30 research outputs found

    Sağlıklı quadriseps femoris kasında handheld dinamometrenin intrarater ve interrater güvenirliği: Kas kuvvetinin etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın birinci amacı Quadriseps Femoris (QF) kas kuvveti değerlendirmesinde hand- held dinamometrenin (HHD) intrarater ve interrater güvenirliğini incelemekti. Çalışmanın ikinci amacı kas kuvvetinin güvenirliğe etkisini belirlemekti. Yöntem: Çalışmaya gönüllü 40 beden eğitimi programı lisans öğrencisi (BEÖ) (20 kadın, 20 erkek; ortalama yaş: 21,8±1,84 yıl) ve 50 fizyoterapi programı lisans öğrencisi (FÖ) (25 kadın, 25 erkek; ortalama yaş: 20,9±1,38 yıl) katıldı. Dominant taraf QF kas kuvveti HHD kullanılarak ölçüldü. Ölçümler iki son sınıf fizyoterapi öğrencisi tarafından bir hafta ara ile alındı. Güvenirlik için Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) hesaplandı. Bulgular: Intrarater güvenirlik için ICC beden eğitimi öğrencilerinde 0.82 ve fizyoterapi öğrencilerinde 0.83 bulundu. Benzer sonuçlar interrater güvenirlik katsayısında da bulundu. (BEÖ öğrenciler için ICC=0.84; FÖ öğrenciler için ICC=0.83). Diğer taraftan, BEÖ öğrencilerinin QF kas kuvvetinin FÖ’ne göre daha yüksek olduğu görüldü (p<0.05). Sonuç: Çalışmamız genç sağlıklı yetişkinlerde QF kas kuvveti değerlendirmesinde HHD’nin interrater ve intrarater ölçümcü güvenirliğinin mükemmel olduğunu ve güvenirliğin kas kuvvetinden etkilenmediğini gösterdi

    Implementation of matrix rhythm therapy and conventional massage in young females and comparison of their acute effects on circulation

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    Objectives: To examine and compare the effects of massage and matrix rhythm therapy in young women on the peripheral blood circulation. Design: Randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Setting: Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey. Patients: Fifteen healthy women age 19-23 years. Intervention: Matrix rhythm therapy was applied to the left lower extremity for a single 30-minute session. At least 1 week later, massage was applied to the left lower extremity for 30 minutes in a single session. The same physiotherapist applied both sessions. Outcome measures: The blood velocity (cm/s), artery diameter (mm), and blood flow (ml/min) of the popliteal and the posterior tibial arteries were measured with color Doppler ultrasonography. All images were evaluated by the same radiologist. Results: After matrix rhythm therapy and massage application, blood velocity, artery diameter, and blood flow in arteries increased. However, matrix rhythm therapy caused a more prominent increase in the amount of blood flow in the popliteal and in the posterior tibial artery than did massage. After matrix rhythm therapy application, the average increases in the blood flow rates in the popliteal and the posterior tibial arteries were 25.29%±16.55% and 34.33%±15.66%, respectively; after the massage, the increases were 17.84%±17.23% and 16.07%±10.28%, respectively. Conclusion: Matrix rhythm therapy and massage increased peripheral blood flow in young women. Matrix rhythm therapy method resulted in more prominent increases. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc

    A Study Seeking Historical Evidence for Bases of Classified Balance Sheets

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    This paper explores the historical evolution of balance sheet layout and the reasons behind the positioning of assets on the left or right side. It delves into two main questions: why the discrepancy in asset placement on balance sheets across countries, and why the shift from right to left in the UK during the 19th century. Using historical evidence spanning from the 15th century to the mid-20th century, the study investigates the development and changes in listing assets, liabilities, and stockholders' equity. It aims to uncover the factors influencing the classification and presentation of items on balance sheets, driven by the needs of information users over time. By examining secondary sources in English literature, the paper provides insights into the evolution of balance sheet layouts globally. Researchers may find this exploration of historical balance sheet variations intriguing, shedding light on how layout decisions have been shaped by user needs and expectations

    Big Data ve Muhasebe

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    Evaluation of physical activity level in undergraduate students by two methods

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    Purpose: Physical activity questionnaire and measurement of cardiorespiratory fitness are two important methods of physical activity (PA) assessment. The purposes of this study were (1) to determine PA level using the PA questionnaire and cardiorespiratory fitness in undergraduate students (2) to detect gender differences in habitual physical activity. Materials and methods: 207 undergraduate students, aged 18 to 25 years participated in this study. 48.79% of the sample was female. PA was assessed with a PA questionnaire and classified into three PA groups (sedentary, active and very active). Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured in a 330 m outdoor track with one-mile walking test and predicted maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) estimated by Kline's formula. Results: Moderate, vigorous and total PA scores were found higher in the both female and male very active groups when compared with sedentary and active groups (p&lt;0.05). Similarly, the VO2max of the subjects in the very active group was higher than the other groups (p&lt;0.05). Gender differences were found for moderate, vigorous activity scores and VO2max values (p&lt;0.05). Vigorous activity scores and VO2max were higher in males than in females (p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study suggested that PA patterns of female and male students were different and VO2max associated with habitual PA

    Effects of Hatha Yoga training on aerobic power and anaerobic power in healthy young adults

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    Purpose: This clinical study was carried out with the aim of investigate whether Hatha Yoga (HY) training affects aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy young adults. Material and method: 33 sedentary, healthy, young adult subjects, aged 18 to 26 were divided into two groups according to age, sex and activity levels. 10 female and 7 male (mean 20.06 ± 2.41 years, range 18-26 years) young adults were trained with Hatha Yoga (HYG). The aerobic exercise group (AEG) consisted of 9 female and 7 male (mean 19.75± 1.81 years, range 18-26 years) young adults who performed aerobic type strength and stretch exercises of at least 60% maximal heart rate or higher. Both training programs were given by a supervisor, one hour per day, four days per week, for six weeks. Subjects in both groups were assessed by Cooper's 12 minutes running test for cardiovascular endurance and vertical jump test for anaerobic power before and after training. Results: Aerobic and anaerobic power increased by %9.8, %5.5 following HY and by %6.6, %2.3 following aerobic training respectively. A significant increase was found in aerobic power and anaerobic power (p0.05). Although there was no substantial differences between the groups concerning cardiovascular endurance (p>0.05), anaerobic power was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the HYG. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that HY training has positive effects on cardiovascular aerobic and anaerobic power. Therefore HY could be an exercise option for enhancing aerobic and anaerobic power in young adults