23 research outputs found

    Influence of substrate density and cropping conditions on the cultivation of sun mushroom

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    Aim of the study: To evaluate agronomical features demanded by the sun mushroom (Agaricus subrufescens) in order to optimise the commercial cultivation of this worldwide demanded medicinal mushroom.Area of study: The study was carried out in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), the second most productive region of cultivated mushrooms in Spain.Material and methods: In this work we summarise the results obtained while evaluating the performance of sun mushroom crops (A. subrufescens). Two agronomical traits have been evaluated, the effect on the productive outputs of applying five different compost filling rates of high N substrate (yield and BE of the compost), and the influence of implementing two different conditions for the induction to fructification on the analytical properties of the harvested mushrooms. Besides, two commercial compost formulations (CM and VC) obtained from local providers have been used.Main results: The number of sporophores harvested and the yield per unit area increased with rising density of compost load, although the biological efficiency was not significantly modified. Compost fill rate of 70 kg m-2 provided an average yield of 13.33 kg m-2 and BE=55.45 kg dt-1, generally higher than those values reported in the literature. The proposed moderate slow induction provides better yields, particularly in the last flushes, and larger sporophores. Proximate analysis of harvested sporophores has not shown significant differences between treatments or factors.Research highlights: As guidance for growers, compost fill weight between 65 and 70 kg per m2 of productive area with a moderate slow induction to fructification is presented as the best option for commercial production under controlled environmental conditions

    Utilización de compost agotado de champiñón como capa de coberturas en nuevos ciclos de producción

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic behaviour of six mixtures of casing, prepared from spent mushroom substrate (SMS), in new production cycles of Agaricus bisporus. The results obtained showed the feasibility of reuse of the SMS in new cultivation cycles when used alone by submitting it to a washing process to remove soluble salts, or mixed with other materials of low conductivity, such as Sphagnum peat or coconut fiber pith. The high values of biological efficiency recorded up to 100 kg kg-1 compost, similar to that of the controls, and the same high values observed in the dry matter content of the mushrooms harvested with some of the new casing layers prepared must be highlighted. The suggested use for SMS is an important alternative to consider, in order to replace soils and other organic substrates typically used as casing, with the added advantages of lowering the production costs and decreasing the environmental impact.The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic behaviour of six mixtures of casing, prepared from spent mushroom substrate (SMS), in new production cycles of Agaricus bisporus. The results obtained showed the feasibility of reuse of the SMS in new cultivation cycles when used alone by submitting it to a washing process to remove soluble salts, or mixed with other materials of low conductivity, such as Sphagnum peat or coconut fiber pith. The high values of biological efficiency recorded up to 100 kg kg-1 compost, similar to that of the controls, and the same high values observed in the dry matter content of the mushrooms harvested with some of the new casing layers prepared must be highlighted. The suggested use for SMS is an important alternative to consider, in order to replace soils and other organic substrates typically used as casing, with the added advantages of lowering the production costs and decreasing the environmental impact.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento agronómico de seis mezclas de cobertura, elaboradas a partir de sustrato postcultivo del champiñón Agaricus bisporus, en nuevos ciclos de cultivo. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron la viabilidad de la reintroducción del sustrato en nuevos ciclos de cultivo, ya sea como material de base único, si se somete a un proceso de lavado para eliminar sales solubles, o bien mezclado con otros materiales de baja conductividad, como es el caso de la turba rubia o la fibra de coco. Se destacan los altos valores de eficiencia biológica registrados, que llegaron hasta los 100 kg kg-1 de compost, similares a los proporcionados por los testigos, y los altos valores relativos observados (con respecto a los testigos) en el contenido en materia seca de los carpóforos cosechados con algunas de las nuevas coberturas elaboradas. Esta reutilización del compost constituye una alternativa interesante, con vistas a reemplazar a las tierras y a los sustratos orgánicos utilizados habitualmente como cobertura, con la doble ventaja de disminuir los costos de elaboración y el impacto ambiental

    Substrate casing and compost supplementation in button mushroom cultivation

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el comportamiento de la corteza de pino, de la fibra de coco y del sustrato postcultivo, como capas de cobertura, en el cultivo del champiñón (Agaricus bisporus). Tras la caracterización física, química y biológica de las capas de cobertura, se evaluaron los parámetros de producción cualitativos y cuantitativos, en un ciclo de cultivo de champiñón con cuatro floradas. La menor porosidad y capacidad de retención de agua del suelo mineral, sin aditivos, y la alta conductividad eléctrica del sustrato postcultivo del champiñón utilizado, asociado a la suplementación nutritiva, son los factores determinantes en el diferente comportamiento agronómico observado. Las mezclas de cobertura influenciaron el rendimiento y el número de champiñones, la eficiencia biológica, la tasa de producción y la precocidad. El mejor rendimiento total se obtuvo con la mezcla de suelo mineral y fibra de coco suplementado. Las capas de coberturas evaluadas pueden ser utilizadas comercialmente para la producción de champiñón.The objective of this work was to describe the behavior of pine bark, coconut fiber, and spent mushroom substrate, as casing layers, in the button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) cultivation. After the physical, chemical and biological characterization of these casing layers, qualitative and quantitative yield parameters were evaluated in a mushroom crop cycle with four crops. The lower porosity and water retention capacity of the mineral soil without additives and the high eletrical conductivity of the post culture substrate of the mushroom used, associated with nutrient supplementation, are the determinant factors of the different agronomical behavior observed. The casing mixtures influenced mushroom yield, number of mushrooms, biological efficiency, production rate, and earliness. The best total yield was obtained using mineral soil mixed with supplemented coconut fiber. The evaluated casing layers can be used commercially for button mushroom production

    Influence of strains and environmental cultivation conditions on the bioconversion of ergosterol and vitamin D 2 in the sun mushroom

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    The fungus Agaricus subrufescens is grown commercially in China, the USA, Brazil, Taiwan and Japan, among others. However, each country adopts a cultivation system that significantly influences the agronomical parameters and chemical composition of the harvested mushrooms. In this study, the influence of the cultivation process on the content of ergosterol and vitamin D2 was evaluated. RESULTS: Four commercial strains of A. subrufescens (ABL 04/49, ABL CS7, ABL 18/01 and ABL 19/01) and two environmental cultivation conditions (in the field and a controlled chamber with the absence of sunlight) were used. Infield cultivation, ABL CS7 and ABL 19/01 strains presented better agronomic parameters, whereas in a protected environment ABL 19/01, ABL 04/49 and ABL 18/01 demonstrated better performance, respectively. The highest biological efficiency value (64%) was provided by ABL 19/01 strain in a controlled environment. CONCLUSION: The highest content in ergosterol (990 mg kg−1) and vitamin D2 (36.8 mg kg−1) were observed in mushrooms obtained in the field from strain ABL 04/49, which presents reasonable agronomic parameters for cultivation.This research was funded by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP No. 2017/22501-2 for CVS, 2019/12605-0 for DMMS and 2018/21492-2 for DCZ, 19/00419-8 for WGVJ). The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020); national funding by FCT, PI, through the institutional scientific employment program contracts for A Fernandes and L Barros. This work is funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds (FEEI) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project Mobilizador ValorNatural®.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of casing materials made from spent mushroom substrate and coconut fibre pith for use in production of "Agaricus bisporus" (Lange) Imbach

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    Se describe en el presente trabajo el estudio del comportamiento agronómico proporcionado en cultivo de champiñón por sustratos de cobertura basados en mezclas de fibra de coco (CF) y compost agotado (SMS) en diferentes proporciones. Para ello, tras la caracterización física, química y biológica de los sustratos de cobertura, se evaluaron los parámetros de producción cualitativos y cuantitativos en un ciclo de cultivo de Agaricus bisporus. Se observó que al aumentar la proporción de SMS en las mezclas disminuyó el número de carpóforos cosechados y el rendimiento total, a la vez que se vio retrasada la cosecha de la primera florada, aunque tiende a aumentar el tamaño de los champiñones cosechados, que presentan mayor contenido en materia seca, mejor textura y peor coloración. Combinaciones de CF y SMS 4:1 y 3:2 (v/v) proporcionaron, respectivamente, eficiencias biológicas de 92,9 y 82,6 kg/100 kg compost, comparables a las proporcionadas por las coberturas empleadas como testigo. Aunque la elevada conductividad eléctrica de las mezclas con alta proporción de SMS suponen una limitación a su empleo, los resultados obtenidos muestran la viabilidad de la reintroducción del SMS de champiñón en nuevos ciclos de cultivo empleándolo como ingrediente de mezclas de cobertura. Esta aplicación constituye una alternativa a considerar en la producción comercial para reemplazar parcialmente a los sustratos orgánicos empleados habitualmente para este fin, con la doble ventaja de disminuir los costes de elaboración y el impacto ambiental.The agronomic performance of different proportions of mixtures of coconut fibre (CF) pith and spent mushroom substrate (SMS) was studied for their use as casing material in mushroom cultivation. After chemical and biological characterisation of the casing substrates qualitative and quantitative production parameters were evaluated in a cycle of Agaricus production. An increase in the proportion of SMS reduced the number of carpophores and overall yield; while the first flush was delayed, mushroom size tended to increase and the mushrooms had a higher dry matter content and a better texture, although their colour was worse. Combinations of CF pith and SMS of 4:1 and 3:2 (v/v) gave biological efficiencies of 92.9 and 82.6 kg 100 kg-1 compost, respectively. These values compare well with that obtained from the commercial casings used as a control. The high electrical conductivity of the mixture containing the highest proportion of SMS would limit its use. However, the results indicate the viability of reusing SMS as an ingredient of casing material for mushroom cultivation. This alternative could be considered to partially replace the organic substrates normally used for mushroom cultivation, with the double advantage of decreasing cost and reducing the environmental impact of waste disposal

    Reuse of degraded Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. substrate by supplementation with wheat bran. Quantitative parameters

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    This research work was conducted in order to investigate the agronomic feasibility of Pleurotus ostreatus by reusing spent substrates previously in crops of the same mushroom. After the physical and chemical characterization of the substrates, we have evaluated quantitative production parameters in one growing season. As base material, the experiment was arranged in wheat straw (WS) and spent Pleurotus substrate (SPS) to generate prepared substrates with the participation of the same, alone, and mixed in different proportions with wheat bran (WB). Unsupplemented SPS, supplemented SPS with 600 g of WB, mixture of WS + unsupplemented SPS, and mixture of WS + supplemented SPS with 600 g of WB, are prepared substrates with biological efficiencies (BE) ranging between 41 and 66% and an excellent unit weight of sporophores harvested. All correlations established among the germination index (GI), earliness (expressed as days to first harvest), yield components and BE were significant and positive correlation coefficients expressed

    Desarrollo del cultivo de Agaricus bisporus en Brasil: suplementación del compost y utilización de híbridos

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    RESUMEN La utilización de variedades híbridas de Agaricus bisporus de origen conocido no es una práctica habitual en los cultivos de Brasil. Por otro lado, tampoco se encuentra establecida la práctica de la suplementación, consistente en la adición al compost de sustancias nutritivas al final de la fase II del proceso de compostaje. El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio del efecto sobre la producción, en cultivos de champiñón en condiciones controladas, de la aplicación al compost de dos dosis de un suplemento comercial utilizando dos variedades híbridas de champiñón diferentes. Se han llevado a cabo para ello dos ciclos de cultivo. Los rendimientos se ven positivamente afectados como consecuencia de la suplementación, de manera significativa con la variedad del tipo híbrido blanco liso. Esta variedad proporciona mayor número de carpóforos y mayores rendimientos que la del tipo híbrido blanco grueso, aunque los champiñones presentaron menor tamaño. Los parámetros de producción cualitativos no han visto afectados como consecuencia de la suplementación. Esta práctica supone incrementos moderados de la temperatura del compost durante la fase de crecimiento vegetativo. Los resultados obtenidos confirman el interés de la suplementación del compost para aumentar la productividad

    Review about Non-Lipid Components and Minor Fat-Soluble Bioactive Compounds of Almond Kernel

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    This work presents a bibliographic review about almond kernel non-lipid components, in particular about the protein fraction, the carbohydrates and the mineral fraction. In addition, other fat-soluble phytochemicals which are present in minor concentrations but show important antioxidant activities are reviewed. Almond kernel is a rich protein food (8.4–35.1%), in which the globulin–albumin fraction dominates, followed by glutelins and prolamins. Within the almond kernel protein profile, amandine dominates. Free amino acids represent a small amount of the total nitrogen quantity, highlighting the presence of glutamic acid and aspartic acid, followed by arginine. Carbohydrates that appear in almond kernels (14–28%) are soluble sugars (mainly sucrose), starch and other polysaccharides such as cellulose and non-digestible hemicelluloses. Regarding the mineral elements, potassium is the most common, followed by phosphorus; both macronutrients represent more than 70% of the total mineral fraction, without taking into account nitrogen. Microminerals include sodium, iron, copper, manganese and zinc. Within the phytochemical compounds, tocopherols, squalene, phytosterols, stanols, sphingolipids, phospholipids, chlorophylls, carotenoids, phenols and volatile compounds can be found