16 research outputs found

    Optimized Spectrometers Characterization Procedure for Near Ground Support of ESA FLEX Observations: Part 1 Spectral Calibration and Characterisation

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    The paper presents two procedures for the wavelength calibration, in the oxygen telluric absorption spectral bands (O2-A, λc = 687 nm and O2-B, λc = 760.6 nm), of field fixed-point spectrometers used for reflectance and Sun-induced fluorescence measurements. In the first case, Ne and Ar pen-type spectral lamps were employed, while the second approach is based on a double monochromator setup. The double monochromator system was characterized for the estimation of errors associated with different operating configurations. The proposed methods were applied to three Piccolo Doppio-type systems built around two QE Pros and one USB2 + H16355 Ocean Optics spectrometers. The wavelength calibration errors for all the calibrations performed on the three spectrometers are reported and potential methodological improvements discussed. The suggested calibration methods were validated, as the wavelength corrections obtained by both techniques for the QE Pro designed for fluorescence investigations were similar. However, it is recommended that a neon emission line source, as well as an argon or mercury-argon source be used to have a reference wavelength closer to the O2-B feature. The wavelength calibration can then be optimised as close to the O2-B and O2-A features as possible. The monochromator approach could also be used, but that instrument would need to be fully characterized prior to use, and although it may offer a more accurate calibration, as it could be tuned to emit light at the same wavelengths as the absorption features, it would be more time consuming as it is a scanning approach

    Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence I: Instrumental Considerations for Proximal Spectroradiometers

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    Growing interest in the proximal sensing of sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has been boosted by space-based retrievals and up-coming missions such as the FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX). The European COST Action ES1309 “Innovative optical tools for proximal sensing of ecophysiological processes” (OPTIMISE, ES1309; https://optimise.dcs.aber.ac.uk/) has produced three manuscripts addressing the main current challenges in this field. This article provides a framework to model the impact of different instrument noise and bias on the retrieval of SIF; and to assess uncertainty requirements for the calibration and characterization of state-of-the-art SIF-oriented spectroradiometers. We developed a sensor simulator capable of reproducing biases and noises usually found in field spectroradiometers. First the sensor simulator was calibrated and characterized using synthetic datasets of known uncertainties defined from laboratory measurements and literature. Secondly, we used the sensor simulator and the characterized sensor models to simulate the acquisition of atmospheric and vegetation radiances from a synthetic dataset. Each of the sensor models predicted biases with propagated uncertainties that modified the simulated measurements as a function of different factors. Finally, the impact of each sensor model on SIF retrieval was analyzed. Results show that SIF retrieval can be significantly affected in situations where reflectance factors are barely modified. SIF errors were found to correlate with drivers of instrumental-induced biases which are as also drivers of plant physiology. This jeopardizes not only the retrieval of SIF, but also the understanding of its relationship with vegetation function, the study of diel and seasonal cycles and the validation of remote sensing SIF products. Further work is needed to determine the optimal requirements in terms of sensor design, characterization and signal correction for SIF retrieval by proximal sensing. In addition, evaluation/validation methods to characterize and correct instrumental responses should be developed and used to test sensors performance in operational conditions

    Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence II:Review of passive measurement setups, protocols, and their application at the leaf to canopy level

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    Satellite gravimetry allows for determining large scale mass transport in the system Earth and to quantify ice mass change in polar regions. We provide, evaluate and compare a long time-series of monthly gravity field solutions derived either by satellite laser ranging (SLR) to geodetic satellites, by GPS and K-band observations of the GRACE mission, or by GPS observations of the three Swarm satellites. While GRACE provides gravity signal at the highest spatial resolution, SLR sheds light on mass transport in polar regions at larger scales also in the pre- and post-GRACE era. To bridge the gap between GRACE and GRACE Follow-On, we also derive monthly gravity fields using Swarm data and perform a combination with SLR. To correctly take all correlations into account, this combination is performed on the normal equation level. Validating the Swarm/SLR combination against GRACE during the overlapping period January 2015 to June 2016, the best fit is achieved when down-weighting Swarm compared to the weights determined by variance component estimation. While between 2014 and 2017 SLR alone slightly overestimates mass loss in Greenland compared to GRACE, the combined gravity fields match significantly better in the overlapping time period and the RMS of the differences is reduced by almost 100 Gt. After 2017, both SLR and Swarm indicate moderate mass gain in Greenland

    Comparison of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Estimates Obtained from Four Portable Field Spectroradiometers

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    Remote Sensing of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) is a research field of growing interest because it offers the potential to quantify actual photosynthesis and to monitor plant status. New satellite missions from the European Space Agency, such as the Earth Explorer 8 FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission—scheduled to launch in 2022 and aiming at SIF mapping—and from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) such as the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) sampling mission launched in July 2014, provide the capability to estimate SIF from space. The detection of the SIF signal from airborne and satellite platform is difficult and reliable ground level data are needed for calibration/validation. Several commercially available spectroradiometers are currently used to retrieve SIF in the field. This study presents a comparison exercise for evaluating the capability of four spectroradiometers to retrieve SIF. The results show that an accurate far-red SIF estimation can be achieved using spectroradiometers with an ultrafine resolution (less than 1 nm), while the red SIF estimation requires even higher spectral resolution (less than 0.5 nm). Moreover, it is shown that the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) plays a significant role in the precision of the far-red SIF measurements

    FluoCat: A cable-suspended multi-sensor system for the vegetation SIF Cal/Val monitoring and estimation of effective sunlit surface fluorescence

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    With the upcoming Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) satellite mission from the European Space Agency, vegetation fluorescence (650–780 nm) will become available at 300x300 m resolution. Calibration and validation strategies of the fluorescence (F) signal remain however challenging, due to (1) the radiometric subtlety of the signal, (2) the multiple entangled drivers of the signal in space and in time, and (3) the need of a spatially representative acquisition, considering the previous two points. To tackle these challenges, the present work introduces the FluoCat, a cable-suspended system for the proximal sensing indirect measurement of solar-induced fluorescence, mounted across an agricultural field, covering a 60-m transect. On board the FluoCat are mounted: a high-spectral resolution Piccolo Doppio dual spectrometer system, a MAIA-S2 multispectral camera and a TeAx Thermal Capture Fusion camera, which can be triggered simultaneously according to a pre-set protocol.In order to test the system, two protocols were evaluated, a point-wise protocol, stopping at a pre-determined points to acquire the measurements, and the swiping protocol, acquiring measurements while in movement along the transect. Taking as a reference the values obtained with the swiping protocol, which captures the higher spatial variability, it was found that to achieve an averaged mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) below 2 % within between the spectral range of 500–800 nm, it is required a minimum of 6 sampling points to characterize the spectral variability of the 40-m melon crop transect.Further, by combining the fluorescence products of the Piccolo system normalized by PAR (NormF687, NormF760) and the fractional cover of sunlit vegetation (FVC Sunlit) obtained from the MAIA, we developed a multi-sensor product, i.e., the ‘sunlit green F’ for both retrieved bands. This synergy product improved the estimation of the effective surface fluorescence flux, with the leaf fluorescence emission as reference, by reducing the errors from 36 % to 18 % (band 687 nm); and from 24 % to 6 % (band 760 nm)

    Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence II: Review of Passive Measurement Setups, Protocols, and Their Application at the Leaf to Canopy Level

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    Imaging and non-imaging spectroscopy employed in the field and from aircraft is frequently used to assess biochemical, structural, and functional plant traits, as well as their dynamics in an environmental matrix. With the increasing availability of high-resolution spectroradiometers, it has become feasible to measure fine spectral features, such as those needed to estimate sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (F), which is a signal related to the photosynthetic process of plants. The measurement of F requires highly accurate and precise radiance measurements in combination with very sophisticated measurement protocols. Additionally, because F has a highly dynamic nature (compared with other vegetation information derived from spectral data) and low signal intensity, several environmental, physiological, and experimental aspects have to be considered during signal acquisition and are key for its reliable interpretation. The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action ES1309 OPTIMISE has produced three articles addressing the main challenges in the field of F measurements. In this paper, which is the second of three, we review approaches that are available to measure F from the leaf to the canopy scale using ground-based and airborne platforms. We put specific emphasis on instrumental aspects, measurement setups, protocols, quality checks, and data processing strategies. Furthermore, we review existing techniques that account for atmospheric influences on F retrieval, address spatial scaling effects, and assess quality checks and the metadata and ancillary data required to reliably interpret retrieved F signal