18 research outputs found

    Characterization of Brazilian production in occupational therapy and hospital contexts from 2006 and 2019: a study of two national journals

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    The characterization of scientific production in health care can contribute to obtaining indicators of its growth and consolidation. The aim of the study was to characterize the scientific production of occupational therapy and hospital contexts. A scope review of publications in Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy and Journal of Occupational therapy of USP was carried out between 2006 and 2019, with the reading of the title, abstract and keywords and, when necessary, reading the text. The selection used some inclusion criteria. After filling out the database, reports were produced, which were later analyzed. A total of 126 articles were identified, 103 of which were original articles, 16 experience reports and 7 literature reviews. There is a clear trend of production growth, with significant academic influence, predominance of the Southeast, low international cooperation and receiving little support from funding agencies. Articles constitute the majority of productions, with a significant presence of qualitative research. The articles and experience reports are mainly aimed at the adult and elderly population, changing the trend found in a previous study. For the consolidation and qualification of research and practice in occupational therapy and hospital contexts, it is essential to carry out characterization studies with different designs.A caracterização da produção científica no campo do cuidado em saúde pode contribuir para a obtenção de indicadores de seu crescimento e consolidação. O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar a produção científica de terapia ocupacional e contextos hospitalares. Foi realizada revisão de escopo das publicações nos Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional e na Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da USP entre 2006 e 2019, com a leitura do título, resumo e palavras-chave e, quando necessário, leitura do texto. A seleção utilizou alguns critérios de inclusão. Após o preenchimento do banco de dados foram produzidos relatórios, posteriormente analisados. Foram identificados 126 artigos, sendo 103 artigos originais, 16 relatos de experiência e 7 revisões de literatura. Há clara tendência de crescimento da produção, com significativa influência acadêmica, predominância do sudeste, baixa cooperação internacional e recebendo pouco recurso de agências de fomento. Os artigos constituem a maioria das produções, com significativa presença de pesquisa qualitativas. Os artigos e os relatos de experiência se dirigem principalmente à população adulta e idosa, mudando a tendência encontrada em estudo anterior. Para a consolidação e qualificação da pesquisa e prática em terapia ocupacional e contextos hospitalares é fundamental a realização de estudos de caracterização com desenhos distintos

    As práticas de terapia ocupacional no primeiro ano da pandemia de COVID-19 – revisão bibliográfica

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    Em 2020 a COVID-19 chega ao Brasil e logo se confirma transmissão comunitária. São realizados debates que, em meio à falta de coordenação nacional, produzem respostas diferentes em cada nível de governo. Há ênfase na atenção hospitalar, necessária para o atendimento dos casos graves. As mudanças na assistência refletem-se em todos os níveis de atenção em Saúde, Educação e Assistência Social em que terapeutas ocupacionais atuam. Objetivou-se conhecer e agrupar as comunicações cientificas de terapeutas ocupacionais no primeiro ano da pandemia. Em março de 2021 realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde que inclui a base Scientific Eletronic Library Online, Portal de Periódicos da Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, além do rastreio nas páginas eletrônicas de sete periódicos ibero-americanos de Terapia Ocupacional. Foram utilizados os descritores “occupational therapy” combinado com os descritores “COVID-19”, “coronavirus”, “pandemics”, “quarantine”, “syndemics”. Foram incluídos títulos com práticas implementadas durante a pandemia, escritos por ao menos um terapeuta ocupacional, cujo texto estava integralmente disponível, perfazendo 17 artigos agrupados por campo, nível de atenção, população. Predomina a atenção hospitalar com práticas adaptadas à biossegurança, seguida da Atenção Básica, e ampla adoção da Telessaúde.In 2020, COVID-19 arrives in Brazil and community transmission is soon confirmed. Debates are held in the midst of a lack of national coordination, which produces different responses at each level of government. There is an emphasis on hospital care, necessary for the care of severe cases. Changes in care occur in all levels of Health, Education and Social Assistance in which occupational therapists work. The objective was to know and group the scientific communications of occupational therapists in the first year of the pandemic. In March 2021, a bibliographic review was carried out in the Virtual Health Library, which includes the Scientific Electronic Library Online database, the Journal Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, in addition to screening the electronic pages of seven Ibero-American journals of Occupational therapy. The descriptors “occupational therapy” were used combined with the descriptors “COVID-19”, “coronavirus”, “pandemics”, “quarantine”, “syndemics”. Items with practices implemented during the pandemic, written by at least one occupational therapist, whose text was fully available, were included, totaling 17 articles grouped by field, level of care, population. Hospital care with practices adapted to containment of biohazards predominates, followed by Primary Care, and wide adoption of Telehealth. &nbsp

    Adolescentes con trastorno de déficit de atención con hiperactividad y exposición a la violencia: opinión de los padres

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    Objetivo: identificar la opinión de los padres o responsables por adolescentes con diagnóstico de Trastorno de Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) sobre la exposición de estos como perpetradores o víctimas de situaciones de violencia en la convivencia familiar o fuera de ella. Método: estudio cualitativo con uso de la historia oral temática. Participaron 9 padres de 7 adolescentes con TDAH. Los datos fueron recolectados entre abril y septiembre de 2013, utilizando entrevista temática. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas y realizadas en horarios programados en las residencias de los participantes, con duración promedio de 30 minutos. Los hallazgos fueron sometidos al análisis temático inductivo. Resultados: el análisis de los datos permitió identificar la ocurrencia de "Conflictos en la convivencia familiar" y "Conflictos en el contexto de la escuela y de la comunidad". Los padres relataron la participación de los hijos como víctimas, perpetradores y testigos de violencia física y psicológica, y la dificultad de ellos y de la escuela en entender y manejar esas situaciones. Conclusión: ocurre violencia en las relaciones interpersonales de los adolescentes con TDAH. La comunicación entre profesionales de la salud, de la escuela y familias es deficiente. El enfermero mediante la sistematización de la asistencia de enfermería puede planificar estrategias que articulen las redes de apoyo y las relaciones interpersonales de los adolescentes con ese trastorno (familia y escuela).Objective: to identify the opinion of parents or guardians of adolescents diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) about their children's exposure as perpetrators or victims of violence situations in family life or outside. Method: qualitative study with use of thematic oral history. Nine parents of 07 adolescents with ADHD participated. Data were collected from April to September of 2013 using thematic interview. The interviews were recorded at scheduled times at the participants' home, with an average duration of 30 minutes. The findings were submitted to inductive thematic analysis. Results: data analysis allowed the identification of the occurrence of "Conflicts in family life" and "Conflicts in the context of school and community". Parents reported the involvement of their children as victims, perpetrators and witnesses of physical and psychological violence, and the difficulty of them and the school to understand and handle these situations. Conclusion: violence occurs in ADHD adolescents' interpersonal relationships. Communication between health professionals, school and families is precarious. Through the systematization of nursing care, nurses can plan strategies that articulate support networks and interpersonal relationships of adolescents with the disorder (family and school).Objetivo: identificar a opinião de pais ou responsáveis por adolescentes com diagnóstico de transtorno de déficit de atenção com hiperatividade sobre a exposição desses como perpetradores ou vítimas de situações de violência, no convívio familiar ou fora desse. Método: estudo qualitativo com uso da história oral temática. Participaram 9 pais de 7 adolescentes com transtorno de déficit de atenção com hiperatividade. Os dados foram coletados de abril a setembro de 2013, utilizando-se entrevista temática. As entrevistas foram gravadas, realizadas em horários combinados nas residências dos participantes, com duração média de 30 minutos. Os achados foram submetidos à análise temática indutiva. Resultados: a análise dos dados permitiu identificar a ocorrência de "conflitos no convívio familiar" e "conflitos no contexto da escola e da comunidade". Os pais relataram o envolvimento dos filhos como vítimas, perpetradores e testemunhas de violências físicas e psicológicas, e a dificuldade deles e da escola em entender e manejar essas situações. Conclusão: ocorre violência nas relações interpessoais dos adolescentes com transtorno de déficit de atenção com hiperatividade. A comunicação entre profissionais da saúde, da escola e famílias é deficiente. O enfermeiro, mediante a sistematização da assistência de enfermagem, pode planejar estratégias que articulem as redes de apoio e as relações interpessoais dos adolescentes com o transtorno (família e escola)

    As manifestações clínicas do portador de paralisia facial

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    Introdução: A paralisia facial e um sintoma de um transtorno de base resultante em imobilidade e incapacidade de executar a mímica facial e a expressão emotiva. São várias as etiologias deste acometimento, sendo a classificação em paralisia facial periférica, representada classicamente pela paralisia de Bell e a central, pelo acidente vascular encefálico, adotada para auxiliar na investigação e seguimento clínico adequado. Objetivo: Descrever sobre a paralisia facial, com foco em características clínicas que propiciem ao diagnóstico precoce, medidas terapêuticas e restauração imediata. Metodologia: Revisão narrativa que selecionou artigos disponibilizados na íntegra publicados no recorte temporal de 2008 até 2022. Resultados: Dos 10 artigos incluídos neste estudo, todos realizaram uma ampla análise sobre a temática, a qual propiciou a disseminação de informações atualizadas sobre conceito, diagnóstico diferencial entre duas condições clínicas opostas resultantes em paralisia facial, manifestações, avaliação clínica e manejo adequado. Conclusão: Estudos ainda urgem em ser feitos no intuito de orientar melhor os profissionais e a comunidade a respeito da paralisia facial e a importância que possui o acompanhamento e seguimento precoce. Destarte,

    Validation of questionnaires to assess quality of life related to fecal incontinence in children with anorectal malformations and Hirschsprung's disease

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    Abstract Objective: Surgical treatment of anorectal malformations (ARMs) and Hirschsprung's disease (HD) leads to alterations in bowel habits and fecal incontinence, with consequent quality of life impairment. The objectives were to create and validate a Questionnaire for the Fecal Incontinence Index (FII) based on the Holschneider score, as well as a Questionnaire for the Assessment of Quality of Life Related to Fecal Incontinence in Children and Adolescents (QQVCFCA), based on the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life. Methods: The questionnaires were applied to 71 children submitted to surgical procedure, in two stages. Validity was tested by comparing the QQVCFCA and a generic quality of life questionnaire (SF-36), and between QQVCFCA and the FII. A group of 59 normal children was used as control. Results: At two stages, 45.0% (32/71) and 42.8% (21/49) of the patients had fecal incontinence. It was observed that the QQVCFCA showed a significant correlation with the SF-36 and FII (Pearson's correlation 0.57), showing that the quality of life is directly proportional to improvement in fecal incontinence. Quality of life in patients with fecal incontinence is still globally impaired, when compared with control subjects (p<0.05, Student's t-test). There were also significant differences between the results of children with ARMs and children with HD. Conclusions: QQVCFCA and FII are useful tools to assess the quality of life and fecal incontinence in these groups of children. Children with ARMs submitted to surgical procedure and HD have similar quality of life impairment

    Adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and exposure to violence: parents' opinion

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    Objective: to identify the opinion of parents or guardians of adolescents diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) about their children's exposure as perpetrators or victims of violence situations in family life or outside. Method: qualitative study with use of thematic oral history. Nine parents of 07 adolescents with ADHD participated. Data were collected from April to September of 2013 using thematic interview. The interviews were recorded at scheduled times at the participants' home, with an average duration of 30 minutes. The findings were submitted to inductive thematic analysis. Results: data analysis allowed the identification of the occurrence of "Conflicts in family life" and "Conflicts in the context of school and community". Parents reported the involvement of their children as victims, perpetrators and witnesses of physical and psychological violence, and the difficulty of them and the school to understand and handle these situations. Conclusion: violence occurs in ADHD adolescents' interpersonal relationships. Communication between health professionals, school and families is precarious. Through the systematization of nursing care, nurses can plan strategies that articulate support networks and interpersonal relationships of adolescents with the disorder (family and school)

    Evaluation of Molecular Test for the Discrimination of &ldquo;Naked&rdquo; DNA from Infectious Parvovirus B19 Particles in Serum and Bone Marrow Samples

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    Low levels of parvovirus B19 (B19V) DNA can be detected in the circulation and in different tissue of immunocompetent individuals for months or years, which has been linked to inflammatory diseases such as cardiomyopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, and vasculitis. However, the detection of B19V DNA does not necessarily imply that infectious virions are present. This study aimed to evaluate the method based on the Benzonase&reg; treatment for differentiation between the infectious virions from &ldquo;naked&rdquo; DNA in serum and bone marrow (BM) samples to be useful for the B19V routine diagnosis. In addition, we estimated the period of viremia and DNAemia in the sera and bone marrow of nonhuman primates experimentally infected with B19V. Serum samples from ten patients and from four cynomolgus monkeys experimentally infected with B19V followed up for 60 days were used. Most of the human serum samples became negative after pretreatment; however, only decreased viral DNA loads were observed in four patients, indicating that these samples still contained the infectious virus. Reduced B19V DNA levels were observed in animals since 7th dpi. At approximately 45th dpi, B19V DNA levels were below 105 IU/mL after Benzonase&reg; pretreatment, which was not a consequence of active B19V replication. The test based on Benzonase&reg; pretreatment enabled the discrimination of &ldquo;naked DNA&rdquo; from B19V DNA encapsidated in virions. Therefore, this test can be used to clarify the role of B19V as an etiological agent associated with atypical clinical manifestations