1,303 research outputs found

    Board Walk – October 2019

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    Intravenous ketamine for subacute treatment of refractory chronic migraine: a case series.

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    BACKGROUND: Refractory migraine is a challenging condition with great impact on health related quality of life. Intravenous (IV) ketamine has been previously used to treat various refractory pain conditions. We present a series of patients with refractory migraine treated with intravenous ketamine in the hospital setting. METHODS: Based on retrospective chart review, we identified six patients with refractory migraine admitted from 2010 through 2014 for treatment with intravenous ketamine. Ketamine was administered using a standard protocol starting with a dose of 0.1 mg/kg/hr and increased by 0.1 mg/kg/hr every 3 to 4 h as tolerated until the target pain score of 3/10 was achieved and maintained for at least 8 h. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) scores at time of hospital admission were obtained as well as average baseline VAS scores prior to ketamine infusion. A phone interview was conducted for follow-up of migraine response in the 3 to 6 months following ketamine infusion. RESULTS: The study sample had a median age of 36.5 years (range 29-54) and 83% were women. Pre-treatment pain scores ranged from 9 to 10. All patients achieved a target pain level of 3 or less for 8 h; the average ketamine infusion rate at target was 0.34 mg/kg/hour (range 0.12-0.42 mg/kg/hr). One patient reported a transient out-of-body hallucination following an increase in the infusion rate, which resolved after decreasing the rate. There were no other significant side effects. CONCLUSION: IV ketamine was safely administered in the hospital setting to patients with refractory chronic migraine. Treatment was associated with short term improvement in pain severity in 6 of 6 patients with refractory chronic migraine. Prospective placebo-controlled trials are needed to assess short term and long-term efficacy of IV ketamine in refractory chronic migraine

    PACAP38 in human models of primary headaches

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    Abstract Background To review the role of PACAP38 in human models of primary headaches, discuss possible mechanisms of PACAP38-induced migraine, and outline future directions. Discussion Experimental studies have established PACAP38 as a potent pharmacological “trigger” molecule of migraine-like attacks. These studies have also revealed a heterogeneous PACAP38 migraine response in migraine without aura patients. In addition, findings from brain imaging studies have demonstrated neuronal and vascular changes in migraine patients both ictally and interictally after PACAP38 infusion. Conclusion Human migraine models have shed light on the importance of PACAP38 in the pathophysiology of primary headaches. These studies have also pointed to the PAC1 receptor and the PACAP38 molecule itself as target sites for drug testing. Future research should seek to understand the mechanisms underlying PACAP38-induced migraine. The results from an ongoing proof of concept randomized clinical trial may reveal the therapeutic potential of anti-PAC1 receptor antibodies for migraine prevention

    PENGGUNAAN PERMAINAN A CREATIVE STORY DALAM MENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN BERBICARA BAHASA JEPANG: Penelitian Eksperimen Kuasi Terhadap Siswa Kelas XI MIA 2 SMA Negeri 5 Cimahi Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    Dalam berbahasa terdapat 4 aspek penting yang harus dikuasai, salah satunya adalah aspek berbicara. Aspek keterampilan berbicara akan sangat baik jika sudah diterapkan sejak dini, sedangkan pada kenyataannya terdapat masalah yang ditemui di SMAN 5 Cimahi bahwa siswa kelas XI masih belum menguasai keterampilan berbicara dalam bahasa Jepang. Sedangkan kompetensi dasar kemampuan berbicara untuk siswa SMA adalah menyampaikan berbagai informasi secara lisan dengan lafal yang tepat dengan kalimat sederhana sesuai konteks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Jepang dengan menggunakan permainan A Creative Story serta tanggapan siswa mengenai metode permainan ini dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen kuasi, dengan mengambil sampel penelitian pada siswa kelas XI MIA 2 SMA Negeri 5 Cimahi sebanyak 39 orang. Setelah analisis data, diperoleh hasil t-hitung lebih besar daripada t-tabel, maka Hk diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dari hasil kemampuan berbicara setelah pembelajaran menggunakan metode permainan A Creative Story. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode permainan A Creative Story efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran sehari-hari. Selain itu, dari hasil angket diketahui sebagian besar responden memberikan respon positif pada metode permainan A Creative Story. ----------In case of language there are 4 important aspects that must be understood, speaking aspect is one of them. Speaking ability aspect will be much better if been used since younger age, meanwhile in reality, there are problems that I encountered in 5 senior high school of Cimahi that the eleventh grade student’s Japanese speaking ability is not capable yet. While the speaking skill’s basic competencies of senior high school student is to deliver any kind of information, orally with a right pronunciation and simple sentence according to the context. This research’s aims is to find out how the Japanese speaking skill’s improvement by using a creative story game and students response about this game method in Japanese teaching and learning activities. This research is using a quasi experimental method, by taking a research sample in class XI MIA 2 of SMA Negeri 5 Cimahi as many as 39 students After the data is analyzed, the t-hitung obtained results is higher than t-tabel, then Hk is accepted. This shows that there are significant speaking ability differences after using a creative story game learning method. It can be concluded that the learning method of game a creative story is effective to be use in daily lesson. In addition, from the questionnaire’s results is known that most respondents gave a positive response to a creative story learning game method

    Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS) Through Bibliometric Lenses

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    Abstract Purpose: This study aims to examine the published data from the journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS). A quarterly journal of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). The study\u27s goal is to provide a venue for exchanging ideas and research in the library field. Designed/methodology/approach: The Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS) published work between 2015 and 2021 is analyzed using a bibliometric technique. The Authorship Pattern is part of the analysis. Contributions from various organizations and the most dynamic authorship and geographic distribution of the published work. Research limitation(s): The research was limited to five years of performance from 2015 to 2021, and no other factors were considered for this paper. Key finding(s): During 2015-21, a total of 445 Authors contributed 230 papers, averaging 5.2 articles per issue. According to the study, single authors authored 131 (57 percent) of the 230 publications, and the most prolific authors were from the United States of America. Practical implication(s): According to this study, the current style and publication procedures have gaps and loopholes. The analysis will surely raise awareness among potential authors, readers, and library information professionals in general and Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS) stakeholders and scholars. This research will aid in determining the journal\u27s scope and coverage. Contribution to knowledge: The present research will further highlight the scope of JELIS and contribute a handsome knowledge for the scholars in Canada and abroad. Stakeholders of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) and editors of this journal will boost their quality by reading this article. This contribution is the first attempt on JELIS and no other paper relevant to bibliometric on this journal has been contributed by others. This will also help novice researchers who want to research bibliometric examination of various journals and scholarly databases. It will add a scholarly realm by assisting and expanding knowledge’s boundaries

    Estimating the hourly electricity profile of Japanese households – Coupling of engineering and statistical methods

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    AbstractUnderstanding the hourly electricity profile and the electricity consumption by each appliance is essential for encouraging energy-saving measures in the household sector. There are two methods for identifying energy consumption for households in existing studies: the engineering and the statistical methods. Both methods have strengths and limitations. In this study, we developed a hybrid method based on the statistical method by combining following three steps using knowledge of the engineering method; externalizing the electricity consumption for the refrigerator, adding the number of at-home-and-awake members as explanatory variables, and restricting appliance usage hours. The proposed hybrid method could adequately reproduce the total hourly electricity consumption and seasonal variation compared to the engineering method, and could decompose major appliances, some of which that were not disaggregated by the statistical method. For the quantitative analysis of the model improvement, we calculated Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for each method with direct metering data. For most of appliances, RMSE and MAE of hybrid model were improved from 11% to 71% compared to the existing methods. The collection of more samples to increase the accuracy of the estimation and application to areas of low statistical data availability are future steps

    Structural and functional brain changes in migraine

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    Migraine is a prevalent primary headache disorder and is usually considered as benign. However, structural and functional changes in the brain of individuals with migraine have been reported. High frequency of white matter abnormalities, silent infarct-like lesions, and volumetric changes in both gray and white matter in individuals with migraine compared to controls have been demonstrated. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies found altered connectivity in both the interictal and ictal phase of migraine. MR spectroscopy and positron emission tomography studies suggest abnormal energy metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction, as well as other metabolic changes in individuals with migraine. In this review, we provide a brief overview of neuroimaging studies that have helped us to characterize some of these changes and discuss their limitations, including small sample sizes and poorly defined control groups. A better understanding of alterations in the brains of patients with migraine could help not only in the diagnosis but may potentially lead to the optimization of a targeted anti-migraine therapy
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