61 research outputs found

    Effect of environmental history on the physiology and acute stress response of the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica)

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    Oysters are a critical part of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, so it is important to understand how they might respond to increasingly variable and potentially stressful environmental conditions. This study aimed to investigate the links between environmental history and oyster physiology in order to understand how oysters might perform in future conditions. The objectives of this study were to (1) examine how environmental history might influence oyster physiology, (2) evaluate how environmental history might influence physiological stress responses, (3) assess the relative importance of distal and proximal environmental history on oyster physiology, and (4) determine the relative importance of distal and proximal environmental history on physiological stress responses. Oysters were deployed at four different sites from July to November 2018. After that period, half of the oysters at each site were collected for analysis, and the other half were redeployed in common garden conditions for one month prior to collection and analysis. After each collection, some oysters from each group were analyzed for glycogen and condition index analysis, while other oysters were subjected to an acute salinity exposure. After the exposure, total antioxidant potential was measured. Water quality was measured throughout field deployments and experimental treatments. Oysters from different sites had different physiological conditions, demonstrating that environmental history influenced physiology. However, oysters from different sites responded similarly to different acute salinity exposures, suggesting that environmental history may not influence stress physiology or that the experimental exposures did not induce stress. After common garden conditions, the physiological states of the oysters changed in different ways from their initial states. However, some physiological traits experienced similar changes from their initial states after common garden condition, indicating that portions of environmental history can affect physiological components in a variety of ways. The site of an oyster’s initial deployment affected how stress responses changed from their initial states in response to common garden conditions; the significance of site indicates that distal history may play a significant role in shaping physiological stress responses. The acute salinity exposure did not have an effect on the change in stress responses from their initial states in response to common garden conditions, suggesting that the experimental treatments may have been insufficient in inducing a stress response. By utilizing knowledge about environmental history and its influence on an oyster’s physiological state, better predictions can be made concerning how oyster health and performance might be shaped by future environmental conditions under climate change

    Effect of environmental history on the physiology and acute stress response of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica

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    Environmental history (regimes of water quality to which an organism has been exposed in the past) may influence how the physiology of eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica responds to future environmental conditions caused by climate change. Previous research has examined environmental history in a 1-dimensional framework, failing to capture environmental history complexity through space and time. In this study, we examined environmental history as a multi-faceted parameter, incorporating abiotic water quality components, such as temperature, pH, and salinity, that differ among locations. We also assessed how different lengths of environmental histories, defined as proximal and distal, affected oyster physiology and stress response. Finally, we compared the relative influence of abiotic components of environmental history on oyster physiology. We found that physiology and stress response are differentially affected by proximal and distal environmental history, demonstrating the importance of examining environmental history as a multi-faceted and dynamic parameter. Specifically, distal environmental history primarily influenced condition index and total antioxidant potential, while proximal environmental history primarily influenced glycogen content. Salinity of distal environmental history significantly shaped condition index, establishing salinity as a principal factor when considering acclimatization to variable environments. No water quality components were significant in - fluences on glycogen and total antioxidant potential, providing opportunities for research on other components of environmental history. Identifying the temporal portion of oysters’ environmental history that influences physiology supports future efforts to predict population tolerance to climate change. Additionally, examining multiple abiotic and biotic components of environmental history can elucidate means of acclimatization to future environmental change

    Aplicación de herramientas Lean Manufacturing para mejorar la productividad en la Empresa TDEM S.R.L-SMP 2015

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    El presente proyecto de investigación nos da a conocer que la aplicación de las Herramientas Lean Manufacturing produce una mejora en la productividad. Esta investigación se efectuó en la empresa T.D.E.M S.R.L., esta empresa tiene problemas en lo que se refiere en la productividad, por este motivo con esta tesis se trata de mostrarle al gerente de la empresa que al aplicar las herramientas de Lean se produjo una mejora en la productividad. El objetivo general es determinar cómo las Herramientas de Lean manufacturing mejora la productividad de la empresa TDEM S.R.L. Se realizó un seguimiento del proceso, tomando datos durante agosto a noviembre de 2015 y después de la mejora durante diciembre 2015 a marzo 2016, en donde se observó el comportamiento de las variables mediante el uso de instrumentos el cual se aplicaron antes y después de la mejora. Dando como resultado la aceptación de la hipótesis alterna


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    Reproducibility of research is essential for science. However, in the way modern computational biology research is done, it is easy to lose track of small, but extremely critical, details. Key details, such as the specific version of a software used or iteration of a genome can easily be lost in the shuffle, or perhaps not noted at all. Much work is being done on the database and storage side of things, ensuring that there exists a space to store experiment-specific details, but current mechanisms for recording details are cumbersome for scientists to use. We propose a new metadata description language, named MEDFORD, in which scientists can record all details relevant to their research. Human-readable, easily-editable, and templatable, MEDFORD serves as a collection point for all notes that a researcher could find relevant to their research, be it for internal use or for future replication. MEDFORD has been applied to coral research, documenting research from RNA-seq analyses to photo collections

    Quantitative coronary CT angiography: absolute lumen sizing rather than %stenosis predicts hemodynamically relevant stenosis

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    This full day tutorial will use lectures and demonstrations from leading researchers and museum practitioners to present the principles and practices for robust photography-based digital techniques in museum contexts. The tutorial will present many examples of existing and cutting-edge uses of photography-based imaging including Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), Algorithmic Rendering (AR), camera calibration, and methods of imaged-based generation of textured 3D geometry. The tutorial will also explore a framework for Leading museums are now adopting the more mature members of this family of robust digital imaging practices. These practices are part of the emerging science known as Computational Photography (CP). The imaging family’s common feature is the purpose-driven selective extraction of information from sequences of standard digital photographs. The information is extracted from the photographic sequences by computer algorithms. The extracted information is then integrated into a new digital representations containing knowledge not present in the original photogs, examined either alone or sequentially. The tutorial will examine strategies that promote widespread museum adoption of empirical acquisition technologies, generate scientifically reliable digital representations that are ‘born archival’, assist this knowledge’s long-term digital preservation, enable its future reuse for novel purposes, aid the physical conservation of the digitally represented museum materials, and enable public access and research


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    Ekonomi Islam merupakan disiplin ilmu yang mengintegrasikan prinsip-prinsip syariah berdasarkan Al-Quran dan Hadits dengan konsep-konsep ekonomi. Sejarah perkembangan ekonomi Islam dapat dibagi menjadi tiga periode: klasik pada masa Nabi Muhammad SAW dan Hurafaul Rasyiddin, transisi atau stagnasi dinasti, dan periode modern. Siklus sejarah pemikiran ekonomi Islam mencakup era Nabi, era Hurafaul Rasyiddin, era dinasti, merkantilisme, kapitalisme, sosialisme, dan zaman modern. Tahap pertama pemikiran ekonomi Robbani dimulai pada tahun ketika Muhammad SAW diakui sebagai rasul, dengan Rasulullah SAW memberikan pedoman mengenai muamalah (bisnis dan ekonomi) serta siyasa (masalah sosial dan politik). Tujuan akhir ekonomi Islam adalah mencapai kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat melalui pola hidup yang baik dan terhormat, sesuai dengan Maqasid Syariah. Pemikiran ekonomi Islam menekankan pada penawaran dan permintaan, mekanisme pasar, penetapan harga yang adil, distribusi kekayaan yang maksimal, serta larangan terhadap riba, gharar, dan maysir untuk menciptakan keadilan setara di semua bidang. Pemahaman ajaran syariat yang bersumber dari Wahyu perlu terus dipelajari dan dipelihara. Sukses dalam ekonomi Islam dapat dicapai dengan mengenali tokoh-tokoh klasik atau modern yang telah mempublikasikan gagasan-gagasan tentang perkembangan ekonomi Islam. Tokoh-tokoh ini dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam aliran Iqtisaduna, aliran Mainstream, dan aliran Alternatif. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap ilmu ekonomi Islam dan penelitian terhadap gagasan tokoh-tokoh kunci menjadi kunci keberhasilan dalam menerapkan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

    Supplemental materials for preprint: SISTEM KOMPENSASI KERJA

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    Evaluasi Sistem Pemungutan Pajak Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Daerah

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    **Abstrak** Penelitian ini membahas evaluasi sistem pemungutan pajak untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah pada Badan Pendapatan Daerah. Sistem pemungutan pajak merupakan aspek penting dalam pembangunan negara untuk memperoleh sumber pendapatan yang dapat diandalkan. Pajak menjadi sumber utama pendapatan pemerintah untuk menutupi pengeluaran, termasuk dalam pembangunan dan konstruksi. Namun, terdapat berbagai kendala dalam proses pemungutan pajak, seperti lemahnya regulasi, rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat, dan ketidakakuratan database. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik triangulasi data untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang evaluasi sistem pemungutan pajak. Evaluasi sistem pemungutan pajak masih belum optimal dan belum memenuhi standar yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya pembaruan dalam perpajakan, peningkatan sosialisasi, dan kesadaran masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan pajak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya peninjauan dan solusi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas sistem pemungutan pajak dalam kontribusi terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah. Evaluasi sistem pemungutan pajak yang tepat dan efisien akan berdampak positif pada kemajuan ekonomi daerah
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