visi dan tujuan SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro supaya lebih dikenal berbagai kalangan masyarakat  luas


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    The main problem of this report is about “why Tanah Mas Lake less developed in tourism”. The purpose of this study is to find out the problems that make Tanah Mas Lake less developed in tourism. The writer used qualitative method and the subject of research was visitors of Tanah Mas Lake. The writer collected data by doing observation and questionnaire. The finding shows that three main problems in Tanah Mas Lake. The road to access Tanah Mas Lake was poor;cleanliness in Tanah Mas Lake was bad, and promotion is not effectiv