1,222 research outputs found

    Social Emotional Development in Early Childhood

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    This literature review explores young children’s social emotional development and its importance. Social emotional development is crucial to a child’s success in school and in life. Social emotional development is defined and ideas are presented on how to promote it. Social emotional skills can be promoted in early childhood classrooms everyday. This can be done in a variety of lessons and activities. Social emotional development can be promoted by embedding it in all areas of the day. In recent years, other priorities have been seen in early childhood classrooms and at home. Some researchers believe this has resulted in a lack of promotion of social emotional development in young children. This literature review will explore academic pushdown, technology and children, and limited free time, including recess. These may affect a young child’s social emotional competency, therefore they may exhibit more challenging behaviors. Three social emotional development programs are explored. Social emotional development is so vital in the early years of a child’s life. Families and teachers need to understand its importance

    Public participation in planning for the Cathedral Peak hutted camp

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    A critique of the public participation process followed during planning for the development of an eco-tourism facility by the Natal Parks Board, in the Natal Drakensberg Park in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, during a period of political transition in 1994/95. A Preliminary Environmental Assessment was conducted for the Natal Parks Board (NPB) as a group project by five studentsÂč from the Masters Class in the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town. The scoping stage of the assessment focused the collection and assessment of base line data. The Masters Group evaluated the alternatives identified during scoping against the criteria of equity, sustainability and efficiency and based on this evaluation one of the alternatives was recommended to the NPB. The results were presented in a three-volume document consisting of the Main Report, the Public Participation Report and the Appendices. Individual members of the masters group have selected different aspects of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which was done as a group exercise, for more in depth analysis and critique for submission in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy. Public participation in the planning process followed by the NPB has been chosen for this thesis because it is felt that it has been inadequate to date and could be improved upon. This thesis draws on the experience gained by the Masters Group during the scoping phase and aims to identify how the EIA fitted into the planning process followed by the NPB. The focus is on examining the extent to which the approach to public participation in the planning process complied with the requirements of Integrated Environmental Management. The NPB's commitment to public participation has been used as a baseline against which the effectiveness of involvement of the public in the planning process has-been measured .The aim of the thesis was to establish: how the EIA fitted into the broader planning process;+ whether the approach to public participation facilitated input from all Interested and Affected Parties( I&APs); whether involvement of the public fulfilled the requirements of Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) and of the stated commitment by the NPB to public participation; what difficulties were experienced by the project proponent in converting the theory of IEM and public participation into practice; whether any improvements could be made to the process. It is felt that the information presented in this thesis could be useful to the NPB in continuing this project and in the planning of other eco-tourism developments

    Multiphoton ionization and stabilization of helium in superintense xuv fields

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    Multiphoton ionization of helium is investigated in the superintense field regime, with particular emphasis on the role of the electron-electron interaction in the ionization and stabilization dynamics. To accomplish this, we solve ab initio the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation with the full electron-electron interaction included. By comparing the ionization yields obtained from the full calculations with corresponding results of an independent-electron model, we come to the somewhat counterintuitive conclusion that the single-particle picture breaks down at superstrong field strengths. We explain this finding from the perspective of the so-called Kramers-Henneberger frame, the reference frame of a free (classical) electron moving in the field. The breakdown is tied to the fact that shake-up and shake-off processes cannot be properly accounted for in commonly used independent-electron models. In addition, we see evidence of a change from the multiphoton to the shake-off ionization regime in the energy distributions of the electrons. From the angular distribution it is apparent that correlation is an important factor even in this regime

    Predatory/exploitative Monetization in Modern Video Games: A critical analysis of FIFA 23 and Diablo: Immortal

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    Denne masteroppgaven undersĂžker de pĂ„gĂ„ende problemene knyttet til utnyttende metoder som brukes til Ă„ tjene penger av spillere i moderne dataspill. Videre i oppgaven sĂ„ undersĂžkes og sammenlignes to spill, og hvordan de bruker utnyttende metoder til Ă„ oppfordre spillere til Ă„ kjĂžpe mikrotransaksjoner. Mikrotransaksjoner er smĂ„ og vanligvis valgfrie tjenester som spillere kan kjĂžpe inne i spillet. NĂ„r vi diskuterer utnyttende metoder, sĂ„ snakker vi blant annet om taktikker som blir brukt til Ă„ presse og oppfordre spillere til Ă„ kjĂžpe ulike mikrotransaksjoner i spill. Disse metodene er pĂ„trengende for spillere, og er designet for Ă„ skjule de langsiktige kostnadene ved Ă„ kjĂžpe disse mikrotransaksjonene. Tidligere akademiske verk har sett pĂ„ relevante problemer rundt dette, men har undersĂžkt det mer generelt. Denne oppgaven, derimot, ser pĂ„ to spesifikke spill, og fokuserer pĂ„ deres bruk av utnyttende metoder. Dette skjer ved bruk av en “app-walkthrough method”. Her undersĂžker og analyserer oppgaven hvordan FIFA 23 og Diablo: Immortal oppmuntrer spillere til Ă„ kjĂžpe mikrotransaksjoner i spillene. Samtidig sĂ„ tar oppgaven bruk av en komparativ analyse for Ă„ fremheve forskjellene og likhetene i bruken av utnyttende metoder. Det ble funnet at begge spillene er tydelige i bruk av disse utnyttende metodene. Spesielt er deres bruk av taktikker hvor spillere kan fĂžle seg presset til Ă„ kjĂžpe mikrotransaksjoner. Dette stammer fra, blant annet, spillenes konkurransemessige natur. Spillene er ogsĂ„ ivrige i bruken av loot box-lignende systemer, som gir spillere en svĂŠrt lav sjanse til Ă„ skaffe seg en rekke ulike gjenstander ved kjĂžp. Hvordan hvert spill bruker disse og andre utnyttende systemer kan vĂŠre svĂŠrt annerledes derimot. For eksempel sĂ„ er spillere direkte involvert i utfallet av Ă„ Ă„pne disse i Diablo: Immortal. Oppgaven argumenterer derfor at en spesifikk type av en utnyttende mikrotransaksjon kan variere i stor grad fra spill til spill, selv om det grunnleggende konseptet kan forbli eller er det samme. Det kan ogsĂ„ vĂŠre en stor tilstedevĂŠrelse av mikrotransaksjoner uavhengig av inntektsmodellen til et spill.Mastergradsoppgave i digital kulturDIKULT350MAHF-DIKU

    Organisational Change and the Politics of Identity: Four Reflexive Inquiries into Ordinary Power Struggles and their Role in Shaping Organisations and Individuals

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    This thesis sheds light on the ideals we construct in the workplace and how these emergent ideologies mask over power dynamics and political struggles for meaning and identity. Challenging the idea that ‘office politics’ or ‘small-p politics’ get in the way of change, it is argued that these relational dynamics, where power is inevitably involved, are the source of both organisational stability and change. The research contains four reflexive inquiries into these ordinary power struggles and their role in shaping organisations and individuals. Uniquely, this research draws on the field of bereavement studies to explore the intensified political struggle during periods of disruptive change and loss where organisational death and grief is effectively masked over by the dominant ideology of the entrepreneurial self, which serves to discipline people and encourages individuals to take responsibility for dealing with the consequences of endings and losses and closes down spaces for new social sensemaking that may challenge the prevailing ‘truths’ and thus the existing power figurations. Spanning over 10 years with the first two projects written in 2007/8 and the last two in 2017/19 the thesis also shows the immense power the ideology of the group one belongs to holds over one’s thinking and how engaging in reflexive practice in a community of research with a plurality of voices belonging to other groups and figurations is crucial to gain sufficient detachment to be able to notice and question what counts as ‘truth’ or ‘common sense’. It is argued that: Organisational continuity and change emerge in the interweaving of intentions and actions of many people in local interaction and change requires feelings of loss as new beginnings inevitably also involve endings. Severe loss or threat of loss can shake one’s sense of who one is and can trigger intense emotions and struggle to regain meaning. The process of grief is a renegotiation of meaning and of relationships and a repair of the basic plot of the life story and sense of self, which calls for witnessing and validation by significant others and social systems. Meaning made promotes growth. Impatiently negating the importance of social sensemaking comes with increased risk of employee withdrawal and reduced engagement. Taking the political struggle for meaning and identity seriously is fundamental to connect the past, present and future in a meaningful way and thus key for the construction of organisations – and of society. It is argued for: Taking the political struggle for meaning and identity seriously by increasing our awareness of our historical, cultural and relational embeddedness and ability to tolerate our own and other people’s distress and anxiety so that we may be able to participate in the social reconstruction of meaning and identity perturbed by loss

    Smart Surfaces: Design, Structuring and Characterization

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    Dispersion and abundance of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in a Norwegian fjord system

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    Based on numerical results of currents from a high resolution fjord model, dispersion of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in the Hardangerfjord has been modelled. The results show that salmon lice abundance in the fjord have large spatial and temporal variations. Still, enlarged densities of salmon lice occur in certain areas, especially along shores, in bays and in narrows. If there exist a critical dose of salmon lice copepodid density necessary to infect the salmonid fish, the model results of salmon lice dispersion can be used to design a management strategy for salmon aquaculture.Master i Meteorologi og oseanografiMAMN-GEOFGEOF39

    Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Lipid Transfer Protein - STARD11

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    The STARD11 protein plays a crucial role in the transport of ceramide from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus. Ceramide is a lipid molecule that is essential for several cellular processes such as cell growth, differentiation, and programmed cell death (apoptosis). The STARD11 protein has a hydrophobic cavity that can bind to one lipid at a time. However, to accommodate for the ceramide molecule, structural rearrangements of the protein are required. Molecular dynamics studies have shed a light on the conformational changes that occur in the STARD11 protein during ceramide binding. In particular, the movement of the alfa4-helix and/or the omega1-loop, and omega4-loop regions appear to be highly dynamic and play a critical role in the binding process. To further understand the structural basis of ceramide binding by STARD11, we conducted a series of molecular dynamics simulations. Our study involved 15 different systems, including wild-type STARD11 with and without ceramide binding, as well as double and single mutation of specific amino acids. By analysing the simulations, we were able to gain insight into the molecular interactions between STARD11 and ceramide, as well as identify key regions that are essential for the binding process. Our study has revealed interesting finding regarding the structural stability of the wild type holo and apo proteins. Specifically, we observed that the wild type holo protein exhibits a higher degree of structural stability compared to the wild type apo protein. Moreover, our study examined the single mutation on the holo and apo proteins, and found that single mutation had greater impact on the structure of the apo protein compared to the holo form. These findings suggests that the presence of a bound lipid can enhance the stability to the protein, possibly by restricting its flexibility. The MSMs analysis allowed for calculating probabilities and study transition between certain states, and we found that there was a significant likelihood that the W473A/W562A apo protein exhibits a larger opening in the omega1- omega4-loop, and alfa4-helix regions compared to the WT apo protein. These observations are important for understanding the relationship between protein structure and functions, as well as the effect of ligand binding on the protein stability.Masteroppgave i kjemiKJEM399MAMN-KJE

    Interaction of DSO and local energy systems through network tariffs

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    One crucial factor that influences distributed energy resource investments and operation is the grid tariffs. If the price signal passed on to the consumer is not representative of the actual impact of the decentralized decisions on the power system, we may get inefficiencies. The main problem considered in this research is the interaction of a network operator and consumers to study how grid tariffs should be designed to facilitate favorable decentralized decisions. An equilibrium model based on tariffs is developed and benchmarked against a system optimization to study the effect of capacity-based and volumetric grid tariffs when the grid costs are a function of the decentralized decisions. The results show that both a volumetric and capacity-based tariff scheme provides a suboptimal outcome compared to the system optimal solution. Suboptimal decentralized decisions in the perspective of the overall power system is a result of the tariff schemes not being able to represent the actual network costs. Based on the findings, more innovative tariff schemes or related market mechanisms are needed to facilitate decentralized decisions that are aligned with the costs and benefits for the overall power system.Interaction of DSO and local energy systems through network tariffsacceptedVersio

    The Neutral enemy?A study of Norwegian representation and diplomacy in China 1937-1947

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    Historie mastergradsoppgaveMAHF-HISHIS35
