84 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Program Karawang Cerdas Oleh Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda Dan Olahraga Kabupaten Karawang

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    ABSTRACT The Karawang Smart Program is a Government Program by providing assistance in the form of educational scholarships for the people of Karawang Regency based on Regent Regulation No. 66 of 2018. The purpose of this study to describe how the Karawang Smart Program Evaluation by the Karawang Regency Youth and Sports Education Office is seen from the assessment of input, assessment on the process, the assessment of the output, and the assessment of the impact. This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Collecting data in this research by means of literature study followed by interviews, observation, documentation and triangulation. Based on the results of the study showed that: 1). The input dimensions are in accordance with the Technical Instructions made by the Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Karawang Regency 2). The implementation process encountered problems, especially at the beginning of the fiscal year. Lack of supervision for three years from the Disdikpora on aid recipients 3). The results of this Smart Karawang Program increase the Human Development Index in Karawang Regency 4). The impact of the Karawang Cerdas program has made the public's interest in education high. So from the results of this study it is suggested that the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Karawang Regency as the organizer prepares optimally and evaluates every year so that it is right on target in accordance with the Regulation of the Regent of Karawang.  Keywords : Evaluation, Program, Smart Karawang, Department of Education Youth and Sports. ABSTRAK Program Karawang Cerdas merupakan Program Pemerintah berupa beasiswa Pendidikan bagi masyarakat Kabupaten Karawang berdasarkan Peraturan Bupati Nomor 66 Tahun 2018. Bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana Evaluasi Program Karawang Cerdas oleh Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Karawang dilihat dari penilaian terhadap input, penilaian terhadap proses, penilaian terhadap output, dan penilaian terhadap impack. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan cara studi pustaka yang dilanjutkan dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan triangulasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1). Dimensi input sudah sesuai dengan Petunjuk Teknis yang dibuat oleh Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Karawang 2). Proses pelaksanaan terjadi kendala terutama di awal tahun anggaran. 3). Hasil adanya Program Karawang Cerdas ini meningkatnya Indeks Pembangunan Manusia di Kabupaten Karawang 4). Dampak dari adanya program Karawang Cerdas membuat animo masyarakat menjadi tinggi terhadap pendidikan. Kurangnya pengawasan selama tiga tahun dari pihak Disdikpora terhadap penerima bantuan. Maka dari hasil penelitian tersebut disarankan agar Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Karawang selaku penyelenggara mempersiapkan dengan optimal serta melakukan evaluasi setiap tahun agar tepat sasaran sesuai dengan Peraturan Bupati Karawang. Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, Program, Karawang Cerdas, Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga.  

    Pengembangan Lks Untuk Metode Penemuan Terbimbing Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas VIII Di SMP Negeri 18 Palembang

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    The aim of this research are : (1) Producing the student worksheet for valid and practical guidance find method in math learning in the eighth class student in SMP Negeri 18 Palembang. (2) To know potential effect of the using student worksheet for guidance finder method to ability the eight class in SMP Negeri 18 Palembang. The research is developed learning practice plan, the student worksheet and the ability student test.This research use the development research method, and it contains analysis, design, evaluation and revision. The collecting data were used by observation and test. Observation use to analysis student activity along teaching learning process and the test use to analysis student ability. Subjects in this research are 40 students in the eight class in SMP Negeri 18 Palembang.The conclusion are: (1). the student worksheet are developed in this research is valid, practical and have potency effect for the student ability in the eighth class student in SMP Negeri 18 Palembang. (2). Prototype of the student worksheet is valid and practical. Valid were shown by validation evaluation that all validation result good base on content and construct and language. Practical were shown by every student can using the student worksheet good. (3) the student worksheet have potency effect to student ability. It were shown b the ability test result in good student ability level


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    Perancangan Smart Door Lock Menggunakan Voice Recognition Berbasis Rapberry Pi 3

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    The server door is the main access to enter the server room. Currently the door lock on the server room is still done manually using the physical key as a tool to open or lock the door. Physical keys are easily lost or left behind which results in the officer not being able to enter the server room. This resulted in the officer can not access the server. Based on these reasons, the server door is integrated with a computer system that can unlock the door using voice recognition to unlock the server door. Voice recognition is able to identify a person through his voice. Voice recognition is divided into 2 parts namely speech recognition and speeker recognition. Meanwhile, the authors use the speech recognition section to open thedoor server door lock. Where, speech recognition can identify what is spoken by someone. The design of this tool is made using Raspberry pi 3 as the processing center and ULN2803 as ic to increase the voltage so that it can move the solenoid that serves to move the doorlock. Then raspberry gives command to the servo motor to open the door. Only staff who have id and password are only able to open the door lock on the server room using voice recognition. While those who do not have id and password can not unlock the door in the server room. So with the design of smart door lock tool using voice recognition raspberry-based pi 3 provides a level of security and access more computerized

    Affective iconic words benefit from additional sound–meaning integration in the left amygdala

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    Recent studies have shown that a similarity between sound and meaning of a word (i.e., iconicity) can help more readily access the meaning of that word, but the neural mechanisms underlying this beneficial role of iconicity in semantic processing remain largely unknown. In an fMRI study, we focused on the affective domain and examined whether affective iconic words (e.g., high arousal in both sound and meaning) activate additional brain regions that integrate emotional information from different domains (i.e., sound and meaning). In line with our hypothesis, affective iconic words, compared to their non‐iconic counterparts, elicited additional BOLD responses in the left amygdala known for its role in multimodal representation of emotions. Functional connectivity analyses revealed that the observed amygdalar activity was modulated by an interaction of iconic condition and activations in two hubs representative for processing sound (left superior temporal gyrus) and meaning (left inferior frontal gyrus) of words. These results provide a neural explanation for the facilitative role of iconicity in language processing and indicate that language users are sensitive to the interaction between sound and meaning aspect of words, suggesting the existence of iconicity as a general property of human language

    Oxidative Stability of Nano-Encapsulated Candlenut Oil

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    Candlenut has a lot of potential pharmacological benefits including in hair care, in treating skin problems such as psoriasis, and in its use as an emollient. However, the high unsaturated fatty acid content of candlenut oil causes it to be easily degraded by oxidation due to exposure to air, light, and humidity. Nanoencapsulations were found to be an alternative in protecting the materials from degradation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of polymer-based nanoencapsulations on the oxidative stability of candlenut oil. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was used as a polymer wall material. A lower peroxide value indicates better oil stability against oxidation. Results showed that nano-encapsulated candlenut oil has a significantly lower average peroxide value of 0.41 meq/100g over 35 days storage time, compared to 3.8 meq/100g in pure candlenut oil. Furthermore, based on its physical characterization, it was found that the reduction of particle size with the optimal size of 172±12 nm was achieved by increasing the amount of PVA. A well-chosen and well-calculated amount of polymer material, therefore, plays an important role to obtain optimal nano-encapsulated candlenut oil. Keywords: nanoencapsulation, candlenut oil, oxidative stability, polymeric material

    Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kerusakan Asam Lemak Omega-3 Pada Air Susu Ibu (ASI)

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    Penelitian kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyimpanan terhadap kerusakan asam lemak omega-3 pada air susu ibu (ASI). Analisa data menggunakan data kromatogram GC-MS. Data yang dihasilkan adalah air susu ibu (ASI) yang disimpan di dalam suhu freezer (00C) selama 0, 7 dan 30 hari memiliki persen relatif kadar asam lemak omega-3 berturut-turut sebesar 29,12, 28,24 dan 6,24. Berdasarkan uji Kruskal Wallis Test, diperoleh p value = 0,027 (p<0,05). Hasil statistika ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh lama penyimpanan terhadap kerusakan asam lemak omega-3 pada air susu ibu (ASI)