57 research outputs found

    Assessment of management information system [MIS] of national program for family planning and primary health care [LHW Program]

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    This assessment by the Population Council is based on a random sample of 154 Lady Health Workers (LHWs) from three provinces of Pakistan. The aim is to strengthen the routine LHW-MIS (management information system) in the districts so that it can contribute to the improvement of the district health system by providing reliable evidence. Further, based on the findings of the current assessment, the districts managers/decisionmakers should be able to continuously improve the LHW-MIS through applying a problem-solving approach. The report details recommendations for program management, including: 1) providing all necessary MIS tools to each LHW; 2) providing basic equipment like weighing scales for babies, thermometers, etc. to each LHW; and 3) strong supervision to ensure that LHWs use all the MIS tools for a complete recording of all the events in their catchment areas

    Contraceptive use dynamics in Pakistan 2008-09

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    This report looks at contraceptive use dynamics in Pakistan, focusing on contraceptive discontinuation, method failure, and contraceptive switching, as well as the reasons for discontinuation. The study found that almost one-third of discontinuations were due to side effects followed by one-fifth of them by the method failure. Side effects were the most common reason for discontinuing modern methods (IUDs and hormonal methods), while failure was the most common reasons for discontinuing barrier and traditional methods (condom, rhythm, withdrawal). Based on the findings of this study, this report suggests that better training of health providers and better information and counseling of clients are needed to manage side effects of alternative contraception methods

    Water Treatment Sludge Stabilizer Binder by Waste Paper Sludge Ash for Solidification/Stabilisation Technique

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    Waste Paper Sludge Ash (WPSA) used as stabilizer binder to treat water treatment sludge (WTS). This study was conducted to treat WTS by using WPSA in Solidification/Stabilisation (S/S) technique. 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% of WPSA was utilized to treat 200g of WTS. 100% of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) was used as control specimen. For testing, compressive strength and leaching test on WTS treated with WPSA at specified percentage were performed. It was experimentally done on sample cured at 1, 3, 7 and 28 ages for the compressive strength and at 28 ages for leaching test. Results showed that compressive strength decreases with increasing WPSA content. The immobilization of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu) and chromium (Cr) were monitored. The concentration of metals decreases with respect to percentage of WPSA added. The optimum content of WPSA to treat WTS was 50%

    Multi-Functionalized Nanomaterials and Nanoparticles for Diagnosis and Treatment of Retinoblastoma

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    Retinoblastoma is a rare type of cancer, and its treatment, as well as diagnosis, is challenging, owing to mutations in the tumor-suppressor genes and lack of targeted, efficient, cost-effective therapy, exhibiting a significant need for novel approaches to address these concerns. For this purpose, nanotechnology has revolutionized the field of medicine with versatile potential capabilities for both the diagnosis, as well as the treatment, of retinoblastoma via the targeted and controlled delivery of anticancer drugs via binding to the overexpressed retinoblastoma gene. Nanotechnology has also generated massive advancements in the treatment of retinoblastoma based on the use of surface-tailored multi-functionalized nanocarriers; overexpressed receptor-based nanocarriers ligands (folate, galactose, and hyaluronic acid); lipid-based nanocarriers; and metallic nanocarriers. These nanocarriers seem to benchmark in mitigating a plethora of malignant retinoblastoma via targeted delivery at a specified site, resulting in programmed apoptosis in cancer cells. The effectiveness of these nanoplatforms in diagnosing and treating intraocular cancers such as retinoblastoma has not been properly discussed, despite the increasing significance of nanomedicine in cancer management. This article reviewed the recent milestones and future development areas in the field of intraocular drug delivery and diagnostic platforms focused on nanotechnology

    CoNiZn and CoNiFe Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Physical Characterization, and In Vitro Cytotoxicity Evaluations

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    The polyol method has been used to synthesize CoNiFe and CoNiZn alloy nanoparticles (NPs). The magnetic characteristics of the products have been measured by vibration sample magnetometry (VSM) analysis. At the same time, the microstructure and morphology were inspected by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. Magnetic measurement of samples by the VSM indicated that samples have soft ferromagnetic behavior. Spherical-shaped grains for samples were confirmed by the SEM. MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays were used to determine the cytotoxic effects of the synthesized NPs. Cytotoxic evaluations showed that treatment with 25 to 400 µg/mL of CoNiZn and CoNiFe NPs exerted a significant time- and concentration-dependent toxicity in MCF7 and HUVEC cells and markedly enhanced the LDH leakage after 48 h of exposure (p < 0.05 compared with untreated cells). Furthermore, NPs with concentrations higher than 12.5 µg/mL induced evident morphological changes in the studied cell lines. Treatment with 12.5 µg/mL of CoNiZn and CoNiFe NPs was safe and did not affect normal human cell survival. The results of in vitro cytotoxicity assessments show promise in supporting the suitability of the synthesized NPs to build high-performance theranostic nanoplatforms for simultaneous cancer imaging and therapy without affecting normal human cells

    Activity level predicts 6-minute walk distance in healthy older females: an observational study

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    Background: The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) is frequently employed in clinical settings and academic studies. Few research has examined activity level as a 6MWD predictor, and current predictive models do not take activity level into account. The 6-min walk test (6MWT) is a simple tool for the evaluation of functional exercise capacity, which reflects the capacity of the individual to perform activities of daily living. Aims &amp;Objectives: In a convenience sample of older females, the study's goal was to determine whether activity was a reliable predictor of 6MWD. To determine if adding activity level to current models for the 6MWT in healthy older women enhanced their prediction accuracy as well as to confirm the validity of such models. Material and Methods: In several regions of Punjab (Kamoke, Multan, and Okara), data from home visits were gathered for this observational study. The study's sample size of 30 healthy females was chosen using a convenience sampling technique from a group of healthy older non-smoking women who were both active and sedentary and had no lung or musculoskeletal conditions. The study's primary outcomes were measured, including age, height, weight, and 6MWD. Each subject filled out a consent form and signed it to indicate their understanding. This study demonstrated how important it is to consider physical activity levels when predicting 6MWD in older women. The statistical program for the social sciences (SPSS), version 2016, was used to analyze the data

    Fluorescent-based nanosensors for selective detection of a wide range of biological macromolecules: A comprehensive review

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    Thanks to their unique attributes, such as good sensitivity, selectivity, high surface-to-volume ratio, and versatile optical and electronic properties, fluorescent-based bioprobes have been used to create highly sensitive nano -biosensors to detect various biological and chemical agents. These sensors are superior to other analytical instrumentation techniques like gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis for being biodegradable, eco-friendly, and more economical, operational, and cost-effective. Moreover, several reports have also highlighted their application in the early detection of biomarkers associ-ated with drug-induced organ damage such as liver, kidney, or lungs. In the present work, we comprehensively overviewed the electrochemical sensors that employ nanomaterials (nanoparticles/colloids or quantum dots, carbon dots, or nanoscaled metal-organic frameworks, etc.) to detect a variety of biological macromolecules based on fluorescent emission spectra. In addition, the most important mechanisms and methods to sense amino acids, protein, peptides, enzymes, carbohydrates, neurotransmitters, nucleic acids, vitamins, ions, metals, and electrolytes, blood gases, drugs (i.e., anti-inflammatory agents and antibiotics), toxins, alkaloids, antioxidants, cancer biomarkers, urinary metabolites (i.e., urea, uric acid, and creatinine), and pathogenic microorganisms were outlined and compared in terms of their selectivity and sensitivity. Altogether, the small dimensions and capability of these nanosensors for sensitive, label-free, real-time sensing of chemical, biological, and pharma-ceutical agents could be used in array-based screening and in-vitro or in-vivo diagnostics. Although fluorescent nanoprobes are widely applied in determining biological macromolecules, unfortunately, they present many challenges and limitations. Efforts must be made to minimize such limitations in utilizing such nanobiosensors with an emphasis on their commercial developments. We believe that the current review can foster the wider incorporation of nanomedicine and will be of particular interest to researchers working on fluorescence tech-nology, material chemistry, coordination polymers, and related research areas

    Novel Perspectives towards RNA-Based Nano-Theranostic Approaches for Cancer Management

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    In the fight against cancer, early diagnosis is critical for effective treatment. Traditional cancer diagnostic technologies, on the other hand, have limitations that make early detection difficult. Therefore, multi-functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) and nano-biosensors have revolutionized the era of cancer diagnosis and treatment for targeted action via attaching specified and biocompatible ligands to target the tissues, which are highly over-expressed in certain types of cancers. Advancements in multi-functionalized NPs can be achieved via modifying molecular genetics to develop personalized and targeted treatments based on RNA interference. Modification in RNA therapies utilized small RNA subunits in the form of small interfering RNAs (siRNA) for overexpressing the specific genes of, most commonly, breast, colon, gastric, cervical, and hepatocellular cancer. RNA-conjugated nanomaterials appear to be the gold standard for preventing various malignant tumors through focused diagnosis and delivering to a specific tissue, resulting in cancer cells going into programmed death. The latest advances in RNA nanotechnology applications for cancer diagnosis and treatment are summarized in this reviewComunidad de Madri

    Amino acids, peptides, and proteins:Implications for nanotechnological applications in biosensing and drug/gene delivery

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    Over various scientific fields in biochemistry, amino acids have been highlighted in research works. Protein, peptide- and amino acid-based drug delivery systems have proficiently transformed nanotechnology via immense flexibility in their features for attaching various drug molecules and biodegradable polymers. In this regard, novel nanostructures including carbon nanotubes, electrospun carbon nanofibers, gold nanoislands, and metal-based nanoparticles have been introduced as nanosensors for accurate detection of these organic compounds. These nanostructures can bind the biological receptor to the sensor surface and increase the surface area of the working electrode, significantly enhancing the biosensor performance. Interestingly, protein-based nanocarriers have also emerged as useful drug and gene delivery platforms. This is important since, despite recent advancements, there are still biological barriers and other obstacles limiting gene and drug delivery efficacy. Currently available strategies for gene therapy are not cost-effective, and they do not deliver the genetic cargo effectively to target sites. With rapid advancements in nanotechnology, novel gene delivery systems are introduced as nonviral vectors such as protein, peptide, and amino acid-based nanostructures. These nano-based delivery platforms can be tailored into functional transformation using proteins and peptides ligands based nanocarriers, usually overexpressed in the specified diseases. The purpose of this review is to shed light on traditional and nanotechnology-based methods to detect amino acids, peptides, and proteins. Furthermore, new insights into the potential of amino protein-based nanoassemblies for targeted drug delivery or gene transfer are presented
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