200 research outputs found

    A theoretical analysis on a peace culture model in the workplace

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    This study aims to develop a theoretical approach to define the culture of peace and its dimensions in the workplace based on De-Rivera’s peace culture dimensions at the international level. This study offers an organizational model in the workplace and it needs empirical tests in further studies. This paper is an attempt to develop a theoretical framework for peace culture in the workplace. Peace culture will be analyzed in four underlying dimensions: liberal development, violent inequality, state use of violent means, and nurturance. This study transfers De Rivera’s peace culture dimensions into the organizational level, and it is assumed that peace culture in the workplace could be a remedy for a harmonious and peaceful workplace. Peace culture in the workplace is also expected to be a beneficial factor to employees’ behavior, job performances, and organizational commitment as well as work outcomes. In a conclusion, it is expected that this study fills the gap in the literature and will have a leading role for further studies

    Pain Management

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    Postoperative pain is caused by neuronal damage that occurs during the surgical procedure and the stimulation of the nociceptors. In postoperative period, total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is painful, and pain management is quite difficult. The main purpose of postoperative pain relief is to reduce the pain of the patient, to contribute to the healing process, to shorten the length of hospital stay, and to reduce hospital costs. Techniques such as intravenous analgesia, epidural analgesia, and peripheral nerve blocks are used to prevent postoperative pain. In addition, oral and parenteral analgesics, patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), nerve blocks, and periarticular injection methods are used as multimodal analgesia methods. Pain scales such as visual analogue scale (VAS), verbal descriptive scale (VDS), and numerical rating scale (NRS) are used as the standard methods in the evaluation of pain of patients. Systemic opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and local anesthetics are used for postoperative analgesia. Preemptive analgesia, defined as analgesia initiated prior to surgical incision, and multimodal analgesia have been shown to reduce opioid consumption associated with high complication rates. Postoperative pain management should be planned considering the clinical characteristics of the patient, experience of the anesthetist, and clinical facilities. Early postoperative analgesia reduces systemic complication rates and improves early rehabilitation, patient satisfaction, and quality of life

    Exploring the impact of workplace incivility on employee counterproductive work behavior through the mediating role of turnover intention: Evidence from the Gambia and Ghana

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    Workplace Incivility (WPI) has recently become a dominant area of research as a predictor of employee behavior at work. WPI is a menace in the workplace that creates dissatisfied employees who spend most of their time on non-productive tasks. Based on a sample of 504 employees of public and private sector institutions in The Gambia and Ghana, this article examines the impact of workplace incivility on employee counterproductive work behavior through the mediating role of Turnover Intention (TI). Using structural equation modeling, the results indicate a strong relationship between workplace incivility and Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) as well as a partial mediating role of TI in the relationship between WPI and CWB. Furthermore, the independent sample t-test and multigroup analysis show a higher level of WPI, TI, and CWB in Ghana compared to The Gambia. These findings contribute to the under-researched area of WPI on the African continent. This study also adds value to the existing, but sparse, literature on workplace incivility and may also be used as a guide for public and private institutions in their pursuit of avoiding workplace incivility as well as knowing its effects on institutional productivity. Finally, this study is the first of its kind to look at the existence of WPI in both public and private institutions from The Gambia and Ghana making country comparisons as well as looking at the impact of WPI on the performance of employees hence its relevance to the literature.(c) CIKD Publishing

    A Decision support system for machine tool selection

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    Business globalization, increased worldwide competition, decreased product lifecycles and continuous introduction of new technologies force companies to use new machine tools. Appropriate selection of a machine tool for a production system resultsin increased precision, productivity, flexibility, and manufacturing responsiveness.Meanwhile, machine tool selection is a multi-faceted manufacturing planning problem,typically involving a variety of conflicting goals. Thus, selecting the most suitablemachine from the increasing number of available machines is a difficult and demandingtask. In this thesis, a decision support system (DSS) is developed to aid in selection of machine tools for a production system. The DSS uses multi-criteria weighted averagemethod (MCWA) as the decision-making approach. MCWA method considers a set ofconflicting objectives such as productivity, flexibility, and adaptability that typically cannot be achieved simultaneously. Each machine tool is assigned a score according to itsproperties in relation to the machines in the database. These scores are then used to rankthe machines according to various criteria. A stepwise approach is used in the selectionprocess. The entire tool selection process is demonstrated with examples. Sensitivity analysis is used to determine the most critical criterion and the most critical measure ofperformance. Cost / benefit analysis is carried out involving the purchasing decision of aselected machine tool and its additional options

    An ethical problem in troubled times: Ethical decision making by local managers employing immigrant workforce in Gaziantep, Turkey

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    This paper aims to understand the ethical decision-making process of local managers of medium-sized companies in Gaziantep, a highly industrialized metropolis in Turkey, near the Syrian border, where there has been an influx of Syrian refugees. Intensive interviews were conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire allowing participants to state their views and tell their stories. The findings revealed that the managers of the companies had difficulty making ethical decisions about how to treat the Syrian immigrants, especially during the initial phase of the crisis, and they took wrong steps when they faced with both economic and social conflicts. Thus, they faced some serious ethical challenges.WOS:00057149930001

    Main principles of Islamic work ethic and ethic-civilizations relationship in Ibn Khaldun

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    Ahlak terimi dilimizde iki anlama sahiptir. Birincisi insanların toplum içinde uyması gereken kural ve ilkeleri belirtirken ikincisi ahlak felsefesini belirtmektedir. İş ahlakı terimi çalışma ve meslek ahlakını da içermektedir. İslâm dininin temel ilkesi ise tevhid yani Allah’ının birliği ilkesidir. Bu ilke iş ve ticaret yaşamında da etkisini göstermiştir. İş ahlakı açısından İslâmiyet'in önemli bir özelliği de Hz. Peygamber’in bizzat ticaretle uğraşmış olmasıdır. İslâm iş ahlakında tevhid ile birlikte muvazene, özgür irade, sorumluluk ve ihsan gibi dört ilke daha vardır. Batıda görülen lonca teşkilatlarının Osmanlıdaki benzerleri Ahîlik ve gedik sistemidir. Ahîlik ise Horasan erenlerinin Anadolu’nun Türkleştirilmesi aşamasında kurulmuş bulunan ve kökü fütüvvet teşkilatında olan esnaf örgütlenmesinin adıdır. Ahîlik, yaşadığı dönemde ahlak, eğitim-bilim, kalite-standart, üretici-tüketici ilişkisi ve denetim konularında da toplumsal işleyişlere nüfuz etmiştir. İslâm dünyasında 16. yüzyıldan sonra başlayan ekonomik gerileme bireyciliği değil kaderciliği ve kollektivizmi teşvik etmiştir. İslâm’da refah, para ve zamana karşı geliştirilen tutumlar Protestan ve Katoliklerden çok da farklı değildir. Bu konuda belki de en önemli fark faiz yasağında yatmaktadır. İslâm’da zenginliğin iyi olarak görülmesini İslâm geleneğinde veren elin alan elden üstün olduğu düsturu ile açıklanır. İbn Haldun bir insan toplumunun medenileşme süreci hakkında kafa yormuş ve özellikle medeni olmayan yani göçebe Arap kabilelerinin medenileşme hikâyesini anlatmıştır. Askeri ve bürokratik örgütlenme seyfiyye ve kalemiyye sınıflarının gelişimi ile anlatılırken ticaret ve zanaat faaliyetleri de ihmal edilmemiştir. İbn Haldun medeniyetin ahlakı bozup bozmadığı tartışması üzerinde uzun uzadıya durur. O şehirli medeniyetin insan değerlerini yozlaştırdığı, kişinin erdem ve ahlakını bozduğu görüşündedir. İbn Haldun'un iş ahlakı ile doğrudan ilgili olarak en önemli sözleri Mukaddime'nin 2. Cildinde yer alan Muhtesiplik ve Sikke hakkındaki parçadır.The term of ahlak has two meaning in Turkish language. The first meaning is ethic or morality which refers to accepted ethical rules and principles in a society. The second meaning is ethics which refers to philosophical search for what is good or what is bad. The term of business ethics includes work ethic and professional ethic. Main principle of İslâm is unity of God (tawhid). This principle has also effects on business life. It should be noted that Prophet Muhammad was dealing with trade and business in his early life. There are four other principles in Islamic business ethics: balance, free will, responsibility and charity. Equivalent of trade guilds of the West in Ottoman society is Ahîlik Brotherhood. This brotherhood was established as a guild of traders and merchants by Horasan Yesevi Dervishes during the Turkification of Anatolia in the 11th Century. Ahîlik Brotherhoods affected Turkish business life in ethics, education, science, quality, standards, consumer relations, and control of production. Muslim societies experienced an economic decline starting from 16th century. This economic decline encouraged fatalism instead of individualism. Attitudes toward wealth, money and time in Islam is not so different from Catholic and Protestant societies. Perhaps attitudes to usury is the only difference. Wealth is not considered as an undesired situation in Islam because of the Islamic maxim of “giving is better than getting.”. Ibn Khaldun studied about civilization process of human societies especially of civilization of nomadic Arab tribes. Military and bureaucratic organization was explained by the improvement of sword owners (Salafiyya) and pen owners (Kalamiyya) classes. Trade and craft activities was not omitted in Ibn Khaldun’s writings. He discusses in detailed relationship between civilization and ethical decline. He believes that city life and civilization degenerates personal virtues and ethical standards. We can find his thoughts about business ethics in the second volume of Al-Mukaddima’s section of Muhtasib and Coins discussion

    Palmoplantar keratoderma is associated with esophagus squamous cell cancer in Van region of Turkey: a case control study

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    BACKGROUND: Esophagus squamous cell cancer (ESCC) is the most common cancer in women with 20.2% and second in men with 10.7% relative frequency among all cancer cases diagnosed in Van Region in the east of Turkey. Ninety percent of all esophageal cancer cases are ESCC and 20–30% of them have family history of esophageal cancer. The most clear defined hereditary predisposition associated with ESCC is palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK). To examine the relationship between ESCC and PPK, we have carried out this case control study. METHODS: The case group consisted of 48 subjects who had new diagnosis of ESCC and did not receive any chemo or radiotherapy. The control group consisted of 96 healthy individuals who were visitors of their relatives in the hospital. Two control persons who matched for age, gender, living place (urban /rural) and region were selected for each case. All subjects were evaluated for PPK by dermatologist. Evaluation was graded as none, mild, evident and severe. None and mild subjects were classified as negative for PPK; and others as positive. Relationship between ESCC and PPK was evaluated with odds ratios and confidence intervals for cases with or without family history of ESCC. RESULTS: The PPK frequencies were 92.3% in ESCC cases with family history, 62.5% in ESCC cases without family history, 70.8% in all ESCC cases, and 28.1% in the control group. Odds ratios for cases with or without family history of esophageal cancer, and for the whole case group were found as 30.7 (95%CI = 3.8–247.4), 4.3 (95%CI = 1.9–9.8) and 6.2 (95%CI = 2.9–13.3) respectively. CONCLUSION: Presence of PPK lesions represents genetic susceptibility for ESCC. This susceptibility for ESCC is the highest among those who have PPK lesions and a positive family history of esophageal cancer. Furthermore, a PPK sufferer has an increased risk of developing ESCC even if there is no family history of esophageal cancer

    Kur’an ve Sünnet Bağlamında Doğal Afetlere Karşı Takınılması Gereken Bazı Tutum ve Davranışlar

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    İnsanlık tarihi boyunca tabii afetler insanları zorlayan bir dizi olumsuzlukların tezahür ettiği olaylar olmuştur. Her daim deprem, sel, kasırga ve yangın gibi doğa hadiseleri meydana gelmekte ve bunların bir kısmı afete dönüşebilmektedir. Afet, sözlükte “musibet, belâ, hastalık, kusur, dokunduğu şeyi yararlı olmaktan çıkaran durum” gibi anlamlara gelmektedir. Bu kavram Kur’ân’da geçmemektedir. Hadislerde ise “ölüm, bir kabiliyet veya hasletin fayda ve değerini ortadan kaldıran ârızî hal” gibi anlamlarda kullanılmaktadır. Doğal afetler konusunda toplumda yaygın olan yanlış inanç ve yorumlar bu tür çalışmaların yapılması zaruretini doğurmuştur. Müslüman bireyin Kur’an ve sünnete göre doğal afetler karşısında takınması gereken tavrın mahiyetini konu edinen bu çalışma, olağanüstü durumları anlamada dini metinlerden doğru istifade etme noktasında katkı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kur’an ve sünnetin olağandışı hadiselerle doğru ve tutarlı bir şekilde ilişkilendirilmesi, nasların doğru okunması ve anlaşılması yönünden değerlidir. Yüce Allah, “Kimin amelinin daha güzel olduğunu imtihanla ortaya çıkarmak için hayatı ve ölümü yarattığını” ve “Kullarını biraz korku, açlık; mallardan, canlardan ve ürünlerden biraz eksiltmeler ile mutlaka imtihan edeceğini” bildirmektedir. Doğal afetlerin sebepleri belli olup bu durum bilimin konusudur. Bu nedenlerin gerisinde bu sebepleri yaratan vardır; böyle şeyler olduğunda bunu unutmamak, bunların ikaz mı, ceza mı yoksa mükâfatın artması mı olduğuna da bakmak gerekmektedir. Bu tür olayları salt bir ceza ve azap olarak değerlendirmenin Allah adına karar vermek olduğu düşünülürse burada ölen birey ve toplumlar hakkında da haksız ve yersiz değerlendirmelere yol açacağına dikkat çekilmektedir. Hz. Peygamber, “Belaların en büyüğü peygamberlere, sonra evliyaya, sonra diğer has kullara gelir.” demektedir. Demek ki bazı musibetlerde mutlaka bir ceza aramak doğru değildir. Aksine bunların bir kısmında nice rahmet tecellileri saklıdır. Müslümanın başına gelen sıkıntılar, onun günahlarının silinmesine, gelecek dert ve musibetlere engel olmasına, ilahi bir ikaza ve uyarıya vesile olmaktadır. Bu afetler, Müslümanın manevî derecesinin artması için de bir deneme olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu çalışmayı farklı kılan husus, ilgili nasların tematik okuma esaslı ele alınması ve mevzunun mantıkî ve aklî verilerle desteklenmiş olmasıdır. Nasların analizine dayanan bu çalışmada doğal afetler noktasında Allah’ın rahmetine sığınmak, tedbir almak, sabırlı olmak, tevekkül etmek ve istircada bulunmak gibi hususlara değinilmiştir. Netice itibariyle bütün bu hususların afetlerin insan üzerindeki maddi ve manevi yıkımının etkisini azaltan ve minimize eden hususlar olduğu söylenebilir

    Devlet ve Özel İlköğretim Okullarının Etkililiğinin Araştırılması

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    Bu araştırmada, devlet ve özel ilköğretim okullarının etkililik düzeylerinin öğretmen algılarına göre değerlendirilmesi; araştırma sonuçlan doğrultusunda devlet ve özel ilköğretim okullarının etkililik düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmaktadır.Araştırmanın evrenini, Kocaeli İli Gebze İlçesi ilköğretim okullarında görev yapan öğretmenler oluşturmaktadır. Bu evrenden yansız örnekleme yoluyla, sosyoekonomik bölgeler dikkate alınarak 3 devlet ve 3 özel ilköğretim okulu alınmıştır. Bu okullarda görev yapan öğretmenler, algılanna göre kendi okullannın etkililik boyutlannı değerlendirimiştir. Anket 190 öğretmene uygulanmıştır.Araştırmada uygulanan modele göre okulların etkililiği, “okul girdileri, okul iklimi, sağlanan koşullar, öğrenme-öğretme süreci ve bu sürecin sonuçlan” olmak üzere birbiriyle bağlantılı beş faktörde ele alınmaktadır. Araştımıamn bulguları, özel ilköğretim okullannın devlet ilköğretim okullarına göre, etkili okulların belirtilen boyutlannda, daha etkili olduğu sonucunu ortaya çıkarmaktadır.The purpose of this research is to determine and compare the effectiveness levels of the private primary schools and the public primary schools according to perceptions of their teachers.The population of the study is the teachers who work in Gebze district, in Kocaeli and the sample consists of the teachers working at the 3 state and the 3 private primary schools. The sample was chosen regarding to the socio economical areas of Kocaeli city. In this study, 190 questionnaires were applied to the teachers who work at these schools to evaluate their schools’ characteristics in the dimensions of the school effectiveness in the 2004-2005 educational year.The school effectiveness is evaluated into five factors as; "supporting inputs, school climate, enabling conditions, teaching/learning process and student outcomes” with respect to the applied model in this study. The findings of this research indicate that the private primary schools are more effective than the public private schools in the stated dimensions of the effective schools.Bu araştırmada, devlet ve özel ilköğretim okullarının etkililik düzeylerinin öğretmen algılarına göre değerlendirilmesi; araştırma sonuçları doğrultusunda devlet ve özel ilköğretim okullarının etkililik düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmaktadır.Araştırmanın evrenini, Kocaeli İli Gebze İlçesi ilköğretim okullarında görev yapan öğretmenler oluşturmaktadır. Bu evrenden yansız örnekleme yoluyla, sosyoekonomik bölgeler dikkate alınarak 3 devlet ve 3 özel ilköğretim okulu alınmıştır. Bu okullarda görev yapan öğretmenler, algılarına göre kendi okullarının etkililik boyutlarını değerlendirmiştir. Anket 190 öğretmene uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada uygulanan modele göre okulların etkililiği, “okul girdileri, okul iklimi, sağlanan koşullar, öğrenme-öğretme süreci ve bu sürecin sonuçları” olmak üzere birbiriyle bağlantılı beş faktörde ele alınmaktadır. Araştırmanın bulguları, özel ilköğretim okullarının devlet ilköğretim okullarına göre, etkili okulların belirtilen boyutlarında, daha etkili olduğu sonucunu ortaya çıkarmaktadır

    Regional intravenous anesthesia in knee arthroscopy

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    OBJECTIVE: The goal of the study was to investigate the regional intravenous anesthesia procedure in knee arthroscopy and to evaluate the effects of adding ketamine over the anesthesia block charactery and tourniquet pain. MATERIAL/METHOD: Forty American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) II patients who received knee arthroscopy were enrolled. After monitoring, a peripheral IV line was inserted.The venous blood in the lower extremity was evacuated with a bandage, and the proximal cuff of the double-cuff tourniquet was inflated. The patients were randomly split into two groups. While Group P received 80 ml 0.5% prilocaine, Group PK received 0.15 mg/kg ketamine (80 ml in total) via the dorsum of the foot. We recorded onset time of the sensory block, end time of the sensory block, presence of the motor block, the time when the patient verbally reported tourniquet pain and surgical pain, duration of tourniquet tolerance, fentanyl consumption during the operation, time to first analgesic requirement, methemoglobin values at 60 minutes, operative conditions, 24-hour analgesic consumption, discharge time, and hemodynamic parameters. RESULTS: The body mass index (BMI) of the patients who required general anesthesia was significantly higher than the BMI of other patients. The onset time of the sensory block was shorter for those in Group PK, but the time to first analgesic requirement was longer. CONCLUSION: Regional intravenous anesthesia using the doses and volumes commonly used in knee arthroscopy may be an inadequate block among patients with high BMI values. Moreover, the addition of ketamine to the local anesthetic solution may produce a partial solution by shortening the onset of sensory block and prolonging the time until the first analgesic is required