240 research outputs found

    Етнополітична стабільність у етнополітичній системі

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    Асланов С. А. Етнополітична стабільність у етнополітичній системі / С. А. Асланов // Актуальні проблеми політики зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), Л. І. Кормич (заст. голов. ред.), М. А. Польовий (відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; НУ «ОЮА», Південноукр. центр гендер. проблем. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2015. – Вип. 55. – С. 116-123.Позиціоновано етнополітичну систему як комплекс, структуру взаємопов’язаних етнополітичних ролей у етнополітичній сфері буття. Етнополітична система постає і структурується під час взаємодії етнічності з політикою. Беручи участь у політиці, етнічні спільноти конкурують між собою за встановлення певних преференцій, цим самим вносячи дестабілізацію в етнополітичну систему


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    In the title compound, [Cu(ClO4)2(CH3CN)2(H2O)2], the Cu2+ ion, located on a special position (site symmetry ), is coordinated by six monodentate ligands, viz. an N-coordin­ated acetonitrile, a perchlorate anion and a water mol­ecule, and their symmetry-related counterparts. The perchlorate anion is disordered over two sets of sites with occupancies of 0.53 (2) and 0.47 (2). The crystal structure is stabilized by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds involving the perchlorate ion and aqua H atoms

    New Information about the Mingtepa City Monument

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    This article provides new information about the city monument of Mingtepa, located in the northern part of the Sоgd region. The first information about the city monument of Mingtepa was recorded in the 70-80s of the last century. The conclusions are made on the basis of material artifacts obtained during excavations in the 1980s and last 2014-2017. Also presented the results of a joint Uzbek-French archaeological expedition on the survey of archaeological sites in the northern part of the Central Zarafshan oasis. Opinions about the localization of the city are expressed on the basis of written sources and new archaeological materials. On the basis of archaeological excavations, the classification of ceramic products and their interaction with the culture of neighboring territories are analyzed. Kabudanjakent, the Sogdian rustak located in the northern part of Zarafshan, and its pottery show similarities with the early medieval ceramics of Chach, Ustrushona, South and West Sugd regions, as well as the influence of the "Kaunchi" culture

    A Spectroscopic Study of Field and Runaway OB Stars

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    Identifying binaries among runaway O- and B-type stars offers valuable insight into the evolution of open clusters and close binary stars. Here we present a spectroscopic investigation of 12 known or suspected binaries among field and runaway OB stars. We find new orbital solutions for five single-lined spectroscopic binaries (HD 1976, HD 14633, HD 15137, HD 37737, and HD 52533), and we classify two stars thought to be binaries (HD 30614 and HD 188001) as single stars. In addition, we reinvestigate their runaway status using our new radial velocity data with the UCAC2 proper motion catalogs. Seven stars in our study appear to have been ejected from their birthplaces, and at least three of these runaways are spectroscopic binaries and are of great interest for future study.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, 7 tables; Accepted to Ap

    Civic patriotism among young sportsman in the South of Russia: Sociological analysis and diagnostics

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    Purpose: This article is aimed at revealing the specifics of civil and Patriotic practices in the youth environment of the South Russian region. Methodology: The sociological study used methods of qualitative operational analysis and theoretical interpretation of the obtained empirical data, as well as methods of sociological diagnostics aimed at the conceptual generalization of the results of empirical research by social recognition of the qualitative characteristics of civil patriotism in the youth environment as an integral social phenomenon. Result: In modern Russian society, patriotism is positively perceived by the majority, including young Russians, who associate it with love for the Motherland and a willingness to stand up for it. However, state patriotism in the youth environment lacks citizenship, that is, the desire of young people to actively participate in social Affairs, working for the benefit of society and the social environment. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers and students. Novelty/Originality: The sociological analysis and diagnostics reveal the reasons for the low level of civic patriotism among young people, as well as the factors that hinder its development in regional communities in the South of Russia.The article was completed as part of the implementation of the State Assignment (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), project No. 28.3486.2017 / PC “Civil patriotism in the formation and development of solidarity practices in the south of Russia: resource potential and conditions for its implementation”

    (1R,2R,3R,4S,5S)-3-Methyl-8-oxa­bicyclo­[3.2.1]oct-6-ene-2,4-diyl diacetate

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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, C12H16O5, has crystallographically imposed mirror symmetry with the mirror plane passing through the endocyclic O atom and the mid-point of the double bond. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked by C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming chains running along the a axis

    Modos de melhorar a gestão ambiental através da introdução de produtos biocombustíveis na economia da russa

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    Environmental management plays a central role in the social and economic development of today's world. Its key problems can be solved by using more effective methods of encouraging economic entities to find the most effective ways of introducing biofuel products in their production cycle. The article discusses these ways and methods and justifies the strategy of increasing biofuels production in Russian regions. The structure and algorithms of building a new green economy in Russia are revealed, and economic risks and opportunities for the biofuel products introduction are identified within the framework of the improvement of national environmental management efficiency. In our study we have used the analytical, expert and system-economic research methods. La gestión ambiental juega un papel central en el desarrollo social y económico del mundo de hoy. Sus problemas clave pueden resolverse utilizando métodos más efectivos para alentar a las entidades económicas a encontrar las formas más efectivas de introducir productos de biocombustibles en su ciclo de producción. El artículo analiza estas formas y métodos y justifica la estrategia de aumentar la producción de biocombustibles en las regiones rusas. Se revelan la estructura y los algoritmos de construcción de una nueva economía verde en Rusia, y se identifican riesgos y oportunidades económicas para la introducción de productos de biocombustibles en el marco de la mejora en la eficiencia de la gestión ambiental nacional. En nuestro estudio, hemos utilizado los métodos de investigación analítica, experta y económica del sistema.A gestão ambiental desempenha um papel central no desenvolvimento social e econômico do mundo atual. Seus principais problemas podem ser resolvidos usando métodos mais eficazes para incentivar entidades econômicas a encontrar as formas mais eficazes de introduzir produtos de biocombustíveis em seu ciclo de produção. O artigo analisa essas formas e métodos e justifica a estratégia de aumentar a produção de biocombustíveis nas regiões russas. A estrutura e os algoritmos para a construção de uma nova economia verde na Rússia são revelados, e riscos econômicos e oportunidades para a introdução de produtos de biocombustíveis são identificados no âmbito da melhoria da eficiência da gestão ambiental nacional. Em nosso estudo, utilizamos os métodos de pesquisa analítica, especializada e econômica do sistema


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    In the title compound, C16H13NO4, the indole system is essentially planar, whereas the dioxane ring adopts a twist conformation. The mol­ecules are linked into chains by —O— H⋯O=C— hydrogen bonds and these chains are linked into rods by means of N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. Exept for weak C—H⋯O inter­actions between the rods, no other inter­molecular contacts of inter­est are present


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    Here, in this work, the peculiarities of secretion of steroid hormones have been researched in patients with gallstone disease depending on the course of the disease. It is suggested, that the lack of use of cholesterol for steroidogenesis leads to its precipitation in the composition of gallstones, increased cortisol is a limiting factor in inflammatory processes in the gall bladder. The increasing of testosterone synthesis may be considered as an antagonistic component of glucocorticoid regulation of lipid and protein metabolism


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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, C24H24O5, has crystallographic twofold symmetry, with the central O atom lying on the rotation axis. The dihedral angle between the best planes of the benzene rings fused to the oxepine fragment is 38.5 (1)°. The dioxine ring adopts a twist form with the ethyl­ene group C atoms deviating by 0.472 (5) and −0.248 (6) Å from the plane defined by the remaining ring atoms