39 research outputs found
Amanuensis i botanikk Astrid Karlsen - en bemerkelsesverdig karriere for ei kvinne fra bygda
For vel 100 år siden (1922) fikk Astrid Karlsen stilling som amanuensis ved Bergens Museum og ble den første kvinne i en fast vitenskapelig stilling i botanikk ved museet. På denne tiden var en slik akademisk løpebane eksepsjonell for en kvinne fra landsbygda. Hennes videre akademiske karriere var lysende, men den ble verken rettlinjet og eller lang. Hun etterlot seg en arv verdt å ta vare på
Technology legitimation and strategic coupling: A cross-national study of floating wind power in Norway and Scotland
Building upon recent work in sustainability transitions studies and economic geography, this paper is concerned with the process of legitimation by which emerging technologies are aligned with broader societal rules and norms. Challenging the assumption of earlier research that legitimation occurs within regional and national borders, the paper views legitimation as set of transregional processes whereby the actors behind emerging technologies seek support from different regional and national organizations on an international basis. Inspired by the Global Production Networks (GPN) approach, the paper argues that technology legitimation can be understood as a trans-regional process of strategic coupling between the strategic needs of the industrial actors advancing new technologies and the efforts of national and regional organizations to promote their territories as leading nodes in emerging production networks. Empirically, the paper adopts a micro-level focus on the legitimation of a particular renewable energy technology: the Hywind floating wind power (FWP) technology, developed by the Norwegian energy firm, Equinor. The paper shows that the FWP technology was gradually legitimated in a pragmatic sense over the three stages of Hywind. The demonstration phase generated a temporary and conditional form of legitimacy at an intra-national scale, while the next phase, Hywind Scotland, generated a stronger and more durable form of legitimacy as the world’s first floating wind farm. This led to the internalisation of legitimacy from outside into the Norwegian energy regime (absorption) in the third stage of Hywind Tampen.publishedVersio
The roles of intermediaries in upgrading of manufacturing clusters: enhancing cluster absorptive capacity
Specialized clusters rely on common knowledge resources and extra-cluster linkages, but how such resources develop over time is unclear. A case in point is how extra-cluster linkages are integrated into intra-cluster networks and the role of different cluster actors in enhancing cluster absorptive capacity. The paper explores the role of cluster intermediaries in linking clusters to external knowledge sources and contributing to knowledge dissemination among cluster firms. This perspective is relevant as manufacturing firms are facing rapid changes in technology, such as those associated with ‘Industry 4.0’. Two manufacturing clusters in Norway are studied regarding cluster absorptive capacities and the role of cluster intermediaries. The authors derive two types of cluster intermediaries with different kinds of service provision well-adjusted to the firm structure. Cluster intermediaries in both cluster contexts can assist firms in tracking and adapting to rapid technological developments.publishedVersio
The role of state agency in path development: a longitudinal study of two Norwegian manufacturing regions
The role of the state remains underdeveloped in the regional path development literature. This paper analyses how the Norwegian state via different roles (regulator, purchaser, owner, facilitator) directly and indirectly has enabled and influenced path development in two defence-related high-tech manufacturing regions in Norway since the end of the Second World War, notably by contributing to the modification of localised assets and the strategic coupling of those assets to extra-regional defence-related and civilian markets.publishedVersio
Reinforcing path marginalization: revealing the unaccounted labor organization at a mining frontier in Indonesia
How could we conceptualize path development taking place in regions dominated by extracting industries and subsistence economies? The article expands existing Evolutionary Economic Geography theory by focussing on extractive economies in a peripheral region that has, thus far, barely been covered. It challenges existing conceptualizations by highlighting a tin producing island in Indonesia. The article introduces the concept of path marginalization and its reinforcing mechanisms that explain the dynamics between large and artisanal mining activities. It examines how the mining path is reproduced by the interaction between multiple forms of labour organization that are normally unaccounted for
Astrid Karlsen – en kvinnelig pionér i botanikken
Astrid Karlsen – a female pioneer in Botany.
In 1922 Astrid Karlsen became the first female scientist to be permanently employed at Bergen’s University Museum, at the botanic garden (now the ‘Museum Garden’). The authors document her early life, career, publications, and diverse other accomplishments. She started out as a student in plant physiology and later took up the study of the then rather little known 'slime moulds', Myxomycetes, in which she became a specialist. The article includes an epilogue on women scientists employed at the museum in and since her time
Blood volume, hemoglobin mass, and peak oxygen uptake in older adults : The Generation 100 Study
Exercise training and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin-I in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
The aims of this sub-study of the SMARTEX trial were (1) to evaluate the effects of a 12-week exercise training programme on serum levels of high sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) in patients with moderate chronic heart failure (CHF), in New York Heart Association class II-III with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and (2) to explore the associations with left ventricular remodelling, functional capacity and filling pressures measured with N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP).
Methods and results
In this sub-study, 196 patients were randomly assigned to high intensity interval training (HIIT, n = 70), moderate continuous training (MCT, n = 59) or recommendation of regular exercise (RRE), (n = 67) for 12 weeks. To reveal potential difference between structured intervention and control, HIIT and MCT groups were merged and named supervised exercise training (SET) group. The RRE group constituted the control group (CG). To avoid contributing factors to myocardial injury, we also evaluated changes in patients without additional co-morbidities (atrial fibrillation, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The relationship between hs-cTnI and left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD), VO2peak, and NT-proBNP was analysed by linear mixed models. At 12 weeks, Hs-cTnI levels were modestly but significantly reduced in the SET group from median 11.9 ng/L (interquartile ratio, IQR 7.1–21.8) to 11.5 ng/L (IQR 7.0–20.7), P = 0.030. There was no between-group difference (SET vs. CG, P = 0.116). There was a numerical but not significant reduction in hs-cTnI for the whole population (P = 0.067) after 12 weeks. For the sub-group of patients without additional co-morbidities, there was a significant between-group difference: SET group (delta −1.2 ng/L, IQR −2.7 to 0.1) versus CG (delta −0.1 ng/L, IQR −0.4 to 0.7), P = 0.007. In the SET group, hs-cTnI changed from 10.9 ng/L (IQR 6.0–22.7) to 9.2 ng/L (IQR 5.2–20.5) (P = 0.002), whereas there was no change in the CG (6.4 to 5.8 ng/L, P = 0.64). Changes in hs-cTnI (all patients) were significantly associated with changes in; LVEDD, VO2peak, and NT-proBNP, respectively.
In patients with stable HFrEF, 12 weeks of structured exercise intervention was associated with a modest, but significant reduction of hs-cTnI. There was no significant difference between intervention group and control group. In the sub-group of patients without additional co-morbidities, this difference was highly significant. The alterations in hs-cTnI were associated with reduction of LVEDD and natriuretic peptide concentrations as well as improved functional capacity.publishedVersio
Baseline and exercise predictors of VO2peak in systolic heart failure patients : Results from SMARTEX-HF
Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by American College of Sports Medicine in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise on 04/11/2019.Available online: https://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/FullText/2020/04000/Baseline_and_Exercise_Predictors_of_V_O2peak_in.5.aspxacceptedVersio