304 research outputs found

    A Case Of Cryptomenorrhea Presenting as - Acute Abdominal pain

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    BACKGROUND: The transverse vaginal septum is a congenital Mullerian abnormality caused due to improper fusion of the Müllerian ducts with urogenital sinus. It is classified as complete or incomplete and obstructive or non-obstructive and occurs at various levels such as superior vaginal (46%), mid-vaginal(40%) and inferior vaginal(14%). Transverse vaginal septum is a rare condition with incidence varying from 1:2100 to 1:72,000. The condition is difficult to manage often due to delayed diagnosis and is usually diagnosed when hematocolpos lead to symptoms due to an expanding pelvic mass CASE DESCRIPTION: A 14-year-old female adolescent presented with a history of acute pain abdomen that was increasing in frequency. Initially diagnosed as a case of imperforate hymen. Following additional pelvic examination and further investigation of the Transabdominal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), it was confirmed to be a case of Transverse vaginal septum presenting with cryptomenorrhea. CONCLUSIONS: This case report presents transverse vaginal septum with a solitary symptom of acute abdominal pain. The report emphasizes the need for additional investigations with considering cryptomenorrhea as a possible differential diagnosis and an appropriate age for repai

    Management of Vatarakta w.s.r. to Gout through Panchakarma

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    Vatarakta is more distressing and common metabolic disorder prevalent in present era. It is Vatapradhana Tridoshaja Vatavyadhi where Rakta is main Dushya. Vata is a predominant Dosha in Vatarakta, when it is excessively aggravated with vitiated Rakta is called Vatarakta. Vatarakta is correlated with gout in modern science. Gout is an abnormality of purine metabolism causes hyperuricemia and deposition of monosodium urate crystals in joints. Pain is predominant symptom of gout, which disturbs day-today life of the patients. The Panchakarma is not only a important component of Ayurvedic treatment but it is also forms the fundamental basis of Ayurveda therapy. The different procedures like Swedana, Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Sirovirechana, Raktamokshana focus on the purification which detoxifies the human body, i.e. the correction of the metabolism at molecular level. These detoxification procedures are essential components of the management in various metabolic disorders. So Panchakarma is an unique approach in the management of Vatarakta

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pejabat Pengelola Keuangan Skpd Pemerintah Kota Surakarta

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of budgetary participation , the characteristics of accounting information , public sector accounting , organizational motivation , information technology and organizational culture on the performance of financial management officer . Based on the results of the study are expected to provide an overview of the dynamics that occur in SKPD Office of Surakarta in particular its financial management officer . This research included in this type of quantitative research by using direct survey through questionnaires . The population in this study is a financial management officer who worked in the Office of SKPD in Surakarta . Techniques used in sampling is purposive sampling method. Collecting data using questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability levels . Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis , F test , coefficient determination test , t test , and classical assumption . The results showed that: (1) Participation of the budget affect the performance of financial management officer, the t test was obtained thitung 2,716 and 0,011 significance value <0.05. (2) the characteristics of accounting information on the performance of financial management officer. Evident from the t test to obtain the results and significance thitung 2,150 0,040 <0,05. (3) public sector accounting effect on the performance of financial management officer, of the t test results obtained thitung 2,856dan significance of 0.008 <0.05. (4) Motivation affect the performance of the organization's financial management officer, on the count of 2,258 t test and values sig 0.032 <0.05. (5) information technology affect the performance of financial management officer, of the t test obtained t calculate equal to 2.357 and sig 0.025 <0.05 (6) organizational culture affect the performance of financial management officer, of the t test obtained t calculate equal to 2,920 and sig 0.025 <0.05

    Analysis of Greenhouse Solar Dryer Performance for Different Designs using CFD

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    Over the decades, solar energy has been used to support various agricultural products in different regions of the world. From the existing literature it appears that open dehydration is most commonly used for the desired application and its effectiveness is limited to some extent. To overcome the limitations, solar dehydration is proposed and carried out by various researchers. The greenhouse dryer has proven to be the most suitable technique for storing various types of fruit, vegetables and cereal products. Much research has been conducted in recent years to improve the performance of the chosen method. Traditionally it is limited to the empirical form and is then extended to CFD analysis in order to obtain efficient results through simulations. The importance of a solar dryer and the classification of solar dryers is presented in this paper

    Hubungan Antara Fungsi Keluarga dengan Kejadian Sindrom Pramenstrual pada Siswi SMA N 2 Klaten

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    Background Family function is a family duty involves caring, socialization, as well as solving health problem. Family influenced much in dealing with girl adolescents reproduction health problem. Reproduction health problem especially girls is strongly related to menstruation. In girl adolescents the sexual maturation was marked by first period or menarche. Girls adolescents with usually related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is a group of symptoms both physically, psychologically, that occurred 7 days before period and happen in adolescents. Objective This study aimed to know the association between family function with premenstrual syndrome prevalence in girl adolescents of SMA N 2 Klaten. Methods This study used cross sectional methods, 50 samples is taken using purposive sampling in girl students of XI IPA. Family function data using APGAR family questionnaire and PMS prevalence using SPAF questionnaire. Result In this study, 7 girl students had PMS, data analyzed using spearman test. The result shows p value = 0,000 ( p < 0,001) and r value = 0,555. So there was significant association. Conclusions There is association between family function with premenstrual syndrome prevalence in girl students of SMA N 2 Klaten

    Comparative evaluation of facial parameters and symmetry - A hospital based study in Bhubaneswar

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    The study focuses on measuring various facial parameters and their relationships in individuals seeking orthodontic care. Materials and methods: The researchers conducted a study in Bhubaneswar, India, involving 102 subjects (47 males and 55 females) aged 20 to 45 years. They used descriptive and statistical analyses to examine measurements such as distances between inner canthi of eyes, eye widths, interpupillary line width, and nasal width. Result: The study revealed sexual dimorphism in some measurements, indicating differences between males and females. The distance between inner canthus of eye (p-value - 0.0528 ) showed that males have larger width compared to females, width of left eye ( p-value - 0.0055 ) and width of right eye ( p-value - 0.0706 ) showed that males have wider eyes than females. Inter pupillary line width (p-value 0.0046 ) indicates that males have larger pupil gap compared to females. Nasal width (p-value 0.0766 ) indicates wider nose in males compared to females. The research is conducted on a sample of residents from Bhubaneswar, India, within a specific age range, and includes measurements related to eye width, nasal width, and interpupillary line width. Clinical significance: The abstract also references previous studies and their findings in the field of orthodontics, including discussions about the impact of orthodontic tooth movement on the soft tissue profile and the need for further research to comprehensively understand facial form. Conclusion: The abstract concludes by emphasizing the importance of facial esthetics in orthodontic treatment and the need for more studies to investigate angular and facial features

    Resiliensi Pada Penyintas Pasca Erupsi Merapi

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    Mengenang kembali peristiwa erupsi Gunung Merapi hampir dua tahun lalu masih menyisakan pilu bagi banyak pihak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami dan mendeskripsikan upaya resiliensi pada penyintas pasca erupsi Merapi. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 12 orang dewasa warga lereng Gunung Merapi dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut: 1) Penyintas berusia antara 18-40 tahun, 40-60 tahun, dan 60 tahun-kematian. 2) Penyintas yang bertempat tinggal di kawasan lereng Gunung Merapi yaitu warga Desa Balerante, Kecamatan Kemalang. 3) Penyintas yang mengalami traumatis mendalam akibat bencana alam erupsi Merapi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat potensi resiliensi pada orang dewasa korban erupsi Merapi, yang potensi ini menjadi sumber kekuatan untuk bertahan dan mencoba merubah keadaan. Dan dapat dilihat dari orang dewasa menerima kondisi dan keadaan yang menimpa, berusaha dari sisi spiritual, berusaha dalam tindakan nyata berupa menata kembali roda perekonomian, membangun, mempertahankan, dan menjalin hubungan interpersonal dengan orang lain. Temuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah faktor keluarga dan faktor yang dulu bahkan tidak disadari oleh para penyintas yaitu faktor keyakinan akan kekuatan Allah serta faktor social support yang diberikan kepada para penyintas untuk membantu pemulihan pasca erupsi Merapi

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur ( Dp3a ) Bangunan Penelitian, Pengembangan Dan Promosi Produk Susu Sapi Di Boyolali (Sebagai Wahana Wisata Edukasi)

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    Bangunan penelitian, pengembangan dan promosi produk susu sapi di Boyolali sebagai wahana wisata edukasi adalah sebagai tempat yang menjadi wadah untuk melakukan penelitian, pengembangan dan promosi produk olahan susu sapi sekaligus sebagai tempat wisata edukasi di Kabupaten Boyolali yang terkenal dengan sebutan “Kota Susu”. Kabupaten Boyolali dikenal sebagai Kota Susu, karena merupakan salah satu sentra terbesar penghasil susu sapi segar di Jawa Tengah. Peternakan sapi perah umumnya berada di daerah selatan dan dataran tinggi yang berudara dingin, karena sapi perah yang dikembangkan saat ini berasal dari wilayah sub-tropis Australia dan Selandia Baru. Menurut Pemerintah Kabupaten Boyolali, dari total pemenuhan kebutuhan susu secara nasional, 53,43 persen disuplai dari produksi susu di Jawa Tengah, khususnya di Boyolali. Saat ini produksi susu segar di Boyolali sudah mampu mencukupi pasokan kebutuhan industri pengolah susu karena sudah mencapai sekitar 120.000 Liter per hari.Susu merupakan minuman berprotein tinggi namun merupakan bahan makanan yang mudah rusak/pecah apabila tidak langsung dihidangkan setelah proses pemerahan. Biasanya susu sapi yang tidak dilakukan proses apa pun setelah pemerahan hanya dapat bertahan selama satu hari, setelah lewat satu hari biasanya susu sapi akan basi. Kabupaten Boyolali adalah salah satu DTW (Daerah Tujuan Wisata) di Jawa Tengah terletak di lereng gunung Merapi dan Merbabu sehingga memiliki pemandangan alam yang eksotis. Kabupaten Boyolali juga memiliki Bandara Internasional yaitu Bandara Adi Sumarmo yang berjarak 25 km dari Kota Budaya Surakarta (Solo) yang merupakan koridor jalur wisata Solo - Selo - Borobudur (SSB). Pariwisata Kabupaten Boyolali sendiri terbagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu wisata alam, wisata air dan wisata ziarah.Dari berbagai pernyataan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwasannya Boyolali merupakan sentra penghasil susu terbesar di Indonesia khususnya di Jawa Tengah. Susu sendiri merupakan minuman berprotein dan bergizi tinggi namun mudah rusak/ basi maka perlu adanya pengolahan yang baik agar susu dapat dinikmati dalam waktu yang lama tanpa mengurangi kandungan gizi dan protein, maka penulis mempunyai inisiatif untuk membuat sebuah bangunan yang nantinya dijadikan sebagai pusat penelitian, pengembangan dan promosi produk dari olahan susu sapi. Jadi nantinya produk olahan susu bisa dikembangkan lebih banyak lagi tentunya dengan melalui penelitian oleh para ahli. Tahap akhirnya yaitu promosi produk yaitu dengan mengkonsep tempat ini menjadi wahana wisata edukasi. Jadi selain pengunjung dapat bersenang-senang di arae ini tentunya juga mendapatkan pembelajaran berbagai produk olahan susu sapi yang telah dikembangkan melalui penelitian yang sistematis

    Bahari Technopark Tegal

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    Tegal City is a city located on the north coast of the island of Java, Indonesia. This city became the forerunner of the Marine Corps is famous for marine affairs and fisheries. Fishing villages, fishing industry, and harbor thrive in this city's. Aside from being a field of industry and business, the potential for ocean Tegal is also used as a recreational area because it has a beautiful view. Bahari Technopark Tegal is a container that is expected to be the forerunner of Tegal Smartcity. Smart in exploiting local potential for Tegal progress both in economic, social, and education. Bahari Technopark Tegal bring together community, government, academia, and industry to work in synergy to create innovative or make an effort in order to improve people's welfare and progress of Tegal independent, sustainable. In addition, Bahari Technopark Tegal is also expected to be a recreational, interesting for anyone to visit and gain insight in particular in the maritime field. Long story short, Bahari Technopark Tegal just like a rowboat, which when rowed by one person then it will be hard to go forward. However, if done together and compact, then made rapid progress is not impossible