36 research outputs found

    Dynamıc Radıo Resource Management for Radıo Access Networks By Usıng Machıne Learnıng Technıques

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    Bu tez çalışması Türk Telekom AŞ tarafından desteklenmiştir.In the next generation networks era, telecommunication area will serve any device that would leverage from being connected to environment such as household appliances, massive industrial machines, remote surgery robot, automated vehicles, etc.. Hence, the spectrum that has been used up until now, gets more crowded and not suficient to serve all these requests. In LTE which is current communication technology uses the 700 MHz - 2.7 GHz range of the spectrum where in 5G networks, 450 MHz - 6 GHz domain and 24.25 GHz - 52.6 GHz range frequencies is planned to use. In this thesis, radio admission and resource allocation process in the downlink channel of a next generation network is discussed. With the vertical industries' needs from the 5G networks, supporting all mobile service users who have different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements becomes the main challenge. To manage and satisfy the heterogeneous requirements, splitting the network into slices which have different properties (e.g., bandwidth requirements, delay tolerance, user density, etc.) can be a solution over a common physical infrastructure. Network slicing concept allows to manage and schedule the requests under the constraint of limited resources in an optimal way. The expected behavior from the admission mechanism to learn to serve the user requests which have low latency requirement with high priority. While the network is admitting these high priority users and allocate them required resources, it must provide the maximum spectrum efficiency. The problem is set on a single-cell scenario. Deep Q-learning algorithm is used as a solver to tackle this highly complex radio resource management problem instead of traditional convolutional optimization algorithms.Yeni nesil ağlar ile beraber, haberleşme altyapısı, sadece telefon, bigisayar, televizyon gibi alışılagelmiş cihazlara değil ev aletleri, kitlesel endüstriyel makineler, uzak cerrahi robotlar, kendi sürüş kabiliyetine sahip arabalar gibi çevresiyle bağlantı kurmak isteyen her türlü cihaza hizmet verecektir. Bu durumda halihazırda kulanılan raDyo spektrumunun daha da kalabalıklaşması ve yetersiz kalması kaçınılmaz olacaktır. LTE teknolojisi spektrumda 700 MHz - 2.7 GHz aralığını kullanırken 5G ağların 450 MHz - 6 GHz ve 24.25 GHz - 52.6 GHz frekans aralıklarını kullanması planlanmaktadır. Bu tez kapsamında, yeni nesil ağlardaki kullanıcıların radyoya kabulü ve kaynak tahsisi problemi ele alınmıştır. Yeni nesil ağlarda, dikey sektörlerin de oyuna dahil olmasıyla beraber haberleşme altyapısından beklentiler farklılaşmış ve birbirinden ayrıklaşmıştır. Bu ayrık haberleşme ihtiyaçlarının aynı altyapı üzerinde karşılanabilmesi amacıyla, var olan ağı, farklı özelliklere sahip dilimlere ayırmak bir çözüm yolu olarak sunulmuştur. Ağ dilimleme konsepti, benzer ihtiyaçlara sahip kullanıcıları aynı ağ diliminde gruplayarak ağdaki sınırlı kaynağın dilimlerdeki kullanımını eniyilenmiş bir şekilde yönetmeyi sağlar. Ağdan beklenilen davranış düşük gecikme ihtiyacına sahip kullanıcı isteklerine yüksek öncelikle servis verirken aynı zamanda spektral verimi enbüyütmesidir. Bu tez kapsamında, yeni nesil karmaşık ağlardaki tek hücreli bir radyo kaynak tahsisi problemine derin Q-öğrenmesi (deep Q-learning, DQL) kullanılarak çözüm aranmıştır

    Korzul klinik uygulama tutum ölçeği geçerlik ve güvenilirlik çalışması

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    Purpose: In this study, it was aimed to develop the “Korzul clinical practice attitude scale” in order to determine the attitudes of students in health branch, who perform clinical practices such as nursing, midwifery and elderly care program, etc., towards clinical practice. Methods and Materials: An experiment form consisting of 44 expressions validated in terms of language and psychometry was applied to a sample of 1203 participants, of which 68% were female and whose age range was 18-34 years. In order to test the reliability of the scale, the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient and test-retest consistency were calculated. Results: The developed “Korzul clinical practice attitude scale” consists of 4 sub-dimensions and 25 items, and it can explain 52.9 of the total variance for clinical practice attitudes. The total score of the scale ranges from 25 to 125, and the increase in score means a positive attitude towards clinical practice. The general Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated as .90, which indicates high reliability. Conclusions: According to the results, it is observed that the “Korzul clinical practice attitude scale,”of which validity and reliability study was performed for the purpose of measuring attitudes towards clinical practice, can perform measurements in a valid and reliable wayAmaç: Bu çalışmada, hemşirelik, ebelik ve yaşlı bakımı gibi klinik uygulamaları gerçekleştiren sağlık alanındaki öğrencilerin klinik uygulamaya yönelik tutumlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla “Korzul klinik uygulama tutum ölçeği” nin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Dil ve psikometri açısından doğrulanmış 44 ifadelik deneme formu; % 68’i kadın, yaş aralığı 18-34 olan 1203 katılımcıdan oluşan bir örnekleme uygulanmıştır. Ölçeğin güvenirliğini test etmek için Cronbach alfa güvenirlik katsayısı ve test- tekrar test tutarlılığı hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular: Geliştirilen “Korzul klinik uygulama tutum ölçeği” 4 alt boyut ve 25 maddeden oluşmakta olup, klinik uygulama tutumları için toplam varyansın 52.9’unu açıklayabilmektedir. Ölçeğin toplam puanı 25 ile 125 arasında değişmekte olup, puanın artması klinik uygulamaya yönelik olumlu bir tutum anlamına gelmektedir. Ölçeğin genel Cronbach alfa güvenirlik katsayısı .90 olarak hesaplanmıştır ve bu yüksek güvenilirliği gösterir. Sonuç: Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, klinik uygulamaya yönelik tutumları ölçmek amacıyla geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan “Korzul klinik uygulama tutum ölçeğinin” ölçümleri geçerli ve güvenilir bir şekilde yapabildiği görülmektedir

    Dynamic Resource Management in Next Generation Networks with Dense User Traffic

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    With the era of the fifth generation (5G) networks, supporting all mobile service users who have different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements becomes the main challenge. To manage and satisfy the heterogeneous requirements, network slicing concept can be a solution over a common physical infrastructure. Splitting the network into slices which have different properties (e.g., bandwidth requirements, delay tolerance, user density, etc.) allows to schedule and optimize the requests under the constraint of limited resources. The network has to decide to accept or reject the requests, and scale up/down the slices by considering the user density in accepted requests, and then, schedule the accepted requests to serve them in an order. In this paper, it is verified that slicing the network and scaling up/down the slices by using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms with consideration of user density, improve the speed of satisfaction of users with respect to the classical baseline scheduling algorithms.Turk Telekom Research Laborator

    Dynamic Resource Management in Next Generation Networks based on Deep Q Learning

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    In next generation networks, with the increasing number of diverse mobile network service types, a major challenge lies in how to manage and support all mobile service users who have different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Network slicing term can be a solution to satisfy the heterogeneous network requests over a common physical infrastructure. Splitting the network into slices which have different properties (e.g., bandwidth requirements, delay tolerance, user density, etc.) allows to schedule and optimize the requests in constraint of limited resources. The network has to decide to accept or reject the requests, and scale up/down the slices by considering the user density in accepted requests, and then, schedule the accepted requests to serve them in an order. In this paper, effect of scaling up/down the slices by using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithm to the speed of satisfaction of user requests is examined

    Significance of the Counteracting Oxidative and Antioxidative Systems in the Pathogenesis of Laryngeal Carcinoma

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    Objective: To evaluate the parameters of oxidative and antioxidative systems in laryngeal carcinoma for their effects on pathogenesis

    Investigation of trace element concentrations in tumor tissues of patients with laryngeal carcinoma

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    Larynx cancer is one of the most frequently seen cancer type between head and neck cancers. Even thought the effective mechanisms in cancer development are not well describe, it is accepted that the effect of some elements carry out important etiology in carcinogenesis. In present study we investigated some trace element concentrations in tumor tissue (n=30) and free-adjacent tissue samples (n=30) of larynx cancer patients. All of the patients were smokers about 20 years. Trace elements were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Shimadzu AA-680). When Cu, Cd and Zn concentrations of cancer tissue and free-adjacent tissue compared, Cu and Cd levels were found to be higher (p0,05). Malign tumors may be increase by smoking about long years. Accumulation of high metals in the organism may be change the structure of cells

    An assessment of indoor air concentrations and health risks of volatile organic compounds in three primary schools

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    Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including formaldehyde, in classrooms, kindergartens, and outdoor playgrounds of three primary schools were measured in spring, winter, and fall terms in Izmir, Turkey. A health-risk assessment was conducted for odor detection, sensory irritation, chronic toxic effects, and cancer. Active sampling was applied for VOCs and formaldehyde on Tenax TA and DNPH tubes, respectively. VOCs were analyzed in a thermal desorption-GC-MS system. Formaldehyde analysis was performed using an HPLC instrument. Benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde were the most abundant compounds with 95th percentile indoor air concentrations of 29, 87, and 106μg/m3, respectively. Naphthalene and xylenes followed them with an order of magnitude lower concentrations. Two isomers of dichlorobenzene (1,3 and 1,4) were the other notable compounds. The concentrations were utilized to classify the indoor air pollutants with respect to potential health effects. In addition, carcinogenic and chronic toxic risks were estimated using Monte-Carlo simulation. Formaldehyde appears to be the most concerning pollutant with high chronic toxic and carcinogenic risk levels according to the health assessment followed by naphthalene, benzene, and toluene due to their chronic effects

    The effectiveness of double incision technique in uterus preserving surgery for placenta percreta

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    Abstract Background Placenta percreta is a life-threatening condition that places patients at risk of massive bleeding. It necessitates very complicated surgery and can result in mortality. Caesarean hysterectomy is the accepted procedure worldwide; however, recent studies discussing conservative treatment with segmental resections have been published. Foetal extraction and segmental resection can be performed through the same incision (single uterine incision) or through two different incisions (double uterine incision). In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and results of the double incision technique. Methods Twenty-two patients with a diagnosis of placenta percreta who underwent conservative surgery were included. Segmental resection was performed via single incision in ten patients and double incision in twelve patients. Results There was no difference between the patients who underwent segmental resection via single and double incision in terms of age, gravida, number of previous caesarean deliveries, gestational age at delivery, or rate of elective surgeries. The operation time, transfusion requirement, intensive care unit admission, total hospitalization and success of conservative surgery were comparable between the groups. Conclusions Based on the outcomes of our study, double uterine incision allows for the safe extraction of the foetus during uterus-preserving surgery in patients with placenta percreta without worsening the results compared to single uterine incision. Trial registration NCT02702024 , Date of registration: February 26, 2016, retrospectively registered