14 research outputs found

    Implementasi Integrated Marketing Communications Vasektomi dalam Upaya Peningkatan Akseptor Kb Pria Lestari

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    Paradigma KB sudah bergeser dari pengendalian populasi dan penurunan fertilitas ke kesehatan reproduksi dengan memperhatikan hak reproduksi dan kesetaraan gender. Salah satu upaya atau upayanya adalah partisipasi laki-laki dalam KB baik itu dengan cara condor maupun vasektomi. Sosialisasi Metode MOP memang tidak mudah. Banyak kontradiksi datang dari suami dan istri. Aspek agama juga menjadi salah satu pertimbangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi komunikasi pemasaran metode vasektomi di Kota Pekalongan. Metode penelitian adalah pengumpulan data melalui observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosialisasi MOP hampir tidak pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Target peserta juga tidak ada. Penerapan KIE dengan menerapkan komunikasi pemasaran untuk MOP mendapatkan respon yang lebih baik dari tim konselor dan masyarakat. GerebekPasar efektif untuk menciptakan opini publik. GerebegPasar merupakan penyuluhan yang diadakan di tempat-tempat umum seperti pasar. Tim marketing dilengkapi dengan brosur dan loudspeaker untuk mendapatkan respon dari pengunjung pasar. Masyarakat sangat antusias dan tidak sungkan untuk bertanya tentang MOP. Penyuluhan juga efektif untuk menciptakan opini publik karena dihadiri oleh ulama, dokter dan peserta MOP yang memberikan informasi yang memuaskan. Komunikasi tatap muka efektif untuk perubahan perilaku karena setiap calon peserta dapat bertanya secara efektif. Motivasi menggunakan persona menciptakan keterkaitan antara petugas dan calon peserta MOP. Usai kegiatan KIE ini, ada 6 pasangan yang mengikuti program ini


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    reproduction by concerning about the rights of reproduction and gender equality. One of the attempt or effort is men participation in KB whether it is by condor or vasectomy. The socialization of MOP Method is not easy. Many contradictions come from both man and wife. The man’s side are hard to accept because afraid of erection dysfunction (not manly enough). While the wife’s side are afraid if their husband cheating. Government Program (BKKBN) is formulating the Strategy of KIE and the counseling service for vasectomy. The interesting phenomenon is the achievement from the government of Surabaya city on 2013 MGDs Award on the health of mother and child category with excellent program “Pioneering and Empowerment the Group of Vasectomy Participants”. In Badung District one midwife, Nyoman Rai Sudani won the “Bidan Teladan Nasional” (National Exemplary Midwife) competition in 2011 because of her achievement in increasing and forging the vasectomy acceptor. The aim of this research is synthesizing the strategy of KIE vasectomy in Surabaya City and Badung district. Result of the research shows, the usage of face-to-face communication is effective for vasectomy method acceptance. However, on its development, the officials think that this method cannot create public opinion. Therefore, there is activity called “gerebegpasar& terminal”. Together, (officials, health cadre and Man KB Community) introduce vasectomy to the crowd in that place. The term vasectomy changed to “KB Lanang”. Enthusiasms from the community in that place to discuss and continued to participate in vasectomy need to appreciate. The achievement of this method then adopted by government by improving with service infrastructure such as car and doctor. They who interested in this program could directly do vasectomy. In this case testimony is important factor on opinion creation and the behavior of vasectomy participant candidate.


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    The intence radio competition in Yogyakarta requires radios to have a strategy in maintaining their existence in this digitalized era. A good marketing communication strategy is needed to attract the attention of both listeners and advertisers. Delta FM radio as a network radio certainly has challenges in competing with other competitor radios in Yogyakarta. To maintain its existence, Delta FM radio requires the right marketing communication strategy. This study aims to determine the marketing communication strategy of Delta FM Yogyakarta in maintaining its existence in D.I.Yogyakarta. This study uses Planning theory by Berger, Marketing Communication Mix, and analysis of Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning (S-T-P). The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that in determining the marketing communication strategy, Delta FM Yogyakarta carried out 3 stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. In its implementation, Delta FM uses 5 stages of marketing communication mix, such as Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Personal Selling and Direct Selling

    An Analysis on COVID-19 Disinformation Triangle in Indonesia

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    Misinformation and disinformation are widespread in society, as well as during the outbreak of COVID-19. Much of this information is partly accurate, but the others are not, making it difficult for people to find reliable sources and guides. This study aims to see the tendency of misinformation and disinformation related to COVID-19, which has been fact-checked by Mafindo in January - July 2020 period using quantitative content analysis.  The misinformation and disinformation criteria refer to the seven UNESCO types.  They were analyzed using the disinformation triangle model by Victoria L. Rubin. The results showed that the highest intensity of COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation was in March, April, and May. Misinformation and disinformation are mostly disseminated through the platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. The types of content that are most widely shared are misleading content, fabricated content, and false context. Besides, personal opinions are also the source of the most common COVID-19 misinformation during January-July 2020


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    The high growth of hotels in Yogyakarta caused a fierce competition with each other, thus demanding a strategy to survive in the midst of intense competition. One of the strategies that used by the hotel is media relations strategy. This study discus about media relations strategy of Hotel Neo+ Yogyakarta in building its brand image. The goal is to find out how media relations strategy that built by Neo+ Awana Hotel Yogyakarta’s public relations in building its brand image. In this study, the author found that public relations at Neo+ Awana Hotel Yogyakarta not specifically put in a division, but the field of sales & marketing division operate the media relations activities. Media relations strategy run by Hotel Neo + Awana manifested in from creating actual event, introduction with press conference, public relations intimacy with media and facilitating media. The media relations strategy had done with the aim to get a positive image of the company in the eyes of the public

    VALUE OF LEADERSHIP IN SOEKARNO FILM (Study of Pentad Analysis on The Movie “Soekarno” by Hanung Bramantyo)

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    In Indonesia, the issue of corruption is still a serious problem. According to KPK, there were 670 corruption cases from 2004 to June 2017. The issue of corruption is often associated with the lack of an exemplary figure in Indonesia who is clean and has integrity. If it is connected with the world of film that often portrays the phenomenon of society, the scarcity of integrity figures makes many films that still present characters from the past such as in the film Sukarno. This research was conducted to find out how the representation of leadership values in Sukarno's film used the advanced analysis method and the theory of dramaticism. This study concluded that the values of leadership in Soekarno's film were shown in five important elements consisting of scenes, agent, act, agency, and purpose. Soekarno's leadership emerged in certain circumstances when Soekarno faced the Dutch the character of leadership changed aggressively, bravely, without compromise. When facing Japan, Soekarno using political and diplomatic strategies. Also included with the people, Soekarno is more featuring a harmonious, democratic and family concept


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    Nowadays, the phenomenon of religious-themed films is increasingly emerging in Indonesia, because Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, making it one of the target markets for religious nuances. Film web series Teman ke Surga are interesting as learning media for religious moral values in the midst of the rise of television films, most of which are not in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The formulation of the problem in this research is how is the perception of the public in the Yogyakarta Regional Yuk Ngaji community towards the moral message in the web series film "Teman ke Surga". This study aims to find out the moral message in a friend's film series web to Teman ke Surga in detail the perceptions of the community of Yuk Ngaji about the moral message in web series Teman ke Surga. The theory used in this study is the uses and effect theory and perception theory. This type of research is qualitative research. The technique of collecting data uses observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that web series films are an alternative medium in educating Muslims in accordance with Islamic law. In the Teman ke Surga web series the message conveyed is to hasten marriage in Islam, obedience to parents, Compliance with Wives Against Husbands. Informant perceptions interpret the Teman ke Surga web series film, which is about the rules of how teenagers do not delay in marriage when they are considered capable of getting married in Islam about how to solve every problem in marriage, how jurisprudence is recommended in developing husband and wife relations, how Islam forbids dating before marriage and obedience of wife to husband


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    Sendangdalem Tourism Village is located in Sendangdalem, Padureso District, Kebumen Regency, Central Java. Prime tour packages are river tubing, spiritual. This community service programe analyzes the potential of Sendangdalem Village. The programes are carried out by conducting in-depth interviews, observations and discussions with the village government, community groups and tourism village management groups (pokdarwis). The result of this activity is potential mapping of Sendangdalem village. This potential mapping will be the basis for the development of tour packages from the Sendangdalem tourism village. Based on the results of potential mapping, it can be seen that the attraction for tourists besides of the daily-basis life of the community, it can become a community-based tourist attraction in Kebumen Regency

    Self-Concept of Milenial Generation in Managing the Boundaries of Information on Privacy on Social Media

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    This research is motivated by the fact that humans have two strong desires in themselves, namely the desire to be one with each other or other humans around them and the desire to become one with the surrounding natural environment. Privacy is used to express themselves, so someone needs a room that supports these interests. Where each individual sets the distance for closeness with other individuals, and the ability of a person or group to decide when and to whom personal information can be shared, in the way desired by the owner of the information. The purpose of this study was to determine the millennial self-concept in managing privacy information boundaries. The management of privacy information boundaries is discussed in the process of five basic assumptions on the theory of communication privacy management. This research uses constructivist paradigm with descriptive research type. The research method used is phenomenology, data collection techniques in this study were obtained through premier data: in-depth interviews and secondary data through: literature study, documentation sourced in books, journals and the internet. Data validity checking technique used is auhenticity & triangulation (sources). The results of the following research are millennial self-concept in managing privacy information by controlling the privacy information that is collected and collected, then millennial makes boundaries with people who can understand and understand the rules that have been agreed upon, control information that has been shared with others, after that millennial made rules that had been mutually agreed upon in the disclosure of information, and in responding to the occurrence of safety information, 11 millennial informants chose to withdraw and 3 millennial informants maintained a good relationship