35 research outputs found

    Mutation of BRAF V600E in Iraqi Female Patients Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة الى التحري عن وجود طفرة BRAF V600E من عدمها في الاناث التي تم تشخيصهن بالاصابة بسرطان الثدي وفي اعمار مختلفة، حيث تم جمع عينات الدم والانسجة من 46 مريضة وباعمار(46± 3.54)، حيث تم تقسيمها اللى مجموعتين، المجموعة التي  تحت العلاج الكيمياوي وعددها 31 مصابة والمجموعة الاخرى بدون علاج كيمياوي وعددها 15 مصابة كما تم مقارنة النتائج مع مجموعة الاصحاء كمجموعة سيطرة وعددهم 23 شخصا وباعمار(47.93±3.05) سنة.تم اجراء  تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل ( (PCR وباستخدام بوادئ تم تصميمها ضمن الدراسة الحالية على جميع العينات. اظهرت النتائج عدم وجود علاقة مابين الاصابة بسرطان الثدي وطفرة BRAF V600E في المرضى العراقين المشمولين بالدراسة الحالية.This study aimed to investigate the possible presence of BRAF V600E mutation in the Iraqi female patients who diagnosed with breast cancer in different ages, in which Blood and tissue samples were collected from 46 female patients with  age (46.73±3.54);Those were divided into two groups; who took chemotherapy (31 persons) as treated group and without chemotherapy as an untreated group (15 persons) and from (23) healthy person with age(47.93±3.05).  Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were done with newly designed primers. The results revealed no correlation between breast cancer occurrence and BRAF V600E mutation in the Iraqi patients enrolled  in the current study. &nbsp

    Vaccine hesitancy in patients with COVID-19 who have back pain

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    Objectives Musculoskeletal pain is among the most common symptoms in patients diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and it has placed a significant burden on health worldwide during the pandemic. This study explored vaccine hesitancy and associated factors in patients with positive COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction test results who were hospitalized and had back pain. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among 170 hospitalized COVID-19 patients over 18 years of age. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with IBM SPSS ver. 25.0. Results COVID-19 patients who were married considered COVID-19 vaccinations riskier than unmarried COVID-19 patients. Patients who had not been vaccinated expressed higher levels of distrust towards COVID-19 vaccines than patients who had been vaccinated. Participants had relatively little hesitation toward the Sinovac vaccine. High vaccine confidence was found in all participants regardless of vaccination status. Those who had not received the COVID-19 vaccine reported higher risk perceptions than those who had received at least 1 dose of any COVID-19 vaccine. Conclusion Measurements of the hesitancy of vaccinated and non-vaccinated patients or members of society towards vaccines can be an important parameter for health authorities to find solutions


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    Objective: Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in women, which leads to death in a lot of women with breast cancer. The major risk factors associated with breast cancer risk related to family history, age, clinical history, lifestyle factors, long-period hormonal exposure, and single nucleotide polymorphisms in many genes showed possible links with breast cancer incidence risk in different people populations. Our study aimed to figure out the correlation between smoking, lodging and family history, and other factors with the risk of breast cancer.Methods: Blood sample from female patients with breast cancer and healthy individuals were collected and subjected to tetra-amplification refractory mutation system–polymerase chain reaction (T-ARMS-PCR) technique for −607 C/A mutation of an interleukin (IL-18) gene and SPSS 18 software analyzed the results statically.Results: Results showed no association between lodging and smoking with risk of breast cancer, (p>0.05), while the association between the risk and family history were obvious (p<0.05).Conclusion: The results obtained by T-ARMS-PCR technique did not show the association between −607 C/An alternation of IL-18 gene and breast cancer (p>0.05) in the individuals examined in our study.Keywords: Interleukin-18, Gene, Polymorphism, Tetra-amplification refractory mutation system–polymerase chain reaction, Mutations

    Evaluation of Nasal Mucociliary Transport Rate by99mTc-Macroaggregated Albumin Rhinoscintigraphy in Woodworkers

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    Woodworkers in the furniture industry are exposed to wood dust in their workplaces. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of occupational wood dust exposure on the nasal mucociliary transport rates (NMTRs) in woodworkers. Twenty five woodworkers and 30 healthy controls were included in this study. Wood dust concentration in workplaces was measured using the sampling device. 99m Tc-macroaggregated albumin (99mTc-MAA) rhinoscintigraphy was performed, and NMTR was calculated in all cases. In statistical analysis, an independent samples t-test was used to compare NMTR of woodworkers and control subjects. We found that the mean NMTR of the woodworkers was lower than that of the healthy controls. However, there was not a statistically significant difference between them (P = 0.066). In conclusion, our findings suggested that wood dust exposure may not impair nasal mucociliary transport rate in woodworkers employed in joinery workshops

    Investigation of the Effects of Marble Material Properties on the Surface Quality

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    This study aims to investigate the effects of material properties of marble on surface roughness and glossiness. For this purpose, four types of limestones were investigated. Physicomechanical properties of samples were determined through laboratory measurements. Mineralogical and petrographical characterizations were made using thin-section analysis. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) semiquantitative method was used for chemical analysis. Six different grinding-polishing tests for each marble unit were done under fixed operational conditions using the same abrasive series. Relationship between the material properties and the surface quality was investigated. Although the polishing-grinding tests were conducted under the same operational conditions, different levels of roughness and glossiness were observed on different samples. Data obtained from the study proved that the main cause of this difference is textural and chemical composition variations of the marble specimen. Moreover, statistical evaluations showed that porosity, uniaxial compressive strength, and indirect tensile strength have strong effects on the surface roughness and glossiness of the marble specimen. The presence of an inverse relationship between the glossiness and roughness levels was determined as the result of this study as well

    Efficiency of Plants Extracts Synergism as Antibacterial Activity on Pathogenic Bacteria

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    Synergism between plant extract was carried out in present study using six common plants which extracted by mixture of methanol: water (20:80)%, then it characterized by thin layer chromatography, antimicrobial activity of these extract performed using OD of bacterial growth at 600 nm  against E.coli , S.aureus , Serratia Spp. , Klebsilla pnemoniae, Aeromonas hydrophillia isolation from different source in  hospital tests were  performed as only one extract on every bacterial species then tow extract was mixed together for evaluated synergist efficiency on every bacterial species, results show that used one extract only causes decreased in bacterial growth in different level, barley was the more effect on pathogenic bacteria but sage was lower effect, it caused activated bacterial growth.Synergism between plant extract also show different effects level  according to mixture forming and types of bacterial species. Present study concluded that mixture of plants used in herbal medicine have disadvantages in addition of its advantage to treatment bacterial infection, in other hand synergism between plants may be more effects. Keywords: synergism , OD, pathogenic bacteria

    Some Herbal Medicinal Plants Activity against Candida spp which Resistance to Antifungal Drugs

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    Some medicinal plant that used as antibacterial in Iraq has been experimented as antifungal, five of these plants include Zingiber officinale, Salvia officinalis, Origanum vulgare, Glycyrrihza glabra, Punica granutum were used against four species of candida spp. C. paracitucus ,C. albicans, C.tropicus ,C.kruzi, which are resistance to antifungal drugs, 80% methanol was used to extract these plants, 5 mg/ml of each extracts used in nutrient broth for 4 days to evaluated anti-candida activity. The Results show that plants extracts causes complete inhibition ,decreased in candida growth ,don’t effect on activated candida growth, Zingiber officinale causes complete inhibition to candida spp except C. albicans, Salvia officinalis was decreased in all candida spp, Origanum vulgare, effect on C. albicans and C, kruzi but it don’t effect on other species. Glycyrrihza glabra decreased all candida spp. Punica granutum decreased growth of C. albicans and C. kruzi only. Keywords: Candida spp , plant extract, 80% methanol

    Diyarbakır yöresinde işletilebilir nitelikteki mermerlerin kesilebilirlik parametrelerinin incelenmesi

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    TEZ3242Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1999.Kaynakça (s. 77-78) var.vi, 78 s. ; res. ; 30 cm.

    Endüstriyel sistemlerde plc ve scada uygulaması

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    ENDÜSTRİYEL SİSTEMLERDE PLC VE SCADA UYGULAMASI Teknoloji ve bilimin hızlı bir şekilde gelişmesi ihtiyaçları da sürekli artırmaktadır. İhtiyaçların artması hızlı, güvenli ve kaliteli üretim sistemlerine olan talebi artmasına sebep olmuştur. Eski sistemlerin kontrollü otomatik olarak yapılmadığından enerji ve zaman kaybına yol açmaktaydı. Günümüz endüstriyel otomasyon sistemleri yüksek güvenliği, yüksek kaliteyi ve insan gücünden tasarrufu sağlamaktadır. Endüstriyel otomasyon sistemleri PLC ve SCADA’dan yararlanarak üretim sürecini gerçekleştirmektedir. PLC ve SCADA ile karmaşık kontrol sistemleri kolaylıkla oluşturulabilmektedir. PLC’ye yüklenen program doğrultusunda çalışan sistemin SCADA ile uzak noktadan veri toplama ve kontrol işlevleri yapılmaktadır. Endüstriyel sistemlerin uzaktan takip edilmesi, hızlı ve etkin şekilde kontrol edilmesi üretim süreçlerini daha güvenilir ve daha verimli hale getirmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Prototip bir endüstriyel sisteme PLC bağlanmış ve PLC’den elde edilen değerler SCADA sisteminde görüntülenip izlenmiştir. Endüstriyel sistemin uzaktan kumanda edilmesi sağlanarak ağırlık, basınç, seviye, debi ve sıcaklık değişkenleri kontrol altında tutulmuştur. Sistemde meydana gelecek olumsuzluklar önceden belirlenip gerekli önlemler alınmıştır. Böylece PLC ve SCADA’ların etkin kullanım alanları ve yeteneklerinden faydalanılarak endüstriyel sistemlerden en verimli şekilde yararlanılması amaçlamıştır. ABSTRACT APPLICATION OF PLC AND SCADA IN INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS Rapid development of science and technology have increased the requirements constantly. The increasing requirements have led to an increase in demand for fast, safe and high quality production systems. Lack of automatical control of the old system causes loss of energy and time. Today's industrial automation systems can provide high safety, high quality while decreasing the need for manpower. Industrial automation systems actualize the production processes by using PLC and SCADA systems. It is possible to form complex control systems by PLC and SCADA easily. The data acquisition and control functions of the system which operates in according to the software installed on PLC is performed by SCADA. Remote monitoring, fast and effective control of industrial systems contribute to more reliable and more efficient manufacturing processes. In this study, PLC is connected to an industrial prototype and values obtained by PLC are displayed on SCADA system. İndustrial system is remotely controlled while keeping weight, pressure, level, flow and temperature variables under control. The possible obstacles are pre-determined and neccesary measures have been taken against them. It is aimed to benefit industrial systems efficiently by using all the advantages and efficient application areas of PLC and SCADA