3,403 research outputs found

    The recruitment of ERK, Cortactin, and WASP in the process of enzymatic secretion of Zymogen granules following CCK stimulation

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    Includes bibliographical references.Cellular secretion has been extensively studied in physiology. It is the process whereby cellular products are released outside the cell for with the pancreatic secretion of digestive enzymes being the best example. The secretory vesicles are thought to move by cytoskeletal rearrangements in the cell to reach the plasma membrane. The goal of this research was to identify proteins that might contribute to cytoskeletal rearrangement and determine whether they assemble at zymogen granules during secretion. These protein integral components include extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK), Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASP), and cortactin. This research indeed confirmed the presence of all three protiens on the zymogen granule following stimulation with CCK (2nM). ERK became apparent on the zymogen granule during a time course after stimulation with 2nM CCK. The ERK phosphorylation at the zymogen granule was also shown to be dependent on protein kinase C (PKC) and phosphatidyl inositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PI3K). The presence of cortactin and WASP was observed on the zymogen granule and provides a potential role in the cytoskeletal rearrangement necessary to traffic the vesicles to the plasma membrane. It is proposed, through this research, that ERK phosphorylates cortactin at the zymogen granule. Cortactin will subsequently activate WASP, which then stimulates cytoskeletal rearrangements through the Arp2/3 complex. These changes in the cytoskeleton are likely necessary to move the vesicle to the plasma membrane for secretion.B.S. (Bachelor of Science

    The Parasite Giardia

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    The focus of this research is to better understand how this parasite works. The protozoan Giardia spp is found all over the world and in many species such as dogs, cats, and humans. From its two different forms to the microscopic size of both forms to its ability to destroy intestinal villi and cause symptoms like other parasitic infections, Giardia spp is continuously misdiagnosed. Upon further observation at veterinary clinics and researching science articles, Giardia spp is most commonly found in pets but has the potential to spread to humans via contaminated water. The most commonly infected humans are hikers, children, and travelers. The best time to contract Giardia is during the summer and early fall, which is when most people are active. Once again, this paper will delve deeper into the history of Giardia spp, transmission routes, and which species are affected. Additionally, the characteristics of this protozoan, the symptoms, and the different treatments that can be used to eliminate Giardia spp

    The Parasite Giardia

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    The focus of this research is to better understand how this parasite works. The protozoan Giardia spp is found all over the world and in many species such as dogs, cats, and humans. From its two different forms to the microscopic size of both forms to its ability to destroy intestinal villi and cause symptoms like other parasitic infections, Giardia spp is continuously misdiagnosed. Upon further observation at veterinary clinics and researching science articles, Giardia spp is most commonly found in pets but has the potential to spread to humans via contaminated water. The most commonly infected humans are hikers, children, and travelers. The best time to contract Giardia is during the summer and early fall, which is when most people are active. Once again, this paper will delve deeper into the history of Giardia spp, transmission routes, and which species are affected. Additionally, the characteristics of this protozoan, the symptoms, and the different treatments that can be used to eliminate Giardia spp


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    Biological And Computational Studies Of The Structure And Function Of Pul103, A Human Cytomegalovirus Tegument Protein

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is an enveloped, single segment, double-stranded DNA virus. HCMV infection causes disease in immunocompromised (HIV patients, transplant recipients) and immunodeficient (fetuses, neonates) populations. Current treatments are effective but are either limited in use or can lead to organ damage and/or antiviral resistance, and no vaccines are available. Additional antiviral targets are needed. HCMV pUL103 is a potential antiviral target. pUL103 is a conserved herpesvirus protein present in the tegument, layer of proteins and RNA between the envelope and capsid of HCMV virions. pUL103 helps reorganize cellular secretory machinery (Golgi, endosomes) to form the cytoplasmic virion assembly compartment (cVAC) that is hypothesized to facilitate efficient virion assembly and egress. pUL103 is also important for cell-to-cell spread and virion maturation. The structure, function, and mechanisms of action of pUL103 are unknown. To identify amino acids important for pUL103 functions, I aligned the sequences of 14 pUL103 homologs using MUSCLE (Multiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation). My data showed 12 conserved amino acids outside of the conserved herpesvirus domain. Within the N terminus there are 13 conserved residues, which shows the importance of this region and these residues in pUL103 function. To guide biological studies of pUL103, I used I-TASSER (Iterative Threading ASSEmbly Refinement) to predict structures of pUL103 and its homologs HSV-1 pUL7 (pUL7) and EBV BBRF2 (BBRF2) using their amino acid sequences. My data showed (a) their predicted secondary structures are similar, (b) the predicted structure of BBRF2 differs from pUL103 and pUL7, which are similar, and (c) the predicted pUL103 structure aligned with the non-catalytic LIM domain of human terminal uridylyl transferase 4 (TUT4), a nucleotidyl transferase domain lacking catalytic residues. This data suggests pUL103 may bind nucleic acids; experiments can be designed to test this hypothesis. To identify when pUL103 mechanistic studies should be performed, I determined when pUL103 is necessary for maximal cVAC abundance. During 120-hour infections, I showed pUL103 must be present between 72 and 84 hpi. Such studies might include analysis of virion assembly, intra- and extracellular viral titers, and deep temporal and spatial proteomics analysis of viral and cellular proteins during this process

    Data-Driven Scratch Generation for Rigid-Body Models

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    The procedural scratch generation process for rigid-body models automates the process of locating and painting scratches on a texture map. A script computes points where a scratch is most likely to occur at each frame of an animation sequence based on whether the distance between two objects lies within a threshold. These points are then used to create a map of the scratch pattern to guide the blending of scratches onto the image. The tool may be useful to expedite the animated film production pipeline as well as predict areas of wear on machines before they are manufactured

    Is Major League Baseball Striking Out? In-Game Advertising and Its Effects on America\u27s Pastime

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    The purpose of this thesis is to determine the effectiveness of in-game advertisements at Major League Baseball games. Average attendance at Major League Baseball games has been steadily declining for years. Simultaneously, the average length of a professional baseball game has increased significantly. Secondary research has shown that just a few minutes of advertising per game could add up to hours of extra playing time per season. There is ample research available on the evolution and frequency of in-game advertisement, but little has been done to study the actual effectiveness of in-game advertising. Therefore, I conducted primary research in the form of a national survey, in order to determine whether in-game advertising is effective. Given Major League Baseball\u27s current situation, the results of this survey are especially relevant. In-game advertisements may be tied to a wide array of consequences, which affect both game attendance and average game length. Throughout this thesis, I propose that excessive in-game advertisements are a key underlying factor that has led to low attendance numbers and longer games. By conducting a national survey, I gathered data on consumers\u27 perceptions of in-game advertisements at Major League Baseball games. Based on those data, along with a compilation of secondary research, I have recommended several solutions that could leave Major League Baseball, its players, consumers, and advertisers all better off

    Sleep and Food Preferences

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    Short sleep duration is correlated with an increased BMI, but the mechanisms behind this relationship are not fully known. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of sleep deprivation on dietary intake. Medical residents in good health served as subjects in this crossover study. Twenty adults aged 25 to 48 years completed two testing visits: one sleep deprived (≤ 4 hours of sleep) and one normal (≥ 6 hours of sleep). Food and beverage intake was collected on the days before and after testing by direct observation of breakfast and completion of 24-hour dietary recalls. Sleep deprivation did not significantly affect total energy intake the day after sleep manipulation. Mean energy intake under the sleep deprived condition was 2164.49± 946 calories and 2365.98±844 calories under the normal sleep condition (p=0.57). No differences were seen in macronutrient distribution between the two conditions. There were also no differences in caffeine, fiber, sodium, or sugar intake between the two conditions. In contrast to our expectation, sleep deprivation had no effect on total energy intake or macronutrient distribution. Further research in this area should continue to be conducted as similar studies have found mixed results, and no conclusive statements can be made at this time

    Providing Jobs, Skills and Hope: A Communication Plan for Handi-Capable Hands

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    poster abstractThis communication plan seeks to support a resource development campaign that is to be implemented by Handi-Capable Hands (HCH). With the overarching business development and associate recruitment goals in mind, a series of communication theory based recommendations were developed for HCH