123 research outputs found
British and Pakistani children's understanding of death: Cultural and developmental influences
This study explored British and Pakistani 4- to 7-year-olds’ (N = 188 understanding of death. The aim was to examine possible influences on the acquisition of the subcomponents of the death concept by investigating how they are understood by children of different ages and cultural and religious backgrounds. Three groups of children were compared: White British and British Muslim living in London, and Pakistani Muslim living in rural Pakistan. In line with previous research (Slaughter, 2005, Aust. Psychol., 40(3), 179), irreversibility of death was one of the first subcomponents to be acquired, while causality was the last. The two groups of British children shared many similarities in their understanding of inevitability, applicability, irreversibility, and cessation. Pakistani Muslim children understood irreversibility earlier than did children in both British groups. In all three cultural groups, children’s responses demonstrated very limited understanding of causality. Our findings support the view that aspects of a mature understanding of death develop between the ages of 4 and 7 years and that the process of understanding death as a biological event is, to a great extent, universal. They also suggest that aspects of children’s reasoning are influenced by culturally specific experiences, particularly those arising from living in rural versus urban settings
Salt-induced regulation of photosynthetic capacity and ion accumulation in some genetically diverse cultivars of radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Salt-induced changes in growth, various gas exchange characteristics, and ion accumulation were examined during a greenhouse experiment on six radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cultivars i.e., Radish Red Neck, Radish Lal Pari, Radish Mino Japani, Radish 40 Days, Mannu Early and Desi. Varying levels of salt (0, 80, and 160 mM NaCl) of the growth medium markedly decreased the shoot and root dry weights, relative water contents, osmotic potential, photosynthetic and transpiration rates, stomatal conductance, substomatal CO2 concentration, Ci /Ca ratio, water use effi ciency, leaf and root K+ and Ca2+, while increasing the leaf and root Na+ and Cl- of all six radish cultivars. Of all cultivars, Mannu Early and Desi were higher in shoot and root dry weights than the other cultivars, and thus, they were ranked as relatively salt tolerant. However, none of the earlier mentioned physiological attributes was found to be an effective criterion in discriminating the six radish cultivars. Overall, the response of each cultivar to salt stress appraised using various physiological attributes was specific
Let be a commutative ring with unity, be -algebras and be an -bimodule. Let be a -torsion free triangular algebra. In this article, we prove that every multiplicative Lie -higher derivation on triangular algebras has the standard form. Also, the main result is applied to some classical examples of triangular algebras such as upper triangular matrix algebras and nest algebras
Regulation in some vital physiological attributes and antioxidative defense system in carrot (Daucus carota L.) under saline stress
Regulation of some key metabolic phenomena including antioxidative defense system involved in plant salt tolerance is of great concern. Changes in chlorophyll pigments, chlorophyll fl uorescence and leaf gas exchange characteristics, glycinebetaine and proline contents, and enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants was assessed in two carrot (Daucus carota L.) cultivars, DC-4 and T-29 under saline stress in a greenhouse study. Application of different saline regimes (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM NaCl) to the growth medium considerably reduced the shoot and root fresh and dry weights, shoot and root lengths, chlorophyll b contents, leaf water potential (Ψw), leaf osmotic potential (Ψs), photosynthetic rate (A), water-use effi ciency, sub-stomatal CO2 concentration (Ci), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E), Ci/Ca ratio, leaf and root K+ and Ca2+ contents, leaf MDA, total phenolics, total soluble proteins, and activities of CAT, SOD and POD enzymes, while a marked increase was observed in leaf turgor potential (Ψp), leaf and root Na+ and Cl- contents, leaf proline, glycinebetaine (GB), ascorbic acid (AsA) and H2O2 contents in both cultivars. Of both carrot cultivars, cultivar T-29 was relatively higher in shoot and root fresh weights, root Na+, leaf and root Ca2+, leaf proline, MDA, total phenolics, soluble proteins and activity of SOD enzyme. In contrast, cultivar DC-4 was relatively higher in leaf Ψw and Ψs, leaf K+, root Ca2+ and leaf GB as compared to those in the other cultivar. The relatively better growth of cultivar T-29 was found to be correlated with improved leaf water potential, leaf Ca2+, proline, phenolics, and activity of SOD enzyme under saline conditions
Factors Affecting the Rate of Breast Cancer; Role of Heavy Metals
Breast cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of breast cells. It is more common in women as compared tothat in men. The breast cancer may be interlinked with the drinking of alcohol, smoking, sex, hormonal therapy, obesity,family history and age. Various epidemiologic studies suggest the role of metals e.g., nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), arsenic(As),selenium (Se)and cadmium (Cd)as potential risk factors in breast cancer. Humans are exposed to these metals bymeans of drinking water, food and air. The oxidative theory suspects that the complexes formed from these metals invivo, near the location of DNA, catalyze the redox reactions which results in oxidation of DNA. The metals like arsenic(As), chromium (Cr), aluminum (Al), cadmium (Cd) and chromium (Cr)which exist in trace amount are considered ascarcinogens for organisms by IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). The carcinogenicity of these metalsmainly depends upon their chemical structure and oxidation states
Jakten på de skjulte faktorene: Årsakene til manglende etnisk mangfold i reklamebransjen
I denne masteravhandlingen utforskes årsakene til det manglende mangfoldet i Oslos
reklamebransje, med fokus på minoriteters studie- og karrierevalg, og reklamebransjens rekrutteringsprosesser. En gjennomgang av tidligere forskning utleder fem proposisjoner som danner grunnlaget til en konseptuell modell som ser på både tilbuds- og etterspørselssiden av flerkulturell og etnisk mangfoldig arbeidskraft til reklamebransjen. Tidligere forskningsfunn argumenterer for at sammensetningen av reklamebyråenes arbeidsstokk har en sterk påvirkning på markedskommunikasjonen som utvikles. Effektivisert markedskommunikasjon rettet mot etniske minoritetssegmenter utgjør derfor bakgrunnen til dette studiet. Studiets problemstilling blir belyst ved bruk av en metodetriangulering. Både kvalitative og kvantitative tilnærminger benyttes for fem forskjellige undersøkelser som tester studiets proposisjoner, og viser til hvilke faktorer som gjør seg gjeldende som årsakene til manglende mangfold i reklamebransjen. Studiet viser til at minoriteter i stor grad har et fokus og orientering mot «statusutdanninger» og derav profesjonsyrker som ikke gir relevant kompetanse til å jobbe i en kreativ bransje, slik som reklamebransjen. Funnene viser at kjennskap og orientering til kreative høyskoleutdanninger er lavere blant minoritetsungdom. Samtidig påpeker våre informanter at kompetanse til å jobbe i reklamebransjen ikke nødvendigvis trenger å komme fra de kreative høyskoleutdanningene, bransjen er minst like avhengig av kompetanse fra merkantile skoler som Handelshøyskolen BI eller Markedshøyskolen. Handelshøyskolen BI har for eksempel et godt etnisk mangfold blant sine studenter. Studiet peker derfor på at reklamebransjen i Oslo må strekke seg i større grad mot en mangfoldorientering i sin rekrutteringspraksis. Funnene viser at reklamebransjen i Oslo har et lavt etnisk mangfold til tross for at bransjen i stor grad kjenner til fordelene med å ha mangfold i arbeidsstokken og det som er kjent som etnisk markedsføring. Mye tyder på at en viktig delforklaring til denne etniske homogeniteten er fordi bransjen i stor grad har en lukket, nettverks- og relasjonsbasert rekruttering. Det fremkommer også at bransjens arbeidskraft i stor grad forflytter seg internt. Andre funn viser til at homogene bransjer ikke er like tiltrekkende for etniske minoriteter, det sees på som et gjeldende bidrag i studiets funn, og som en del forklaring til at få etniske minoriteter attraheres til Oslos reklamebransje – som i stor grad ikke ansees som en attraktiv arbeidsplass
The chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts of Mangifera indica seeds were subjected to preliminary antimicrobial activity against two Gram- positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus ) three Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and two fungi, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans.The seeds chloroform and methanol extracts showed high activity against all organisms tested. The aqueous extract showed high activity against both Gram-positive organisms and one Gram-negative bacteria namely Proteus vulgaris, low activity against Escherichia coli, and was inactive against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Therefore the active chloroform and methanol extracts were further tested against sixty clinical ; Staphyllococcus aureus (n=15 ), Escherichia coli (n=15 ), Proteus vulgaris (n=15 ) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=15 ) and the aqueous extract was tested against thirty clinical isolates of Staphyllococcus aureus (n=15 ) and Proteus vulgaris (n=15 ) collected randomly from specimens from Sudanese patients. The clinical isolates exhibited low susceptibility compared to the standard organisms. The standard organisms were tested against reference antibiotics (Ampicillin and Gentamicin). It was found that the chloroform extract of Mangifera indica seeds at 200 mg/ml was more effective than 20mg/ml Ampicillin and15ug/ml Gentamicin against the majority of the organisms tested.The methanol extract at 200mg/ml was more effective than 40mg/ml Gentamicin against the organisms tested.The aqueous extract was more effective than 40mg/ml Ampicillin against the majority of the organisms tested. All extracts were inactive against Aspergillus niger.Both chloroform and methanol extracts were active against Candida albicans while the aqueous extract was inactive. Therefore C.albicans is more susceptible than A.niger.The chloroform extract inhibited C.albicans with inhibitory action between 25-50mg/ml Nystatin and the methanol extract inhibited C.albicans with inhibitory action almost similar to 10mg /ml Clotrimazole.Therefore the high activity of the plant might justify its uses in traditional medicine
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