59 research outputs found

    Excessive Sensitivity to Uncertain Visual Input in L-DOPA-Induced Dyskinesias in Parkinson’s Disease: Further Implications for Cerebellar Involvement

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    When faced with visual uncertainty during motor performance, humans rely more on predictive forward models and proprioception and attribute lesser importance to the ambiguous visual feedback. Though disrupted predictive control is typical of patients with cerebellar disease, sensorimotor deficits associated with the involuntary and often unconscious nature of l-DOPA-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson’s disease (PD) suggests dyskinetic subjects may also demonstrate impaired predictive motor control. Methods: We investigated the motor performance of 9 dyskinetic and 10 non-dyskinetic PD subjects on and off l-DOPA, and of 10 age-matched control subjects, during a large-amplitude, overlearned, visually guided tracking task. Ambiguous visual feedback was introduced by adding “jitter” to a moving target that followed a Lissajous pattern. Root mean square (RMS) tracking error was calculated, and ANOVA, robust multivariate linear regression, and linear dynamical system analyses were used to determine the contribution of speed and ambiguity to tracking performance. Results: Increasing target ambiguity and speed contributed significantly more to the RMS error of dyskinetic subjects off medication. l-DOPA improved the RMS tracking performance of both PD groups. At higher speeds, controls and PDs without dyskinesia were able to effectively de-weight ambiguous visual information. Conclusion: PDs’ visually guided motor performance degrades with visual jitter and speed of movement to a greater degree compared to age-matched controls. However, there are fundamental differences in PDs with and without dyskinesia: subjects without dyskinesia are generally slow, and less responsive to dynamic changes in motor task requirements, but in PDs with dyskinesia, there was a trade-off between overall performance and inappropriate reliance on ambiguous visual feedback. This is likely associated with functional changes in posterior parietal–ponto–cerebellar pathways

    Designing Building Skins with Biomaterials

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    This chapter presents several successful examples of biomaterial facade design. It discusses facade function from aesthetical, functional, and safety perspectives. Special focus is directed on novel concepts for adaptation and special functionalities of facades. Analysis of the structure morphologies and aesthetic impressions related to the bio-based building facades is supported with photographs collected by authors in various locations. Finally, particular adaptations and special functionalities of bio-based facades going beyond traditional building envelope concept are supported by selected case studies

    Данные проспективного исследования особенностей системной красной волчанки у пациентов Кыргызстанa (Евразийский регистр РЕНЕССАНС)

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    Objective: to study and analyze the clinical and laboratory manifestations, course, and outcome of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in patients living in Kyrgyzstan.Patients and methods. The prospective study included 150 young patients aged 34 [26, 44] years in a Kyrgyz cohort (KC) with SLE, the disease of which was 3.0 [0.7; 10] years. All clinical, laboratory, and instrumental data of patients, health-related quality of life (HRQOL) indicators, and treatment regimens were recorded in the international research base, such as British Lupus Integrated Prospective System (BLIPS). SLE activity was assessed using the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index 2000 (SLEDAI-2K). At the end of the observation, the investigators assessed the following indicators: the number of exacerbations of SLE by the SELENA Flare Index (SFI); the onset of complete or drug-induced remission; the number of deaths; and the development of irreversible organ damages (IOD) according to the damage index (DI).Results and discussion. When seeing the physician for the first time, the KC included more patients with high (n=61 (40.66%)) and very high (n=40 (26.67%)) disease activity. Most (n=60 (40%)) patients were observed to have a subacute type of the course of the disease. At the first visit, the most common manifestations of SLE were damages to the skin (n=99 (72.67%)), serous membranes (n=91 (60.67%)), and lupus nephritis (n=79 (52.67%)). IODs were identified in 15.33% of the patients and were absent in 84.67%. IODs were more often due to the administration of glucocorticoids (GCs) in 43.48% of cases. However, GC therapy was not a predictor of organ damages (relative risk, 0.91; p>0.05). In the KC, the significant predictors of adverse outcomes were old-age onset SLE and its high activity, acute course, and frequent exacerbations.Conclusion. The KC patients had high and very high clinical and laboratory activities (40.6 and 26.6%, respectively), mainly those of acute and subacute SLE (32 and 40%, respectively), obvious immunological disorders. There was a preponderance of damages to the skin (73%), serous membranes (61%), and kidney (53%) among the clinical manifestations of SLE. IODs were found in 15.33% of patients at their study inclusion. These were more frequently represented by GC-induced changes. However, the ongoing GC therapy in the KC patients was not a predictor of organ damages. The significant predictors of an adverse outcome in our patients were old-age onset SLE and its high activity, acute course, and frequent exacerbations. Цель исследования – изучение и анализ клинико-лабораторных проявлений, течения и исхода системной красной волчанки (СКВ) у пациентов, проживающих в Кыргызстане.Пациенты и методы. В проспективное исследование включены 150 пациентов киргизской когорты (КК) с СКВ, молодого возраста (медиана возраста – 34 [26; 44] года, длительности заболевания – 3,0 [0,7; 10] года). Все клинико-лабораторные и инструментальные данные больных, показатели качества жизни, связанного со здоровьем (КЖСЗ), и схемы терапии регистрировались в международной исследовательской базе – British Lupus Integrated Prospective System (BLIPS). Активность СКВ оценивалась по индексу SLEDAI-2K. В конце наблюдения оценивались: число обострений СКВ по индексу SELENA Flare Index (SFI); наступление ремиссии (полной или медикаментозной); число летальных исходов; развитие необратимых органных повреждений (НП) по индексу повреждения (ИП).Результаты и обсуждение. При первичном обращении в КК преобладали пациенты с высокой (n=61; 40,66%) и очень высокой (n=40; 26,67%) активностью заболевания. У большинства (n=60; 40%) наблюдался подострый вариант течения болезни. Во время первого визита наиболее частыми проявлениями СКВ были поражение кожи (n=99; 72,67%), серозных оболочек (n=91; 60,67%) и волчаночный нефрит (ВН; n=79; 52,67%). НП выявлены у 15,33% больных, у 84,67% они отсутствовали. НП чаще (в 43,48% случаев) были обусловлены приемом глюкокортикоидов (ГК). Однако терапия ГК не была предиктором органных повреждений (относительный риск 0,91; p>0,05). В КК значимыми предикторами неблагоприятного исхода явились старший возраст пациентов в дебюте болезни, высокая активность, острое течение и частые обострения СКВ.Заключение. Пациенты КК отличались наличием высокой и очень высокой клинико-лабораторной активности (40,6 и 26,6% соответственно), преимущественно острого и подострого вариантов течения СКВ (32 и 40% соответственно), выраженными иммунологическими нарушениями. Среди клинических проявлений СКВ у них преобладало поражение кожи (73%), серозных оболочек (61%) и почек (53%). НП на момент включения выявлены у 15,33% больных. Чаще они были представлены изменениями, обусловленными приемом ГК. Однако проводимая терапия ГК в КК больных не была предиктором органных повреждений. Значимыми предикторами неблагоприятного исхода у наших пациентов являлись старший возраст пациентов в дебюте болезни, высокая активность, острое течение и частые обострения СКВ.