47 research outputs found

    What EFL Students Think about Methods Used to Instruct Their Language

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    EFL classes are offered at the secondary school level in Indonesia. To ensure the success of the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom, educators in the field must use effective pedagogical practices. Assessing teachers' performance in the classroom can have far-reaching implications on the quality of education in the classroom. A useful strategy is to analyze the pupils' perspectives. Research was therefore done to detail which techniques students found useful and which they found less, as well as the reasons behind these judgments. Twenty-nine college students participated in this study via a systematic random sampling strategy. Focus group discussion (FGD) was used to collect data, which was then analyzed descriptively using a qualitative methodology. First, the analysis revealed that (1) students viewed the Communicative Method, Cooperative Learning, the Competency-Based approach, and Community Language Learning as effective strategies for teaching and learning languages. While the Lecturing Method, the Grammar-Translation Method, the Direct Method, and the Task-Based Method are all considered inefficient. (2) The strategies that students found useful and those that they found ineffective. (3) Three distinct senses will recognize an efficient strategy. These include studying outside the class, reviewing material from the previous session, and repeating it before moving on to the new one

    Penerapan Supervisi Akademik dengan Teknik Pendekatan Lesson Study dapat Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru Ekonomi

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme guru dalam mengajar di kelas melalui penerapan supervisi akademik dengan teknik pendekatan lesson study.  Prosedur penelitian  yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini berupa tindakan yang terbagi dalam dua siklus, tiap siklus terdiri dari empat kegiatan pokok, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, refleksi dan evaluasi. Tindakan yang dilakukan berupa  simulasi mengajar/ tutor sebaya dengan menggunakan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ( RPP ) dengan pendekatan Lesson Study. Hasil penelitian  tindakan sekolah ini pada siklus I dan siklus II adalah : (a), rata-rata hasil simulasi mengajar skor 74,83 (siklus I) dan 93,17  (siklus II), (b), Sikap guru terhadap simulasi PBM skor 73 (siklus I) dan 88 (siklus II), (c),  Pembuatan RPP skor 73,83 (siklus I) dan 95,50 ( siklus II)  (d). Pelaksanaan PBM di kelas skor 79 (siklus I) dan 95,83 (siklus II).Simpulan penelitian ini adalah  pengawasan akademik dengan cara supervisi akademik  dengan pendekatan lesson study lebih menumbuhkan profesionalisme guru dalam mengajar di kelas. Peneliti merekomendasikan  agar kegiatan penelitian tindakan sekolah ini terus dilakukan untuk memperbaiki mutu profesionalisme guru dan sekolah, dengan  terjalin komunikasi yang harmonis setiap elemen pendidikan akan dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan secara tunta

    Developing Bilingual-based Approach Materials of English for Educational Technology

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    The objectives of the research are (1) to identify and analyze the target needs of the students of educational technology; (2) to identify and analyze the learning needs of the students of educational technology; and (3) to develop the appropriate learning materials for students of educational technology. Development learning model used in this study is Instructional Design Model ASSURE: Analyze learners, State objectives, Select instructional methods media and materials, Utilize media and materials, Require learner participation, and Evaluate and revise (Heinich et al., 2002, 2004). The population and sample are in the introduction stage, in the developing stage, and in the testing stage. It was obtained through three instruments: an interview with six students, seven graduates and six ESP lecturers; questionnaires completed by 120 students, 106 graduates and 20 ESP lecturers (STKIP Muhammadiyah Rappang and STKIP Muhammadiyah Bone). Triangulation of data tools, resources, and places helps improve the validity and reliability of findings. Data collected from documents and interview transcripts were analyzed qualitatively, while those collected from the questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively using the SPSS program. The findings of the needs analysis of language indicated that reading is a very important skill followed by writing, speaking, and listening, all for the students’ academic studies as well as for their target careers. In general, the results of the evaluation showed that while the English for Educational Technology (EET) course is very helpful, there are some limitations including the curriculum, instructional materials used and the assessment procedures adopted. As such, the study proposes a new ESP curriculum based on stakeholder needs. The study also recommends providing teacher training and recruitment of additional ESP faculty as a first step towards the necessary improvements. It is also concluded that collecting multiple data types from different sources and places are needed to address many of the problems commonly associated with needs analysis and evaluation studies. This research develops three units of materials based on needs analysis; introduction, main lesson, and reinforcement. Regarding students' learning needs, inputs include text, images, explanations, and vocabulary lists. The activities apply the five steps of the scientific approach: observing, questioning, collecting, analyzing, and communicating. Based on the analysis of the data from the experts judgment and stakeholders (students and ESP lecturers), the mean score of all aspects of the six developed units, in the scales of 1-4 are 3.9 and 3.81 which is in the range of 3.25 < ≤ 4.00 and can be categorized as Very Good

    Marlina Si Pembunuh Dalam Empat Babak Film: Psycholinguistic Approach

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    This study aims to identify the influence of the language used on the emotions and actions of victims of sexual harassment in the film Marlina Si Pembunuh Dalam Empat Babak  “Marlina The Killer in Four Acts”. This study applies psycholinguistic studies into four aspects, namely competence, performance, verbal association and problems of meaning, perception and speech cognition in the film Marlina Si Killer in Four Acts, especially in scenes of sexual harassment. In this study, the researcher used qualitative research and the researcher was the instrument of this research. The researcher uses two types of data, primary data comes directly from scenes involving sexual harassment in Mouly Surya's film Marlina Si Killer in Four Acts and secondary data obtained indirectly or through media that can be obtained from books, journals, and the internet. related to this research. The data obtained scenes containing sexual harassment and analyzed them in several levels of sexual harassment categories. Researchers also identified the types of actions or emotions felt by sexually harassed characters and how these characters used resistance mechanisms when sexually harassed. In the film, Marlina shows some of her emotions and actions related to the impact of the robbery and rape cases she experienced such as fear, anger, worry, anxiety, depression, and feelings of disgust for what she has done

    What EFL Students Think about Methods Used to Instruct Their Language

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    EFL classes are offered at the secondary school level in Indonesia. To ensure the success of the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom, educators in the field must use effective pedagogical practices. Assessing teachers' performance in the classroom can have far-reaching implications on the quality of education in the classroom. A useful strategy is to analyze the pupils' perspectives. Research was therefore done to detail which techniques students found useful and which they found less, as well as the reasons behind these judgments. Twenty-nine college students participated in this study via a systematic random sampling strategy. Focus group discussion (FGD) was used to collect data, which was then analyzed descriptively using a qualitative methodology. First, the analysis revealed that (1) students viewed the Communicative Method, Cooperative Learning, the Competency-Based approach, and Community Language Learning as effective strategies for teaching and learning languages. While the Lecturing Method, the Grammar-Translation Method, the Direct Method, and the Task-Based Method are all considered inefficient. (2) The strategies that students found useful and those that they found ineffective. (3) Three distinct senses will recognize an efficient strategy. These include studying outside the class, reviewing material from the previous session, and repeating it before moving on to the new one

    Cheating Behavior in EFL Classroom (A Case Study at Elementary School in Sidenreng Rappang Regency)

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    Cheating is a common problem yet unresolved issue in the classroom. Some factors make the students cheat, and they do it continually. This article aims to find factors that influence student cheating behavior; the strategies used by the English teacher to overcome student cheating behavior; and the difference in student cheating towards gender. This research is a case study using a descriptive qualitative method. The subjects were UPT SDN 1 Rijang Panua, a sample of schools with 4-grade to 6-grade classes. The questionnaire and the interview were used to collect the data. Data analysis techniques were sequential-parts of the study by Starovoytova and Namango. The result shows that: 1) Three categories of factors that influence student cheating behavior namely a) the situational factor; b) the individual factor; and c) the teacher factor; 2) There are four strategies to overcome student cheating behavior in the EFL Classroom such as explaining the bad impact of cheating behavior, instill character education at an early age, give questions-answer or quiz exercises and give appreciation or praise; 3) there is no difference between cheating behavior based on gende


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    This study aims to determine the implementation of government policies in Enrekang Regency, to find out the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities and to find out how much the implementation of government policies towards the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities in Enrekang Regency&nbsp; &nbsp


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    PENDAHULUAN Teori beban kognitif mengintegrasikan asal-usul kognisi manusia dalam teori evolusi dengan struktur dan fungsi arsitektur kognitif manusia untuk pro-vide prinsip-prinsip desain instruksional yang efektif. Banyak dari prinsip-prinsip tersebut secara langsung relevan dengan teknologi instruksional. Bab ini menguraikan dasar evolusi untuk arsitektur kognitif manusia, meneliti aspek-aspek kognisi manusia yang secara langsung rel-evant instruksi, dan membahas berbagai prinsip-prinsip instruksional yang dihasilkan oleh teori beban kognitif dengan referensi khusus untuk penerapannya untuk teknologi instruksional