69 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK M. Asā€™ad, 2020. Peran Guru Penjas dalam Pembentukan Karakter Peseerta Didik SMP Negeri Se-Kota Makassar. Tesis. Program studi Pendidikan Jasmani & Olahraga, Program Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Makassar (dibimbing oleh Nukhrawi Nawir dan M. Adam Mappaompo). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif persentase yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran guru penjas dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik SMP Negeri Se-Kota Makassar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru penjas SMP Negeri Se-Kota Makassar dengan pemilihan sampel menggunakan sampel wilayah. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 25 guru penjas. Teknik pengambilan data dengan menggunakan angket. Jumlah kuesioner 37 pertanyaan terdiri dari 4 jawaban, yaitu selalu (SL), kadang-kadang (KD), hampir tidak pernah (HTP), dan tidak pernah (TP). Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan teknik statistik deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian memiliki persentase dari masing-masing kategori, yaitu kategori sangat tinggi sebesar 8% atau sebanyak 2 responden, kategori tinggi sebesar 20% atau sebanyak 5 responden, kategori sedang sebesar 44% atau sebanyak 11 responden, kategori rendah sebesar 20% atau sebanyak 5 responden, dan kategori sangat rendah sebesar 8% atau sebanyak 2 responden. Berdasarkan analisis data tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1) Indikator inspirator dengan kategori tinggi sebesar 44% atau sebanyak 11 responden, 2) indikator keteladanan dengan kategori Tinggi sebesar 60% atau sebanyak 15 responden, 3) indikator motivator dengan kategori sedang sebesar 36% atau sebanyak 9 responden, 4) indikator dinamisator dengan kategori rendah sebesar 36% atau sebanyak 9 responden, dan 5) indikator evaluator dengan kategori sedang sebesar 40% atau sebanyak 10 responden. Kata kunci : Peran, guru penjas, pembentukan karakte

    Pembaruan Pendidikan Islam Nahdlatul Ulama

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    This article tries to understand and explain the basic concept and the essence of the NU educational reform (tajdīd) and the relationship of its schoolship view and its contribution to the Islamic educational resurgence after the Indonesia independence in meeting the new demands and the challenges of the modern era. Using the socio-historical-phenomenologicalapproach, the result concludes that the basic concept of the NU educational reform is identical with the dinamization in the sense of change toward the correction and perfection of the condition of the Islamic education which is unbeneficial for its future. The essence of the effort is more focused on the substantial aspects of education than the technical-pedagogical ones in charge of the reposition and reactualization or revitalization of the social function of the Islamic education of the modern era. By reposition means the effort to redetermine the position of system and institution of traditional Islamic education, especially pesantren and madrasa, in order that they are suitable for new demands of modern education through the rehabilation of their old and absolete elements, and inovation by means of entering new and useful elements in to enpower their social functions optimally. Reactualization or revitalization means the effort to reactivate the basic principles of the classical Islamic education which are almost forgotten, on which the modern Islamic education hold them as the philosophical guidances for theuniversality of their values. Such effort are inseparable from the ideas and activities of the existence of the independence and progressive pesantren teachers (ulama) so that the conservativness of the schoolship views of theNU do not hinder and even motivate it to modernization. Its approach which enpowering the traditon legacies, and being integrally combined with the new elements of modern education distinguishes clearly theconcept of NU educational reform from the similar effort of the Muslim reformists which rest too much on the new elements of modern education. The new model ofthe system and institution of NU education has given valuable contributions not only to the completion and enrichment of the national education system and institution but also the strengthening the pillars of tenacity of the national culture as a whole

    Pengaruh Neosufisme Terhadap Perkembangan Tasawuf Dan Tarekat Baru

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    : The Influence of Neosufism towards the Development of Tasawuf and New Tarekat. This essay studies the influence of neosufism on the continuity of tasawuf doctrine and new tarekats emerged during the last two centuries of medieval Islamic period. The raise of the fourteeth century neosufism movement had greatly influenced the nature and the characteristics of the new tasawuf and tarekats of the succeeding era. In addition to giving impetus in ā€˜purification' of the doctrines to avoid the tasawuf and tarekat from intrusion of un-Islamic elements, the neosufisme has provided with guidance so that they should be kept under the syariat control. This new tendency has forced the tasawuf and tarekats to weaken their support to the doctrin of immanation of God toward His creatures, and replaces it with the transcendent doctrine. The return to the original stipulations of the Qur'an and the Sunna liberated the tasawuf and tarekats from their un islamic characters. The Neosufism movement had succeeded in changing the orientation of the new tasawuf and tarekas to be more responsive to the worldly interest

    Islam Dan Moral Bangsa

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    The article is to explain the function of Islam as the concrete gudance and its relationship with the morality of the nation. Through the descriptive-analitical approache, it can be stated that the function of Islam as the concrete gudance of the nation lies in a complext relationship with the whole cultural elements of the nation in one sidenand the system of values and norms operating concretely in the societies in other side. How completely this religion provides its moral system as the cutural capital of the nation if it lies in a small portion of the arena of the culture of the nation, it will become a mere formal atribute which will not give a significant influence on the formation ofthe moral attitude of the nation. The absence of the congruencerelationship between the sacreed mission of the religion and the moral life of the society can be understood that the existence of the religion is antropologically not sufficient to become ā€œthe policeā€ having ability to control the moral attitude of the societies because of its marginal position in the configuration of our culture. Hence, it is not fair to blame all of the anomalies of the society on the religion, because there are still many other determinat variables except the religion, including the government apparatus' example. The appearance of the disobedience of some parts of societies to the social values and norms does not always denote the moral wickedness of the nation. However, it means a social criticism. the disobedience to the social values and norms will jeopardize the social order if it is carried out for the sake of indivial and communal pleausre. The operation of Islamic stipulations in a concrete manner must be supported by all of the institutions existing in the society,including the family, education institution, and the government

    Protokol Tcp/ip Sebagai Sarana Dalam Proses Transfer Data

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    The study entitled Protocol TCP / IP as a means to transfer this data, carried out in laboratory STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang in order to find out how the working process of the protocol TCP / IP and obtain a clear picture of how the protocol TCP / IP plays a role in communication within the user\u27s computer internet. This research is the development presented in descriptive form, which is analyzing the data transfer process is one of them by using the protocol TCP / IP. The results could determine the level of error that occurred while sending and receiving data, and can be used as a reference untu networking development


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebarapa besar tingkat pertumbuhan, efektivitas dan kontribusi Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Badan Pendapatan Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang dimulai tahun 2016 hingga tahun 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode deskriptif menggunakan jenis data sekunder, dengan menfokuskan pada pembahasan data-data secara sistematis serta menganalisis data menggunakan tingkat Pertumbuhan,  efektivitas dan kontribusi. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pertumbuhan pajak kendaraan bermotor pada badan pendapatan daerah bersifat fluktuatif, dengan tingkat pertumbuhan tertinggi berada pada presentase 21,79% yang terjadi pada tahun 2019. (2) Tingkat efektivitas pemungutan pajak kendaraan bermotor dikatakan sangat efektif karena pemungutan pajak kendaraan bermotor yang selalu melampaui target terkecuali pada tahun 2017 dan pada tahun 2018 mencatat presentase tertinggi 103,91%. (3) Kontribusi pajak kendaraan bermotor terhadap pendapatan asli daerah selalu mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya sehingga menempatkan tahun 2020 sebagai kontribusi pajak kendaraan bermotor tertinggi selama periode pengamatan dengan presentase 35,84%

    Fresh State Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete Containing Waste Material Fibres

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    Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) mixed with fibre is the expected to be a concrete with good performance in fresh state and more enhancement in hardened concrete. This paper presents the fresh-state behavior of self compacting concrete (SCC) containing waste material fibres. Fibres were recycling product of wastes material such as, plastic bottle, rubber tire and alloy cans. Thirteen mixtures with 0.47 of water cement ratio of SCCs were added micro size (fine tire fibre) and macro (coarse tire fibre) size of rubber fibre , alloy can fibre and plastic bottle fibre with 0,5 %, 0,1 % and 1,5 % of vol. fibre dosage respectively. The macro size fibres were about 35 of fibre aspect ratio (length/diameter). One other sample was SCC without fibre as reference. The measured of concrete fresh behavior was concrete flow and passing-ability by slump flow, J-Ring, L-box, U-box and V-funnel tests. The results showed that the concrete fresh state performance decreases generally due to the increase of waste material fibre dosage and stiffer waste material fibres in SCC. The fine tire fibre recorded the best fresh state performances among SCC containing fibres and did not show much different performance compared to the SCC without fibre


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    This paper explain the conspiracy and involvement boss mine (coal) in several provincial elections (regents and governors) in South Kalimantan. As is known, the political landscape of post Soeharto New Order government that gave birth to democracy and radical change in the institutions of power, namely from the centralized power-authoritarian system to a democratic system of government has spawned a democratic transition prolonged until today. In the midst of a prolonged transition to democracy at this time, the arena of democracy has been hijacked and the stage of political and economic power has been controlled by entrepreneurs or local and national capitalist power by doing pesekongkolan between candidates authorities or local authorities that one of them through the local election process. The businessmen are involved as a supplier of funds to the local authorities candidat candidate to win as a form of money politics and transactional politics. In some cases the local elections in South Kalimantan, such as the election of the regent and the governor, political practice as it was very clear and has already become a political culture that is structured and massive post-New Order government

    Studi Eksplorasi Konstrak Kepemimpinan Model Jawa: Asta Brata

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    This study aims to explore the ancient Javanese leadership model: Asta Brata and develop the concept into an instrument to measure leadership. Asta Brata (Sanskrit means eight behavior) basically have a major philosophy that the art of leadership can be learned from eight nature symbols: earth, ocean, sky, stars, sun, moon, wind, and fire. Each element has different symbolic meanings which reflected the characteristic of ideal leader based on Javanese culture. Stages of the study was divided into two studies, (1) the exploration exploration construct construct leadership through content analysismanuscript texts containing the teachings of Asta Brata and (2) develop a psychological construct in order to create the scale. A total of 32 Likert scale butir successfully constructed and tested in adultsubjects (N=186). The results of the psychometric properties on a scale evaluations showed satisfactory reliability estimates (Ī± = 0.86) and the construct validity (convergent and exploratoryfactor analysis) was pscychometrically accepted

    Analisis Stabilitas Lereng Embung Dengan Menggunakan Kombinasi Dinding Penahan Kantilever Dan Geotekstil Dengan Bantuan Perangkat Lunak

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    Lereng yang terbentuk dari pembangunan embung atau waduk dapat berpotensi terjadinya kelongsoran dan dapat mengakibatkan bukan hanya kerugian materil, tetapi juga nyawa. Dinding penahan menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi kelongsoran. Dinding penahan yang dibangun tersusun dari tiga bagian yaitu dinding penahan batu kali, bronjong dan dinding penahan kantilever. Namun dinding penahan tersebut mengalami ambles sehingga lereng yang ditahannya pun mengalami longsor. Dinding penahan yang memiliki tinggi 10 tersebut mengalami kegagalan struktur karena kondisi tanah yang tergolong jelek dan beban berlebih dengan menggunakan konstruksi bronjong dan pasangan batu kali, sehingga diperlukan analisis ulang pada kondisi dinding penahan tanah yang lama dan diganti dengan yang baru perkuatan dan perbaikan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak SLOPE/W dan Geo 5. Analisis stabilitas lereng eksisting dengan program SLOPE/W pada kondisi paling kritis diperoleh nilai angka keamanan 0,454. Sedangkan analisis stabilitas dinding penahan tanah eksisting dengan program Geo 5 didapatkan angka keamanan stabilitas guling sebesar 1,38, stabilitas geser 0,42 dan daya dukung sebesar 0,23. Hasil tersebut membuktikan struktur lereng dan dinding penahan tidak aman, maka dilakukanlah desain ulang menggunakan perkuatan geotekstil woven dengan jumlah 5 lapis, kapasitas tarik 200 kN/m, kohesi 3 kPa dan sudut geser terhadap tanah 38o, jarak vertikal 1 m. Perbaikan pada geometri lereng dibuat lebih landai dengan kemiringan sebesar 17 ĢŠ. Hasil analisis stabilitas lereng yang diperkuat dengan geotekstil menggunakan SLOPE/W diperoleh nilai angka keamanan 2,312. Untuk analisis stabilitas dinding penahan dengan perkuatan geotekstil didapatkan angka keamanan stabilitas guling 11,73, stabilitas geser 2,226 dan daya dukung 3,856
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