9 research outputs found

    Biopsychosocial model as a basis of delivering a care for addicts

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    The problem of addictive behavior has a long history in medicine and psychology. Given the current ephemerality of life, a sufficient number of stressful and frustrating circumstances, a large amount of information load contributes to the need to maintain one's mental health. Very often, the mechanisms of psychological protection direct the individual on the path of escape from problems and departure from reality, which leads to the formation of certain types of dependencies. The concept of dependence is considered in the work, some types are outlined and nosological characteristics are described. The principles and basic provisions of building a biopsychosocial model are revealed. The model of providing assistance from the standpoint of biopsychosocial approach and the main functions and tasks of each member of the multidisciplinary team are described. It is noted that the complex of addiction therapy is developed in accordance with the identified factors and type of addiction. In the biological context it is pharmacotherapy, in the psychological context it is psychocorrectional or psychotherapeutic assistance, in the social context it is assistance to a family or an individual member, other social interventions. The essence of our proposed adaptive model is to optimize the use of all resources that are available with their adaptation to the needs of a person with addiction. Note that with the growing number of people with addictions in our country there is an urgent need to create institutions with a "full cycle" of services, where all components of biopsychosocial care could be received by people with different types of addictions, so to speak "through one window"

    Topical issues of Internet impact on teen suicidal behavior

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    For the time being, the social network Internet acts as a direct platform for the realization of the need for self-presentation, self-identification and self-realization. There is no limit to the content of the Internet, in addition to scientific, political, economic information, there are also negative information platforms with aggressive, sexual and other negative information that have an effect on the network users. This paper focuses on analyzing the spread of suicidal information on the Internet about how to formulate guidelines for suicidal behavior. The author analyzes the contemporary specific literature on the phenomenon of suicide, analyzes the communication space available to the population of our country - social and search networks. This problem is considered in the context of the development and spread of communication on the Internet deviant subcultures and their negative impact on the adoption of norms, values and behaviors by young people.This study is a pilot study conducted to identify current trends in the impact of the Internet on adolescent behavior, including suicidal ones, with a view to further developing both algorithms for an individual complex program of psychosocial rehabilitation and group psycho-corrective programs that take into gender

    Diagnostic markers and scale of differential diagnosis of socially-disadaptative post-combat syndrome

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    Mental disorders resulting from combat actions can affect up a considerable percentage of servicemen. Specific disorders have been observed in combatants and veterans of different wars, highlighting the influence of combat conditions on mental health. Social maladjustment among it can be highly prevalent, impacting combat readiness and post-war adaptation. The above emphasizes the significance of differential diagnosis in identifying specific mental conditions like Socially-Disadaptive Post-Combat Syndrome and distinguishing them from other disorders. Socially-Disadaptive Post-Combat Syndrome is a condition that develops after the return of a combatant from a combat zone and is characterized by a maladaptive, conflictual response to a wide range of insignificant social situations. The study aims to develop a diagnostic tool for identifying Socially-Disadaptive Post-Combat syndrome. This study focuses on combat-related mental disorders among Ukrainian combatants and veterans who participated in the Anti-Terrorist Operation / Joint Forces Operation (ATO/JFO) from 2014 to 2021. The research involves 395 participants, with 39 combatants exhibiting symptoms of Socially-Disadaptive Post-Combat Syndrome forming the main research group, and 21 individuals with PTSD forming the comparison group. As a result of the study, we systematized diagnostic markers and develop a Diagnostic Scale of Socially-Disadaptive Post-Combat syndrome. Our devised diagnostic scale consists of two sections: a list of criteria related to specific circumstances (comprising 4 criteria - 2 obligatory criteria and 2 optional criteria) and a list of symptoms (comprising 16 symptoms). We also believe that conducting research on combatants and veterans of other wars is expedient

    Cyber-addiction psychoprophylaxis program for young generation of Ukraine

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    In the work the authors provides a statistical analysis of the problem, considers possible measures for the prevention and correction of cyber addictions among the younger generation. Proposed: a scheme of interaction in the formation of media culture; a preventive cyber addiction prophylaxis scheme; a number of practical recommendations on the peculiarities of socialization of adolescents with cyber-addiction are described; the basic principles of working with cyber-addicts are highlighted. It is emphasized that the ways of overcoming cyber-addictions should have a socio-psychological direction aimed at: correction of behavioral deficiencies; changing the life program so that a person has the opportunity to satisfy his needs focusing not on the virtual environment, but on the surrounding reality; developing the ability to establish constructive relationships with people around; displacing being in cyberspace from leading activities; normalization of emotional response to difficult life situations

    Efficiency of the complex program of psychocorrection of cyber-addictions among middle and late adolescents

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    In this work, the authors conducts a statistical analysis of the problem, examines the experience of various states and possible measures of psychocorrection of cyber-addictions among the younger generation. It is also worth noting that in order for this work to be effective, it must relate to all spheres of an individual's life: family, educational environment, social life. Having considered the world experience in working with cyber-addictions, the authors proposed and conducted his own comprehensive program of psychocorrection of cyber-addictions, which is aimed at reducing the degree of addiction and includes the following areas of work: individual, group, family psychocorrectional and psycho-educative work. According to the results of the work carried out, it was found that the developed program gave positive results since the 3rd degree of addiction was reduced in all groups and types of cyber-addictions, and after psychocorrection, people appear who have ceased to show pathological signs of addiction (for groups it is from 2% to 17%). It should be noted that significant results in reducing the degree of addiction were achieved in selfitis, cyber-communicative and game addictions

    Peculiarities of the mental state of student youth of Ukraine during quarantine restrictions

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    The work was intended to generalize both world statistics and our own experimental study aimed at detecting changes in mental states during the introduction of quarantine restrictions caused by the prevalence of COVID-19. During quarantine restrictions we observed a high level of anxiety in almost 45% of young respondents, severe and extreme depression from 2% to 7% of respondents, and moderate from 40% to 50% of respondents. Impressive are also rates of explicit suicidal ideation – 10-13%. Thus, the situation with the mental state of the younger generation requires the intervention of specialists, the development of programs that allow them to provide timely assistance under quarantine restrictions and maintain a normal psychological state of young people. Identifying the peculiarities of mental states of young people provides an opportunity to develop programs of both prevention of suicidal ideation and support for people who are experiencing uncontrolled anxiety or are depressed. It should be noted that quarantine restrictions require special approaches to the provision and implementation of such programs, meaning their transference from real life to cyberspace. Given that programs quality should not suffer, assistance should be provided by expert professionals at a high level

    Emotional intelligence peculiarities of civil servants of Ukraine

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    Our work is aimed at studying of emotional intelligence features and leadership qualities of civil servants of Ukraine. The object of study is the emotional intelligence of civil servants. The research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of socio-psychological literature on the topic of research, psychodiagnostics, and mathematical and statistical methods. The importance of emotional intelligence, leadership qualities in the context of the management model is investigated in the work. The components and mechanisms of influence of emotional intelligence through the manifestation of interpersonal understanding of emotions, empathy, emotional awareness are revealed here. Having conducted an empirical study, we can claim that more than 40% of surveyed civil servants, regardless of age, position, and work experience have an average level of emotional intelligence, which implies their competence in knowing their own emotions and the emotions of others. It was established that almost 50% of respondents demonstrate leadership qualities at the level of above-average, while a highly effective type of leadership is chosen by more than 40% of respondents. The obtained data provide an opportunity to further develop training programs aimed at developing and expanding leadership skills through the improvement of emotional intelligence, the implementation of more humane actions that preserve the human potential of the organization

    Psychological features of physical perfectionism in personality

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    The article examines the psychological features of physical perfectionism in personality. Physical perfectionism refers to a system of personal beliefs and attitudes related to one's physical appearance: heightened preoccupation with one's appearance and the pursuit of high body standards, striving for the best results in the pursuit of an ideal figure, as well as a pathological attitude towards any critical remarks about one's appearance. The formation of the «I-physical image» is influenced by socio-psychological factors and represents a dual process. On the one hand, it is the influence of society expressed in judgments, thoughts, perceptions, stereotypes, and ideals. On the other hand, it is the independent reflection and awareness of one's own criteria of body significance. The aim of the study is to determine the individual psychological characteristics of individuals with different levels of physical perfectionism. The object of study is the physical perfectionism of personality. The following methods were chosen to achieve the goal: theoretical-methodological analysis, psychodiagnostic, and mathematical-statistical methods. The psychodiagnostic complex consisted of the methods: «Physical Perfectionism Scale» and «I - Structural Test of the Ammon». The main task was to study the psychological characteristics of individuals with different levels of physical perfectionism. The conducted correlation analysis allowed us to identify significant relationships between indicators of physical perfectionism and indicators of «I-functions». Using the «axes» method, two groups of individuals with high and low levels of physical perfectionism were selected from the general group. In order to identify individual psychological characteristics, a qualitative analysis of property profiles in the corresponding groups was carried out. The obtained results of our study allow providing a psychological characterization of individuals who differ in the level of physical perfectionism and considering them as individuals endowed with a complex of personality traits that accompany a set of pronounced «I-functions»

    Cyber-addictions of the Ukrainian youth

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    The work is devoted to the study of the problem of dependence on cyberspace of young people. Experts increasingly believe that cyber-addiction is a pathological urge or disease that belongs to the category of non-chemical dependencies and has its own nosology, etiology, pathogenesis and requires prevention, treatment and psycho-correction. Thanks to the analysis of scientific achievements, their actual types were determined, a comprehensive model of classification was built taking into account socially accepted, pathological and cyber-addiction; the stages of cyber-addiction formation are separated. Thanks to the developed and tested method «Test-questionnaire for detecting cyber-addiction», it was found that the most typical addictions for young people are: computer addiction, Internet addiction, game addiction and gadget addiction; girls are more typical: cyber communicative addiction and selfitis. When considering age characteristics, it was found that the highest rates of 3rd degree of addiction are among people aged 19 to 21, a more even distribution of 2nd and 3rd degrees of addiction among people aged 14 to 15 years. Due to the factor analysis of the obtained results, it was established that an addict can have not one dependence, but several, although each of them may have a different degree of manifestation