31 research outputs found

    Needs analysis on using flip PDF professional-based e-book for sepak takraw learning

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    The problem in this research is that there are no application-based books created by the lecturers when teaching sepak takraw courses. This is a quantitative descriptive research using the survey method with 23 respondents from the third-semester students of the Physical Education and Health Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University. This study concluded that a Flip PDF Professional-based e-Book is necessary for the sepak takraw learning course. Therefore, Flip PDF Professional-based e-Book for sepak takraw learning course can help students understand the material because of its’ interesting presentation and variations

    Assistance of Class Action Research (Car) And Open Journal System (OJS Teachers for Sports and Health Physical Education

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    The purpose of this community service is to provide assistance in writing classroom action research (CAR) and the open journal system (OJS) for physical education teachers in Ogan Ilir District. This community service was carried out online from 20-22 November 2020. The number of participants in this service was 75 physical education teachers consisting of elementary school, junior high school, high school. The methods used in the implementation of the service are lectures, questions and answers, demonstrations, and practice. To see the results of assistance, use a questionnaire to see to what extent this assistance is useful. The results obtained in mentoring the writing of CAR and OJS were that on average 91.8% of participants could understand the writing of CAR and could use OJS. The results of this service are expected to increase competence as a teacher so that it can improve and improve the quality of physical education learning, especially in Ogan Ilir Regenc

    Analysis of Creative and Productive Learning Strategies in PJOK Subjects

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    This research aims to analyze the performance of creative and productive learning strategies in the subject of Physical Education and Health (PJOK) for 10th-grade students at SMAN 5 Sekayu. The population of this study consists of 10th-grade students at SMAN 5 Sekayu. The qualitative descriptive method was employed, and the sampling technique used in this study was total sampling, where the entire population was included as the sample, resulting in 35 respondents. Data collection techniques included questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques involved data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the creative and productive learning strategies in the PJOK subject for 10th-grade students at SMAN 5 Sekayu are categorized as highly effective, accounting for 82.4%. The conclusion of this study is that the analysis of creative and productive learning strategies in the PJOK subject for 10th-grade students at SMAN 5 Sekayu falls under the category of excellent. The implication is that these strategies can be adopted and implemented in other subjects at the same school or similar institutions

    Bench Dip Exercise on Smash Accuracy in Volleyball Athletes

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    In this study, famale volleyball players from the OPBVP Prabumulih club will be evaluated to identify the impact of bench dip training on smash accuracy. A quasi-experiment with a pre test-post test one group design was employed as the methodology. There were 35 participants in the study's sample. The tool is a test of smashing abilities. After receiving therapy for 5 weeks with a frequency of exercise four times per week, it was discovered that the treatment in this study took the form of Bench Dip exercise. Based on study and data analysis findings, it was determined that tcount (15.29) was higher than ttabel(1.69) and that t count > ttabel caused H1 to be approved and H0 to be rejected. Therefore, H1 may be accepted, indicating that striking the ball hanging has an impact on improving the precision of the volleyball smash during practice sessions of the OPBVP Prabumulih club. This study implies that a kind of workout called bench dips may be utilized to increase smash accuracy

    Latihan Shuttle Run dalam Meningkatkan Kelincahan Dribbling Siswa Ekstrakurikuler Sepak Bola

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    This study aims to determine the effect of shuttle run training on dribbling results in extracurricular soccer students at SMP Negeri 29 Palembang. The method used in this study is experimental. The research design used was the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. This sample was taken using a total population sampling technique with a total sample of 30 students. The instrument of this research is the test of dribbling. From the results of data processing and analysis using the data normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis test using the T test formula, it was found that shuttle run training alone had an effect on improving dribbling results in soccer games. This can be seen from the results of data analysis using the t test formula calculation with the calculated t criterion being greater than t table (13.730 ˃ 1.70) with a confidence level of 0.95 (α = 0.05) and the number of samples (N = 30). Conclusion, is that shuttle run training alone has an influence on improving dribbling results in extracurricular soccer students at SMP Negeri 29 Palembang. Keyword : Dribbling, Football, Shuttle Ru

    Push Up Exercise Against 50 Meter Swimming Speed Breaststroke

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of push-up training on improving the speed of breaststroke swimming in athletes who are members of the Palembang Tirta Sriwijaya Aquatic Club (TSAC). This study was conducted as an experiment using a one-group pretest and posttest research design. The research subjects included athletes who are part of the Palembang Tirta Sriwijaya Aquatic Club (TSAC). The research sample involved all members of age group III with an age range of 12-13 years consisting of 30 individual athletes. The tool used to measure variables is the breaststroke swimming test using a distance of 50 meters. The data analysis was conducted utilizing the T-test. Based on the analysis results, the t-value exceeded 4.762, while the t-table value was 2.045. These results indicate a significant difference between the pretest push-up and posttest push-up groups in relation to the improvement in 50-meter breaststroke swimming speed. The conclusion of this study revealed that push-up exercises had a positive impact on increasing breaststroke swimming speed as far as 50 meters

    Ladder Drill Training on the Agility of Beginner Badminton Athletes

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    This study aims to determine the effect of ladder drill training on novice male badminton athletes at U 12-13 Club PB Pusri Palembang. The method used in this research is experimental, which means a sample is given a treatment. The research design used is One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. This sampling technique used total population sampling with a sample size of 30 athletes. The instrument of this research is agility. From the results of data processing and analysis using the data normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis test using the T test formula, the results were that ladder drill training alone increased agility abilities in novice male badminton athletes. This can be seen from the results of data analysis through calculating the t test formula with the calculated t criterion being greater than ttable (14.730 ˃ 1.70) with a confidence level of 0.95 (α = 0.05) and the number of samples (N = 30). The implications of ladder drill training can have an influence on increasing agility in novice male badminton athletes U 12-13 Club PB Pusri Palembang

    Development of "Games 3 on 3" Learning Techniques in Volleyball

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    Pengembangan teknik pembelajaran yang bervariasi dapat membantu pendidik untuk merancang pembelajaran secara kreatif sehingga proses pembelajaran menjadi inovatif, menarik, lebih berkualitas dan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, sehubungan dengan desain permainan yang ada, memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengembangkan keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. aturan yang berkaitan dengan struktur permainan yang mengarah pada penemuan dan imajinasi bagi siswa. Maka sebagai pendidik, ada banyak metode dan strategi yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Setiap pendidik diberi kesempatan untuk memfasilitasi pengalaman belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan pendekatan yang berpusat pada siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan teknik pembelajaran “games 3 on 3” dalam permainan bola voli pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sriwijaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan. Penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model Borg and Gall. Tahapan kegiatan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kebutuhan, perencanaan, pengembangan draf produk awal, uji coba lapangan awal, revisi hasil uji, uji lapangan produk skala kecil, revisi produk, uji coba lapangan atau uji kelayakan skala besar, dan produk akhir. revisi. Pada tahap validasi ahli terdapat dua validator yaitu ahli permainan bola voli dan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, tahap ini diperoleh nilai rata-rata 68,9% pada ranah kognitif, 70% pada ranah psikomotor dan 72.9% pada ranah afektif dan masuk dalam kategori cukup dan dapat dilanjutkan pada uji coba lapangan dengan memperbaiki produk pembelajaran sesuai dengan saran dan masukan dari validator. Hasil pada tahap uji coba lapangan pada 3 ranah kognitif, psikomotor, dan afektif dengan nilai 83,03%, 81,25%, dan 77,08%, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan “3 on 3 games” efektif digunakan untuk pembelajaran permainan bola voli , dengan hasil pengembangan berupa perubahan ukuran lapangan, aturan main, dan skor akhir di setiap set. “Permainan 3 lawan 3” dalam permainan bola voli dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran permainan bola voli dan dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif variasi pembelajaran bagi pendidik dalam proses pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan. dengan hasil pengembangan berupa perubahan ukuran lapangan, aturan main, dan skor akhir pada setiap set. “Permainan 3 lawan 3” dalam permainan bola voli dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran permainan bola voli dan dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif variasi pembelajaran bagi pendidik dalam proses pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan. dengan hasil pengembangan berupa perubahan ukuran lapangan, aturan main, dan skor akhir pada setiap set. “Permainan 3 lawan 3” dalam permainan bola voli dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran permainan bola voli dan dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif variasi pembelajaran bagi pendidik dalam proses pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran passing bawah bola voli pada siswa kelas IX.1 melalui teaching games for understanding (TGfU) implementasi penugasan dosen di SMP Negeri 9 Palembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek penelitian tindakan yaitu siswa kelas IX.1 berjumlah 32 orang. Berdasarkan hasil pre test (data awal) bahwa diperoleh dari aspek afektif secara klasikal dikatakan tuntas, karena sebanyak 29 siswa (90,62%) sudah memenuhi KKM, dari ranah kognitif mencapai presentasi 90,63 (sangatbaik), dan nilai rata-rata kelas untuk ranah psikomotor belum tuntas berjumlah 18 siswa dengan presentasi sebesar 56,25 (kurang). Oleh sebab itu, dilakukan siklus I untuk memperbaiki nilai rata-rata pada ranah psikomotor, hasil yang diperoleh yaitu persentase sebesar 88,9 (kategori baik), sehingga secara klasikal siswa Tuntas dalam ranah psikomotor. Hal ini menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan hasil dari aspek psikomotor. Implikasi dalam penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran TGfU dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran passing bawah bola voli.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Passing Bawah, Bola Voli, TGfU, PT

    Powtoon-Based Learning Videos to Improve Learning Outcomes at Background Services in Elementary School Students

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sekolah dasar kombinasi materi gerak dasar permainan bola kecil yaitu pukulan servis bulu tangkis melalui media pembelajaran berbasis video menggunakan powtoon. Aplikasi powtoon dapat diakses secara online dengan melakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu. Penggunaan powtoon dapat mencakup materi dengan berbagai animasi, dapat menambahkan video, gambar, suara dan desain warna teks yang dapat disesuaikan. Hasil akhir penggunaan powtoon dapat disimpan secara otomatis di youtube yang mudah dilihat semua orang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian dua puluh lima siswa kelas V. Tahap awal dalam penelitian ini adalah melakukan observasi awal yang meliputi tiga ranah yaitu ranah afektif, ranah kognitif dan ranah psikomotorik. Hasil observasi awal pada ranah afektif dinyatakan 65% tuntas, kognitif 80% tuntas, dan psikomotor 70% tak tuntas. Jadi, dilakukan perbaikan pada ranah psikomotorik pada siklus 1 diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal 75%. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah hasil belajar siswa sekolah dasar dapat ditingkatkan melalui video pembelajaran menggunakan powtoon.