116 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the role of Digital Currency according to Islam. According to the legal instructions of Islam, digital currency lacks properties like that of a physical or financial asset such as Gold or Local Currency backed up by a country’s government. Now that the world is progressing towards digitalization, Governments and International businesses have started to experience and work with Digital Currencies, which needs an Islamic perspective as physical currency has started to transform into Digital Currency. Centralized form of currency like banks are old compared to Decentralized currency and trade which is new and has its own pros and cons. Currency in historical background of Islam has always been a physical medium of exchange having a source of value. Similarly, Mal is something that can be stored for the time of necessity or utilized for humanity, Mal in the form of a metal has transformed into Cash backed up by precious metals considered as assets in this modern age which is according to the teachings of Quran and Islamic law. Digital Currency in the History of Islam is new and does not meet the requirements of “currency” in Islam due to which Scholars has declared it Haram according to the rules of Shariah. Digital Currency being Haram is still up for debate as some Scholars have declared it Halal in some cases with strict conditions in light of Islamic Laws. Digital Currency in Islam remains an issue of debate


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    Entrepreneurship academics emphasizes that entrepreneurship research should embrace the complex process of entrepreneurial activity and the underlying contextual factors. Not only the entrepreneurial process but entrepreneurial learning too is equally influenced by variety of contextual factors because entrepreneurs continually have to respond to their environments. Gender and industry context are another dimensions that potentially add to this complexity. Present paper seeks to offer insights in to the use of grounded theory and narrative techniques for researching entrepreneurial learning of creative women entrepreneurs. In this article grounded theory and narrative techniques are integrated and applied to the same data set (collected through in-depth interview technique) to generate multidimensional view of entrepreneurial learning of creative women entrepreneurs. Findings from both are integrated to offer an understanding to this complex phenomenon in a dynamic context. Grounded theory allowed an inductive analysis of the data which facilitates to see not only the patterns within data but also provides insight in to how these patterns are associated with each other while narrative analysis append chronological dimension to the data which allowed us to see how the learning evolve over time and the respective role of each time period in the learning process. It is concluded that grounded theory analysis when integrated with narrative analysis generates a rigours and multidimensional understanding of entrepreneurial learning and gender in the dynamic context of creativeindustry


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    Nadia Asma‟. 2017. A Content Analysis on Speaking Module of Bilingual Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty in IAIN Surakarta. Thesis. English Education Department. Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. State Islamic Institute of Surakarta. Advisor : Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M. Pd. Key words : Module, Speaking Skill, Bilingual Faculty, Content Analysis Design. Module is an alternative teaching media which is in the form of autodidact learning and design systematically to help students in learning activity (Mulyassa as cited in Nugroho, 2014:16). Bilingual Faculty is a program in Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Surakarta where students in this faculty hopefully be able to speak more than one foreign language. The aim of this study is to know how the quality of materials of Guided Speaking used for 4th semester and Public Speaking used for 6th semester teaching materials that released in the first implementation of Bilingual Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty (FITK) in IAIN Surakarta in the academic year of 2015/2016 based on criteria of materials evaluation proposed by Jocelyn Howard. The researcher used content analysis with descriptive qualitative approach. The data was collected by documenting the content materials on the module. The data were analyzed by reducing the data, presenting the data, analyzing the data by using Howard theory and taking the conclusion and verification. This research used theoretical triangulation to get an appropriate data in order that the result of the study is credibility, transferability, dependability and confirm-ability. There are four findings of this research. First, Guided Speaking and Pubic Speaking modules are not categorized as a module. Second, looking at the quality of materials, the result showed that Guided Speaking module fulfilled the criteria proposed in Howard theory concerning the materials evaluation with the summative score 24% and Public Speaking module fulfilled the criteria proposed in Howard theory concerning the materials evaluation with the summative score 25%. Third, there is a consistency of poor teaching materials in each lesson in both modules. Fourth, the materials in Guided Speaking module used for 4th semester is more difficult than Public Speaking module used for 6th semester. From those findings, the modules were categorized as a poor teaching materials and not suitable to use as media in teaching and learning process in Bilingual Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty (FITK) in IAIN Surakarta. Based on those findings, the researcher has suggestion for Bilingual Department Team and forthcoming researcher to evaluate the quality of standardized materials based on experts


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    The complexity and ubiquitous nature of entrepreneurship field compelled it to evolve as a multidisciplinary subject area. Various academic fields have contributed at philosophical, conceptual and methodological levels to highlight the different facets of entrepreneurship. One has to get hold of any one side of the string to generate the basic understanding of “entrepreneurship” (phenomenon) and the “entrepreneur” (individual initiating the process) by reviewing the extant literature on the subject. The subject roots are in economics discipline but the treatment it received therein added further to its complexity, hence, no unanimous definition of entrepreneurship could be reached at. The paper therefore, aims to explicate the economic theories to offer a workable definition that can provide a fresh start to early academics in the discipline


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    Background: C-reactve proten is a severe stage proten. This forecast forthcoming danger of cardiovasculr sicknesses. Diverse therapeutic plants and their lively components own capacity to decrease serum CRP stages and henceforth provocative syndromes and circulatory sicknesses. In this research, ethanolc excerpt of Nigela sativa seeds remained assessed in albno rats for its probable consequence on serum CRP phases. Subjects and Methods: This research was passed out on 96 masculine albno rats. 5% formaln in measure of 55 μl was inserted in sub-plantar external of correct hindmost mitt of every rat to yield swelling. Rats were arbitrarily alienated into 3 sets of thirty-two each. Set A was specified standard salty (regulator); set B was specified Nigela sativa kernel excerpt; and set C acknowledged diclofenc sodium, as orientation medicine. CRP stages into every set were unrushed as of blood examples reserved 27 hrz afterwards giving formaln. Results: Ethanolc excerpt of Nigela sativa kernels, specified intraperitonealy, produced very substantial (p<0.002) decrease in serum CRP stages as associated to regulator set. Decrease in CRP stages through ethanolc excerpt of Nigela sativa was too expressively (p<0.06) furthermore than that formed by diclofenc sodium. Conclusion: The outcomes of this research propose that Nigela sativa keeps capability to decrease serum CRP stages expressively, subsequently construction of fake irritation, in albno rats. Key Words: Nigela sativa, CRP, swelling

    Bilateral carotid body tumors: a case report And review

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    Carotid body tumors (CBTS) also known as chemodectomas are a type of paragangliomas which originate from the carotid body. Carotid body tumors present as a palpable mass in anterolateral aspect of the neck causing splaying of the external carotid artery (ECA) and internal carotid artery (ICA). Bilateral carotid body tumors are uncommon with a reported incidence of 5 - 10%. CBTs are commonly seen in 4th to 5th decades with female predilection. We report a case of 16 years old boy with bilateral carotid body tumors

    Does Emotional Intelligence Dwindle the Stress Due to Time Pressure and Work Overload? A Case Study of Nurses in Public Hospitals

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    The objective behind this research paper was to observe the impact of emotional intelligence on stress which is triggered by time pressure and due to work overload. With no regard to public or private organization setup, time pressure and work overload are reported by employees in general. Nurses are face the issue on daily basis. Stressful conditions due to time pressure and workload often lead to many organizational concerns in terms of mental health, physical health, absentees‟ turnover, emotional burnout etc. emotional intelligence is considered a best-coping strategy and it is studied with many organizational variables which positively related to positive variable and inversely related negative variable. Time pressure and workload werestudied with emotional intelligence it was observed that emotional intelligence was inversely related to time pressure and work overload. For this purpose, SmartPLS 3.0 was used to find the path coefficients and R-square, the output shows that the path coefficient for work overload (-0.55) and for time pressure (-0.38), the R-square (0.31) and (0.14) for work overload and time pressure with significance P-value (0.000) (0.000) and T-statistic value (14.9) (8.5) respectively. Nurses of the three main hospitals of Peshawar was the observing unit. And data was collected through self- administrated questionnaires, a stratified and systematic random sample was used to obtain the sample size of 359 out of approximately 2000 nurses including the adjusting nursing schools which works under these hospitals setting


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    For decades economic growth determinants have been the centre of attention among theoretical and development economists. Theoretical economists have built models of economic growth, while development economists were concerned about how these growth models behave in the long run. Previouslyresources were considered as an engine to growth, but they were prone to diminishing returns. The more recent models emphasized the role of knowledge augmented labor which may defy diminishing returns. For this, human capital is proposed as one of the main ingredients to economic growth as proposed by both neo-classical and new growth models. This studyanalyseswhether there is a precedence of the law of diminishing returns in sixty-six lower-income nations of the world.And determine whether the indicators of human capital index (HCI) can ease this diminishing return. The HCI is developed into four sub-indexes which are Capacity, Deployment, Development and Know-how. We used the robust OLS method to find how therefour sub-index of human capital work in this group of countries. The results show that the convergence hypothesishints atthe law of diminishing returns for sample countries. But by investing in human capital, or one of its sub-components, the intensity of diminishing returns will be eased

    Social-Culture Factors are Impacting the Status of Women in Punjab: a Case Study

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    Women experience discrimination in communities where men predominate. Socio-cultural influences, particularly in rural areas, have a significant impact on women's status in many different ways. The level of gender equality is a crucial sign of a country's prosperity. This research was developed to look at how sociocultural influences affect the status of women in Punjab, Pakistan. Six districts were selected for this study: Vehari, Sahiwal, Chiniot, Jhang, Faisalabad &amp; Gujranwala.&nbsp; One tehsil from each district was choosen and In the first phase of the multistage sample, two union councils—one from rural and one from urban areas—were randomly selected from each tehsil.&nbsp; From each union council, one village was randomly chosen for the second stage. In the end, 15 respondents were conveniently chosen from each village. There were 180 responders in the entire sample. Under the study's goals, an interview schedule was created, and after that, data was gathered through in-person interviews. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) tool was used for collected data analysis. The results show that respondents' family structure, economic position, and level of education all have a significant impact on their status. Therefore, it is advised that measures for women's family planning awareness, employment, education, and training be incorporated into Government programs. Keywords: Socio-culture factors, District Sahiwal, male domination, women's status &nbsp

    China's Middle East Policy: Implications for Pakistan

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    In the contemporary history, the Middle East and China are the focus of global attention. Though Middle East has fought an ideological struggle with regard to religious extremism in the region, yet the quest for power energy sources cannot be overlooked. While Chinese policy frame , revolving around its approach of non-interference, economic development and a desire of having multi-polar global system is serious challenge for the US which on one hand, advocates democracy, human rights, but with the policy of intervention. Today, the world powers are competing each other for the supremacy of power resources where oil and gas are not an exception. China is the second largest consumer of world&lsquo;s oil after the United States (Bajpaee, 2006). China is making an effort to build an economic, political and military influence in the region without involving the military force. Though future will reveal many truths yet it is anticipated that a new triangular balance of power comprising of China, Saudi Arabia and Russia might emerge on the global scene, owing to their inter-connected dependencies. China is looking forward by pursuing the policy of wait and see for the appropriate moment This study primarily focuses on their bilateral relations and deals with China&lsquo;s Middle East policy, its increasing activities in the region and implications for Pakistan. For Pakistan, the nature of future relationship with Middle Eastern multi-dimensional crisis is very important because it is the ―Arc of crisis‖. The neutral role of Pakistan in this situation is much hazardous, carrying both challenges and opportunities along with the security repercussions