205 research outputs found

    Seeing Near and Far: Balancing Stakeholder Needs and Rights in Kazakhstan’s Educational Reform

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    This paper examines the schooling reform in the post-socialist transformation of Kazakhstan. Adopting a rights-based approach to education, it looks at the ways in which the current education system addresses (or fails to address) the rights and needs of various stakeholders in the society, including teachers, learners, parents, civil society, and policymakers. Two recent large-scale educational reforms form the focus of the paper: a national standardized assessment and a transition from 11 to 12 years of schooling. Implications of the current reform initiatives for Kazakhstan’s development are also discussed, pointing to lessons for understanding schooling and social change in post-socialist transformation. Cet article examine la réforme scolaire pendant la période de transformation post-socialiste du Kazakhstan. En adoptant une approche basée sur les droits de l\u27éducation, l\u27auteur considère les méthodes que l\u27actuel système d\u27éducation emploie pour répondre (ou ne pas répondre) aux droits et aux besoins des parties prenantes de la société, y compris, les enseignants, les apprenants, les parents, la société civile, et les responsables de politique. Cet article met au point le deux récentes réformes scolaires à grande envergure: la standardisation de l\u27évaluation nationale et l\u27ajout d\u27une année en plus à l\u27ancien système scolaire de 11 années. L\u27auteur y examine aussi les répercussions des initiatives de la réforme actuelle pour le développement du Kazakhstan, et suggère les leçons qui pourront nous faire comprendre l\u27éducation et le changement de la société dans la transformation post-socialiste


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    The beginning of development of Kazakhstani business education dates back to the end of the 80s – beginning of the 90s of the XX century. Along with the achievements in the sphere of business education, there are key issues that hampers the development of business schools and have an impact on the learning outcomes and the quality of business education in general. This article reviews the stages of development of business education in Kazakhstan and explores key issues in this sphere. Furthermore, the author suggests a series of systematic measures to strengthen the capacity of business education in Kazakhstan and gives the examples of contribution of Almaty Management University in this sphere.The beginning of development of Kazakhstani business education dates back to the end of the 80s – beginning of the 90s of the XX century. Along with the achievements in the sphere of business education, there are key issues that hampers the development of business schools and have an impact on the learning outcomes and the quality of business education in general. This article reviews the stages of development of business education in Kazakhstan and explores key issues in this sphere. Furthermore, the author suggests a series of systematic measures to strengthen the capacity of business education in Kazakhstan and gives the examples of contribution of Almaty Management University in this sphere

    On solvability of nonlinear boundary value problems with integral condition for the system of hyperbolic equations

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    For system of hyperbolic equations of second order a nonlinear boundary value problem with integral condition is considered. By introducing new unknown functions the investigated problem is reduced to an equivalent problem involving one-parametered family of boundary value problems with integral condition and integral relations. Conditions for the existence of classical solutions to nonlinear boundary value problem with an integral condition for a system of hyperbolic equations are obtained. Algorithms for finding solutions are constructed, and their convergence are established

    Contemporary adaptation of the manual method „Pospelov-jacque` in the aesthetic care for oily skin

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    Козметичните грижи представляват система от методи и средства, чиято основна цел е поддържане и подобряване състоянието на кожата и нейните придатъци. Сред използваните мануални методи в козметичните процедури присъствието на масажа е най-често срещано. В зависимост от прилаганите масажни прийоми тяхната последователност и техника на изпълнение чрез масажа могат да се постигнат различни козметични ефекти: антицелулитен, антиейдж, дрениране, стягане, успокояване, себорегулиране, подхранване и др. Когато масажът участва във възстановителна или терапевтична процедура, той съдържа специфично подбрани движения, изпълнявани по строго определена последователност и дозировка, и се класифицира като лечебен. Представител на тази група е терапевтичният масаж по метода на Pospelov - Jacque, включен в грижата за мазна кожа. Неговото действие е насочено към контролиране състоянието на мазната кожа, която се характеризира със свръхсекреция на мастните жлези, с широки пори, развитие на комедони и други смущаващи кожни лезии.Настоящият доклад изследва физиологичния ефект на терапевтичния масаж по PospelovJacque и приложимостта на метода за повлияване на мазна кожа. Основна отличителна черта на терапевтичния масаж по Pospelov-Jacque е характерът на използваните масажни движения - интензивни и ритмично повтарящи се пощипвания, които се редуват с вибрации и поглаждане. По този начин се постига дълбоко въздействие както върху повърхността на кожата, така и на ниво дерма и подкожна мастна тъкан, и се нормализира мастната секреция. Масажът следва да се извършва от квалифициран специалист по „Медицинска козметика`. Терапевтичният масаж по Pospelov-Jacque е добра възможност да бъдат решени проблеми, свързани със състоянието мазна кожа и да се осъществи профилактика на стареенето.Aesthetic care is a system of methods and means, the main purpose of which is to maintain and improve the skin and its appendages. Among the used manual methods in the cosmetic procedures, massage is the most common. Depending on the applied massage methods, their sequence and technique, different aesthetic effects can be achieved: anticellulite, antiaging, draining, firming, calming, sebum regulation, nutrition and more. When the massage is a part of a recreational or a therapeutic procedure, it consists of specifically selected movements that are performed in a strict sequence and dosage, and it is classified as therapeutic. A representative of this group is the therapeutic massage by the method of Pospelov - Jacque, included in the care for oily skin. Its action is directed to controlling the condition of oily skin, which is characterized by hypersecretion of sebaceous glands, with large pores, development of comedones and other disturbing skin lesions. This report explores the physiological effects of the therapeutic massage Pospelov-Jacque and the applicability of the method for the treatment of oily skin. A main distinctive feature of the therapeutic massage Pospelov-Jacque is the nature of the used massage movements - intense and rhythmically repetitive pinch that alternates with vibrations and caress. In this way, profound impact on both the surface of the skin, and the level of the dermis and subcutaneous fat is achieved and the sebum secretion is normalized. The massage should be performed by a qualified professional with a degree in Medical Aesthetic Care. The therapeutic massage Pospelov - Jacque is a good opportunity to solve problems related to oily skin and to prevent of aging

    Medical tourism in the eyes of the students

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    INTRODUCTION: The high production rate and the introduction of modern technologies in all spheres of human activity have become a prerequisite for the development of chronic hypodynamia and the increasing mental stress. Medical tourism is a wonderful way of improving the health state of those in need belonging to various age groups, locals or foreigners, using the rich natural and geographical resources of our country. For quality customer service the specific vocational training of rehabilitators is of essential significance.AIM: To determine through a questionnaire survey whether students are familiar with the current trends of this new sector in providing health services and whether they want to work in the field of medical tourism.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Second- and third-year students majoring in rehabilitation at the Medical College `Y. Filaretova`, Sofia were the target of the study.RESULTS: The results showed that the students are actively interested in the innovations and 45% of them would work in the field of medical tourism with permanent employment, good payment and standardized working hours.CONCLUSIONS: Important conclusions about medical tourism through the eyes of students have been drawn

    A project with visual art elements as an interactive method of learning in the medical aesthetic care program

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    Внедряването на интерактивни методи в обучението на студентите от специалност „Медицинска козметика` е част от съвременните подходи, използвани в процеса на изграждането им като професионалисти. През последните години прилагането на елементи от изобразителното изкуство (които накратко ще наричаме „арт елементи`) в учебния процес се оформи като един нов подход на активно учене при теоретичната и практическата подготовка на студентите от специалността. Творческият потенциал, изразен чрез изкуството и неговите компоненти, е в основата на обучението и развитието на всеки индивид. Същинската роля на „арт елементите` е да подпомогнат развитието на когнитивните способности на студентите - възприемане, обработване, запомняне, ми-слене, преживяване и използване на получената информация, с което да се улесни усвояването и дългосрочното запаметяване на учебния материал. Целта на настоящия доклад е да представи нашия опит в използването на елементи от изобразителното изкуство в учебния процес и полезността от тяхното прилагане. Считаме, че този подход допринася за по-дългосрочното запаметяване на учебния материал и дава възможност за развитие и моделиране на индивидуалните качества и умения на всеки студент.The implementation of interactive methods in the education of students in the Medical Aesthetic Care program is a part of the modern approaches, which are used in the process of the students` development as professionals. In the recent years, the use of components of the visual art (which, we will call „art elements` for short) in the educational process, has emerged as a new approach of active learning in the theoretical and practical preparation of the students from the program. The creative potential, which is expressed through the art and its components, is the foundation of the learning and development of each individual. The actual role of art elements is to help develop the cognitive abilities of students - perception, processing, memorizing, thinking, experience and use of the information obtained, with which to facilitate the assimilation and the long-term memorization of the educational material. The purpose of this report is to present our experience with the use of visual art components in the educational process and the usefulness from the their application. We think that this approach contributes to the long-term memorization of the studied material and allows for the development and modeling of the individual skills and abilities of each student

    Джерельна основа досліджень з етнопедагогіки кримськотатарського народу

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    The article identifies the main sources of research on ethnopedagogics of Crimean Tatar people. The author picks out the source-books such as: 1 ) scientific work of ethnopedagogics of Crimean Tatars, 2) the collections of the Crimean Tatar folklore, 3) works of ancient writers and thinkers, scientists and lexicographer of the East, religious thinkers of the Muslim world and the Muslim holy book – the Koran, 4) literary works of the Crimean Tatar poets and writers, 5) research notes government officials, anthropologists, travelers, historians, linguists and cultural studies on the culture of the Crimean Tatars, 6) the works of the classical teachers of popular education, 7) modern ethnopedagogical, educational and psychological research.У статті визначено джерельну основу досліджень з етнопедагогіки кримськотатарського народу. Автор виділяє такі джерела, як: 1) наукові роботи з етнопедагогіки кримських татар, 2) збірники кримськотатарського фольклору; 3) праці давньотюркських письменників і мислителів, вчених-енциклопедистів Сходу; релігійних мислителів мусульманського світу і священну книгу мусульман – Коран; 4) твори кримськотатарських поетів і письменників; 5) нотатки и дослідження державних діячів, етнографів, мандрівників, істориків, культурологів і філологів про культуру кримських татар; 6) праці педагогів-класиків про народне виховання; 7) сучасні етнопедагогічні, педагогічні та психологічні дослідження

    Педагогічні умови оптимізації морального виховання молодших школярів засобами етнопедагогіки кримськотатарського народу

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    Pedagogical conditions of optimization of moral education of junior schoolchildren by means of ethnopedagogics of Crimean- Tatar people are revealed in the article.У статті розкриваються педагогічні умови оптимізації морального виховання молодших школярів засобами етнопедагогіки кримськотатарського народу

    The distinctive characteristics of color perception in the Eastern and Western cultural tradition

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    Abstract. This article examines the diversity of color, from conveying one's esthetic preferences and the ability to make an emotional impact upon the human psyche to its role in getting across amplified figurativeness and informativeness and fulfilling the symbolic function. Color, which sends out signals, having become a sort of a link between the human and cosmological worlds, where light and color were perceived as the attributes of the divine, has turned into a significant information function. In this article, the authors speculate on apprehending the world of color, which is a harmony of color combinations and specific tones perceived by every nation in its own way, depending on its cultural traditions and experience. The authors have made an attempt to investigate the notionalconceptual content of color and identify the distinctive characteristics and role of color symbols in the cultures of the West and the East