45 research outputs found

    Bioanalytical measurements enabled by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) probes

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    Since its discovery in 1974, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has gained momentum as an important tool in analytical chemistry. SERS is used widely for analysis of biological samples, ranging from in vitro cell culture models, ex vivo tissue and blood samples, and direct in vivo application. New insights have been gained into biochemistry, with an emphasis on biomolecule detection, from small molecules such as glucose and amino acids to larger biomolecules such as DNA, proteins, and lipids. These measurements have increased our understanding of biological systems, and significantly, they have improved diagnostic capabilities. SERS probes display unique advantages in their detection sensitivity and multiplexing capability. We highlight key considerations that are required when performing bioanalytical SERS measurements, including sample preparation, probe selection, instrumental configuration, and data analysis. Some of the key bioanalytical measurements enabled by SERS probes with application to in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo biological environments are discussed

    Teaching and Learning of Calculus

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    This survey focuses on the main trends in the field of calculus education. Despite their variety, the findings reveal a cornerstone issue that is strongly linked to the formalism of calculus concepts and to the difficulties it generates in the learning and teaching process. As a complement to the main text, an extended bibliography with some of the most important references on this topic is included. Since the diversity of the research in the field makes it difficult to produce an exhaustive state-of-the-art summary, the authors discuss recent developments that go beyond this survey and put forward new research questions

    Interprofessional collaboration in the context of pain management in neonatal intensive care:a cross-sectional survey

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    Abstract Purpose: Describe interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in the context of pain management in neonatal intensive care based on healthcare team members’ perceptions of partnership, cooperation and coordination. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used. Background: IPC improves the quality of pain management for neonates. IPC is teamwork involving both professionals and the neonates’ parents. Parents play an important role in the holistic care of their infant, which includes pain management. Methods: Data was collected with Assessment of Interprofessional Collaboration Scale (AITCS-II) from the healthcare teams featuring representatives (n = 132) of multiple professional groups who were working in neonatal intensive care units (n = 4) in Finland. Descriptive statistical methods and the Mann-Whitney or Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric tests were used to analyze the data. Results: The results were examined in three subscales of IPC (partnership, cooperation and coordination) on three different levels: “need to focus on developing collaborative practice”, “moving towards collaboration” and “good collaboration”. Participants perceived all the subscales as well as the overall level of IPC for pain management in neonatal intensive care to be at level “moving towards collaboration”. Conclusion: Participants appreciated each other as professionals and were willing to cooperate, but they had different perceptions of parental involvement in IPC. Attention should be paid to IPC in specific contexts such as pain management

    Plasmonic color analysis of Ag-coated black-Si SERS substrate

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    Red-Green-Blue (RGB) dark-field imaging can direct the choice of laser excitation for Raman enhancements on nanostructured plasmonic surfaces. Here we demonstrate that black silicon (b-Si) is a structured surface that has been shown to effectively absorb broad wavelengths of light, but also enables surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) when coated with silver (Ag). Coating b-Si with increasing amounts of Ag results in increased dark-field scattering at discrete frequencies associated with localized plasmon resonances. The dark-field scattering was monitored by collecting a far-field image with an inexpensive complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) camera, similar to what is available on most mobile phones. Color analysis of the RGB pixel intensities correlates with the observed SERS intensity obtained with either green (532 nm) or red (633 nm) laser excitation in SERS experiments. Of particular note, the SERS response at 633 nm showed low spectral variation and a lack of background scattering compared to SERS at 532 nm. The difference in background suggests sub-radiant (dark or Fano resonances) may be associated with the SERS response at 633 nm and a non-resonant character of SERS. These results indicate that b-Si serves a template where Ag nucleates during physical vapor deposition. Increased deposition causes the deposits to coalesce, and at larger Ag thicknesses, bulk scattering is observed. Comparison with a high enhancement Ag SERS substrate further illustrates that a high density of plasmonic junctions, or hotspots, is important for maximizing the SERS response. The randomness of the b-Si substrate and the corresponding Ag nano-features contributes to a broadband spectral response and enhancement in SERS. Metal-coated b-Si is a promising SERS substrate due to its performance and facile fabrication

    Moniammatillisen yhteistyön toteutuminen vastasyntyneiden kivunhoidossa

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    Tiivistelmä Tarkoituksena oli kuvata moniammatillisen yhteistyön toteutumista vastasyntyneiden kivunhoidossa, kun sitä tarkasteltiin moniammatillisessa tiimissä työskentelevien ammattihenkilöiden arvioimana. Tutkimus oli poikkileikkaustutkimus. Kohdejoukko koostui suomalaisessa vastasyntyneiden tehohoidossa työskentelevistä ammattihenkilöistä (n=132). Aineisto kerättiin vuonna 2019 kyselylomakkeella (AITCS-II) ja analysoitiin kuvailevilla tilastollisilla menetelmillä. Kumppanuuden (AITCS- II pisteet Ka=3,82; Kh=0,68), yhteistyön (AITCS-II pisteet Ka=3,95; Kh=0,54) ja koordinoinnin (AITCS- II pisteet Ka=3,80; Kh=0,62) arvioitiin olevan “menossa kohti yhteistyötä”. Koulutus ja ammattiryhmä olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä kumppanuuteen, jolloin ylemmän ja alemman korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaneet lääkärit ja kätilöt arvioivat kumppanuuden tason paremmaksi kuin muut vastaajat. Miehet arvioivat yhteistyön tason paremmaksi kuin naiset. Ammattiryhmä oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä koordinointiin, jolloin lääkärit ja kätilöt arvioivat tason paremmaksi kuin muut ammattiryhmät. Vastaajat arvostivat tiimin muita ammattilaisia ja olivat halukkaita yhteistyöhön, mutta käsitykset vanhempien osallistamisesta poikkesivat toisistaan. Laadukasta hoitotyötä tavoiteltaessa on tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota moniammatilliseen yhteistyöhön rajatuissa konteksteissa, kuten vastasyntyneiden kivunhoidossa. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää moniammatilliseen yhteistyöhön perustuvien toimintamallien kehittämisessä sekä vastasyntyneiden kivunhoidon yhtenäistämisessä.Abstract Realisation of interprofessional collaboration in neonatal pain management This study was aimed to describe interprofessional collaboration in the context of pain management of neonates based on healthcare team members’ perceptions. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was used. Members of healthcare teams (n = 132) representing different professional groups in Finnish neonatal intensive care units participated. Data were gathered in 2019 using a questionnaire (AITCS-II) and analysed using descriptive statistical methods. Participants perceived the level of partnership (Mean AITCS-II score=3,82; SD: 0,68), cooperation (Mean AITCS-II score=3,95; SD: 0,54) coordination (Mean AITCS-II score=3,80; SD: 0,62) for pain management in neonatal intensive care to be “moving towards collaboration”. Level of education and professional title were significantly associated with partnership, which means that master´s or doctoral degree and professional title as physician or midwife assessed the level of collaboration to be better than other participants. Men assessed the level of cooperation to be better than women. Out of the background variables the professional title was significantly associated with coordination, when physicians and midwives assessed the level to be better than other participants. Participants appreciated each other and were willing to cooperate, but they had different perceptions of parental involvement. When reaching quality of care, attention should be paid to interprofessional collaboration in specific contexts such as pain management of neonates. The results of the study can be used to develop interprofessional collaboration approaches and to integrate pain management among neonates