27 research outputs found

    Evaluación crítica de la regulación y el uso de la suspensión condicional del procedimiento en el marco de la persecución penal a personas jurídicas por el delito de soborno en Chile = critical evaluation of the regulation and use of the conditional suspension of proceedings in the framework of the criminal prosecution of corporations for the crime of bribery in Chile

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    Oferece uma avaliação crítica da utilização, pelo Ministério Público no Chile, das "suspensiones condicionales del procedimiento" (suspensões condicionais do procedimento) no contexto da investigação e persecução de pessoas jurídicas por delitos de suborno cometidos em seu interesse por seus membros. Analisa a literatura especializada anglo-americana sobre o uso de "acuerdos negociados" (acordos negociados) como estratégia diante da criminalidade empresarial, com o objetivo de apresentar uma série de critérios que facilitariam tal avaliação, considerando os objetivos que deveriam guiar a utilização desses acordos

    How Well Does Societal Mobility Restriction Help Control the COVID-19 Pandemic? Evidence from Real-Time Evaluation

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    One of the most widely implemented policy response to the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has been the imposition of restrictions on mobility (1). These restrictions have included both incentives, encouraging working from home, supported by a wide range of online activities such as meetings, lessons, and shopping, and sanctions, such as stay at home orders, restrictions on travel, and closure of shops, offices, and public transport (2-5). The measures constitute a major component of efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to previous epidemic responses, they are unprecedented in both scale and scope (6). The rationale underpinning these public health measures is that restricting normal activities decreases the number, duration, and proximity of interpersonal contacts and thus the potential for viral transmission. Transmission simulations using complex mathematical modelling have built on past experience such as the 1918 influenza epidemic (7), as well as assumptions about the contemporary scale and nature of contact in populations (8). However, the initial models were not always founded on empirical evidence from behavioral scientists on the feasibility or sustainability of mass social and behavior change in contemporary society. While reductions in interpersonal contact and increases in physical distancing are known to decrease respiratory infection spread (9), the paucity of recent examples of large-scale restrictions on mobility has limited the scope for research on their impact on transmission. Where restrictions have been imposed, as with Ebola, they have involved diseases with a different mode of transmission. Nonetheless, the rapidity of progression of this pandemic has forced many governments into trialing various approaches to containment with limited evidence of effectiveness (10). More conventional public health prevention measures (such as quarantine of contacts, isolation of infected individuals and contact tracing) and control measures in health systems (such as patient flow segregation, negative pressure ventilation, and use of personal protective equipment) (11-14), have been applied widely to control the epidemic in many countries as part of a portfolio of policy responses. However, mobility restriction as a new large-scale mass behavioral and social prescription has incurred considerable costs (15, 16). Estimates suggest global GDP growth has fallen by as much as 10% (17), at least in part due to mobility restriction policies. Although views differ, not least because of the lack of information of what would happen if the disease was unchecked and the emerging evidence of persisting disability in survivors, some have argued that this is greater than would be accounted for by the economic impact of direct illness and deaths from COVID-19 (18, 19). To inform decisions on large scale restrictions of mobility, there is an urgent need to assess their effectiveness in limiting pandemic spread. To this end, we examined the association of mobility with COVID-19 incidence in Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries and equivalent economies such as Singapore and Taiwan

    Mobility restrictions were associated with reductions in COVID-19 incidence early in the pandemic: evidence from a real-time evaluation in 34 countries

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    Most countries have implemented restrictions on mobility to prevent the spread of Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), entailing considerable societal costs but, at least initially, based on limited evidence of effectiveness. We asked whether mobility restrictions were associated with changes in the occurrence of COVID-19 in 34 OECD countries plus Singapore and Taiwan. Our data sources were the Google Global Mobility Data Source, which reports different types of mobility, and COVID-19 cases retrieved from the dataset curated by Our World in Data. Beginning at each country's 100th case, and incorporating a 14-day lag to account for the delay between exposure and illness, we examined the association between changes in mobility (with January 3 to February 6, 2020 as baseline) and the ratio of the number of newly confirmed cases on a given day to the total number of cases over the past 14 days from the index day (the potentially infective 'pool' in that population), per million population, using LOESS regression and logit regression. In two-thirds of examined countries, reductions of up to 40% in commuting mobility (to workplaces, transit stations, retailers, and recreation) were associated with decreased cases, especially early in the pandemic. Once both mobility and incidence had been brought down, further restrictions provided little additional benefit. These findings point to the importance of acting early and decisively in a pandemic


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    Desde 1946, los Estados miembros de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) han reconocido que “el goce del grado máximo de salud que se pueda lograr es uno de los derechos fundamentales de todo ser humano sin distinción de raza, religión, ideología política o condición económica o social”. Esta declaración es el valor central que, junto con la equidad y la solidaridad,sustenta los debates y consensos que hemos alcanzado en las Américas en relación con el acceso universal a la salud y la cobertura universal de salud (salud universal)..

    México y el derecho a la salud: hora de expectativas y decisiones

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    La pediatría hospitalaria: futuro desde nuestra historia

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    Los desafíos de la Autogestión Hospitalaria

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    El deber de gestión del riesgo de corrupción en la empresa emanado de la ley 20393 de Chile: especial referencia a las exigencias de identificación y evaluación de riesgo

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    This article analyzes the criteria to determine when a company has failed to meet it is duty to manage the risks of bribery that arise over the course of it is economic activity. Special emphasis has been placed on the establishment of requirements for identifying such risks with the purpose of being able to adopt measures to counteract them later. The article analyzes comparative experience, both in relation to the technical guidelines that come from compliance studies, as well as the studies of criminology of corporate crime. Those experiences are explored to identify a series of structural and cultural variables that would predict the commission of crimes and, therefore, require their identification by the company.El presente artículo da cuenta de uno de los principales problemas asociados a la atribución de responsabilidad penal a personas jurídicas por la comisión de un delito de cohecho por parte de uno de sus integrantes, cual es el de otorgar criterios para determinar cuándo tal sujeto de imputación ha infringido su deber de gestionar los riesgos de soborno que genera en el marco del desarrollo de su actividad económica. Se ha puesto especial énfasis en la delimitación de tal deber y, específicamente, en la concreción de las exigencias de identificación de tales riesgos con el propósito de adoptar medidas para poder contrarrestarlos con posterioridad. El artículo analiza la experiencia comparada: tanto en lo relativo a las directrices técnicas que provienen de organismos dedicados al área del compliance, como con respecto al aporte de la criminología del delito corporativo. Esto tiene como objeto identificar una serie de variables, tanto estructurales como culturales, de las organizaciones que harían previsible la comisión de tal clase de delitos y, por ende, exigible su identificación por parte de la empresa

    ¿Incide la inimputabilidad en la atribución del dolo? Eventuales repercusiones en las medidas de seguridad

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether, in cases where the accused has a mental disorder that prevents them from knowing the nature of their conduct, such condition should be considered exclusively in the seat of guilt, or whether it should be taken into account when defining whether the subject may or may not be attributed to fraudulent conduct, thus in the seat of subjective imputation of the conduct. For such effects, the problem of the conditions that must be considered relevant at the time of attributing the fraud and the role that the conditions of the individuality of a subject should play is mainly addressed. Finally, it is analyzed whether or not the consideration of such conditions in the case of subjective imputation should bring any consequence when determining whether a security measure can be imposed on the un - attributable party.O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar se diante da possibilidade de que o acusado apresente um transtorno psíquico que o impeça de conhecer a natureza de seu comportamento, tal condição deveria ser considerada exclusivamente em sede de culpabilidade ou se, previamente, a condição deveria ser levada em consideração na hora de definir a atribuição ou não de um comportamento doloso, portanto, em sede de imputação subjetiva da conduta. Para tais efeitos, aborda - se principalmente o problema das condições que devem ser consideradas relevantes na hora de atribuir o dolo e o papel que as condições próprias da individual de um sujeito deveria assumir. Por último, analisa - se se a consideração de tais condições em sede de imputação subjetiva deveria ou não trazer alguma consequência na hora de determinar si ao imputável é possível impor uma medida de segurança.El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar si frente a los supuestos en que el acusado presenta un trastorno psíquico que le impida conocer la naturaleza de su comportamiento, tal condición debiera ser considerada exclusivamente en sede de culpabilidad o si, previamente, la misma debiera ser tenida en cuenta a la hora de definir si al sujeto se le puede o no atribuir un comportamiento doloso, por ende, en sede de imputación subjetiva de la conducta. Para tales efectos, se aborda principalmente el problema de las condiciones que deben ser consideradas relevantes a la hora de atribuir el dolo y el papel que debieran jugar las condiciones propias de la individualidad de un sujeto. Por último, se analiza si la consideración de tales condiciones en sede de imputación subjetiva debiera o no traer alguna consecuencia a la hora de determinar si al inimputable se le puede imponer una medida de seguridad

    ¿Incide la inimputabilidad en la atribución del dolo? Eventuales repercusiones en las medidas de seguridad

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether, in cases where the accused has a mental disorder that prevents them from knowing the nature of their conduct, such condition should be considered exclusively in the seat of guilt, or whether it should be taken into account when defining whether the subject may or may not be attributed to fraudulent conduct, thus in the seat of subjective imputation of the conduct. For such effects, the problem of the conditions that must be considered relevant at the time of attributing the fraud and the role that the conditions of the individuality of a subject should play is mainly addressed. Finally, it is analyzed whether or not the consideration of such conditions in the case of subjective imputation should bring any consequence when determining whether a security measure can be imposed on the un - attributable party.O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar se diante da possibilidade de que o acusado apresente um transtorno psíquico que o impeça de conhecer a natureza de seu comportamento, tal condição deveria ser considerada exclusivamente em sede de culpabilidade ou se, previamente, a condição deveria ser levada em consideração na hora de definir a atribuição ou não de um comportamento doloso, portanto, em sede de imputação subjetiva da conduta. Para tais efeitos, aborda - se principalmente o problema das condições que devem ser consideradas relevantes na hora de atribuir o dolo e o papel que as condições próprias da individual de um sujeito deveria assumir. Por último, analisa - se se a consideração de tais condições em sede de imputação subjetiva deveria ou não trazer alguma consequência na hora de determinar si ao imputável é possível impor uma medida de segurança.El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar si frente a los supuestos en que el acusado presenta un trastorno psíquico que le impida conocer la naturaleza de su comportamiento, tal condición debiera ser considerada exclusivamente en sede de culpabilidad o si, previamente, la misma debiera ser tenida en cuenta a la hora de definir si al sujeto se le puede o no atribuir un comportamiento doloso, por ende, en sede de imputación subjetiva de la conducta. Para tales efectos, se aborda principalmente el problema de las condiciones que deben ser consideradas relevantes a la hora de atribuir el dolo y el papel que debieran jugar las condiciones propias de la individualidad de un sujeto. Por último, se analiza si la consideración de tales condiciones en sede de imputación subjetiva debiera o no traer alguna consecuencia a la hora de determinar si al inimputable se le puede imponer una medida de seguridad