16 research outputs found

    Treatment, Adherence, and Disability in Bipolar Disorder

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    This study is part of a collaborative bipolar research project between the Unit of Mental Health of the National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki (the former Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research of the National Public Health Institute, Helsinki) and the Department of Psychiatry, Jorvi Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH), Espoo, Finland. The Jorvi Bipolar Study (JoBS) is a prospective, naturalistic cohort study of 191 secondary-level care psychiatric in- and outpatients with a new episode of DSM-IV bipolar disorder (BD). Overall, the study involved screening 1,630 adult patients (aged 18-59 years) using the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) for symptoms of bipolar disorder in the Department of Psychiatry, Jorvi Hospital, from January 1, 2002, to February 28, 2003, for a possible new episode of bipolar disorder. A clinical diagnosis of ICD-10 schizophrenia was an exclusion criterion for screening. The 490 consenting patients were interviewed with a semi-structured interview (SCID-I/P). Thereby, 191 patients were diagnosed with an acute phase of DSM-IV BD and included in the study. The patients participating were interviewed again 6 and 18 months after baseline. The course of the disease, with timing and durations of different phases, was examined by gathering all available data, which were then combined in the form of a graphical life chart. Observer- and self-reported scales were included at baseline and at both follow-up assessments. Also, the treatments provided were investigated at baseline and at both follow-up interviews. The aim in the first study was to investigate the adequacy of acute phase pharmacotherapy received by psychiatric in- and outpatients with a research diagnosis of BD I or BD II, including patients with and without a clinical diagnosis of BD. Information about treatments received during the index acute episode was gathered in the interview and from psychiatric records. Definitions of adequate acute-phase pharmacotherapy were based on published treatment guidelines. Only 42% of all 191 patients and 65% of those diagnosed with bipolar disorder received adequate treatment for the acute index phase. Clinical diagnosis of bipolar disorder was the factor most strongly independently associated with adequate treatment. In addition, rapid cycling, polyphasic index episode, or depressive index phase independently predicted inadequate treatment. Outpatients received adequate treatment markedly less often than inpatients. Lack of attention to the longitudinal course of the illness was another major problem area of treatment. Next, our aim was to investigate the adequacy of the maintenance-phase pharmacotherapy received during the first maintenance phase after an acute episode, following the same patients as in the first study. We defined adequate maintenance-phase pharmacotherapy based on published treatment guidelines. Of the patients with a maintenance phase in follow-up, adequate maintenance treatment was received by 75% for some time, but by only 61% throughout the maintenance phase and for 69% of the total maintenance time. Having adequate maintenance treatment throughout the maintenance phase was most strongly independently associated with having a clinical diagnosis of BD. In addition, inpatient treatment, rapid cycling, and not having a personality disorder predicted receiving adequate maintenance treatment throughout the maintenance phase. In addition, we investigated the continuity of attitudes toward and adherence to various types of psychopharmacological and psychosocial treatments among psychiatric in- and outpatients with BD I or II. During the 18-month follow-up, a quarter of the patients using mood stabilizers or atypical antipsychotics discontinued medication by their own decision, and of the medications continued, a third were not used regularly enough to provide a benefit. Overall, more than half of BD patients either discontinued pharmacotherapy or used it irregularly. The highest risk for discontinuing pharmacotherapy was present when the patients were depressed. Also, a quarter of the patients receiving psychosocial treatments did not adhere to the treatment. The main reasons patients gave for nonadherence toward pharmacological treatment were side-effects, lack of motivation, and a negative attitude toward the offered treatment; for individual/supportive psychotherapy, the reasons included practical barriers to coming to sessions and lack of motivation. Rates of nonadherence to mood stabilizers and antipsychotics did not differ, but the predictors did. Last, we investigated the prevalence and clinical factors predicting the granting of a long-term disability pension for patients with BD. We used register data to gather precise information on the pensions granted and their timing. During the 18-month follow-up after an acute episode, a quarter of the patients belonging to the labor force were granted a disability pension. Higher age, male gender, depressive index episode, comorbidity with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or avoidant personality disorder, and a higher number of psychiatric hospital treatments all independently predicted the granting of a disability pension. Moreover, patients subjective estimations of their vocational ability were surprisingly accurate in forecasting the granting of a future disability pension. In addition, the depression-related cumulative burden and the proportion of time spent in depression during the follow-up were important predictors. However, the predictors may vary depending on the subtype of illness, gender, and age group of the patient.Tämä tutkimus on osa Terveyden ja Hyvinvoinnin Laitoksen Mielenterveysyksikön ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin Jorvin sairaalan psykiatrian tulosyksikön kaksisuuntaisen mielialahäiriön seurantatutkimusta (Jorvi Bipolar Study, JoBS), jossa seurattiin 191 ajankohtaisesta (DSM-IV) mielialajaksosta kärsivää psykiatrisen erikoissairaanhoidon avohoito- ja sairaalapotilasta. Tutkimusta varten Jorvin psykiatrisessa erikoissairaanhoidossa seulottiin 1.1.2002 alkaen 28.2.2003 saakka 1630 potilasta (iältään 18-59 vuotta), kaksisuuntaisen mielialahäiriön oireiden suhteen. Kliininen ICD-10 skitsofreniadiagnoosi oli poissulkukriteeri seulontaan. Tutkimushaastatteluun suostui 490 potilasta, jotka haastateltiin puolistrukturoidulla haastattelumenetelmällä (SCID-I/P). Tutkimukseen otettiin 191 potilasta, joilla oli diagnosoitu akuutissa vaiheessa oleva kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö. Potilaat haastateltiin uudelleen 6- ja 18- kuukautta tutkimukseen ottamisen jälkeen. Taudin kulku, vaiheiden ajoitus ja kesto tutkittiin keräämällä kaikki käytettävissä oleva tieto, joka koottiin yksityiskohtaiseksi graafiseksi kuvaajaksi, oirekortiksi. Sekä alku- että seurantahaastatteluihin kuului tutkijan ja potilaan täyttämiä tutkimuslomakkeita. Myös määrätyt hoidot tutkittiin sekä alku- että seurantahaastatteluissa. Tutkimuksen ensimmäinen tavoite oli selvittää miten asianmukaista akuutin vaiheen lääkehoitoa saavat psykiatriset sairaala- ja avohoitopotilaat, joille on asetettu tutkimusdiagnoosiksi kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö tyyppi I tai II, mukaan lukien ne potilaat joilla ei ole kliinistä kaksisuuntaisen mielialahäiriön diagnoosia. Asianmukaisen lääkehoidon määritelmät perustuivat hoitosuosituksiin. Vain 42% kaikista 191 potilaasta ja 65% niistä, joilla oli kliininen kaksisuuntaisen mielialahäiriön diagnoosi, saivat asianmukaista hoitoa akuuttivaiheessa. Kliininen diagnoosi oli tärkein asianmukaista hoitoa itsenäisesti ennustava tekijä. Sen lisäksi asianmukaista hoitoa itsenäisesti ennustivat tiheäjaksoisuus, monivaiheinen jakso, ja masennusvaihe. Avohoidossa olevat potilaat saivat asianmukaista hoitoa merkittävästi harvemmin kuin sairaalahoidossa olevat potilaat. Puuttuva huomio taudin pitkittäiseen kulkuun oli merkittävä ongelma-alue. Seuraavaksi tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten asianmukaista on hoito ensimmäisessä ylläpitojaksossa akuutin vaiheen jälkeen, seuraten samoja potilaita kuin ensimmäisen tutkimuksen akuuttivaiheessa. Asianmukaisen lääkehoidon määritelmät perustuivat hoitosuosituksiin. Niistä joilla oli ylläpitojakso seurannassa, sai 75% asianmukaista lääkehoitoa jonkin aikaa, mutta vain 61% koko ylläpitovaiheen ajan ja 69% ylläpitovaiheen kokonais ajasta. Kliininen diagnoosi ennusti itsenäisesti vahvimmin asianmukaisen lääkehoidon saamista koko ylläpitovaiheen ajan. Kliinisen diagnoosin puuttumisen lisäksi epäasianmukaista ylläpitovaiheen lääkitystä ennustivat sairaalahoito, tiheäjaksoisuus ja persoonallisuushäiriö. Seurannan aikana tutkittiin myös eri psykofarmakologisten ja psykososiaalisten hoitojen jatkuvuutta, sekä asenteita ja hoitoon sitoutumista näihin hoitoihin, psykiatrisilla sairaala- ja avohoitopotilailla, joilla oli kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö tyyppi I tai II. Neljäsosa niistä potilaista joilla oli mielialaa tasaava tai epätyyppillinen psykoosilääke käytössä, lopetti lääkityksen omalla päätöksellään ja niistäkin jotka jatkoivat kolmasosa ei käyttänyt lääkkeitä riittävän säännöllisesti saadakseen siitä hyötyä. Yhteensä yli puolet kaksisuuntaista mielialahäiriötä sairastavista potilaista joko lopetti lääkityksen tai käytti sitä epäsäännöllisesti 18 kuukauden seuranan aikana. Suurin riski lääkkeen lopettamiseen liittyi masennusvaiheisiin. Myös neljäsosa niistä potilasta jotka saivat psykososiaalista hoitoa olivat huonosti hoitoon sitoutuneita. Tärkeimmät potilaiden ilmaisemat syyt huonoon lääkehoitoon sitoutumiseen olivat sivuvaikutukset, puutteellinen motivaatio ja negatiiviset asenteet tarjottua hoitoa kohtaan. Tärkeimmät potilaiden ilmaisemat syyt huonoon yksilö- tai supportiivisen hoitoon sitoutumiseen olivat käytännön esteet ja motivaation puute. Mielialaa tasaavaan tai antipsykoottiseen lääkitykseen sitoutuneiden osuus ei eronnut toisistaan, mutta syyt erosivat. Lisäksi tutkittiin pitkäaikaiselle työkyvyttömyyseläkkeelle jäämisen syitä ja esiintyvyyttä kaksisuuntaista mielialahäiriötä sairastavilla potilailla. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin rekisteritietoja, jotta saatiin tarkka tieto eläkkeistä ja niiden ajoituksesta. Akuuttia vaihetta seuranneiden 18 kuukauden aikana neljäsosalle työvoimaan kuuluvista potilaista myönnettiin työkyvyttömyyseläke. Työkyvyttömyyseläkkeelle jäämistä ennustivat korkeampi ikä, miessukupuoli, masennus tutkimuksen alkuvaiheessa, samanaikainen yleistynyt ahdistuneisuushäiriö tai estynyt persoonallisuus, sekä suurempi psykiatristen sairaalahoitojen lukumäärä. Lisäksi potilaiden omat arviot työkyvystään alkuhaastattelussa olivat yllättävän tarkkoja ennustamaan työkyvyttömyyseläkkeen myöntämistä. Myös masennuksen osuus seurannan aikana oli tärkeä ennustava tekijä. Ennustavat tekijät kuitenkin vaihtelivat sairauden tyypistä, sukupuolesta ja iästä riippuen

    Long-term work disability due to type I and II bipolar disorder : findings of a six-year prospective study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Background: Bipolar disorder (BD) is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. However, the prevalence and predictors of long-term work disability among patients with type I and II BD have scarcely been studied. We investigated the clinical predictors of long-term work disability among patients with BD. Methods: The Jorvi Bipolar Study (JoBS) is a naturalistic prospective cohort study (n = 191) of adult psychiatric in- and out-patients with DSM-IV type I and II BD in three Finnish cities. Within JoBS we examined the prevalence and predictors of disability pension being granted during a six-year follow-up of the 152 patients in the labor force at baseline and collected information on granted pensions from national registers. We determined the predictors of disability pension using logistic regression models. Results: Over the 6 years, 44% of the patients belonging to the labor force at baseline were granted a disability pension. Older age; type I BD; comorbidity with generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or avoidant personality disorder; and duration of time with depressive or mixed symptoms predicted disability pensions. Including disability pensions granted before baseline increased their total prevalence to 55.5%. The observed predictors were similar. Conclusion: This regionally representative long-term prospective study found that about half of patients with type I or II bipolar disorder suffer from persistent work disability that leads to disability pension. In addition to the severity of the clinical course and type I bipolar disorder, the longitudinal accumulation of time depressed, psychiatric comorbidity, and older age predicted pensioning.Peer reviewe

    A Randomized Clinical Trial of Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program versus Crisis Counseling in Preventing Repeat Suicide Attempts : A Two-Year Follow-Up Study

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    Introduction: The Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP) is a brief psychotherapeutic intervention, and a pivotal study found it to be remarkably effective in reducing repeat suicide attempts. Objective: To compare the effectiveness of ASSIP to crisis counseling (CC) in a randomized clinical trial (ISRCTN13464512). Methods: Adult patients receiving treatment for a suicide attempt in a Helsinki City general hospital emergency room in 2016-2017 were eligible to participate. We excluded psychotic or likely non-adherent substance-abusing or substance-dependent patients. Eligible patients (n = 239) were randomly allocated to one of two interventions. (a) ASSIP comprised three visits, including a videotaped first visit, a case formulation, and an individualized safety plan, plus letters from the therapist every 3 months for 1 year, and then, every 6 months for the next year. (b) CC typically involved 2-5 (median 3) face-to-face individual sessions. In addition, all participants received their usual treatment. One and 2 years after baseline, information related to participants' suicidal thoughts and attempts, and psychiatric treatment received was collected via telephone and from medical and psychiatric records. Results: Among randomized patients, two-thirds initiated either ASSIP (n = 89) or CC (n = 72), with 73 (82%) completing ASSIP and 58 (81%) CC. The proportion of patients who attempted suicide during the 2-year follow-up did not differ significantly between ASSIP and CC (29.2% [26/89] vs. 35.2% [25/71], OR 0.755 [95% Cl 0.379-1.504]). Conclusions: We found no difference in the effectiveness of the two brief interventions to prevent repeat suicide attempts.Peer reviewe

    The Mood Disorder Questionnaire improves recognition of bipolar disorder in psychiatric care

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated our translation of The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) as a screening instrument for bipolar disorder in a psychiatric setting in Finland. METHODS: In a pilot study for the Jorvi Bipolar Study (JoBS), 109 consecutive non-schizophrenic psychiatric out- and inpatients in Espoo, Finland, were screened for bipolar disorder using the Finnish translation of the MDQ, and 38 of them diagnostically interviewed with the SCID. RESULTS: Forty subjects (37%) were positive in the MDQ screen. In the SCID interview, twenty patients were found to suffer from bipolar disorder, of whom seven (70%) of ten patients with bipolar I but only two (20%) of ten with bipolar II disorder had been previously clinically correctly diagnosed. The translated MDQ was found internally consistent (alpha 0.79) and a feasible screening tool. CONCLUSIONS: Bipolar disorder, particularly type II, remains commonly unrecognized in psychiatric settings. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire is a feasible screen for bipolar disorder, which could well be integrated into psychiatric routine practice

    Predominant Polarity in Bipolar I and II Disorders : A Five-Year Follow-Up Study

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    ABSTRACT Background Patients with bipolar disorder (BD) differ in their relative predominance of types of episodes, yielding predominant polarity, which has important treatment implications. However, few prospective studies of predominant polarity exist. Methods In the Jorvi Bipolar Study (JoBS), a regionally representative cohort of 191 BD I and BD II in- and outpatients was followed for five years using life-chart methodology. Differences between depressive (DP), manic (MP), and no predominant polarity (NP) groups were examined regarding time ill, incidence of suicide attempts, and comorbidity. Results At baseline, 16% of patients had MP, 36% DP, and 48% NP. During the follow-up the MP group spent significantly more time euthymic, less time in major depressive episodes, and more time in manic states than the DP and NP groups. The MP group had significantly lower incidence of suicide attempts than the DP and NP group, lower prevalence of comorbid anxiety disorders but more psychotic symptoms lifetime and more often (hypo)manic first phase of the illness than the DP group. Classification of predominant polarity was influenced by the timeframe used. Limitations The retrospective counting of former phases is vulnerable to recall bias. Assignment of dominant polarity may necessitate a sufficient number of illness phases. Conclusions Predominant polarity has predictive value in predicting group differences in course of illness, but individual patients’ classification may change over time. Patients with manic polarity may represent a more distinct subgroup than the two others regarding illness course, suicide attempts, and psychiatric comorbidity.Peer reviewe