6,022 research outputs found


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    Functional theory views language as means of communication. So, communicative competence is the goal of language teaching. One of the most characteristic features of communicative language teaching is that it pays systemic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language, combining these into a more fully communicative view. Teaching language as communication focuses on the ability to use language for different purposes. In this article the writer focused on functional communication activities in language teaching. The aim of this article is to know the implementation of functional communication activities in teaching reading a descriptive text for middle age students

    Identification Critical Thinking Stages Of Students’ Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES For Solving Mathematics Problems

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    This research is qualitative research that purpose to describe critical thinking stages of college students for each level of critical thinking skills in Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES for solving mathematics problems. In the clarification, a subject in critical thinking level 0 until level 3 showed the same characteristic that is getting the information in the picture, and be able to create images to get additional information. In the assessment, subjects in critical thinking level 0 just dig a small portion of relevant information, the subject in critical thinking level 1 until level 3 dig most of the information. In the inference stage, a subject in critical thinking level 0 to level 2 only using inductive thinking, subject in critical thinking level 3 using deductive thinking. In the strategy stage, a subject in critical thinking 0 using the analogy or not can come up with strategies employed, subject in critical thinking level 1 and level 2 using the analogy, subject level 3 using his own ideas by looking for relationships in solving problems. Keywords: critical thinking, the stages of critical thinking, clarification, assessment, inference, strategies , and solving mathematics problem


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    The purposes of this study are to investigate the potential problem and its possible solution in implementing competence based curriculum in SLTPNs in Malang. This study is descriptive study that describes the potential problem in implementing competence- based curriculum in SLTPNs in Malang. The population of this study are the headmasters and their vice headmasters of students affair, public relation, equipment, and curriculum in SLTPNs in Malang. Meanwhile, the sample are the headmasters and their vice headmasters of students affair, public relation, equipment, and curriculum in SLTPN 4 and SLTPN 13 in Malang. The instrument that is used in this study is unstructured interview. It is used to obtain more data about the potential problem in implementing competence-based curriculum in SLTPNs in Malang. The data of this study that is collected from SLTPN 4 and SLTPN 13 Malang is the potential problem in implementing competence-based curriculum in the matter of the number of students and classrooms, teachers’ availability, finance, teaching media, and teachers’ preparation. It should be not more than 40 students in each classroom. This school only has 18 classrooms for 774 students. Besides, the large number of students also can appear the problem in teachers’ availability and financial aspect and teachers’ availability. The other problem of the school in implementing competence-based curriculum is in teaching media and teachers’ preparation. It is difficult for most teachers to understand and to comprehend competence-based

    Kelengkapan deridatif pada distribusi dalam ruang vektor

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    Dalam penyusunan tugas akhir ini yang menjadi latar belakang pembicaraan adalah topologi ruang vektor. Dengan pemahaman dari ruang vektor topologi dan aljabar dan topologi didefinisikan tentang ruang konvek lokal dan kemudian berpangkal dari itu pembahasan dikembangkan kearah distribusi beserta salah satu kelengkapannya tentang derivatif yang disajikan hanya sebagai unsur kelengkapan namun peinbahasan inti tetap pada su

    Keabsahan Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT) Terkait Masa Tenggang Pembaruan Perjanjian Kerja Di PT. X Sidoarjo

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    Perjanjian kerja waktu tertentu (PKWT) sangat banyak digunakan oleh pengusaha/perusahaan karena di anggap sangat efisien dalam menjalankan operasional perusahaan dan dapat meminimalis pengeluaran perusahaan. PT. X di sidoarjo juga menggunakan sistem (PKWT) pada pekerja/buruh, namun dalam pembuatan perjanjian kerja ini belum sesuai dengan undang-undang ketenagakerjaan. Keabsahan dalam sebuah perjanjian kerja harus memuat unsur dan syarat sahnya suatu perjanjian agar tidak menimbulkan akibat hukum di kemudian hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode socio legal yang artinya berdasarkan pada fakta-fakta dilapangan sebagai gejala sosial yang empiris sifatnya. Perjanjian kerja itu sah ketika di tanda tanganinya perjanjian kerja itu, namun perjanjian itu akan tidak sah ketika melanggar peraturan-peraturan yang mengaturnya. Jika (PKWT) dibuat tidak sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan maka (PKWT) itu menjadi perjanjian kerja waktu tidak tertentu (PKWTT). Perusahaan akan dikenakan sanksi pidana jika dalam pembuatan perjanjian kerja tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini mempunyai manfaat untuk penulis dalam pengembangan dibidang ilmu hukum dan mempunyai manfaat bagi dinas tenaga kerja, serikat pekerja/buruh serta masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi terkait ketenagakerjaan. Kata Kunci : Perjanjian Kerja, Keabsahan Perjanjian, Akibat Huku

    Winds driven by super-star clusters: The self-consistent radiative solution

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    Here we present a self-consistent stationary solution for spherically symmetric winds driven by massive star clusters under the impact of radiative cooling. We demonstrate that cooling may modify drastically the distribution of temperature if the rate of injected energy approaches a critical value. We also prove that the stationary wind solution does not exist whenever the energy radiated away at the star cluster center exceeds ~ 30% of the energy deposition rate. Finally we thoroughly discuss the expected appearance of super-star cluster winds in the X-ray and visible line regimes. The three solutions here found: the quasi-adiabatic, the strongly radiative wind and the inhibited stationary solution, are then compared to the winds from Arches cluster, NGC 4303 central cluster and to the supernebula in NGC 5253.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication by The Astrophysical Journa
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