44 research outputs found

    A geophysical survey of the Kituhwa Mound (31Sw2) and the surrounding area (31Sw1), Swain County, North Carolina

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    Previous archaeology at the Kituhwa Archaeological District (North Carolina) has recovered evidence of 8,000 years of occupation and established the presence of at least one townhouse stage buried beneath the mound. Consequently, preservation of this cultural resource is an absolute for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. As excavation is no longer an option at Kituhwa, results from this project establish the value of geophysical surveys as a primary research tool for feature discovery and identification and the interpretation of changing settlement patterns in southwestern North Carolina. This geophysical survey, the second at Kituhwa, uses three different instruments to add information about materials and techniques used in the construction of the townhouse. Gradiometry shows this townhouse is similar in size, shape, and orientation to the townhouse stages excavated at Coweeta Creek, also in North Carolina. Within the Kituhwa townhouse there is a large unidentified oval anomaly surrounding two separate hearths and a much stronger signal in the southeast corner of the townhouse, possibly due to more intense burning. A soil resistivity anomaly in the location of the townhouse ramp could have been made by large boulders such as those used at Coweeta Creek and the ground-penetrating radar anomaly could have been made by clay packed on the sides of the mound, also similar to Coweeta Creek. There are a number of residence-sized clusters of anomalies southeast of the mound and in a layout similar to the Middle Qualla village at Coweeta Creek. Another cluster of residence-size anomalies could indicate three episodes of rebuilding of the same structure or three different structures or a combination of both. There are two other townhouse-sized anomalies at Kituhwa, one of which is likely of Cherokee or Anglo origin

    All you have to do is ask: Innovation and value creation in the post-consumer apparel industry

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    This study aims to explore the development of a self-motivated (e.g. not policy or regulation initiated) closed-loop, clothing take-back program within a large sized enterprise in the fashion/apparel industry. From the perspective of a single case study – that of the Eileen Fisher Renew program – this thesis aims to explore, outline and describe EF Renew’s business model. The ultimate goal is to discover how it is creating value both inside and outside of the company, and detail the insights from key stakeholders for other industry actors to learn from. Data collection is conducted with 10 semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders from both within and outside of the company. In order to investigate this program from a holistic perspective, data is analysed in a two-tiered approach – from the perspective of Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas, and with a mapping of Eileen Fisher Renew’s reverse supply chain. Eileen Fisher Renew has developed a vertically integrated clothing take back program that is successfully circulating garments at their highest quality for as long as possible with the development of multiple product lines. Findings show that, in accordance with much of the previous research, the development of this program has resulted in the acquisition of new customers, increased customer loyalty and engagement, and the generation of economic, environmental, social, customer, and informational value. Certain company characteristics were also identified that are likely enabling the program to become as holistic and comprehensive as it is. These characteristics are: being a values driven company; privately held and 40% company owned; primarily operating in a single market; a committed learning organisation; and the creation of timeless and trendless designs that are crafted out of high-quality materials

    Junior Recital, Sean Arzaga, violin

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    The presentation of this junior recital will fulfill in part the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education. Sean Arzaga studies violin with Susanna Klein

    ¿Cuándo planea retirarse? Antecedentes de la edad de retiro en empresas familiares

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    The family CEOs' intention to retire seems to be critical to trigger the succession process. For a more comprehensive understanding of the leadership succession in family businesses, it is important to study the antecedents of the family CEO's intended retirement age. Using a global database, we examine the incumbents' retirement age from their own perspective as the determinant of retirement timing. We apply the theory of planned behavior to explore factors affecting retirement age with a forward perspective, using the intended age of retirement as an antecedent for effective retirement age. Our results suggest that individual factors of the intended retirement age have stronger explanatory power in leader intended retirement age compared to the family business factors.La intención de retiro de los CEO familiares parece ser crítica para desencadenar el proceso de sucesión. Para una comprensión más completa de la sucesión de liderazgo en las empresas familiares, es importante estudiar los antecedentes de la edad de retiro prevista del CEO familiar. Utilizando una base de datos global, examinamos la edad de retiro de los titulares desde su propia perspectiva como determinante del momento del retiro. Aplicamos la teoría del comportamiento planificado para explorar los factores que afectan la edad de retiro con una perspectiva hacia adelante, utilizando la edad de retiro prevista como antecedente para la edad de retiro efectiva. Nuestros resultados sugieren que los factores individuales de la edad de retiro prevista tienen mayor poder explicativo en la edad de retiro prevista del líder en comparación con los factores de la empresa familiar

    Higiene industrial y seguridad en el trabajo

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    El presente trabajo describe el concepto de Higiene Industrial y la importancia que esta tiene para la empresa, su evolución y sus objetivos principales, las personas que se dedican a esta profesión llamados Higienistas Industriales y su código de ética, así como la normativa que sirve para regular su buen funcionamiento, las sanciones y multas por el incumplimiento de estas normas y los beneficios por seguir las normas. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54167/tecnociencia.v2i1.6

    La leucemia linfocítica crónica no es la única causa de linfocitosis persistente

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    La linfocitosis absoluta alerta sobre la posibilidad de malignidad hematológica y requiere investigar su causa. En el presente estudio analizamos de forma retrospectiva los datos de la citometría de flujo de muestras de sangre periférica de pacientes a quienes se estudiaron de enero de 2004 a julio de 2008 por linfocitosis. Se estudiaron 52 casos con mediana de edad de 67 años, con rango de 31 a 90 años. Veintiocho pacientes eran del género masculino. Los diagnósticos encontrados fueron: leucemia linfocítica crónica en 41casos, linfoma del manto en 6, y en un caso linfoma esplénico de la zona marginal, linfoma de la zona marginal, leucemia de células peludas, linfoma folicular y linfoma difuso de células grandes. La citometría de flujo se ha convertido en un instrumento muy importante para determinar el diagnóstico preciso y, de esta forma, elegir el tratamiento más adecuado. Abstract: Absolute lymphocytosis raises the possibility of hematological malignancy and generally warrants further investigation. In this study to better correlate clinical variables with the frequency of neoplastic lymphoid process, we retrospectively reviewed flow cytometry analysis from peripheral blood specimens on 52 patients that had been deemed suspicious for a lymphoproliferative process after peripheral smear review. Of 52 total cases, 28 were male, the median age was 67 years and the range was 31-90 years. We found that 41 patients had chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 6 mantle cell lymphoma and only one case of hairy cell leukemia, marginal zone B cell lymphoma, splenic marginal zone B cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Advances in flow cytometry analysis have dramatically improved the ability to detect aberrant lymphocyte populations in peripheral blood samples and help to a better selection of the treatment options

    Primer consenso en leucemia linfocítica crónica de la agrupación mexicana para el estudio de la hematología: epidemiología, diagnóstico y tratamiento

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    La leucemia linfocítica crónica (LLC) es la leucemia crónica menos frecuente en México. En consideración a los avances recientes, a una mejor clasificación pronóstica y a la introducción de nuevas modalidades terapéuticas, la Agrupación Mexicana para el Estudio de la Hematología organizó el primer consenso mexicano en leucemia linfocítica crónica. Este consenso se llevó a cabo en Cancún, Quintana Roo, México, en Septiembre del 2007. Los objetivos de esta reunión fueron actualizar y compartir los conocimientos de la enfermedad entre los especialistas mexicanos, con el fin de mejorar el diagnóstico y el pronóstico de la LLC en México. En el artículo se discute los aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos de la LLC

    Tutoría y guía en Second Life

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