3,088 research outputs found

    Cross sectional study evaluating the correlation of thyroid dysfunction with severity of disease in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background: The present study was conducted to evaluate the correlation of disease severity in RA and thyroid dysfunction.Methods: The present cross-sectional descriptive study enrolled 164 participants aged 12 years and above diagnosed as having RA. Use of drugs causing thyroid dysfunction, malignancy, diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension, pregnancy and prior thyroidectomy were the criteria for exclusion. Data was analyzed using R and tests of significance were Chi square test and independent sample t-test and Pearson correlation. Institutional ethics committee approved the study and written informed consent was obtained from all study participants.Results: Serum TSH positively correlated with DAS 28 (r=0.2, p=0.005), ESR (r=0.2, p=0.03), CRP (r=0.2, p=0.006), RA factor (r=0.2, p=0.003), subjective assessment (r=0.3, p= 0.001) and anti TPO antibodies (r=0.7, p=0.001). Free T4 negatively correlated with DAS28 (r=-0.2, p=0.006), ESR (r=-0.2, p=0.02), CRP (r=-0.2, p=0.01). RA factor (r=-0.2, p=0.01), subjective assessment (r=-0.2, p= 0.01), anti TPO (r=-0.6, p=0.001) and Free T3 negatively correlated with DAS28 score (r=-0.2, p=0.02) , ESR (r=-0.2, p=0.03), RA factor (r=-0.3, p=0.001) and anti TPO antibodies (r=- 0.3, p=0.001).Conclusions: Hypothyroidism was significantly associated with disease severity of RA with linear positive correlation of TSH with DAS28 score, ESR, CRP, RA factor, subjective assessment and anti TPO antibodies, linear negative correlation of serum free T4 with DAS 28 score, ESR, CRP, RA factor, subjective assessment and anti TPO antibody and linear negative correlation of free T3 with DAS28 score, ESR, RA factor and anti TPO antibody was observed

    Modulation Signal Chain for a 5G PDSCH Reciever

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    LTE (Long Term Evolution), marketed as 5G LTE, is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals. It increases the system capacity and speed. The standard is developed by the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project). The scrambling and modulation was implemented using hardware and software methods. The using of scrambling and modulation mapping with help of constellation method is used. Constellation method is easily differentiating the real and imaginary terms of the modulation mapping. Depending on the hardware structure, particular scrambling and modulation mapping was designed using Verilog RTL coding. Simulation and synthesis was carried out using Xilinx Vivado 2015.4.2 design and implemented on Artix-7 FPGA board. Clock cycle delay is reduced to two clock cycle

    Intelligent Early Diagnosis System against Strep Throat Infection Using Deep Neural Networks

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    The most frequent bacterial pathogen causing acute pharyngitis is Group-A hemolytic Streptococcus (GAS), and sore throat is the second most frequent acute infection. The immunological reaction to group A Streptococcus-induced pharyngitis results in Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF). A genetically vulnerable host for ARF is a streptococcal infection. ARF, which can affect various organs and cause irreparable valve damage and heart failure, is the antecedent to Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD). RHD, in many countries is Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) refers to a range of conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels, including coronary artery disease, heart attack, heart failure, and stroke. It is important to note that while this approach has demonstrated promising results, further studies and validation are necessary to establish its clinical feasibility and reliability. Further research can also be done to evaluate the generalization of the model to larger and diverse patient populations. The results showed that using Image Synthesis-based augmentation improved the ROC-AUC scores compared to basic data augmentation. The proposed method could be a valuable tool for healthcare professionals to quickly and accurately diagnose strep throat, leading to timely treatment and improved patient outcomes. The experimental findings indicate that the suggested detection approach for strep throat has a high level of accuracy and effectiveness. The approach has an average sensitivity of 93.1%, average specificity of 96.7%, and an overall accuracy of 96.3%. The ROC-AUC of 0.989 suggests that the approach is effective at distinguishing between positive and negative cases of strep throat. These results indicate that the suggested detection approach is a promising tool for accurately identifying cases of strep throat

    Exploring Diverse Rough Neighborhoods Through Graphical Analysis

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    The world’s knowledge is believed to double every ten months, and this vast pool of information often contains incomplete data, imperfections, uncertainties, and vague elements. Converting such data into meaningful patterns is a crucial task for data analysts. In this research, we have explored various mathematical models for this purpose. Among these models, we focused on Pawlak’s Rough Set model applied through Rough Graphs. Our work presents a novel form of Rough Neighborhood System, as demonstrated in this paper


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    In this paper, we introduce a new class of sets called -generalized semiclosed sets and -generalized semiopen sets in topological spaces and study some of their properties

    Construction of an ‘acne reduction clock’ and treatment success with combination of Ocimum basilicum & Aloe vera

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    Acne/pimple is a chronic skin condition with hair follicles blocked with sebum/dirt/dead cells. This leads to inflammation and also increases the microbial load. Acne occurs due to various reasons such as seasons, enzymes, environmental conditions, microbial load, excess sebum deposition etc. There are various conventional treatments available but are not satisfactory or may have some side effects. Herbal drugs play a major role in the treatment of acne. The combination of Ocimum basilicum & Aloe vera is proven to have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activities. In the present paper herbal product with combination of Ocimum basilicum & Aloe vera was studied for its efficacy on hourly basis. Results are presented in the paper

    Real Time Monitoring and Neuro-Fuzzy Based Fault Diagnosis of Flow Process in Hybrid System

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    Process variables vary with time in certain applications. Monitoring systems let us avoid severe economic losses resulting from unexpected electric system failures by improving the system reliability and maintainability The installation and maintenance of such monitoring systems is easy when it is implemented using wireless techniques. ZigBee protocol, that is a wireless technology developed as open global standard to address the low-cost, low-power wireless sensor networks. The goal is to monitor the parameters and to classify the parameters in normal and abnormal conditions to detect fault in the process as early as possible by using artificial intelligent techniques. A key issue is to prevent local faults to be developed into system failures that may cause safety hazards, stop temporarily the production and possible detrimental environment impact. Several techniques are being investigated as an extension to the traditional fault detection and diagnosis. Computational intelligence techniques are being investigated as an extension to the traditional fault detection and diagnosis methods. This paper proposes ANFIS (Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System) for fault detection and diagnosis. In ANFIS, the fuzzy logic will create the rules and membership functions whereas the neural network trains the membership function to get the best output. The output of ANFIS is compared with Back Propagation Algorithm (BPN) algorithm of neural network. The training and testing data required to develop the ANFIS model were generated at different operating conditions by running the process and by creating various faults in real time in a laboratory experimental model

    How JRK’s 777 oil demolishes the dense, viscous herbal rich oils can be ineffective for psoriasis

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    The present study deals with the importance of herbal particle size in the AYUSH oil preparations for psoriasis in order to achieve greater absorption and therapeutic value. More often the viscosity of the oil, deep colour and the density of herbal constituents are associated with superior therapeutic value. But our study has clearly demonstrated that the dermal absorbable herbal constituents (under 40 µm) was less than 10% in most of the Wrightia tinctoria based AYUSH oil preparations sold for the treatment of psoriasis in India whereas Dr. JRK’s 777 oil contain more than 60% of the herbal constituents below 40 µm size. Further the role of particle size besides dermal absorption; in the therapeutic value also established by oxygen species scavenging assay. Findings reveal that smaller the particles greater was the antioxidant effect and hence such herbal constituents not only would offer superior therapeutic effect but also protection to the oil from going rancid. Details are presented in the paper.  Keywords: AYUSH oils, Herbal oil, Psoriasis, dermal absorption, Wrightia tinctoria, rancid oi

    Ethnobotanical Studies from Amaravathy Range of Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Ghats, Coimbatore District, Southern India

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    The ethnobotanical studies were carried out in the Amaravathy Range of India Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Anamalais, the Western. Ghats, Tamilnadu during June 2005 – May 2006. Puliyars and Muthuvars are the two dominant tribes who inhabit the dense jungles of this range; they have a fair knowledge on the indigenous flora. Due to intensive and extensive explorations have resulted in the collection of information on ninety four plant species; out of which, 73 are wild and the rest are cultivated; within the wild plants 24 are used as edible fruits; 12 species as a leafy vegetable; 23 species are having medicinal value and 18 species utilized for miscellaneous uses and the same is provided

    Study of maternal and fetal outcome in antepartum eclampsia in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: In modern obstetrics, the prevalence of Eclampsia and its complications are high, so we decided to study pregnancy outcome in all Antepartum Eclampsia patients. The present study was carried out to investigate the maternal and fetal outcome in patient with Antepartum eclampsia.Methods: A prospective study was conducted in Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital, Salem, India over a period of one year from January 2016 to December 2016 in all Antepartum Eclampsia patients. Analysis was done regarding the age of women, parity, gestational age, imminent symptoms, mode of delivery, fetal outcome and maternal morbidity and mortality.Results: Incidence of Antepartum Eclampsia in our hospital is 0.7%. It is more common in age group of 20 to 25years (68.5%) and primigravida (56%) and gestational age >37 weeks (51.85%). Commonest mode of delivery was by caesarean section (72%). Out of 54 patients of Antepartum Eclampsia 3 (5.5%) died and 18 (33%) had complications. Out of 50 live babies, 16 (32%) died.Conclusions: Eclampsia is still one of the important and common obstetric emergencies and it has a significant role in maternal and fetal outcome. The early identification of risk factors and timely intervention is needed to improve maternal and perinatal outcome
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