983 research outputs found
United we stand..divided we fall: Political opposition fragmentation post-Mubarak
This thesis examines the causal factors behind the persistence of opposition fragmentation after the toppling of Mubarak and the collapse of the regime’s throbbing heart, the security apparatus. This is due to the importance of opposition unification not only in the toppling of autocrats but also in the success of any transition towards democracy. More urgency is brought to the puzzle due to the specific nature of the transitional period that was more in favor of different political forces compared to previous periods. This argues that three causal factors were behind the re-fragmentation of the opposition post-Mubarak: the continuation of regime manipulation by the SCAF, the failure of cooperation between youth movements and political parties, and the polarization between Islamists and Secularists
Characterization of Microalgae Species from Qatar Coastal Waters for Animal Feed Production
Food security worldwide is field of major research and investigation to improve and find new resource production systems for a continuously growing world population. The state of Qatar being an arid and with limited arable lands is increasingly reliant on imported food products and has recently engaged extensive efforts to advance its challenging strategy to sustainably enhance its food security. Microalgae found in the local environment and adapted to wide range of environmental conditions are considered promising condidate to play a central role in this food security strategy since no arable land neither freshwater are needed for its cultivation. We aim in this study to identify the species and culture condition for the obtaining of microalgal biomass as source for feedstock production. Tetraselmis and Nannochloris isolates were selected from the Qatar University Culture Collection of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae (QUCCCM) based on preliminary results and extensive available literature review. Salinity and CO2 enrichment experiments were conducted with several levels (i.e. 35, 40 and 45 psu salinities and 3%, 5% and 10% CO2 enrichment), using photobioreactors cultivation system. Results suggest that 35 psu salinity and 5% CO2 enrichment cultivation conditions are favorable for the protein hyper-producer Tetraselmis strain, while 40 psu salinity and 3% CO2 enrichment are more suitable for the lipid hyper-producer Nannochloris strain. Mineral uptake differed between the two species and at some extent between different salinities and CO2 enrichment culture conditions. Tetraselmis contains higher amount of Calcium while Nannochloris contains higher amount of Potassium. Mineral profiles of the two species respond differently to salinity and CO2 enrichment culture conditions. The conducted biochemical characterization of the obtained biomass suggests that a feed blending using both Tetraselmis and Nannochloris biomasses would provide high quality products with high protein contents while supplying animals with essential fatty acids (i.e. PUFAs) and mineral ingredients. Recommendations for future research and development efforts are discussed
The study reveals women self-directed oppression in Maria Irenes’ plays Fefu and her friends, The Conduct of Life, The mud and Sarita. The purpose of this paper is to describe female characters with their self-suffering and aggression to each other. As an American playwright and dramatist, on one hand, Maria analyses feminist characters with their traditional images are portrayed as domestic characters and badly abused under male-dominated society. On the other hand, she produces another perspective or different images of women’s oppression which is internalized oppression which is explored among women. By female internalized oppression, the researcher means the major source of female oppression is other women. Women receives oppression and violence with a negative reaction and when they are going to defend their self-hood, the act becomes harsher on their characters. Keywords: women oppression, internalized oppression, Maria Irene Fornes, Fefu and her friends, The conduct of life, Sarita and The mud
Design And Process Economics Of A Monoethylene Glycol (Meg) Recovery System From Produced Water
Monoethylene glycol (MEG) is a widely used hydrate inhibitor in the oil and gas industry to reduce the risk of hydrate formation in pipelines that could cause a blockage. Large volumes of MEG are used annually as an effective hydrate control strategy adding an extra cost on oil and gas industries. The spent MEG is disposed of afterward by injection in wells. The environmental impact of the disposal of MEG has not been well studied yet, but it is expected to gain importance in the near future. The development of an effective process for MEG recovery has been gaining importance to reduce its purchase cost and eliminate the environmental concern of its disposal after use. Hence, the present study was performed to develop and optimize MEG recovery process based on a simulation method and to evaluate the economic feasibility of recycling and reusing the recovered MEG. The simulation process was carried out using Aspen Plus and a built-in ELEC-NRTL thermodynamic package, while the process economics was investigated using the economic analyzer tool add-in to estimate the cost of the design developed. The process simulation was conducted in two distinct designs with four scenarios. The results revealed that an optimized process consists of a flash separator and a distillation column operated under vacuum pressure recovering 99.7% of high purity (99.7wt%) MEG. The capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenses (OPEX) associated with the optimized process reported as present worth, project lifetime of 20 years and annual interest rate of 8%, were estimated to be 11.5 and 35 MMUSD, respectively. All studied scenarios achieved the required MEG recovery and purity reaching values up to 99.7% as per the requirement of the Qatari industry in general and ConocoPhillips in specific. The similarity in the trends for all scenarios is due to the homogenous water chemistry as well as the low amount of total dissolved solids (TDS). Applying the proposed MEG recovery system can save at least 50% of the MEG purchase cost if MEG passes through one regeneration cycle in the unit. Moreover, this study shows that 80% of MEG purchase cost can be saved when MEG is regenerated up to 5 times. Finally, an environmental benefit is achieved due to the considerable reduction in the disposal of spent MEG.يُعتبر احادي جلايكول الإيثلين (MEG) من مثبطات هيد ا رت الغاز الأكثر استعمالاً في قطاع صناعة النفط والغاز
للحد من مشاكل تكون هيد ا رت الغاز التي تؤدي إلى انسداد خطوط نقل الغاز. يتم استخدام كميات كبيرة من احادي
جلايكول الإيثلين سنوياً كاست ا رتيجية فعالة للتحكم في تكون هيد ا رت الغاز مما يضيف تكلفة إضافية على صناعات
النفط والغاز. يتم التخلص من احادي جلايكول الإيثلين المستهلك بعد ذلك عن طريق الحقن في الآبار . إلى
الآن، لم يتم د ا رسة الآثار البيئية الناتجة عن التخلص من احادي جلايكول الإيثلين المستهلك بشكلٍ جيد، ولكن
من المتوقع أن تكتسب أهمية في المستقبل القريب. لقد ازدادت أهمية تطوير عملية فعالة لاسترجاع احادي جلايكول
الإيثلين لتقليل تكلفة الش ا رء و تجاهل القلق الخاص بعملية التخلص منه بعد الاستعمال. وبالتالي، تم إج ا رء هذه
الد ا رسة لتطوير وتحسين عملية استرجاع احادي جلايكول الإيثلين باستخدام برنامج محاكاة وتقييم الجدوى
الاقتصادية لإعادة تدوير اوستخدام احادي جلايكول الإيثلين المسترجع. تم تنفيذ عملية المحاكاة باستخدام برنامج
Aspen Plus و حزمة الديناميكا الح ا ررية ELEC-NRTL ، في حين تم فحص اقتصاديات العملية باستخدام
أداة التحليل الاقتصادي المدمجة بالبرنامج لتقدير تكلفة التصميم الذي تم تطويره. تم إج ا رء محاكاة العملية من
خلال تصميمين مختلفين مع أربعة سيناريوهات. كشفت النتائج أن العملية المحسنة تتكون من فاصل ح ا رري وعمود
تقطير يعملان تحت ضغط التفريغ ينتُج عنها استعادة ٩٩٬٧ ٪ من احادي جلايكول الإيثلين عالي النقاء ) ٩٩٬٧ ٪
بالوزن(. تم تقدير القيمة الحالية للنفقات ال أ رسمالية (CAPEX) و المصروفات الجارية (OPEX) للعملية
المحسنة لمدة ٢٠ عاماً للمشروع و سعر الفائدة السنوية المقدرة ب ٨٪ بمبلغ ١١٬٥ و ٣٥ مليون دولار أمريكي
على التوالي. حققت جميع السيناريوهات التي تمت د ا رستها معدل نقاء ونسبة استرجاع لاحادي جلايكول الايثلين
تصل إلى ٩٩٬٧ ٪ وفقًا لمتطلبات الصناعة القطرية بشكل عام و شركة ConocoPhillips بقطر بشكل خاص.
يرجع التشابه في نتائج جميع السيناريوهات إلى كيمياء المياه المتجانسة بالإضافة إلى انخفاض كمية الأملاح
الذائبة ) TDS (. يمكن لتطبيق نظام استرجاع احادي جلايكول الإيثلين المقترح أن يوفر حوالي ٥٠ ٪ على الأقل
من تكلفة ش ا رء احادي جلايكول الإيثلين إذا مرت بدورة تجديد واحدة في وحدة الاسترجاع. علاو ةً على ذلك ،
توضح هذه الد ا رسة أنه يمكن توفير ٨٠ ٪ من تكلفة ش ا رء احادي جلايكول الإيثلين عندما يتم تجديده حتى ٥ م ا رت.
أخي اً ر ، يتم تحقيق فائدة بيئية من عملية الاسترجاع بسبب الانخفاض الملحوظ في التخلص من احادي جلايكول
الإيثلين المستهلك
POSTER: Protecting Against Data Exfiltration Insider Attacks Through Application Programs
In this paper, we describe a system that distinguishes be- tween legitimate and malicious database transactions per- formed by application programs. Our system is particularly useful for protecting against code-modification attacks performed by insiders who have access to and can change the programs\u27 source code to make them execute different queries than those they are expected to execute. Our system works with any type of DBMS and requires minimum modification to application programs
The Clinical Effectiveness of Intralesional Injection of 2% Zinc Sulfate Solution in the Treatment of Common Warts
Objective. To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of intralesional injection of 2% zinc sulfate solution in the treatment of common warts. Patients and Methods. One hundred and twenty patients (78 females and 42 males) aged 5–55 years with 225 common warts participated in this prospective monocentric randomized study. All lesions were treated with intralesional injection of 2% zinc sulfate. Results. From 225 warts injected, 135 warts (60%) cured from the first session, 51 warts (22.67%) cured from the second session, and 12 warts (5.33%) cured from the third session. There is no significant relation between improvement and patient’s ages, duration, or number of warts (P<0.05). All patients complained from pain during injection, and all treated lesions showed redness, tenderness, and swelling in the first 3 days after injection. Late complications were postinflammatory hyperpigmentation in 90 patients (75%), scaring in 9 patients (7.5%), and ulceration in 3 patients (2.5%). Recurrence occurred in 3 lesions (1.33%). Conclusion. The clinical data indicate that intralesional injection of 2% zinc sulfate is an effective maneuver in the treatment of common warts; however, its associated complications limit its use
"Studying the prophetic supply in Islamic Egypt from the Ottoman era until the end of the reign of King Fouad I (922- 1355هـ) /(1517-1936م) (Archaeological study)"
This research deals with an important topic in the field of Islamic arts "A study of prophetic Amdad in Islamic Egypt from the Ottoman era until the reign of King Fouad I, (922-1355 AH)/ (1517- 1936 AD)" through a description and analysis of three plates, has never been published before, as follow:- -A Praphetic Mudd dated to 1202 AH, made of wood, preserved in the Museum of Islamic Art in cairo. -A Prophetic Mudd dated to 1285 AH, made of metal, preserved in the Museum of Islamic Art in cairo. -A Praphetic Mudd dating back to the era of King Fouad I, made of metal and wood, preserved in the Museum of Aljameiat Aljughrafia in cairo. At the beginning of the research, I pointed to the religious, political, economical and social importance of kiels. The study is divided into two parts: Part One: "Descriptive study" in an accurate & detailed scientific method. Part Two: "Analytic study" deals with the methods of manufacture and decorations of prophetic mudd, in addition to the date of each of the three pieces. At the end of this study: a conclusion included the results of study, then the resources and references.
Occurrence of Virulent and Antibiotic-resistant Enteropathogenic and Shiga toxin- producing Escherichia coli in some Milk Products Sold in Assiut City, Egypt
This study was undertaken to detect the enteropathogenic and shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (EPEC and STEC) in 120 milk products samples (soft cheese, hard cheese, yoghurt and ice cream). All samples were submitted for bacteriological examination, serological and molecular identification of virulent and antibiotic resistant genes using eaeA, hylA, blaTEM, blaCTX-M1, blaOXA and blaSHV primers. The bacteriological examination revealed that the incidence of occurrence of EPEC was 3.33% in ice cream samples, while it could not isolated from other types of milk products. In addition, STEC failed to detect in all examined milk products. The isolated EPEC strain following E. coli O18 serotyping. Moreover, the molecular identification of the isolated strain revealed that the strain contains eaeA, blaTEM and blaCTX-M1 genes
Effect of Lavender Oil Inhalation on Injection Pain Intensity Among Children Undergoing Vaccination
Background: Pain control and management are the most critical aspects of basic needs, human rights, and nursing care in children. Aim: to evaluate the effect of lavender oil inhalation on injection pain intensity among children undergoing vaccination Design: A quasi experimental research design was utilized to fit the aim of the study. Setting: the study was conducted in selected governmental, ministry of health and population pediatric primary health centers (health offices). Sample: A purposive sample of 100 child, who attended primary health care centers to receive vaccination injections were enrolled either in control (50) or intervention (50) group randomly. Data collection tools: 1) Structured interview questionnaire, related to the personal characteristics of vaccinated children and nurses who give the vaccine; 2) The Modified Behavioral Pain Scale (MBPS) developed by Taddio et al. (1995). 3) cry duration measured in seconds. Results: There was a highly significant difference between the total pain scores and cry duration of control and intervention group immediately and five minutes after injection with p.≤ 0.05. There was a highly significant positive correlation between total scores of MBPS immediately and five minutes after injection with cry duration in control group. While there was a highly significant correlation between total scores of MBPS five minutes after injection and cry duration in intervention group (P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: children who were in the intervention group and received lavender oil inhalation after the injection showed lower pain scores using the MBPS scale and shorter cry duration after vaccination injection than those who were in the control group. Recommendation: pediatric nurses need to conduct more strict experimental randomized trials on larger representative samples to evaluate effect of lavender oil inhalation on injection pain reduction among children. Keywords: pain, vaccination, children, pediatric nurses, lavender oil inhalation DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/73-08 Publication date: April 30th 2020
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