4,629 research outputs found

    Türk Medya Elitleri

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    The media is one of the most important institutions in society. It is a reality that media play very substantial role in the production and social distribution of knowledge. In addition to that, mass media provides the greatest communication opportunities to the people. Also, contemporary media provides very distinctive weapons to obtain power, wealth and prestige in the society. If media owners and elites are so powerful, the identification of media elites is of great importance. Hence, this study aims to analyse contemporary Turkish media: A full picture of Turkish media elites in terms of important social, political and demographic indicators will be given in this paper. The managers, editors, influential columnists and reporters of major Turkish media elites are defined as Turkish media elites. Firstly, the paper will focuse on the demographic peculiarities of Turkish media elites. Secondly, the educational background and family structure of Turkish media elites will be examined. Then, social origins and other social characteristics of Contemporary Turkish media elites will be investigated.Teknolojik gelişmelerin, iletişim sektöründe yaygın olarak kullanılmaya başlamasının da etkisiyle, medya, çağdaş toplumların en önemli kurumlarından biri haline gelmiştir. Yaşanan toplumsal değişime paralel olarak, “dördüncü güç” olarak da anılmaya başlanan medya, yalnızca bireylerin değil, toplum ve kültür üzerinde de oldukça etkin bir konuma ulaşmıştır. Bütün bunlara paralel olarak medya elitleri de, toplumsal güç hiyerarşisi içinde, en etkin ve güçlü elit gruplarından biri olarak varlık göstermeye başlamışlardır. Bu saptamalar, günümüz Türk medyası için de geçerlidir.                 Çalışmanın amacı, hem bireysel hem de toplumsal açıdan hayati işlevler üstlenen ve günümüz Türk iktidar seçkinlerinin ayrılmaz biri haline dönüşmüş olan, Türk medya elitlerinin (Arslan, 2001) sosyolojik bir analizini yapmaktır. Bu amaç gerçekleştirilirken, elit sosyolojisinin araştırma metot ve tekniklerinden yararlanıldı

    Pretratamiento enzimático en el prensado en frío: Influencia en los aceites de linaza, hueso de albaricoque y semilla de uva

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    A commercial enzyme preparation consisting of pectolytic, cellulotic and hemicellulotic enzymes was applied to the oil extraction by cold pressing from apricot kernel, flaxseed and grape seed. The effects of enzyme pre-treatment varied depending on the different oil seed used as raw material. Although the increase in free fatty acidity can be considered as a negative effect (from 0.37 to 0.52), the decrease in peroxide number and p-anisidine values, increase in oil yield (22.75%), higher levels of total carotenoids and tocopherols, as well as a remarkable increase in phenolic content (x1.68) and radical scavenging effect (including hydrophilic and lipophilic-induced and total antioxidant capacity) showed that the use of enzyme application in the cold pressing of apricot kernel oil would be beneficial. Many of these positive results could not be achieved in the pressing of flaxseed or grape seed oils under the same conditions. A high negative correlation (r=-92.2) was found between p-anisidine value and δ-tocopherol for grapeseed oil. Hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant capacity, total phenolics, and total carotenoids negatively correlated well (r values above 80) with peroxide values for apricot seed oil. Correlation results showed that carotenoids play an important role in the oxidative stability of the oils, where it was much more evident for apricot seed oil (r=-97.5).Se aplicó un preparado enzimático comercial que consta de enzimas pectolíticas, celulóticas y hemicelulóticas en la extracción de aceite de prensado en frío de albaricoque, linaza y semilla de uva. Los efectos del pretratamiento enzimático variaron dependiendo de las diferentes semillas oleaginosas como materia prima. Aunque el aumento de la acidez libre puede considerarse como un efecto negativo (de 0,37 a 0,52), la disminución del valor de peróxidos y de p-anisidina, el aumento del rendimiento de aceite (22,75%), niveles más altos de carotenoides totales y tocoferoles, además de un aumento notable en el contenido de fenoles (x1.68) y el efecto captador de radicales (incluida la capacidad antioxidante total e inducida por hidrófilos y lipófilos) mostraron que la aplicación de enzimas en el prensado en frío del aceite de hueso de albaricoque resulta beneficioso. Muchos de estos resultados positivos no se pudieron lograr al prensar los aceites de semillas de linaza y uva, en las mismas condiciones. Se encontró una alta correlación negativa (r = -92.2) entre el valor de p-anisidina y el δ-tocoferol para el aceite de semilla de uva. La capacidad antioxidante hidrófila y lipófila, los fenoles totales y carotenoides totales se correlacionaron negativamente bien (valores de r por encima de 80) con los valores de peróxido para el aceite de semilla de albaricoque. Los resultados de correlación mostraron que los carotenoides juegan un papel importante en la estabilidad oxidativa de los aceites, mucho más evidente para el aceite de hueso de albaricoque (r = -97,5)

    Investigation of combined ultrasound and microwave pretreatments and enzyme addition on the main phenolics and some quality parameters of olive oil

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    Olive oil was obtained by applying laboratory scale microwave (MW) and ultrasound (US) technologies and enzymes (E) after olive crushing and malaxation. The effects of these technologies on some physical and chemical properties of olive oil have been examined with focus on phenolics in olive oil. The aim was to evaluate the combined effect of MW and US applications and E to olive paste by comparing with conventional production. The secoiridoids were present with lower values in US applied samples; as an example, the amount of 3-4-DHPEA-EDA in US treated sample was 59.36 mg kg–1 oil, whereas its amount was 92.36 mg kg–1 in the sample of conventional extraction. US resulted in the highest decrease (62%), and MW+US condition resulted in the lowest decrease (25.7%) in terms of total phenolics content. The US and MW pretreatments resulted in more advantageous properties in terms of free acidity, peroxides, and phenolics when applied together than their single applications

    Efectos de pretratamientos ácido y enzimático sobre los aceites de calabaza, terebinto y linaza prensados en frío

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    Oil yield and the properties of oil can be improved with various enzymatic pre-treatments before obtaining oil from oilseeds by cold-press extraction. A commercial mixture of pectolytic enzymes was used in this study. In addition, apple seed meal as a source of β-glucosidase enzyme and citric acid were applied to oilseeds (pumpkin, terebinth and flaxseed) as pre-treatments. The results were evaluated by comparing the effects of the pre-treatments on oil yield and properties. Enzyme preparate could increase the oil yield of pumpkin seeds (~300%) and flaxseed (151%). Significant increases in the phenolic contents of terebinth (from 91.67 to 319.33 mg GAE/kg) and flaxseed oils (from 12.03 to 40.47 mg GAE/kg) were achieved by citric acid and enzymatic pre-treatments. These two pre-treatments were also effective in terms of peroxide formation and oxidative stability in terebinth oil. With the help of the pre-treatments applied to oilseeds it was possible to increase the transition of phenolics from seeds to oil for terebinth oil with increase ratios of 245% for citric acid, 248% for the enzymatic process compared to the control.El rendimiento y las propiedades del aceite se pueden mejorar con varios pretratamientos enzimáticos antes de obtener el aceite de las semillas oleaginosas mediante extracción por prensado en frío. En este estudio se utilizó una mezcla comercial de enzimas pectolíticas. Además, se aplicó, como pretratamientos, harina de semilla de manzana, como fuente de enzima β-glucosidasa y ácido cítrico, a semillas oleaginosas (calabaza, terebinto y linaza). Los resultados se evaluaron comparando los efectos de los pretratamientos sobre el rendimiento y las propiedades del aceite. El preparado enzimático puede aumentar el rendimiento de los aceite de las semillas de calabaza (~ 300%) y la linaza (151%). Se lograron aumentos significativos en los contenidos fenólicos de terebinto (de 91,67 a 319,33 mg GAE/kg) y aceites de lino (de 12,03 a 40,47 mg GAE/kg) mediante pretratamientos con ácido cítrico y enzimas. Estos dos pretratamientos también fueron efectivos en términos de formación de peróxido y estabilidad oxidativa en aceite de terebinto. Con la ayuda de los pretratamientos aplicados a las semillas oleaginosas, fue posible aumentar el traspaso de fenoles de las semillas al aceite, para el caso del aceite de terebinto, con porcentajes de aumento del 245% con el tratamiento con ácido cítrico y 248% para el proceso enzimático, en comparación con el control

    In vitro comparison of four different electronic apex locators to determine the major foramen using the clearing technique

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of four electronic apex locators (EALs) (DentaPort ZX, Raypex 5, Endo Master and VDW Gold) in detecting the major foramen using the clearing technique.Materials and Methods: Forty‑eight extracted single‑rooted extracted teeth with mature apices were used for the study and divided into four groups of 12 teeth each. All teeth were embedded in an alginate model. Electronic measurements were taken using a size 15 K‑file attached to the holder. Then, the teeth were cleared and photographed under a stereomicroscope with a digital camera. The distance between the tip of the file and the major foramen was measured by using an image analysis software program. Positive and negative values were recorded when the file tip was beyond or short of the major foramen and zero value when the file tip and the major foramen coincided. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Chi‑square tests at a significance level of 0.05.Results: Mean distance from the file tip to the major foramen were 0.302 ± 0.202, 0.065 ± 0.293, 0.117 ± 0.475, and 0.258 ± 0.160 mm in the DentaPort ZX, Raype 5, Endo Master, and VDW Gold groups, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences among the devices (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Under the experimental conditions, all EALs showed an acceptable determination of the major foramen.Keywords: Clearing technique, electronic apex locator, major forame

    Insights into the time course of evidentiality processing in Turkish heritage speakers using a self-paced reading task

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    Introduction: Studies with heritage language speakers (HLS) have often used offline measurements, investigating the post-interpretive effects which emerge after processing has been completed. Relatively few studies have investigated heritage language processing using time-sensitive methods that allow the collection of evidence regarding real-time language processing rather than post-interpretive judgments. Using a self-paced-reading paradigm, we aimed to expand our understanding of HLS language processing by investigating evidentiality-the linguistic marking of information source, which is grammatically expressed in Turkish, but not in English. Method: Participants were 54 bilingual speakers of Turkish and English: 24 HLS (English onset: 0-5 yrs) and 30 emigrant Turkish speakers (ES) who grew up in Turkey before emigrating to Australia (English onset = 6-17 yrs). Participants read sentences with evidential-marked verb forms that either matched or mismatched to the information source context. Word-by-word reading times and end-of-sentence acceptability judgment speed and accuracy were measured. Results: The results showed that although the HLS' responses were slower and less accurate than the ES in both reading times and end-of-sentence acceptability judgments, they showed similarities in online processing patterns. Both groups were faster at reading the mismatching sentences compared to the matching sentences; however, this pattern emerged during the time course of reading first for the indirect condition for the ES, and only later for the direct condition and for the HLS for both evidential conditions. Only HLS read faster in the target region with the direct evidential that is shown to be acquired earlier in childhood, than they did for the indirect evidential which is mastered later. In contrast, the end-of-sentence judgment data showed that while the ES group responded faster to matching direct sentences than matching indirect, this effect was missing for the HLS. Nevertheless, there were similar patterns for accuracy across evidential conditions: both groups were more accurate with the direct evidential. Discussion: Overall, the use of the self-paced-reading paradigm allowed insights into HLS' evidentiality processing above and beyond their generally slower and less accurate processing compared to the reference group. This study provides further evidence for differences in the patterns observed using online vs. post interpretive measures in HLS, reinforcing the importance of combining these methodologies for further understanding of HLS competence and performance.</p