191 research outputs found

    Looking for Distributed Star Formation in L1630: A Near-infrared (J, H, K) Survey

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    We have carried out a simultaneous, multi-band (J, H, K) survey over an area of 1320 arcmin^2 in the L1630 region, concentrating on the region away from the dense molecular cores and with modest visual extinctions (\leq 10 mag). Previous studies found that star formation in L1630 occurs mainly in four localized clusters, which in turn are associated with the four most massive molecular cores (Lada et al. 1991; Lada 1992). The goal of this study is to look for a distributed population of pre-main-sequence stars in the outlying areas outside the known star-forming cores. More than 60% of the pre-main-sequence stars in the active star forming regions of NGC 2024 and NGC 2023 show a near-infrared excess in the color-color diagram. In the outlying areas of L1630, excluding the known star forming regions, we found that among 510 infrared sources with the near-infrared colors ((J-H) and (H-K)) determined and photometric uncertainty at K better than 0.10 mag, the fraction of the sources with a near-infrared excess is 3%--8%; the surface density of the sources with a near-infrared excess is less than half of that found in the distributed population in L1641, and 1/20 of that in the young cluster NGC 2023. This extremely low fraction and low surface density of sources with a near-infrared excess strongly indicates that recent star formation activity has been very low in the outlying region of L1630. The sources without a near-infrared excess could be either background/foreground field stars, or associated with the cloud, but formed a long time ago (more than 2 Myrs). Our results are consistent with McKee's model of photoionization-regulated star formation.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures To appear in ApJ Oct 1997, Vol 48

    Maladaptive schemas as a potential mechanism through which irrational beliefs relate to psychological distress in athletes

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Objectives: The psychological wellbeing of athletes, in particular the concept of psychological distress, is receiving growing research attention. Irrational beliefs as proposed in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) have been shown to be positively related to the psychological distress of athletes, but the mechanisms by which irrational beliefs predict psychological distress remain unclear. The role of maladaptive schemas, as proposed in Schema Therapy (ST), in the relationship between irrational beliefs and psychological distress has not yet been studied, despite the conceptual similarities between REBT and ST. Design and method: Participants were self-selected triathletes (n = 124), duathletes (n = 9), swimmers (n = 7), cyclists (n = 17) and runners (n = 57). A single timepoint cross-sectional study design was used to investigate simple mediation models using the PROCESS macro. Results: Results revealed that maladaptive schemas fully mediated the positive relationship between irrational beliefs and symptoms of anxiety, and depression (psychological distress). Conclusions: These findings suggest that maladaptive schemas are a potential mechanism through which irrational beliefs predict psychological distress. Results may help practitioners begin to understand how REBT and ST may be applied in tandem for the benefit of greater athlete psychological wellbeing

    First occurrence of Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphanion wallflower (Erysimum cheiri) in the United Kingdom

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    In a study of diseases caused by Xanthomonas campestris on UK nursery-grown wallflowers (Erysimum cheiri), one isolate (P764) obtained in 1990 from Sussex differed from the others. The affected plants (cv. Bedder Mixed), showed distorted growth with chlorotic and necrotic spots, but no sectored V-shaped wilting, the most common symptom associated with xanthomonads in wallflowers. Other X. campestris isolates (including P763), were obtained from wallflowers with typical wilting. Infected plant material was comminuted in sterile 0.1% peptone solution and loopfuls streaked onto yeast dextrose chalk agar and nutrient dextrose agar (Lelliott & Stead, 1987). Plates were incubated for up to 72 hours at 28°C. Xanthomonas-like colonies were purified by re-streaking and isolates were maintained at -80°C (Protect System, UK)

    2MASS Observations of the Perseus, Orion A, Orion B, and Monoceros R2 Molecular Clouds

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    We use the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Point Source Catalog to investigate the spatial distribution of young stars in the Perseus, Orion A, Orion B, and MonR2 molecular clouds. After subtracting a semi-empirical model of the field star contamination from the observed star counts, stellar surface density maps are used to identify compact clusters and any stellar population found more uniformly distributed over the molecular cloud. Each cloud contains between 2 to 7 clusters, with at least half of the cluster population found in a single, rich cluster. In addition, a distributed stellar population is inferred in the Orion A and MonR2 molecular clouds within the uncertainties of the field star subtraction with a surface density between 0.013 - 0.083 arcmin**-2. The fraction of the total stellar population contained in clusters for the nominal extinction model ranges from ~50-100% if the distributed population is relatively young (< 10 Myr), to ~25%-70% if it is relatively old (~100 Myr). The relatively high fraction of stars contained in clusters regardless of the age of the distributed population, in conjunction with the young ages generally inferred for embedded clusters in nearby molecular clouds, indicates that a substantial fraction of the total stellar population in these regions has formed within the past few million years in dense clusters. This suggests that either the star formation rate in each these clouds has recently peaked if one assumes clouds have ages > 10 Myr, or molecular clouds are younger than typically thought if one assumes that the star formation rate has been approximately constant in time.Comment: to appear in AJ, December 2000; see also http://astro.caltech.edu/~jmc/papers/2mass_cloud

    An equatorial wind from the massive young stellar object S140 IRS 1

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    The discovery of the second equatorial ionized stellar wind from a massive young stellar object is reported. High resolution radio continuum maps of S140 IRS 1 reveal a highly elongated source that is perpendicular to the larger scale bipolar molecular outflow. This picture is confirmed by location of a small scale monopolar near-IR reflection nebula at the base of the blueshifted lobe. A second epoch of observations over a five year baseline show little ordered outward proper motion of clumps as would have been expected for a jet. A third epoch, taken only 50 days after the second, did show significant changes in the radio morphology. These radio properties can all be understood in the context of an equatorial wind driven by radiation pressure from the central star and inner disc acting on the gas in the surface layers of the disc as proposed by Drew et al. (1998). This equatorial wind system is briefly compared with the one in S106IR, and contrasted with other massive young stellar objects that drive ionized jets.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ApJ, minor changes in light of referees repor

    Spitzer Observations of NGC 1333: A Study of Structure and Evolution in a Nearby Embedded Cluster

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of structure in the young, embedded cluster, NGC 1333 using members identified with Spitzer and 2MASS photometry based on their IR-excess emission. In total, 137 members are identified in this way, composed of 39 protostars and 98 more evolved pre-main sequence stars with disks. Of the latter class, four are transition/debris disk candidates. The fraction of exposed pre-main sequence stars with disks is 83% +/- 11%, showing that there is a measurable diskless pre-main sequence population. The sources in each of the Class I and Class II evolutionary states are shown to have very different spatial distributions relative to the distribution of the dense gas in their natal cloud. However, the distribution of nearest neighbor spacings among these two groups of sources are found to be quite similar, with a strong peak at spacings of 0.045 pc. Radial and azimuthal density profiles and surface density maps computed from the identified YSOs show that NGC 1333 is elongated and not strongly centrally concentrated, confirming previous claims in the literature. We interpret these new results as signs of a low velocity dispersion, extremely young cluster that is not in virial equilibrium.Comment: 59 pages, 20 figures, accepted to ApJ, verion with full resolution figures available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~rgutermuth/preprints/gutermuth_ngc1333.pdf . Updated to fix astro-ph figure garblin

    Turbulence driven by outflow-blown cavities in the molecular cloud of NGC 1333

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    Outflows from young stellar objects have been identified as a possible source of turbulence in molecular clouds. To investigate the relationship between outflows, cloud dynamics and turbulence, we compare the kinematics of the molecular gas associated with NGC 1333, traced in 13CO(1-0), with the distribution of young stellar objects (YSOs) within. We find a velocity dispersion of ~ 1-1.6 km/s in 13CO that does not significantly vary across the cloud, and is uncorrelated with the number of nearby young stellar outflows identified from optical and submillimeter observations. However, from velocity channel maps we identify about 20 cavities or depressions in the 13CO intensity of scales > 0.1-0.2 pc and velocity widths 1-3 km/s. The cavities exhibit limb brightened rims in both individual velocity channel maps and position velocity diagrams, suggesting that they are slowly expanding. We interpret these cavities to be remnants of past YSO outflow activity: If these cavities are presently empty, they would fill in on time scales of a million years. This can exceed the lifetime of a YSO outflow phase, or the transit time of the central star through the cavity, explaining the the absence of any clear correlation between the cavities and YSO outflows. We find that the momentum and energy deposition associated with the expansion of the cavities is sufficient to power the turbulence in the cloud. In this way we conclude that the cavities are an important intermediary step between the conversion of YSO outflow energy and momentum into cloud turbulent motions.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Check out http://astro.pas.rochester.edu/~aquillen/coolpics.html for channel map and PosVel movies of N133

    CSO Bolocam 1.1 mm continuum mapping of the Braid Nebula star formation region in Cygnus OB7

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    We present a 1.1 mm map of the Braid Nebula star formation region in Cygnus OB7 taken using Bolocam on the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. Within the 1 deg2 covered by the map, we have detected 55 cold dust clumps all of which are new detections. A number of these clumps are coincident with IRAS point sources although the majority are not. Some of the previously studied optical/near-IR sources are detected at 1.1 mm. We estimate total dust/gas masses for the 55 clumps together with peak visual extinctions. We conclude that over the whole region, approximately 20% of the clumps are associated with IRAS sources suggesting that these are protostellar objects. The remaining 80% are classed as starless clumps. In addition, both FU Orionis (FUor) like objects in the field, the Braid Star and HH 381 IRS, are associated with strong millimeter emission. This implies that FUor eruptions can occur at very early stages of pre-main-sequence life. Finally, we determine that the cumulative clump mass function for the region is very similar to that found in both the Perseus and Ï? Ophiuchus star-forming regions. © 2011. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    Polarimetric variations of binary stars. V. Pre-main-sequence spectroscopic binaries located in Ophiuchus and Scorpius

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    We present polarimetric observations of 7 pre-main-sequence (PMS) spectroscopic binaries located in the rho Oph and Upper Sco star forming regions (SFRs). The average observed polarizations at 7660A are between 0.5% and 3.5%. After estimates of the interstellar polarization are removed, all binaries have an intrinsic polarization above 0.4%. Two binaries, NTTS162814-2427 and NTTS162819-2423S, present high levels of intrinsic polarization between 1.5% and 2.1%. All 7 PMS binaries have a statistically variable or possibly variable polarization. Combining these results with our previous sample of binaries located in the Tau, Aur and Ori SFRs, 68% of the binaries have an intrinsic polarization above 0.5%, and 90% of the binaries are polarimetrically variable or possibly variable. NTTS160814-1857, NTTS162814-2427, and NTTS162819-2423S are clearly polarimetrically variable. The first two also exhibit phase-locked variations over ~10 and ~40 orbits respectively. NTTS160905-1859 shows periodic variations that are not phased-locked and only present for short intervals of time. The amplitudes of the variations reach a few tenths of a percent. The high-eccentricity system NTTS162814-2427 shows single-periodic variations, in agreement with our previous numerical simulations. Non-periodic events introduce stochastic noise that partially masks the periodic variations and prevents the Brown, McLean, & Emslie (1978) formalism from finding a reasonable estimate of the inclination.Comment: 63 pages, including 21 figures and 18 tables, accepted by A
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