64 research outputs found

    Quantum phase-sensitive diffraction and imaging using entangled photons

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    We propose a novel quantum diffraction imaging technique whereby one photon of an entangled pair is diffracted off a sample and detected in coincidence with its twin. The image is obtained by scanning the photon that did not interact with matter. We show that when a dynamical quantum system interacts with an external field, the phase information is imprinted in the state of the field in a detectable way. The contribution to the signal from photons that interact with the sample scales as Ip1/2\propto I_{p}^{1/2}, where IpI_{p} is the source intensity, compared to Ip\propto I_{p} of classical diffraction. This makes imaging with weak-field possible, avoiding damage to delicate samples. A Schmidt decomposition of the state of the field can be used for image enhancement by reweighting the Schmidt modes contributions.Comment: In pres

    Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry and spectroscopy using entangled photons

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    Optical interferometry has been a long-standing setup for characterization of quantum states of light. Both the linear and the nonlinear interferences can provide information about the light statistics an underlying detail of the light-matter interactions. Here we demonstrate how interferometric detection of nonlinear spectroscopic signals may be used to improve the measurement accuracy of matter susceptibilities. Light-matter interactions change the photon statistics of quantum light, which are encoded in the field correlation functions. Application is made to the Hong-Ou-Mandel two-photon interferometer that reveals entanglement-enhanced resolution that can be achieved with existing optical technology


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    Dalam menunjang kegiatan operasional dilingkungan PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar harus didukung oleh sistem kelistrikan yang baik, berkualitas dan andal sebagai sumber catu daya bagi Alat Bantu Pendaratan Visual, peralatan Radio Navigasi Penerbangan dan fasilitas lainnya. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara mengamati dan meninjau secara langsung di Main Power House Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar maupun melalui diskusi dengan pihak teknisi listrik bandara. Pengujian ini berguna untuk mengetahui keandalan dari kinerja peralatan UPS Redundant. Kondisi saat ini masing-masing rel kubikel yang terdapat diruangan MVMDB dan Ruangan GCP hanya dilayani oleh satu unit UPS. Apabila UPS mati atau mengalami gangguan maka kontrol pada kubikel tidak mendapatkan suplai listrik sehingga menyebabkan kontrol mati dan kubikel tidak bisa melakukan perintah close dan open secara otomatis apabila terjadi perpindahan antara supply PLN ke genset begitupun sebaliknya. Dengan menambah 1 unit UPS dan panel kontrol UPS Redundant pada masing-masing rel kubikel, sehingga setiap rel kubikel dilayani oleh dua unit UPS dan satu panel kontrol UPS Redundant. Sehingga meminimalisir kegagalan catu daya listrik pada sistem operasi kubikel tegangan menengah di Bandar

    Femtosecond Covariance Spectroscopy

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    The success of non-linear optics relies largely on pulse-to-pulse consistency. In contrast, covariance based techniques used in photoionization electron spectroscopy and mass spectrometry have shown that wealth of information can be extracted from noise that is lost when averaging multiple measurements. Here, we apply covariance based detection to nonlinear optical spectroscopy, and show that noise in a femtosecond laser is not necessarily a liability to be mitigated, but can act as a unique and powerful asset. As a proof of principle we apply this approach to the process of stimulated Raman scattering in alpha-quartz. Our results demonstrate how nonlinear processes in the sample can encode correlations between the spectral components of ultrashort pulses with uncorrelated stochastic fluctuations. This in turn provides richer information compared to the standard non-linear optics techniques that are based on averages over many repetitions with well-behaved laser pulses. These proof-of-principle results suggest that covariance based nonlinear spectroscopy will improve the applicability of fs non-linear spectroscopy in wavelength ranges where stable, transform limited pulses are not available such as, for example, x-ray free electron lasers which naturally have spectrally noisy pulses ideally suited for this approach

    Pengaruh Etika Bisnis Islami terhadap Perilaku Konsumsi Berbusana Muslim (Study Mahasiswi Jurusan Ekonomi Islam UIN Alauddin Makassar)

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa etika bisnis Islami berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumsi berbusana muslim (study Mahasiswi jurusan ekonomi Islam UIN Alauddin Makassar) serta telah memenuhi syarat uji regresi sederhana yakni hasil olahan data menunjukkan bahwa perolehan model persamaan regresi yaitu Y = 16,132 + 0,144X. Koefisien regresi variabel etika bisnis Islam(X) berpengaruh terhadap perilaku konsumsi berbusana muslim (study mahasiswi jurusan ekonomi Islam UIN Alauddin Makassar) sebesar 0,144, uji koefisien Korelasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai R sebesar 0,307. Sedangkan uji koefisien determinasi R Square yang di peroleh 0,095, hal ini menujukkan bahwa variabel etika bisnis Islam (X) memiliki pengaruh konstribusi sebesar 9,5% terhadap perilaku konsumsi berbusana muslim (Y). sedangkan sisanya (100% - 9,5% =90,5 %) dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab yang lain diluar dari variabel yang ditelit

    Monitoring Spontaneous Charge-density Fluctuations by Single-molecule Diffraction of Quantum Light

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    Homodyne X-ray diffraction signals produced by classical light and classical detectors are given by the modulus square of the charge density in momentum space σ(q)2\left|\sigma(\mathbf{q})\right|^{2}, missing its phase which is required in order to invert the signal to real space. We show that quantum detection of the radiation field yields a linear diffraction pattern that reveals σ(q)\sigma(\mathbf{q}) itself, including the phase. We further show that repeated diffraction measurements with variable delays constitute a novel multidimensional measure of spontaneous charge-density fluctuations. Classical diffraction, in contrast, only reveals a subclass of even-order correlation functions. Simulations of two dimensional signals obtained by two diffraction events are presented for the amino acid cysteine