652 research outputs found
Local descriptors for visual SLAM
We present a comparison of several local image descriptors in the context of visual
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). In visual SLAM a set of points in the
environment are extracted from images and used as landmarks. The points are represented
by local descriptors used to resolve the association between landmarks. In this paper, we
study the class separability of several descriptors under changes in viewpoint and scale.
Several experiments were carried out using sequences of images in 2D and 3D scenes
Interest point detectors for visual SLAM
In this paper we present several interest points detectors and we analyze their suitability when used as landmark extractors for vision-based simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM). For this purpose, we evaluate the detectors according to their repeatability under changes in viewpoint and scale. These are the desired requirements for visual landmarks. Several experiments were carried out using sequence of images captured with high precision. The sequences represent planar objects as well as 3D scenes
Buyer-supplier relationships influence on traceability implementation in the vegetable industry
The increasing importance of food safety has made traceability a crucial issue in the agri-business industry. In this article, we have analysed the factors that shape the buyer-supplier relationships, and how they influence the traceability of raw materials. In order to do so, first, we have made a literature review to develop an analytical framework. Next, we have carried out four case studies on vegetable firms with the purpose of uncovering the variables that characterise buyer-supplier relationships, and its influence on traceability in this sector. Finally, we have compared the observed links with the conceptual framework derived from the literature in order to build and improved model
Obradores y talleres en el Maestrazgo de Montesa. Siglos XIII-XVIII
Evolución de la arquitectura en los territorios de la orden de Montesa entre los siglos XIII y XVII
Contribution of Lianas to Plant Area Index and Canopy Structure in A Panamanian Forest
Lianas are an important component of tropical forests, where they reduce tree growth, fecundity, and survival. Competition for light from lianas may be intense; however, the amount of light that lianas intercept is poorly understood. We used a large-scale liana-removal experiment to quantify light interception by lianas in a Panamanian secondary forest. We measured the change in plant area index (PAI) and forest structure before and after cutting lianas (for 4 yr) in eight 80 m × 80 m plots and eight control plots (16 plots total). We used ground-based LiDAR to measure the 3-dimensional canopy structure before cutting lianas, and then annually for 2 yr afterwards. Six weeks after cutting lianas, mean plot PAI was 20% higher in control vs. liana removal plots. One yr after cutting lianas, mean plot PAI was ~17% higher in control plots. The differences between treatments diminished significantly 2 yr after liana cutting and, after 4 yr, trees had fully compensated for liana removal. Ground-based LiDAR revealed that lianas attenuated light in the upper- and middle-forest canopy layers, and not only in the upper canopy as was previously suspected. Thus, lianas compete with trees by intercepting light in the upper- and mid-canopy of this forest
Generación de empleo con calidad para los habitantes del municipio de Mosquera Cundinamarca
With the elaboration and analysis of the present document, it is tried to formulate a policy of generation of use with quality, for the municipality of Mosquera Cundinamarca, from the analysis of some studies made by the National Center of consultancy, the Ministry of work, the Pan-American foundation for the development (FUPAC), the agency of the United States for the international development (USAID), within the framework of the National program of Technical Attendance for the fortification of the policies of use, emprendimiento and generation of income in the regional and local scope (PAT) , oriented to benefit from direct form the inhabitants of the Municipality from Mosquera Cundinamarca. All the previous one taking as it bases for the analysis period 2005-2011.Con la elaboración y análisis del presente documento, se pretende formular una política de generación de empleo con calidad, para el municipio de Mosquera Cundinamarca, a partir del análisis de algunos estudios realizados por el Centro Nacional de consultoría, el Ministerio de trabajo, la fundación panamericana para el desarrollo (FUPAC), la agencia de Estados Unidos para el desarrollo internacional (USAID), en el marco del programa Nacional de Asistencia Técnica para el fortalecimiento de las políticas de empleo, emprendimiento y generación de ingresos en el ámbito regional y local (PAT) , orientado a beneficiar de forma directa a los habitantes del Municipio de Mosquera Cundinamarca. Todo lo anterior tomando como base para el análisis el periodo 2005-2011
Eduardo Nicol: Totalitarianism and the Regime of Force Majeure in Life. The World against the Total Violence
Se propone una mirada filosófica amplia sobre la situación de la violencia en el
siglo XX y XXI, y se brinda un concepto de totalitarismo que, finalmente, opera
temáticamente en la obra del filósofo exiliado Eduardo Nicol. La finalidad del escrito es
poner de manifiesto el diagnóstico de la obra nicoliana sobre un periodo y la comprensión
de una época que, como sostenemos, afecta directamente a la actualidad, en la que el
totalitarismo no se restringe a una esfera de lo político o a una arqueología de teorías
políticas del siglo pasado; antes bien, el trazado del totalitarismo político es el de una
emergente manera de ser humana, total y totalizante, en donde se dan cita formas
sistemáticas de regulación y de control en el ejercicio del poder, propias de un ser sin
verdad que ni da ni pide razones; propias de una idea de hombre distante del humanismo,
plegada en la indiferencia, en una nueva barbarie en donde predomina la masificación
social, la ideología, el movimiento y la propaganda espectacularThis article takes a critical look at the situation of violence in the Twentieth and
Twenty-first century, provides, from the philosophy of exile in the work of Eduardo Nicol,
a concept of totalitarianism that operates thematically in the work of the philosopher in a
text published in 1942 (almost unknown until now) and throughout his work. The purpose
of this written contribution is to demonstrate the diagnosis of nicoliana work over a period
and understanding of an age that directly affects our present, in which totalitarianism is not
restricted to a sphere of politics or an archeology political theories of the last century;
rather, the trajectory of political totalitarianism is the outline of a way of being human, the
total and totalizing, one without truth being, that neither gives nor asks for reasons, an idea
man folded into indifference, a new barbarism enlightened in wich predominant social
massification, ideology, movement and spectacular propagand
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