159 research outputs found

    Ensino-aprendizagem em aulas práticas sobre os conteúdos "˜órgãos dos sentidos' e "˜sistema nervoso': relato de uma experiência

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    Muitas vezes, aprende-se não se preocupando com a natureza desse processo que é complexo, passando esse conhecimento a diante de forma apenas teórica. A formação atual dos profissionais da educação brasileira tem melhorado ao longo dos anos, mas ainda apresenta muitas deficiências. Por isso, mais do que nunca, é necessária a capacitação continuada dos professores. Com isso, se torna possí­vel a renovação das aulas nas escolas, onde o docente ensina aos alunos por meio da observação e investigação com aulas práticas. Essas aulas práticas são de imensa importância para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos estudantes. O presente trabalho foi realizado na Escola Estadual José de Anchieta localizada no municí­pio de União da Vitória – PR, durante o perí­odo de dois meses na turma do nono ano, em 2016. Foram feitas no total seis aulas práticas com os alunos, intercaladas de aulas teóricas, para que com isso instigasse a curiosidade dos estudantes e tivesse uma melhoria na aprendizagem desses. Com isso, incentivar os professores e os alunos com aulas diferenciadas é essencial para que haja uma melhora no ensino nas escolas, sendo assim a chave à investigação dos conteúdos de aula, correlacionando-os com vivências de seu cotidiano

    Overcoming inertia : drivers of the outsourcing process

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    Almost all managers have directly or indirectly been involved in the practice of outsourcing in recent years. But as they know, outsourcing is not straightforward. Outsourcing inertia, when companies are slow to adapt to changing circumstances that accommodate higher outsourcing levels, may undermine a firm’s performance. This article investigates the presence of outsourcing inertia and the factors that help managers overcome it. Using statistical evidence, we show that positive performance effects related to outsourcing can accumulate when circumstances change. This is then followed by rapid increases in outsourcing levels (i.e. outsourcing processes). We investigate what gives rise to these outsourcing processes through follow-up interviews with sourcing executives, which suggest five drivers behind outsourcing processes: managerial initiative (using outside experience); hierarchy (foreign headquarters); imitation (of competitors and of similar firms); outsider advice (from external institutions); knowledge sources (using external information). These five drivers all offer scope for managerial action. We tie them to academic literatures and suggest ways of investigating their presence and impact on the outsourcing process. Overall, we conclude that while economizing factors play a key role in explaining how much firms outsource, it is socializing factors that tend to drive outsourcing processes

    Molecular taxonomy and evolutionary hypothesis concerning Astyanax fasciatus (Characiformes, Characidae) from Vila Velha State park and Tibagi and Iguaçu Rivers

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    A species complex hypothesis involving Astyanax fasciatus from southern Brazil was tested using 12S mtDNA sequences. Phylogenetic inferences were performed with maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian as phylogenetic methods and Hemigrammus bleheri as the outgroup. Besides 11 sequences from A. fasciatus, the data set was comprised of other partial 12S sequences including material from Astyanax altiparanae (two sequences) and Astyanax sp (four sequences), both from the Iguaçu River. The hypothesis of an A. fasciatus species complex was reinforced given the close relationship between A. altiparanae and Astyanax sp observed in the Bayesian tree. Consequently, a taxonomic revision is necessary for these species. © FUNPEC-RP

    Metabolic effects of an entero-omentectomy in mildly obese type 2 diabetes mellitus patients after three years

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    BACKGROUND: Various digestive tract procedures effectively improve metabolic syndrome, especially the control of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Very good metabolic results have been shown with vertical gastrectomy and entero-omentectomy; however, the metabolic effects of an isolated entero-omentectomy have not been previously studied. METHODS: Nine patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and a body mass index ranging from 29 to 34.8 kg/m² underwent an entero-omentectomy procedure that consisted of an enterectomy of the middle jejunum and exeresis of the major part of the omentum performed through a mini-laparotomy. Glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY were measured preoperatively and three months following the operation. Fasting and postprandial variations in glycemia, insulinemia, triglyceridemia, hemoglobin A1c, and body mass index were determined in the preoperative period and 3, 18 and, 36 months after the operation. RESULTS: All patients significantly improved the control of their type 2 diabetes mellitus. Postprandial secretion of peptide YY and Glucagon-like peptide-1 were enhanced, whereas hemoglobin A1c, fasting and postprandial glucose, insulin, and triglyceride levels were significantly reduced. Mean body mass index was reduced from 31.1 to 27.3 kg/m². No major surgical or nutritional complications occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Entero-omentectomy is easy and safe to perform. A simple reduction in jejunal extension and visceral fat causes important improvements in the metabolic profile

    Complete mitochondrial genome of four Scleromystax barbatus (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) populations

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    Abstract The complete mitogenome of four Scleromystax barbatus populations distributed along the species natural range was reconstructed, comprising the first study with this genus and the second with Corydoradinae specimens sampled from their natural environment and deposited in permanent collections. The mitogenome of S. barbatus is a circular molecule of 16,694 base pairs (bp) comprising 37 genes, 22 of which are tRNA, two are rRNA, 13 are protein-coding genes and one control region (D-loop). An 18-nucleotide insertion sequence was found between the ATPase subunit 6 and COIII genes. Most genes are encoded on the heavy strand, while the ND6 and eight tRNAs are found on the light strand. Phylogenetic analyses using other available Callichthyidae mitogenomes confirmed the monophyly of Callichthyinae and Corydoradinae and indicate that S. barbatus populations form a separate and more closely related branch of Corydoras nattereri + Corydoras paleatus

    Composition and Nature of Heterochromatin in the Electrical Fish (Knifefishes) <em>Gymnotus</em> (Gymnotiformes: Gymnotidae)

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    Fishes of the genus Gymnotus have been suggested as a good model for biogeographic studies in the South American continent. In relation to heterochromatin, species of this genus have blocks preferably distributed in the centromeric region. The content of these regions has been shown to be variable, with description of transposable elements, pseudogenes of 5S rDNA and satellite sequences. In G. carapo Clade, although geographically separated, species with 2n = 54 chromosomes share the distribution of many 5S rDNA sites, a unique case within the genus. Here, repetitive DNA sequences from G. sylvius (2n = 40) and G. paraguensis (2n = 54) were isolated and mapped to understand their constitution. The chromosome mapping by FISH showed an exclusive association in the centromeres of all chromosomes. However, the cross-FISH did not show positive signs of interspecific hybridization, indicating high levels of heterochromatic sequence specificity. In addition, COI-1 sequences were analyzed in some species of Gymnotus, which revealed a close relationship between species of clade 2n = 54, which have multiple 5S rDNA sites. Possibly, the insertion of retroelements or pseudogenization and dispersion of this sequence occurred before the geographic dispersion of the ancestor of this clade from the Amazon region to the hydrographic systems of Paraná-Paraguay, a synapomorphy for the group

    Heterochromatin Dynamics in Response to Environmental Stress in Amazonian Fish

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    Transcriptionally inactive portions of genomic DNA, condensed with histones and architectural proteins, are known as heterochromatic regions, often positive C band. The advent of epigenetics and new methodological approaches, showed that these regions are extremely dynamic and responsive to different types of environmental stress. The relationship of the constitutive heterochromatin with the transposable elements inactivation, especially from the Rex family, seems to be a frequent condition in fish. In this manuscript we review the existing knowledge of the nature and function of these genomic regions, based on species-based studies, with a focus on species of fish from the Amazon region