789 research outputs found

    How and Why lslamophobia is tied to English Nationalism but not to Scottish Nationalism

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    Muslim minorities throughout Europe are under threat of collateral damage from the Blair/Bush \u27War on Terror.\u27 In Scotland they also have to cope with the added possibility that Scottish nationalism might develop an \u27ethnic\u27 as well as a \u27civic\u27 dimension. But is Scottish nationalism part of the problem or part of the solution? Paradoxically, Muslims are under less pressure in Scotland than in England, despite Scotland\u27s move over recent decades--psychologically as well as institutionally--towards nationalism


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    Taking Shari\u27a Seriously. Book Review Of: The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State. Noah Feldman

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    Book review: The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State. Noah Feldman. Princeton University Press. 2008. Pp. 189. Reviewed by: Asifa Quraish

    Peer correction in ESL classrooms

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    Like in any other learning situation, in a second language classroom a learner essentially needs to be provided with feedback on his/her performance. Due to the emergence of Communicative Language Teaching and Learner-centered Teaching, students’ active participation in language learning is now highly sought and therefore, peer correction is becoming increasingly popular among the practitioners. This paper re-views peer correction as a ‘popular’ technique to be used in classroom and explores several issues regarding this. It also places peer correction in the context of Bangladesh and tries to find out the effectiveness of the technique particularly for the classrooms of Bangladesh. Moreover, in this paper I have hypothesized that the acceptability of peer feedback varies between the young and the adult learners. In order for testing the general acceptability of this technique and the hypothesis, data have been collected from students at tertiary level as well as students from primary level. Finally, the students’ responses have been analyzed and discussed, and some recommendations have been provided regarding the practice of peer correction

    Her Honor: An Islamic Critique of the Rape Laws of Pakistan from a Woman-Sensitive Perspective

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    This article critiques the rape laws of Pakistan from an Islamic point of view which is careful to include women\u27s perspectives in its analysis. Unlike much of what is popularly presented as traditional Islamic law, this woman-affirming Islamic approach will reveal the inherent gender-egalitarian nature of Islam, which is too often ignored by its academics, courts, and legislatures. This article will demonstrate how cultural patriarchy has instead colored the application of certain Islamic laws in places like Pakistan, resulting in the very injustice which the Quran so forcefully condemns

    PENGARUH EFIKASI DIRI DAN KETERLIBATAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA GURU : Survey pada Guru SMK Swasta Terakreditasi A Bidang Keahlian Bisnis Manajemen, Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komunikasi Wilayah II Kota Bandung

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efikasi diri, keterlibatan kerja, kinerja guru, serta pengaruh efikasi diri dan keterlibatan kerja terhadap kinerja guru. Metode penelitian menggunakan survei eksplanasi (explanatory survey). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner skala 5 model rating scale. Responden penelitian ini adalah guru SMK Swasta Terakreditasi A Bidang Keahlian Bisnis Manajemen, Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komunikasi Wilayah II Kota Bandung, sebanyak 105 guru. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Efikasi diri, keterlibatan kerja, dan kinerja guru masing-masing berada pada kategori tinggi; dan (2) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari efikasi diri dan keterlibatan kerja terhadap kinerja guru, baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Oleh karena itu, kinerja guru dapat ditingkatkan melalui peningkatan efikasi diri dan keterlibatan kerja guru.;--- The purpose of this study was to analyze self-efficacy, job involvement, teacher’s performance, thus, influence self-efficacy and job involvement on teacher’s performance. This research used explanatory survey method. Data collection techniques used questionnaire rating scale 5 scale models. The respondent in this research is private vocational high school teachers is accredited A in the field of Business Management, Technology, Information, and Communication Expertise in Region II Bandung city, so we get 105 teachers. Data were analyzed using regression. The result of study revealed that: (1) self-efficacy, job involvement, and teacher’s performance are each in a very high category; (2) self-efficacy and job involvement have a positive and significant influence on teacher’s performance, partially or simultaneously. Therefore, teacher’s performance can be improved through increased teachers’ self-efficacy and job involvement

    Analisis Kelayakan Usahatani Jamur Tiram Di Kota Jambi

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    Oyster mushroom is a commodity that has high nutritional content and is used as an alternative food substitute. This commodity farming is relatively new in Jambi City. Oyster mushroom demand is high with a price range of IDR 17,000/kg to IDR 21,000/kg. However, there are still few farmers who do oyster mushroom farming in Jambi City. This study aims to (1) describe the general description of oyster mushroom farming in Jambi City; (2) Analyzing the income of oyster mushroom farming in Jambi City; (3) Analyzing the feasibility of oyster mushroom farming in Jambi City. The research sample was 18 sample farmers consisting of farmers who made F4 media and farmers who purchased F4 media. The data analysis method used is descriptive quantitative, cost, revenue, and income analysis methods, and uses the R/C Ratio, π/C ratio, and BEP feasibility analysis methods. The results showed that (1) Oyster mushroom farming activities in the study area had an average land area of 105.19 m2 with an average production of 1,260 kg and a harvest frequency of 60-90 times in one growing season. (2) The average income of oyster mushroom farming received by farmers who make F4 media is IDR 27.422.889.21/100m2/MT while farmers who buy F4 media have an average income of IDR 25.443.959.20/100m2/MT. (3) Oyster mushroom farming in the research area is feasible because it has an R/C value greater than one, capital productivity is greater than the prevailing bank interest rate, and production, price, and income received by farmers are above the BEP which counted