24 research outputs found

    Profil Self Efficacy Karir Mahasiswa Bimbingan Dan Konseling Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

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    Mahasiswa dalam fase remaja akhir menuju dewasa awal, dari kepribadian, sosial, karir semuanya harus berkembang dengan baik untuk mencapai masa depan sesuai dengan harapan. Untuk mencapai karir yang matang salah satu yang harus berkembang baik pada mahasiswa adalaj self efficacy. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey, dengan subyek penelitian mahasiswa BK berjumlah 45. Instrument yang digunakan metode skala likert dengan butir item yang valid dan reliabel 25. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan self efficacy mahasiswa BK Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya tinggi. Dengan aspek perilaku mendekat menjauh 3.81, keberhasilan kinerja dalam ranah sasaran 3.81, kegigihan (persistence) dalam menghadapi rintangan atau pengalaman yang tidak diharapkan 3.64

    Strategi Konseling Latihan Asertif untuk Mereduksi Perilaku Bullying

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    Bulying that was experienced by someone affected an anxiety and pressure in life. Therefore, asertif training strategy of counselling is required for reducing bullying. Assertive training strategy of counseling is utilized to reduce an anxiety and increases individual interpersonal by removing bullying effect and ward off bullying activities. Asertif training strategy of counseling for reducing bullying consist of rational, identification, differentiating asertif's behaviour and exploringtarget, role playing, simultaneous training, homework and follow-up, and terminations


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    The strength of character and virtue become an important goal for individual personal development. The strength of character and virtue influence each other. Virtue can have many different strengths of character, the more a person has the character of every virtue, then the individual can be said to have a good character. In counseling and guidance services also have clear goals to help develop optimally the potential of learners who are characterized, so that in every counseling oriented so that learners can develop the potential that exists in him, succeeded in accordance with his ability and become a happy individua

    Gambar Sebagai Media Bimbingan Bermain dan Belajar Anak-Anak

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    The majority of drawing and drawing activities are liked by children because of the shape or color they like, but with increasing age and environmental influence not a few who are not interested in drawing or seeing pictures, because they are considered not useful or not too important compared to subjects in school. After a deeper study, it turns out that drawing and drawing save many benefits for the development of children. Among them can help motor development, the development of various intelligences and, no less important, can make children happy, especially if they can get support from the surrounding environment, it all contributes greatly to the success of children. in the future. &nbsp


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    Bulying that was experienced by someone affected an anxiety and pressure in life. Therefore, asertif training strategy of counselling is required for reducing bullying. Assertive training strategy of counseling is utilized to reduce an anxiety and increases individual interpersonal by removing bullying effect and ward off bullying activities. Asertif training strategy of counseling for reducing bullying consist of rational, identification, differentiating asertif's behaviour and exploringtarget, role playing, simultaneous training, homework and follow-up, and terminations

    Konseling Individu dengan Teknik Modeling untuk Meningkatkan Kekuatan Karakter Kesederhanaan

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    Individual counseling with modeling techniques has been proven effective in increasing the strength of the character of temprence. Clients were very active in participating in each counseling session. Researchers can observe clients clearly on each counseling process. This study used qualitative method with types of grounded research and descriptive tchnique so that the analysis is very clear and detailed. The three counselees clients who conducted individual counseling can be analyzed experiencing an increasement in the power of temprence character. Research was conducted on three counselees, the results of the study proved effective to develop the strength of the character of temperance, it can be seen that there is evidence first counselee are able to be better at people who hurt them, able to make friends with everyone, be able to do tasks more timely and can control emotions more. second counselee also get better by being able to appreciate their friends as well as third counselee who can control emotions more when find unpleasant situations


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    ?Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa yang memiliki kontrol diri rendah. Terdapat peserta didik yang terlibat pergaulan yang negatif di luar sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan kontrol diri penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen kuasi dengan desain single subject dengan desain A-B. Penelitian pelaksanaan pengukuran baseline sebanyak tiga kali, intervensi konseling individu dengan teknik modeling simbolis dilaksanakan sebanyak empat sesi. Berdasarkan hasil uji percentage non-overlapping data (PND), dapat disimpulkan konseling individu dengan teknik modeling simbolis secara umum efektif untuk mengembangkan kontrol diri siswa kelas XI Vijaya Kusuma. Konseling individu dengan teknik modeling simbolis efektif mengembangkan kontrol diri tiga siswa subjek penelitian pada semua sapek kontrol diri yaitu perasaan dan tingkah laku, disiplin, emosi dan nafsu


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    Ketaatan dan kesadaran masyarakat dalam rangka mencegah penyebaran covid 19 masih rendah, hal ini bisa terlihat dari rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam menggunakan masker dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat di Desa Ciampanan, Cineam, Tasikmalaya. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat terkait pentingnya kesadaran dan ketaatan dalam mencegah COVID-19. Pendekatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diantaranya: 1) tahap perencanaan pengabdian; 2) tahap persiapan pengabdian; 3) tahap pelaksanaan pengabdian; 4) tahap evaluasi pengabdian. Dari rangkaian pendekatan tersebut telah dibagikan masker ke setiap warga dengan mengingatkan untuk terus sadar dalam menjaga kesehatan salah satunya menggunakan masker dalam rangka mencegah COVID-19.Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memberi manfaat dalam meningkatkan antusias masyarakat untuk peduli pentingnya pencegahan COVID-19

    Antusias Siswa dalam Bimbingan Kelompok Di Sekolah Terhadap Mengembangkan Kekuatan Karakter Kesederhanaan (Temperance) dan Implikasinya pada Bimbingan dan Konseling

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the enthusiasm of students in group guidance in schools to develop the strength of the character of simplicity (temprance) and to find out its implications for guidance and counseling. The researcher observed the character of equality to eight respondents who were given group guidance treatment then gave quantification with the instrument in the form of a Likert scale questionnaire that was calculated cumulatively. To see the difference in the strength of the character of simplicity, researchers compared the strength of character with students from the control class as many as eight people as well. The results showed that there was no difference in the character of simplicity between students in the experimental group and the control group significantly at 0.05. Researchers see fe-nomena This is due to the lack of conducive filling of pre-test instruments and post-tests, besides that research is more effective if one indicator of the strength of the character is simplicity because it is more focused. The research can be further developed with different techniques and qualitative data so that the results are more maximal. However, from the results of enthusiastic observations students took high group guidance, because students felt they had just received the guidance service and students could also conclude and take the meaning of each group guidance service provided


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    Artikel ini merupakan kajian literatur mengenai disposisi matematis anak usia dini. Selama ini tujuan pembelajaran matematika mulai dari usia pra sekolah sampai jenjang menengah diartikan sebagai anak mahir melakukan perhitungan secara akurat. Padahal pembelajaran matematika lebih kepada penguasaan kecakapan matematis. Namun, kecakapan matematis yang selama ini dipahami oleh guru di lembaga PAUD, lebih kepada kecakapan pemahaman konseptual, meliputi konsep bilangan, geometri, pengukuran, dan pola matematis. Padahal, terdapat kecakapan matematis lain yang perlu dikembangkan, yaitu disposisi matematis. Disposisi matematis menjadi fondasi yang kuat untuk kegiatan belajar matematika dimulai dari usia dini, karena mengembangkan disposisi matematis anak berarti memberikan kesadaran bagi anak bahwa matematika hadir dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, mudah dipahami, menyenangkan, serta memberikan kesempatan kepada anak untuk merefleksikan dunianya secara matematis. Dengan demikian, anak akan termotivasi untuk terlibat dalam pembelajaran matematika secara aktif, mendorong peningkatan keterampilan proses matematis lain, serta menumbuhkan sikap positif anak terhadap matematika. Makalah ini membahas apa dan bagaimana disposisi matematis dapat dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran matematika untuk anak usia dini sebagai salah satu tujuan pembelajaran matematika, sehingga diharapkan memberikan kontribusi positif terwujudnya pembelajaran matematika yang menyenangkan bagi anak