286 research outputs found

    Subjective Equilibria under Beliefs of Exogenous Uncertainty

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    We present a subjective equilibrium notion (called "subjective equilibrium under beliefs of exogenous uncertainty (SEBEU)" for stochastic dynamic games in which each player chooses its decisions under the (incorrect) belief that a stochastic environment process driving the system is exogenous whereas in actuality this process is a solution of closed-loop dynamics affected by each individual player. Players observe past realizations of the environment variables and their local information. At equilibrium, if players are given the full distribution of the stochastic environment process as if it were an exogenous process, they would have no incentive to unilaterally deviate from their strategies. This notion thus generalizes what is known as the price-taking equilibrium in prior literature to a stochastic and dynamic setup. We establish existence of SEBEU, study various properties and present explicit solutions. We obtain the ϵ\epsilon-Nash equilibrium property of SEBEU when there are many players

    Kapılı tekrarlayan hücreler tabanlı bulanık zaman serileri tahminleme modeli

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    Time series forecasting and prediction are utilized in various industries, such as e-commerce, stock markets, wind power, and energy demand forecasting. An accurate forecast in these applications is an essential and challenging task because of the complexity and uncertainty of time series. Nowadays, deep learning methods are popular in time series forecasting and show better performance than classical methods. However, in the literature, only some studies use deep learning methods in fuzzy time series (FTS) forecasting. In this study, we propose a novel FTS forecasting model based upon the hybridization of Recurrent Neural Networks with FTS to deal with the complexity and uncertainty of these series. The proposed model utilizes Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) to make predictions using a combination of membership values and past values from original time series data as model input and produce real forecast value. Moreover, the proposed model can handle first-order fuzzy relations and high-order ones. In experiments, we have compared our model results with state-of-art methods by using two real-world datasets; The Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) and Nikkei Stock Average. The results indicate that our model outperforms or performs similarly to other methods. The proposed model is validated using the Covid-19 active case dataset and BIST100 Index dataset and performs better than Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) networks.Zaman serisi tahminleme hava durumu, iş dünyası, satış verileri ve enerji tüketimi tahminleme gibi bir çok alanda uygulama alanına sahiptir. Bu alanlarda tahminleme yaparken kesin sonuçlar elde etmek çok önemlidir ama aynı zamanda zaman serilerinin karmaşık ve de belirsizlik içeren veriler olması nedeniyle çok zordur. Günümüzde, derin öğrenme metotları bu alanda klasik metotlara göre daha iyi sonuçlar vermektedir. Fakat literatürde bulanık zaman serileri tahminleme konusunda çok az çalışma vardır. Bu çalışmada, zaman serilerindeki karmaşıklığın ve belirsizliğin doğurduğu problemleri yok etmek için Yinelemeli sinir Ağları ile bulanık zaman serilerini bir arada kullanan bir model ortaya konumuştur. Bu çalışmada, Kapılı Tekrarlayan Hücreler kullanarak geçmiş veriler ile bulanık verilerin üyelik değerleri birleştirilerek tahminleme değeri hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca, bu çalışmadaki model ilk seviye bulanık ilişkileri ele alabildiği gibi, çoklu seviye bulanık ilişkileri de kapsamaktadır. Testlerde literatürde var olan çalışmalar ilgili model ile iki açık veri seti ile karşılaştırılmış olup bahsi geçen modelin daha iyi veya benzer sonuçlar verdiği gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca model Covid-19 ve BIST100 borsa verileri kullanılarak da test edilmiş ve Uzun-Kısa Süreli Bellek modellerinden daha iyi sonuç vermiştir

    AMI System Solutions for Battery Operated Meters

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    Uzaktan Sayaç Okuma (AMR) ve İleri Ölçüm Altyapısı (Advanced Metering Infrastructure - AMI) yatırımları yakın gelecekte daha da artacaktır. Doğal kaynaklarımız ise her geçen gün hızla azalmaktadır. Bütün sayaç ortamlarını destekleyen AMI çözümleri, doğal kaynakların kullanımı ve yüksek enerji tüketimleri ile ilgili olduğundan önem kazanacaktır. Bu şartlarda en efektif AMI yatırımını seçmek önemli bir tanımlama gerektirmektedir. Tercih edilen sistemin uzun sure yaşatılması ve birden fazla tedarikçilerin hizmet verebilmesi için beraber çalıştırılabilir (inter-operable) ve geleceğin taleplerine uygun (future-proof) yapıda olması gerekmektedir. Böyle bir sistem ancak güncel uluslararası standardlara göre tasarlanırsa sağlanabilir. Elektrik sayacı üzerine birçok AMI projesi yapılmaktadır. Ancak pille çalışan sayaçlarda bu çalışmaların direk kullanılması mümkün değildir. Bu makalemizde özellikle gaz, ısı ve su sayaçlarında da kullanılabilecek AMI sisteminin yapısı ve gereksinimleri tanıtılacaktır. Karşılaşılan sıkıntılar ve çözüm yolları değerlendirilecektir

    Foreign direct investment in Turkey reasons and effects on the country

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    Der internationale Handel erschien praktisch mit dem Beginn des Handels. Unternehmer wollten nicht nur national sondern auch international tätig sein. Es gab schon damals immer neue Visionen bezüglich der Ausdehnung des Handels. Daher herrschte immer eine Überlegung auf den ausländischen Märkten Fuß zu fassen. Besonders nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg blühte der weltweite Handel unerwartet. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden verschiedene Arten der Globalisierung entdeckt. Ausländische Direktinvestition ist eine der wichtigsten Form der Investitionsformen, die sich während der 90er-Jahre mit der Integration von Technologie Fortschritte gemacht hat. Somit wurde Multinationalität immer wichtiger für Unternehmungen um am Markt langfristig zu überleben. Deswegen hat diese Anlageform in den letzten Jahrzehnten immer mehr und mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Kennzeichen der Direktinvestition ist laut offiziellen Angaben eine Beteiligung von mindestens 10% am Unternehmen im Ausland, wobei diese in Form von entweder Greenfield-Analyse oder Browfield-Analyse stattfinden kann. Obwohl die Türkei früher bezüglich der Direktinvestition nicht attraktiv war, besitzt das Land derzeit ein dynamisches Arbeit und Wachstumspotential und gehört zu den Ländern, das sich zu einem brillanten Markt entwickelt hat. Seit dem Beginn der 80er-Jahre tendiert der internationale Handel in der Türkei in Richtung mehr zum Export. Vermutlich reichte der ausländische Kapitalzufluss dem Land nicht, erschien das Land nach den neuen Regelungen der Direktinvestition im weltweiten Ranking. Die neuen Regelungen, die im Jahr 2003 in Kraft traten, boten den ausländischen Investoren die gleichen Rechte wie die einheimischen Unternehmer. Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist den Investitionsvorgang, die Attraktivität des Investitionsklimas und die Auswirkungen der ausländischen Direktinvestition aus der Sicht der Türkei in den Vordergrund zu bringen. Diese Studie besteht aus drei Abschnitten. Im ersten Abschnitt (Kapitel 2), wurden die Definitionen der ausländischen Direktinvestition und der Beginn der Globalisierung kurz erörtert. Darüber hinaus wurde die historische Entwicklung der ausländischen Direktinvestition erarbeitet. Weiters sind auch die Bedeutung, Vor-und Nachteile und Arten der ausländischen Direktinvestition auch in diesem Abschnitt zu finden. Hingegen das dritte Kapitel enthält die demografischen und wirtschaftlichen Daten über die Türkei. Der Verlauf des Wirtschaftswachstums und diesbezügliche Analysen von verschiedenen Sektoren sind in diesem Kapitel inkludiert. Im vierten Kapitel wurden die Auswirkungen der ausländischen Investitionen aus der Sicht der Türkei diskutiert. Eine allgemeine Analyse über die Politik, Bildung, Technologie ist auch in diesem Kapitel zu finden. Das fünfte und letzte Kapitel besteht aus einer kurzen Zusammenfassung dieser Arbeit.Globalization appeared practically with the start of trade. Trader never contented themselves with their domestic markets since the beginning of trade. There have always been new market visions in their minds in order to gain advantages. Especially after World War II, multinational entrepreneurship (MNE) arose unexpectedly. In the course of time different kinds of globalization form were discovered. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one of the important investment forms, which developed during 1990s with the integration of technology and transport progress. Multinational business became more important, moreover some companies found out a safe way to invest abroad to survive in their domestic markets. The companies which are making business now with their own advanced technology and management system advantages, are quite often confronted with hard competition in immediate future. They need to set their visions and investments compatible to global trade to survive in the future. Therefore foreign investments in new markets keep significance, thus foreign direct investments become the main investment form in the last two decades. According to official definitions foreign direct investment offers an authorization, if the investor has 10 % of the investment with a right of audience on important administrative decisions about production, marketing, sales or logistics etc in a completely new investment with building facilities and infrastructure (Greenfield investments) or a current company which has already been existing (Brownfield investments). The literature about FDI and globalization has moved forward as well. The discussions and disagreements about FDI’s advantages and disadvantages under the lights of globalization have not ended and probably can’t be concluded in the future. Is FDI enough profitable for host country or it is only an illusion? Turkey, with its dynamic labor and economic growth potential leaded by European Union accession negotiation, became a brilliant market although it couldn’t attract enough FDI inflows in the globalization progress. Turkish economy shifted from import orientation to export orientation at the beginning of 1980s and the influence of government on economy was alleviated as a start of liberalization, which was regrettably not enough to attract foreign capital inflows in the country. However, after the new regulations and incentives, particularly the new FDI law, Turkey started to increase on the world FDI inflow ranking. The new FDI law, which was legislated in 2003, offered foreign investors equal rights with local investors and affected the investment climate positively. FDI inflows increased rapidly after 2003. The question is whether it is a result of investment climate amelioration in Turkey or the increasing global investment trend that influenced Turkey’s FDI inflow positively? The aim of this study is to light the investment way in Turkey to clarify on FDI effects in a host country and to specify the attractiveness of investment climate in Turkey and its progress methods. This study consists of three basic sections. In the first section (Chapter 2), the start of globalization and the definition of FDI is discussed briefly. Furthermore historical development of FDI is worked out, following with some famous studies. The importance, benefits, advantages and disadvantages of FDI with various kinds of investment forms and major determinants are explained. FDI situation in Turkey and in the EU is shown with formal statistical data from Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury and European Commission. Chapter 3 presents demographic information and economic indicators about Turkey, Turkey’s economic growth and related with this analyses of various sectors. Furthermore a general view about FDI attractiveness and the offered incentives are explained broadly. In the fourth chapter, the effects of FDI on Turkey are discussed. A general PEST analysis (Politic, Educational, Social, Technological) with Spillover effects is executed. The fifth chapter, which is also the final chapter, shows a short conclusion of this study


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    The purpose of this research is to contribute to the solution of problems by determining the organizational cynicism levels of the personnel working in sports facilities which are part of the service sector in the globalizing world. The study was carried out for the purpose of determining organizational cynicism levels of employees in sports facilities and revealing differences between levels of organizational cynicism according to employee demographics. The study group consisted of 279 personnel working in private sports facilities in Istanbul province. Our study was carried out in the summer of 2016. A questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic data and a scale consisting of 3 sub-dimensions and 14 items adapted to Turkish by Arslan (2012) developed by Brandes (1997) for organizational cynicism was used. The scale was implemented previously by Mısırdalı Yangil, Baş and Aygün (2014) on the personnel who worked in starred hotels and a 14-item draft form was applied to measure the levels of organizational cynicism. Because the sample feature changed in our study, the scale was viewed with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) for the representation of the new sample group. In our study, age from the demographic variables was affecting affective and behavioral cynicism and seen the highest in the 20-24 age range. The cynicism levels of those who the employees who are married are lower than the cynicism levels of the single ones. Moreover, it was determined that the levels of behavioral and affective cynicism were lower in the employees without administrative duties, whereas there was no significant difference in the cognitive dimension. Despite the limitations of the research, it is expected that other studies will shed light on the determination of organizational cynicism levels in the sports field.  Article visualizations

    The Mediating Role of Maximizer Decision Makin g Approach in Core Self - Evaluations and Entrepreneurial Persona lity Relationship: Konya Sample

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    A lot of effort has been put to increase the number of entrepreneurs, the engines of the countries’ economic progress, and to promote entrepreneurship. In this regard, within the recent years in particular, studies, based on psychology and personality relationship are done to understand the entrepreneurial personality. To contribute to this topic and after searching the relevant literature, variables that might predict entrepreneurship have been incorporated into the model. It has been argued that one ofhese theories, core self-evaluations, may determine the entrepreneurial personality by enhancing their self-perceptions and awareness regarding their skills to utilize the opportunities. Moreover, it has also been investigated if the maximizer decision- making, one of the cognitive psychology theories, play a role as a mediator. Core self-evaluations account for 72% of the variance on entrepreneurship; but when maximizer decision-making is added, the amount of variance decreased to 65%. It may assumed to be an important result that entrepreneurial personality and maximizer decision-making cannot co-exist when the negative but statistical significant relationship between maximizer decision-making and core self-evaluations are considere

    Online simulation for information technology skills training in higher education

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    The purpose of this study was to explore student’s experiences when practicing information technology skills with an online simulation environment. After using the online simulation environment over a five-week period, 215 undergraduate students were surveyed regarding their usage-related experiences, satisfaction with the environment, and perceived learning. Both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods were employed. The quantitative results suggested that perceived ease of use had a direct effect on student’s satisfaction with the online simulation environment, and that the satisfaction with the online simulation environment led to higher perceived learning. The qualitative findings revealed that technical problems, not being able to accomplish the objective of a step due to the precision required by the task, and the inflexibility of certain features of the online simulation environment were the commonly referenced issues, which might have impacted student’s satisfaction and their perceived learning