876 research outputs found

    Power-law energy level-spacing distributions in fractals

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    In this article we investigate the energy spectrum statistics of fractals at the quantum level. We show that the energy-level distribution of a fractal follows a power-law behaviour, if its energy spectrum is a limit set of piece-wise linear functions. We propose that such a behaviour is a general feature of fractals, which can not be described properly by random matrix theory. Several other arguments for the power-law behaviour of the energy level-spacing distributions are proposed

    Analisis Perilaku Voice sebagai Moderator Hubungan antara Ketidakpuasan Kerja dan Kreativitas

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    This study examined the effect of job dissatisfaction to creativity, as main effect. And also investigate whether Commitment Continuance and some of Contextual variables could significantly moderate the relationship between job dissatisfaction and creativity The sample research was employees (Educative and Administrative Employee) at the Private High School in Semarang. Of the 225 questionnaire were distributed, 213 questionnaire were returned to the researcher (response rate 94%). Twenty two of these were excluded from the data analysis because of missing value, not give the same code and no code, leaving sample of 184.It was hypothesized that Job Dissatisfaction would affect significantly to Creativity. It was also hypothesized that Commitment Continuance and some of Contextual Variables simultaneously would significantly moderated the relationship between Job Dissatisfaction and Creativityi The result of Simple Rgression Analysis indicated that Job Dissatisfaction had no significant effect on Creativity. Based on Moderated Regression Analysis, the results were not supported the predicted moderating effect of Continuance Commitment and Some of Contextual Variables simultaneously in relationship between Job Dissatisfaction to Creativity. The result warrant future research

    A Novel QoS provisioning Scheme for OBS networks

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    This paper presents Classified Cloning, a novel QoS provisioning mechanism for OBS networks carrying real-time applications (such as video on demand, Voice over IP, online gaming and Grid computing). It provides such applications with a minimum loss rate while minimizing end-to-end delay and jitter. ns-2 has been used as the simulation tool, with new OBS modules having been developed for performance evaluation purposes. Ingress node performance has been investigated, as well as the overall performance of the suggested scheme. The results obtained showed that new scheme has superior performance to classical cloning. In particular, QoS provisioning offers a guaranteed burst loss rate, delay and expected value of jitter, unlike existing proposals for QoS implementation in OBS which use the burst offset time to provide such differentiation. Indeed, classical schemes increase both end-to-end delay and jitter. It is shown that the burst loss rate is reduced by 50% reduced over classical cloning

    On Solving Pentadiagonal Linear Systems via Transformations

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    Many authors have studied numerical algorithms for solving the linear systems of pentadiagonal type. The well-known fast pentadiagonal system solver algorithm is an example of such algorithms. The current paper describes new numerical and symbolic algorithms for solving pentadiagonal linear systems via transformations. The proposed algorithms generalize the algorithms presented in El-Mikkawy and Atlan, 2014. Our symbolic algorithms remove the cases where the numerical algorithms fail. The computational cost of our algorithms is better than those algorithms in literature. Some examples are given in order to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. All experiments are carried out on a computer with the aid of programs written in MATLAB

    Public Release of RELXILL_NK: A Relativistic Reflection Model for Testing Einstein's Gravity

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    We present the public release version of relxill_nk, an X-ray reflection model for testing the Kerr hypothesis and general relativity. This model extends the relxill model that assumes the black hole spacetime is described by the Kerr metric. We also present relxilllp_nk, the first non-Kerr X-ray reflection model with a lamppost corona configuration, as well as all other models available in the full relxill_nk package. In all models the relevant relativistic effects are calculated through a general relativistic ray-tracing code that can be applied to any well-behaved, stationary, axisymmetric, and asymptotically flat black hole spacetime. We show that the numerical error introduced by using a ray-tracing code is not significant as compared with the observational error present in current X-ray reflection spectrum observations. In addition, we present the reflection spectrum for the Johannsen metric as calculated by relxill_nk.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. v2: refereed version. Code and documentation available at http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/tps/people/bambi/Site/RELXILL_NK.html and at http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~nampalliwar/relxill_nk

    Meningkatkan Kinerja melalui Motivasi dengan Anteseden Kepemimpinan Terpersepsi dan Lingkungan Kerja Terpersepsi

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan terpersepsi dan lingkungan terpersepsi terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Kanindo Makmur Jaya, Jepara yang dimediasi melalui motivasi kerja.. Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi populasinya adalah seluruh karyawan yang ada di PT. Kanindo Makmur Jaya kabupaten Jepara yang berjumlah 2100 orang. Sedangkan sampel yang diambil 100 orang. Metode pengujian menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menun- jukkan bahwa (1) Kepemimpinan terpersepsi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Motivasi; (2) Lingkungan kerja terpersepsi berpengaruh positif dan sinifikan terhadap Motivasi; (3) Kepemimpinan terpersepsi berpengruh positif dan signifikan pada kinerja; (4) Lingkungan kerja terpersepsi berpengaruh positif dan sinifikan terhadap kinerja; (5) Motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada kinerja. Kata Kunci : Kepemimpinan terpersepsi, lingkungan kerja terpersepsi, motivasi kerja, dan kinerja

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja dengan Komitmen Organisasional sebagai Mediasi (Studi pada Perangkat Desa Se Kecamatan Batang Kabupaten Batang)

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    The purpose of this research examined and analyzed the Effect of Leadership, Motivation to Employee Performance with the Organizational Commitment as a mediation.The object of this research was employees atthe village of Batang Subdistrict. All member of population became sample research. The collecting data using the quistioner. The amount of responden 98. The Questioner completed only 96 respondent, 2 questioner failed (missing data). After the data was collected the data was examined validity and realiability. After that, the hypotesis exammined.The result, of this research represented that The Organizational Commitment as amediating variable could explain that the Effact of the Leadership, Motivation to Employee Performance

    Testing the Kerr metric with X-ray Reflection Spectroscopy of Mrk 335 Suzaku data

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    Einstein's gravity has undergone extensive tests in the weak field gravitational limit, with results in agreement with theoretical predictions. There exist theories beyond general relativity (GR) which modify gravity in the strong field regime but agree with GR in the weak field. Astrophysical black holes are believed to be described by the Kerr metric and serve as suitable candidates to test strong gravity with electromagnetic radiation. We perform such a test by fitting one Suzaku dataset of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxy Mrk 335 with X-ray reflection spectroscopy, using the Johannsen metric to model the black hole spacetime and test for deviations from Kerr. We find the data is best modeled with a hybrid model that includes both partial covering absorption and a reflection component. This is the first time such a model has been proposed for a high-flux (low reflection) Mrk 335 dataset. We constrain the Johannsen deformation parameter α13\alpha_{13} to −1.50.8-1.50.8, and the α22\alpha_{22} parameter to −0.40.7-0.40.7, both at the 99% confidence level. Although additional solutions at large deviations from the Kerr metric show statistical similarity with the ones above, further analysis suggests these solutions may be manifestations of uncertainties beyond our control and do not represent the data. Hence, our results are in agreement with the idea that the supermassive compact object at the center of Mrk 335 is described by the Kerr metric.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. v2: refereed versio
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