9 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik bakteri asam laktat yang berasal dari dadih Kabupaten Agam secara mikroskopis, makroskopis dan molekuler, serta mengetahui interaksi antara dosis dan lama pemberian probiotik asal dadih tersebut dalam mempengaruhi perubahan bobot badan dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol itik pitalah jantan. Dadih diisolasi dan diidentifikasi secara makroskopis untuk mengamati bentuk, warna, ukuran dan pewarnaan Gram-nya, secara mikroskopis untuk melihat bentuk batang, uji biokimia dan skrining potensial antimikrobial, sedangkan molekuler untuk menentukan spesies isolat BAL yang didapatkan. Probiotik yang diperoleh diberikan kepada itik pitalah jantan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola Faktorial 4 x 4 dengan 5 kali ulangan sesuai faktor A (dosis probiotik) dan faktor B (lama pemberian). Dosis probiotik yang diberikan adalah 0, 2, 3 dan 4 ml, sedangkan lama pemberian adalah 10, 20, 30 dan 40 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan isolat N6 yang didapatkan memiliki bentuk bulat, licin, bewarna krem, Gram positif, bacil, katalase negatif, homofermentatif dan mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Listeria monocytogenes dengan diameter zona bening hingga 28 mm dan merupakan Lactobacillus plantarum dengan ukuran 1500 bp. Pemberian 2 ml dosis probiotik dengan lama pemberian 20 hari pada itik pitalah jantan menunjukkan penurunan kadar kolesterol terbaik hingga 66,3%.
Kata kunci: bakteri asam laktat, dadih, itik pitalah, kolesterol, Lactobacillus plantaru
Pembuatan Biobriket dari Limbah Daun dan Batang Kayu Putih (Malaleuca leucadendron) Guna Memanfaatkan Limbah Hasil Pertanian di Kecamatan Jeruklegi Kabupaten Cilacap
Oil reserves are increasingly decreasing in line with the use of non-renewable fossil fuels. One of the renewable energy sources is biomass. Some of the advantages of biomass briquettes are that they are environmentally friendly, more economical, and have better efficiency than coal briquettes. Eucalyptus leaves and stems (M. leucadendron) are the example of the biomass wastes that can be utilized as raw material for briquettes. The objectives of this research are to : Examine the fabrication of biobriquettes from the waste leaves and stems of eucalyptus (M. leucadendron); Examine the effect of the ratio of eucalyptus leaf and stem waste and adhesive on the characteristics of biobriquettes; Examine the effect of carbonization temperature of eucalyptus leaf and stem waste on the characteristics of biobriquettes; and Examine the effect of carbonization time of eucalyptus leaf and stem waste on the characteristics of biobriquettes. The biobriquettes fabrication process starts with the preparation of raw materials (drying), carbonization of biomass with a furnace, mixing raw materials with tapioca flour as adhesive, molding dough, and drying. Variable 6 with leaves and stems ratio is 5:1, with carbonization temperature of 800°C and carbonization time of an hour produces the best biobriquette product of water content 2.21 % and ash content 25.08%
Natural dyes can be extracted from various sources such as flowers, barks, leaves, roots, wood or with other biological sources like animals, lichens or fungi. The usage of natural dyes requires application of mordant in order to increase the affinity of the colour fastness between the dye and fabric, thus enhancing the colouration of the natural dye. The colouring potential of natural dyes extracted from the pods of Pithecellobium jiringa has been studied against selected mordants such as potassium dichromate and copper (II) sulphate. Dyeing procedure for the application of natural dye onto the fabrics were done by using three different mordanting techniques which are premordanting, simultaneous mordanting and post mordanting respectively. Evaluation of the colour fastness on the dye properties was assessed by evaluating the K/S ratio, on the absorbance of wash off colour strength of dye from the cotton fabric. Copper (II) sulphate showed as the best mordant towards the natural dye extracted from the pods of P. jiringa with the least value of K/S ratio 2.8x10-6 that indicates low degree of dye bleeding from fabric, while the highest value for K/S ratio is 1.08x10-6 was observed with simultaneous mordanting of potassium dichromate. Thus, the present study proves that the pods dye extract of P.jiringa can be used as potential natural dye source and creates awareness on the effective usage of plant wastes in the related industries. Keywords: Pithecellobium jiringa, mordanting technique, colour fastness, K/S ratio
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cita rasa dari nugget daging domba dengan penambahan daun kelor terhadap kualitas organoleptik dan Tingkat kesukaan dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda-beda.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode experimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengap (RAL) pola non factorial dengan 4 perlakuan 5 ulangan yaitu P0(0% daun kelor),P1(5% daun kelor),P2(10% daun kelor) dan P3(15% daun kelor).Parameter yang diamati adalah rasa,aroma,warna.Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan daun kelor pada nugget daging domba tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap uji organoleptik (P>0.05)
Nilai pH dan Organoleptik Daging Domba dengan Perendaman Menggunakan Bawang Batak (Allium chinense G. Don) dan Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.)
Batak onions (Allium chinense G. Don) and guava leaves (Psidium guajava L.) are plants that are commonly found in North Sumatra Province. Batak onion is an endemic plant and only found in this province. The antioxidant content in these two plants can be used as a natural preservative for lamb meat. This study aims to see the effect of Batak onion (Allium chinense G. Don.) and guava leaf (Psidium guajva L.) extracts on the pH and organoleptic values ​​of lamb meat. The method used in this study was an experimental method with 4 treatments and 5 replications in a completely randomized design. The results of the study showed that there was a nonsignificant (P>0,05) effect on the pH value. The organoleptic value had a dark color, the aroma changed like the aroma of the extract and the texture was chewy
Effect of Batak Onions (Allium chinense G. Don.) on Quality Parameters of Lamb Rendang
Aims: The aim of this research is to highlight Lamb Rendang Nutrition with The Addition of Batak Onions (Allium chinense G. Don.).
Study Design: A qualitative description.
Place and Duration of Study: LKPP Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan.
Methodology: This study used an experimental method with a non-factorial completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 3 replications. The parameters tested were water content and pH value.
Results: The results showed that there was no significant effect (P>0.05) on the pH value and it was very significantly different (P<0.01) on the water content.
Conclusion: Batak onions can increase the nutritional value of lamb rendang seen from the water content and pH values
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman daging domba dengan bunga kecombrang terhadap kualitas organoleptik dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda-beda.Penelitian ini mengunakan metode experimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola non faktorial dengan 4 perlakuan 5 ulangan yaitu P0 = 10gram daging domba(tanpa perlakuan),P1 = 10gram daging domba+100ml air+100gram bunga kecombrang, P2= 10gram daging domba+100ml air+200gram bunga kecombrang,dan P3= 10gram daging domba+100ml air+300gram bunga kecombrang.Penelitian ini diamati oleh 20 orang panelis terlatih dan semi terlatih.Parameter yang diamati yaitu warna,aroma,tekstur dan keempukan daging domba.Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa perendaman daging domba dengan menggunakan jus bunga tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai Ph dan Organoleptik (P> 0.05)
Preferred Vocabulary Learning Strategies among Malaysian Students
Vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) are essential to acquire and master English language skills. Previous research in the Malaysian context mainly focuses on students at the tertiary level, and a few on secondary school students. Thus, these studies have not thoroughly investigated the preferred VLS of secondary and tertiary ESL students. Examining the vocabulary-learning strategies preferred by ESL secondary and tertiary students in Malaysia is significant. VLS is important in determining Malaysian ESL students' English language communication performance. Quantitative convenience sampling methods were employed to determine the preferred VLS among Malaysian students. Data was gathered from 320 secondary school and tertiary colleges Malaysian ESL students using a revised Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaires (VLSQ) version 6.4. Findings indicated that secondary and tertiary Malaysian students preferred metacognitive compared to other dimensions. Regarding gender, results showed significant differences between male and female students in meta-cognitive and cognitive VLS dimensions. In addition, secondary students preferred to use dictionaries, whilst tertiary students preferred using meta-cognitive regulation to learn new English vocabulary. These results show that students employed different VLSs in learning new vocabulary. Also, there is a significant difference between male and female students in VLS dimension preferences