679 research outputs found

    Gender Differences in Academic Performance in a Large Public University in Turkey

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    The paper attempts to determine whether there are significant gender differences in academic performance among undergraduate students in a large public university in Turkey based on three indicators; university entrance scores, performance in the English preparatory school and in the program the student is majoring in. The paper finds that a smaller number of female students manage to enter the university and when they do so, they enter with lower scores. However, once they are admitted to the university, they excel in their studies and outperform their male counterparts. This result holds after controlling for the field of study and individual attributes.Academic achievement, undergraduate students, gender disparity, Turkey

    Determine key drivers of employee engagement among nurses in a healthcare sector: a case of KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital / Nurfitryannie Asik

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    Employee engagement is becoming a major concern to employers in the era of globalization particularly in the healthcare industry. In the Malaysian context the healthcare industry is becoming more attractive and it is preferred by patients all over the world. Thus, employee engagement can be described as employee that show full commitment towards their job; physically and emotionally in order to achieve the organizational goal. This conducted because study on engagement among nursing has not yet been synthesized, thus there is insufficient foundation of knowledge to regulate practice and there is urgency for further research. The purpose of this research is to investigate key drivers of employee engagement among nurses in a healthcare sector specifically in KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital. This study used convenience sampling techniques and online questionnaire as an instrument to collect data. Respondent feedback is 72% out of 305 nurses whereby those data then evaluated by using SPSS Version 22 Software. The result from Multiple Regression analysis indicates that two variables of employee engagement; work life balance and leadership have positive and significant relationship with employee engagement while communication is not significant. Lastly, work life balance found to be the most influential variables towards employee engagement among nurses in KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital

    Dynamics of a Stoichiometric Producer-Grazer System with Seasonal Effects on Light Level

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    Pollution Haven Hypothesis and the Role of Dirty Industries in Turkey’s Exports

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    Pollution haven hypothesis argues that the industries that are highly pollution intensive i.e. dirty industries, have been migrating from developed economies to the developing world. It is argued that the environmental concerns of the developed economies caused them to enact strict environmental regulations, which have increased the cost of production of the dirty industries at home. On the other hand, the developing countries with their low wages and lax environmental regulations have been attractive alternative producers in these sectors. At the same time this migration is also beneficial for developing countries that are in need of financial resources for industrial development. Consequently, developing countries provide pollution havens for dirty industries. In this process while the dirty industries have been migrating to the developing countries, the developed countries also have become net importers of these sectors. In this study the pollution haven argument for Turkey, for 1994-1997 period is examined. The study focuses on the pollution haven hypothesis from trade perspective by looking at the manufacturing industry data at 4-digit ISIC detail by using the panel data approach. It is found that exports increase as the dirtiness of the industries increases, providing some evidence for the pollution haven hypothesis.Turkey, Pollution Haven Hypothesis, environment, manufacturing

    Environmental Impact of Customs Union Agreement with EU on Turkey’s Trade in Manufacturing Industry

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    In this study, we analyze Turkey’s manufacturing industry trade by estimating sectoral import and export demand equations for 1980-2000. The study aims to understand whether the trade in the manufacturing industry complies with pollution haven hypothesis, and whether the free trade environment provided by the customs union (CU) agreement altered the trade pattern of the clean and dirty industries. Results of our econometric models have shown that while CU positively affects the import demand, it does not have any significant impact on the export demand of Turkish manufacturing industry. In terms of the environmental impact, distinction between clean and dirty industries turns out to be significant for both import and export demand. In general, our findings suggest that both clean and dirty industries’ import demand increase during the study period. In terms of export demand, clean industries’ export demand declines whereas dirty industries’ export demand increases compared to the total demand.Environmental impact analysis, EU, Turkey, manufacturing industry

    Damage in dual phase steels

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    CO2 Emissions vs. CO2 Responsibility: An Input-Output Approach for the Turkish Economy

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    Recently, global warming (greenhouse effect) and its effects have become one of the hottest topics in the world agenda. There have been several international attempts to reduce the negative effects of global warming. Kyoto Protocol can be cited as the most important agreement which tries to limit the countries’ emissions within a time horizon. For this reason it becomes important to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of countries. The aim of this study is to estimate the amount of CO2 -the most important greenhouse gas- emissions, for the Turkish economy. An extended input-output model is estimated by using 1996 data in order to identify the sources of CO2 emissions and to discuss the share of sectors in total emission. Besides ‘CO2 responsibility’, which takes into account the CO2 content of imports, is estimated for the Turkish economy. The sectoral CO2 emissions and CO2 responsibilities are compared and these two notions are linked to foreign trade volume. One of the main conclusions is that the manufacturing industry has the first place in both of the rankings for CO2 emissions and CO2 responsibilities; while agriculture and husbandry has the last place.CO2 responsibility, Turkey, input-output analysis


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    This research was aimed to determine the effectiveness of usingvisual aids integrated communicative language teaching method in improving thestudents’ speaking ability at the second grade of SMAN 1 Pinrang. Therefore, theprinciple research problem was only one in this research, that is to what extent isusing visual aids integrated communicative language teaching method effective inimproving the students speaking ability at the second grade of SMAN 1 Pinrang?The researcher applied experimental method with the non-equivalent controlledgroup design. The population of this research was the second grade students atSMAN 1 Pinrang, which consist of 150 students. The sample was taken by usingpurposive sampling. So, the researcher took two classes in this research, one classas experimental class which consisted of 30 students and one class as controlledclass. The data were collected through pre-test and post-test. Based on the researchfindings, from the test, the researcher concluded that the use of visual aidsintegrated communicative language teaching method effective in improving theirachievement in speaking ability, especially for fluency and accuracy. It proved fromthe mean of the both of classes, which was the mean score of post -test ofexperimental class was 59,2 while the mean score of control class was 45.6. Theresult of t-test also shown that the visual aids integrated communicative languageteaching method is effective in improving students’ speaking ability because t -test,4.94, is higer than t-table, 2.000 (4.94>2.000). The research result of this studyimplies that English teachers should use communicative language teaching methodintegrated visual aids to develop their techniques and methods in teaching speaking,the students use pictures and videos in improving their speaking ability as it canhelp them with the new ideas, vocabularies, and pronunciations, the futureresearcher develops some dimensions which have not been developed in thisresearch like using different students’ population or students’ condition viewedfrom the students’ habit or interest


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    Design of User Experience Evaluation (UXE) Toolbox for Smart Urban Lighting Solutions

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