1,829 research outputs found

    Effects of Herding on Rangeland Use Efficiency in Kenya

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    Within each foraging itinerary, herders can intervene in the forage selection process, encouraging herds to use highly palatable and less palatable rangeland resources. Such a herding strategy could prevent rangeland degradation and increase livestock productivity. The objectives of this study were to examine forage availability and identify factors influencing stocking rates around night resting places on a ranch in Laikipia County, Kenya. Forage availability was measured along six regularly spaced transects around night resting places corralling one herd of camels, one mixed herd of goats and sheep, and two herds of cattle, with biomass sampling points at 50-, 150-, 250-, and 350-meter distance from the night resting places. Every four days, herbaceous biomass was collected at each sampling point and classified into monocotyledonous plants, dicotyledonous plants, and litter. Pooled samples of biomass were analyzed for their nutrient content. Activities of herders and herds were monitored. Stocking rates were calculated for the sampling points using georeferenced data of foraging itineraries recorded in 20-second intervals, area densities of herds measured by a hand-held global positioning system receiver, and live weights of all animals determined monthly. Except for the herd of camels, the distance to the night resting places had no effect on stocking rates. Not forage nutritive value, but palatability of dominant species on sampling points mainly influenced stocking rates, and thus forage availability. All livestock species sought patches dominated by Cynodon dactylon, possibly being overgrazed. Patches dominated by either Andropogon contortus or Themeda triandra were underused, as indicated by biomass accumulation. Thus, the efforts of the hired herders in this study did not lead to the desired herding effects. Therefore, motivating herders to design foraging itineraries utilizing diverse vegetation patches intentionally is crucial to an efficient use of rangeland resources, while meeting the nutritional requirements of animals

    An axisymmetric time-domain spectral-element method for full-wave simulations: Application to ocean acoustics

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    The numerical simulation of acoustic waves in complex 3D media is a key topic in many branches of science, from exploration geophysics to non-destructive testing and medical imaging. With the drastic increase in computing capabilities this field has dramatically grown in the last twenty years. However many 3D computations, especially at high frequency and/or long range, are still far beyond current reach and force researchers to resort to approximations, for example by working in 2D (plane strain) or by using a paraxial approximation. This article presents and validates a numerical technique based on an axisymmetric formulation of a spectral finite-element method in the time domain for heterogeneous fluid-solid media. Taking advantage of axisymmetry enables the study of relevant 3D configurations at a very moderate computational cost. The axisymmetric spectral-element formulation is first introduced, and validation tests are then performed. A typical application of interest in ocean acoustics showing upslope propagation above a dipping viscoelastic ocean bottom is then presented. The method correctly models backscattered waves and explains the transmission losses discrepancies pointed out in Jensen et al. (2007). Finally, a realistic application to a double seamount problem is considered.Comment: Added a reference, and fixed a typo (cylindrical versus spherical

    Body Mass Index, Neighborhood Fast Food and Restaurant Concentration, and Car Ownership

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    Eating away from home and particularly fast food consumption have been shown to contribute to weight gain. Increased geographic access to fast food outlets and other restaurants may contribute to higher levels of obesity, especially in individuals who rely largely on the local environment for their food purchases. We examined whether fast food and restaurant concentrations are associated with body mass index and whether car ownership might moderate this association. We linked the 2000 US Census data and information on locations of fast food and other restaurants with the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Study database, which consists of 2,156 adults sampled from 63 neighborhoods in Los Angeles County. Multilevel modeling was used to estimate associations between body mass index (BMI), fast food and restaurant concentration, and car ownership after adjustment for individual-level factors and socioeconomic characteristics of residential neighborhoods. A high concentration of local restaurants is associated with BMI. Car owners have higher BMIs than non-car owners; however, individuals who do not own cars and reside in areas with a high concentration of fast food outlets have higher BMIs than non-car owners who live in areas with no fast food outlets, approximately 12 lb more (p = 0.02) for an individual with a height of 5 ft. 5 in. Higher restaurant density is associated with higher BMI among local residents. The local fast food environment has a stronger association with BMI for local residents who do not have access to cars

    New method for the time calibration of an interferometric radio antenna array

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    Digital radio antenna arrays, like LOPES (LOFAR PrototypE Station), detect high-energy cosmic rays via the radio emission from atmospheric extensive air showers. LOPES is an array of dipole antennas placed within and triggered by the KASCADE-Grande experiment on site of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. The antennas are digitally combined to build a radio interferometer by forming a beam into the air shower arrival direction which allows measurements even at low signal-to-noise ratios in individual antennas. This technique requires a precise time calibration. A combination of several calibration steps is used to achieve the necessary timing accuracy of about 1 ns. The group delays of the setup are measured, the frequency dependence of these delays (dispersion) is corrected in the subsequent data analysis, and variations of the delays with time are monitored. We use a transmitting reference antenna, a beacon, which continuously emits sine waves at known frequencies. Variations of the relative delays between the antennas can be detected and corrected for at each recorded event by measuring the phases at the beacon frequencies.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, pre-print of article published in Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TJM-4Y9CF4B-4/2/37bfcb899a0f387d9875a5a0729593a

    Field water dynamics in integrated systems in the Brazilian.

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    Agroforestry systems were established as a viable option for Brazilian farmers in recent decades. Shading is expected to affect the system?s microclimate and thus it is likely to alter water fluxes to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration. In this study we measured the evapotranspiration (ET) with micro-lysimeters in four different treatments as a proxy for different land use systems at EMBRAPA Beef Cattle, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, located in Campo Grande-MS, Brasil. The four treatments are: Integrated systems with rows of Eucalypt (Eucalyptus urograndis) trees (ICLF), integrated systems without Eucalypt trees (ICL), continuous pasture (CP) and native Cerrado (Savannah) vegetation. In the ICLF and ICL plots Bracchiaria brizantha was planted and in the CP plots Brachiaria decumbens. To measure the evapotranspiration lysimeters (diameter of 10 cm and a depth of 20 cm) were inserted into the ground and weighed daily during a period of 8 weeks. Within the ICLF systems, measurements were conducted in three different distances to the tree rows. In the treatments without trees the lysimeters were distributed randomly. Results were linked to data from the microclimate, i.e. wind speed, air humidity, and global radiation