135 research outputs found

    What is a good plan?

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    The word plan is in English both a verb and a noun, reminding us that to plan is a process resulting in a product, a plan. While the Last Planner System (LPS) is primarily focused on how to plan and control production, other planning concepts are more focused on the plan contents (the plan). A more explicit approach to the characteristics of a good plan could improve LPS as a planning concept. The paper proposes such a list, based on a discussion of the plan contents highlighted by the following planning concepts: Critical Path, the Location-Based Management System, Takt Planning, Critical Chain, Agile, Task Planning and the Last Planner System

    KIBS and industrial development of cities.Labour mobility, innovation and client interaction

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    The paper departs from a seemingly disagreement between theoretical propositions stressing the importance of the KIBS sector as an innovation agent, and empirical results from quantitative innovation surveys. KIBS are increasingly seen to have a strategic role in stimulating innovation processes, particularly in large cities. However, the alleged importance of KIBS does not show up in empirical surveys. The surveys generally regard KIBS (or consultancy firms) to be of less importance as information sources and innovation partners. The paper somewhat supports the conclusions from the empirical surveys, pointing to the fact that parts of the literature attach larger importance to the role of KIBS in innovation processes than can be confirmed by empirical results. However, the low importance attached to KIBS in quantitative surveys may rely on the fact that surveys only seize some of the roles played by KIBS in innovation processes. Surveys do not map, for example, knowledge spillovers occurring through the mobility of workers. The paper demonstrates that many workers left the KIBS sector in Norway to start working in other sectors during parts of the 1990s, signifying a flow of knowledge following the workers out of the KIBS sector. However, the paper also demonstrates that the flow of knowledge via labour mobility first of all benefits the most central parts of Norway. Less knowledge is seen to flow from the KIBS sector in Oslo and the other large cities to other industries and other parts of the country.

    The Innovation System of Norwegian Aquacultured Salmonids

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    This paper is about one of the most important export products in Norway, “Norwegian salmon”, focusing especially on the innovation system of aquaculture of salmon and trout in Norway, the aim of the paper is to describe the sector in a national and global context, for thereafter highlight in particular how different aquaculture firms operate and carry out innovation by looking at what kind of external relations and interactive learning processes are involved in innovation, and as such suggesting input to policy makers on how to strengthen the sectoral innovation system, a sector with the potential to become even more knowledge intensive and innovative than today. By differentiating aquaculture according to knowledge base and degree of structured and functionally differentiated organisations, the empirical material presented in this paper shows that aquaculture firms have very different approaches to innovation; from antiinnovation strategies to strategies of being in the fore-front of innovation in the industry. The empirical material has shown that firms with very different innovation systems exists side-by-side and the overall functioning of the sectoral innovation system of aquaculture is influenced by all the different layers of firm types.

    Innovasjon i Sogn og Fjordane

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    Innbyggerinitiativet : en studie av implememteringen av loven i tre kommuner

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    Loven om innbyggerinitiativ ble vedtatt i juni 2003 og trĂ„dte i kraft fra 1 juli samme Ă„ret. Loven innbĂŠrer at innbyggerne i en kommune, under visse forutsetninger, kan kreve Ă„ fĂ„ en sak behandlet i kommunen eller fylkes Ăžverste politiske organ. Oppgaven retter fokus pĂ„ hvordan loven fungere i tre norske kommuner, hhv Bergen, BĂŠrum og Oslo kommune. Videre forsĂžkes det Ă„ forklare forskjeller i iverksettingen av loven ved hjelp av iverksettingsteoriene; Ovenfra-og-ned og nedenfra-og-opp tilnĂŠrmingen. Den overordnede problemstillingen er fĂžlgende; Hvordan fungerer loven om innbyggerinitiativ i praksis? Denne problemstillingen blir spesifisert i flere underproblemstilinger som bl.a. ser pĂ„ hvordan loven er blitt tolket, hvordan retningslinjene er for loven er etablert, hvilke rutiner som finnes rundt loven og hvordan den har blitt promotert i de tre kommunene. Data grunnlaget bestĂ„r av saksdokumenter og 9 intervjuer. En representant for administrasjonen som har ansvar for behandlingen av innkomne forslag i de tre kommunene. Videre blir en representant fra hhv HĂžyre og AP intervjuet i hver av kommunene. Det blir avdekket store forskjeller i antall innkomne forslag og behandlingen av disse hver av de tre kommunen. Mens Oslo har 30 innkomne initiativ, har Bergen 9 og BĂŠrum 1 sĂ„ langt. Det blir videre registrert forskjeller mellom de tre kommunen med hensyn til tolking av loven og rutiner rundt den. Alle tre har lagt seg pĂ„ en restriktiv tolking, men det er bl.a. uenighet omkring tolkingen av vilkĂ„rene for Ă„ fĂ„ innbyggerinitiativ politisk behandlet, bl.a. i forhold til begrepene ”tidligere behandlet” og ”samme innhold”. Det er ogsĂ„ forskjeller i mellom kommunen i forhold til hvordan de har informert innbyggerne om loven, men disse forskjellene kan ikke sies Ă„ samevariere med antall innkomne innbyggerinitiativ. Det konkluderes med at forskjellene mellom kommunen i hovedsak kan forklares ut i fra egenskaper ved de lokale aktĂžrene, dvs. den delen av administrasjonen som behandler innkomne forslag i tett samspill med politikerne. Dette impliserer bl.a. at nedenfra-og-opp-tilnĂŠrmingen forklarer en stĂžrre andel av forskjellene mellom kommunenes hĂ„ndtering av loven enn ovenfra-og-ned tilnĂŠringen. Det tillegges likevel at disse tilnĂŠrmingene mĂ„ suppleres av andre for Ă„ fĂ„ en tilfredsstillende forstĂ„else av forskjellene i iverksetting av loven mellom de tre kommunen
