97 research outputs found


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    Visoki broj nezaposlenih u Europi stvara potrebu za inovacijama i usredotočenost na podu¬zetništvo kao jedan od načina suočavanja s trenutnim izazovima. U tijeku je rasprava kako razviti obrazovanje za poduzetništvo u europskim školama. U mnogim mjestima imamo situaciju u kojoj stari modeli trebaju biti zamjenjeni novim modelima koji bi poslužili kao bolja interakcijska osnova s vanjskim poslovnim svijetom i društvom. Pedagoški se alati ra¬zvijaju zajedno s promjenom ekonomskih struktura u društvu i školama kako bi se lakše su¬očili s promjenama i izazovima u globalnom svijetu. U mnogim školama nastavne metode i alati ne potiču učenike na suočavanje s poslovnim svijetom nakon završetka škole. Stoga mnoge poslovne škole i sveučilišta traže nova rješenja na međunarodnoj razini za trenut¬ne izazove u obliku strateških mreža. Međunarodne mreže i suradnja između obrazovnih institucija omogućuju školama i sveučilištima razmjenu najboljih ideja i praksi na višem stupnju. Obrazovne mreže unutar poslovnog obrazovanja mogu uključivati razmjenu kako pedagoških tako i kulturnih čimbenika koji utječu na inovativnu poslovnu edukaciju. Ta po¬dručja razmjene nalaze se u rezultatima projekta „Razvijanje vještina za buduće poslove“ koji se održao unutar EU u razdoblju od 2013 do 2014. Ovaj rad ističe rezultate i zaključke projekta te nove ideje koje je on potaknuo.High unemployment figures in Europe creates a need for innovation and focus on entre¬preneurship as one way of meeting current challenges. There is an ongoing discussion on how to develop entrepreneurship education in European schools. In many places we have a situation where old models need to be exchanged for new ones that serve as a better interaction base with the outside business world and society. Pedagogical tools are being developed alongside with the changing economic structures in society and schools in order to better meet the changes and challenges in the global world. In many schools teaching methods and tools do not foster the students to face the business reality after graduation and these educational institutions are in danger of being left behind. Therefore many busi¬ness schools and universities look for new solutions to current challenges internationally in the form of strategic networks. International networks and cooperation within education enable schools and universities to exchange best practices and ideas on a bigger scale. Educational networks within business education can include exchange within both pedago¬gical as well as cultural factors that affect and drive innovative business education. These areas of exchange are to be found in the results of the project “Developing Skills for Future jobs” that took place within the EU during year 2013 – 2014. This paper will highlight re¬sults and conclusions of the project and new ideas that the project resulted in

    The effect of vitamin B supplementation on neuronal injury in people living with HIV: a randomized controlled trial

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    Effective antiretroviral therapy has radically changed the course of the HIV pandemic. However, despite efficient therapy, milder forms of neurocognitive symptoms are still present in people living with HIV. Plasma homocysteine is a marker of vitamin B deficiency and has been associated with cognitive impairment. People living with HIV have higher homocysteine concentrations than HIV-negative controls, and we have previously found an association between plasma homocysteine concentration and CSF concentration of neurofilament light protein, a sensitive marker for ongoing neuronal injury in HIV. This prompted us to perform this randomized controlled trial, to evaluate the effect of vitamin B supplementation on neuronal injury in a cohort of people living with HIV on stable antiretroviral therapy. At the Department of Infectious Diseases at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, 124 virally suppressed people living with HIV were screened to determine eligibility for this study. Sixty-one fulfilled the inclusion criteria by having plasma homocysteine levels at or above 12 mu mol/l. They were randomized (1:1) to either active treatment (with cyanocobalamin 0.5 mg, folic acid 0.8 mg and pyridoxine 3.0 mg) q.d. or to a control arm with a cross over to active treatment after 12 months. Cognitive function was measured repeatedly during the trial, which ran for 24 months. We found a significant correlation between plasma neurofilament light protein and plasma homocysteine at screening (n = 124, r = 0.35, P < 0.0001). Plasma homocysteine levels decreased by 35% from a geometric mean of 15.7 mu mol/l (95% confidence interval 14.7-16.7) to 10.3 mu mol/l (95% confidence interval 9.3-11.3) in the active treatment arm between baseline and Month 12. No significant change was detected in the control arm during the same time period [geometric mean 15.2 (95% confidence interval 14.3-16.2) versus geometric mean 16.5 mu mol/l (95% confidence interval 14.7-18.6)]. A significant difference in change in plasma homocysteine levels was seen between arms at 12 months [-40% (95% confidence interval -48 to -30%), P < 0.001]. However, no difference between arms was seen in either plasma neurofilament light protein levels [-6.5% (-20 to 9%), P = 0.39], or cognitive measures [-0.08 (-0.33 to 0.17), P = 0.53]. Our results do not support a vitamin B-dependent cause of the correlation between neurofilament light protein and homocysteine. Additional studies are needed to further elucidate this matter. Tyrberg et al. report the results of a randomized controlled trial investigating the effect of vitamin B supplementation on neuronal injury in people living with HIV with effective antiretroviral therapy. Supplementation decreased levels of homocysteine but not neuronal injury measured by neurofilament light protein

    Patterns of survival among patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms diagnosed in Sweden from 1973 to 2008: a population-based study.

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field.Reported survival in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) shows great variation. Patients with primary myelofibrosis (PMF) have substantially reduced life expectancy, whereas patients with polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET) have moderately reduced survival in most, but not all, studies. We conducted a large population-based study to establish patterns of survival in more than 9,000 patients with MPNs. We identified 9,384 patients with MPNs (from the Swedish Cancer Register) diagnosed from 1973 to 2008 (divided into four calendar periods) with follow-up to 2009. Relative survival ratios (RSRs) and excess mortality rate ratios were computed as measures of survival. Patient survival was considerably lower in all MPN subtypes compared with expected survival in the general population, reflected in 10-year RSRs of 0.64 (95% CI, 0.62 to 0.67) in patients with PV, 0.68 (95% CI, 0.64 to 0.71) in those with ET, and 0.21 (95% CI, 0.18 to 0.25) in those with PMF. Excess mortality was observed in patients with any MPN subtype during all four calendar periods (P < .001). Survival improved significantly over time (P < .001); however, the improvement was less pronounced after the year 2000 and was confined to patients with PV and ET. We found patients with any MPN subtype to have significantly reduced life expectancy compared with the general population. The improvement over time is most likely explained by better overall clinical management of patients with MPN. The decreased life expectancy even in the most recent calendar period emphasizes the need for new treatment options for these patients.Swedish Cancer Society CAN 2009/1203 Stockholm County Council SLL 20090201 Karolinska Institutet SLL 20090201 Karolinska Institutet Foundations 2009Fobi0072 Shire Pharmaceuticals Adolf H. Lundin Charitable Foundatio

    Effects of seasonal spawning closures on pike (Esox lucius L.) and perch (Percafluviatilis L.) catches and coastal food webs in the western Baltic Sea

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    Marine protected areas have become one of the main tools in the battle to curb marine biodiversity loss and habitat degradation. Yet, implementation of permanent fishery closures has often generated resource user conflicts that ultimately undermine conservation goals. Here we assessed the influence of an alternative and often more accepted measure - seasonal fish spawning closures - on large predatory fish and coastal food webs in the western Baltic Sea (Sweden). In spring 2017, we conducted a multivariable field survey in 11 seasonal closures and 11 paired references areas open to fishing. In each area, pike was sampled through angling, and perch and mesopredators through gillnet surveys. To assess trophic cascades, we measured zooplankton abun-dance and loss of tethered gammarids from predation. Catches per unit effort of northern pike (Esox lucius) - the main target species in recreational fisheries - were ca. 2.5 times higher per unit effort in closures than reference areas; an effect that may be caused by higher abundance and/or higher catchability of pike in the absence of fishing. Catch and weight per unit effort of the more common predator European perch (Perca fluviatilus), and the mesopredators roach (Rutilus rutilus) and three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in survey nets were, however, unaffected by closures. Moreover, a previously hypothesized trophic cascade from perch to zooplankton via three-spined stickleback was supported by the analyses, but appeared independent of closures. Yet, predation risk for tethered gammarid amphipods (a prey of stickleback and an important grazer on mac-roalgae) was three times higher in fished areas than in closures; a cascading closure effect that may potentially be caused by small predatory fish being less active in protected areas to avoid pike predation. Overall, our results suggest that spawning closures impact pike abundance and/or behavior and could help limit the effects of fishing, but that more research is needed to disentangle i) what mechanism(s) that underlie the protection effect on pike catches, ii) the apparently weaker closure impacts on other fish species, as well as iii) the potential for cascading effects on lower trophic levels. Therefore, new seasonal spawning closures should be implemented in addition to (and not instead of) much-needed permanent closures, which have well-known effects on the wider ecosystem

    Whole-genome genotyping and resequencing reveal the association of a deletion in the complex interferon alpha gene cluster with hypothyroidism in dogs

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    Background: Hypothyroidism is a common complex endocrinopathy that typically has an autoimmune etiology, and it affects both humans and dogs. Genetic and environmental factors are both known to play important roles in the disease development. In this study, we sought to identify the genetic risk factors potentially involved in the susceptibility to the disease in the high-risk Giant Schnauzer dog breed. Results: By employing genome-wide association followed by fine-mapping (top variant p-value=5.7x10(-6)), integrated with whole-genome resequencing and copy number variation analysis, we detected a similar to 8.9 kbp deletion strongly associated (p-value=0.0001) with protection against development of hypothyroidism. The deletion is located between two predicted Interferon alpha (IFNA) genes and it may eliminate functional elements potentially involved in the transcriptional regulation of these genes. Remarkably, type I IFNs have been extensively associated to human autoimmune hypothyroidism and general autoimmunity. Nonetheless, the extreme genomic complexity of the associated region on CFA11 warrants further long-read sequencing and annotation efforts in order to ascribe functions to the identified deletion and to characterize the canine IFNA gene cluster in more detail. Conclusions: Our results expand the current knowledge on genetic determinants of canine hypothyroidism by revealing a significant link with the human counterpart disease, potentially translating into better diagnostic tools across species, and may contribute to improved canine breeding strategies

    The ABCC4 gene is associated with pyometra in golden retriever dogs

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    Pyometra is one of the most common diseases in female dogs, presenting as purulent inflammation and bacterial infection of the uterus. On average 20% of intact female dogs are affected before 10 years of age, a proportion that varies greatly between breeds (3-66%). The clear breed predisposition suggests that genetic risk factors are involved in disease development. To identify genetic risk factors associated with the disease, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in golden retrievers, a breed with increased risk of developing pyometra (risk ratio: 3.3). We applied a mixed model approach comparing 98 cases, and 96 healthy controls and identified an associated locus on chromosome 22 (p = 1.2 x 10(-6), passing Bonferroni corrected significance). This locus contained five significantly associated SNPs positioned within introns of the ATP-binding cassette transporter 4 (ABCC4) gene. This gene encodes a transmembrane transporter that is important for prostaglandin transport. Next generation sequencing and genotyping of cases and controls subsequently identified four missense SNPs within the ABCC4 gene. One missense SNP at chr22:45,893,198 (p.Met787Val) showed complete linkage disequilibrium with the associated GWAS SNPs suggesting a potential role in disease development. Another locus on chromosome 18 overlapping the TESMIN gene, is also potentially implicated in the development of the disease

    Перспективы развития логистической деятельности мелких торговых организаций Беларуси

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    Дана оценка логистической деятельности мелких торговых организаций Беларуси и намечены пути ее совершенствования