9 research outputs found
The influence of energetic particle precipitation on Antarctic stratospheric chlorine and ozone over the 20th century
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) emissions in the latter part of the 20th century reduced stratospheric ozone abundance substantially, especially in the Antarctic region. Simultaneously, polar stratospheric ozone is also destroyed catalytically by nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) descending from the mesosphere and the lower thermosphere during winter. These are produced by energetic particle precipitation (EPP) linked to solar activity and space weather. Active chlorine (ClOx = Cl + ClO) can also react mutually with EPP-produced NOx or hydrogen oxides (HOx ) and transform both reactive agents into reservoir gases, chlorine nitrate or hydrogen chloride, which buffer ozone destruction by all these agents. We study the interaction between EPP-produced NOx , ClO and ozone over the 20th century by using free-running climate simulations of the chemistryâclimate model SOCOL3-MPIOM. A substantial increase of NOx descending to the polar stratosphere is found during winter, which causes ozone depletion in the upper and mid-stratosphere. However, in the Antarctic mid-stratosphere, the EPP-induced ozone depletion became less efficient after the 1960s, especially during springtime. Simultaneously, a significant decrease in stratospheric ClO and an increase in hydrogen chloride â and partly chlorine nitrate between 10â30 hPa â can be ascribed to EPP forcing. Hence, the interaction between EPP-produced NOx /HOx and ClO likely suppressed the ozone depletion, due to both EPP and ClO at these altitudes. Furthermore, at the end of the century, a significant ClO increase and ozone decrease were obtained at 100 hPa altitude during winter and spring. This lower stratosphere response shows that EPP can influence the activation of chlorine from reservoir gases on polar stratospheric clouds, thus modulating chemical processes important for ozone hole formation. Our results show that EPP has been a significant modulator of reactive chlorine in the Antarctic stratosphere during the CFC era. With the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, stratospheric chlorine is estimated to return to pre-CFC era levels after 2050. Thus, we expect increased efficiency of chemical ozone destruction by EPP-NOx in the Antarctic upper and mid-stratosphere over coming decades. The future lower stratosphere ozone response by EPP is more uncertain.publishedVersio
Ozone layer evolution in the early 20th century
The ozone layer is well observed since the 1930s from the ground and, since the 1980s, by satellite-based instruments. The evolution of ozone in the past is important because of its dramatic influence on the biosphere and humans but has not been known for most of the time, except for some measurements of near-surface ozone since the end of the 19th century. This gap can be filled by either modeling or paleo reconstructions. Here, we address ozone layer evolution during the early 20th century. This period was very interesting due to a simultaneous increase in solar and anthropogenic activity, as well as an observed but not explained substantial global warming. For the study, we exploited the chemistry-climate model SOCOL-MPIOM driven by all known anthropogenic and natural forcing agents, as well as their combinations. We obtain a significant global scale increase in the total column ozone by up to 12 Dobson Units and an enhancement of about 20% of the near-surface ozone over the Northern Hemisphere. We conclude that the total column ozone changes during this period were mainly driven by enhanced solar ultra violet (UV) radiation, while near-surface ozone followed the evolution of anthropogenic ozone precursors. This finding can be used to constrain the solar forcing magnitude.ISSN:2073-443
Implications of potential future grand solar minimum for ozone layer and climate
Continued anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are expected to cause further global warming throughout the 21st century. Understanding the role of natural forcings and their influence on global warming is thus of great interest. Here we investigate the impact of a recently proposed 21st century grand solar minimum on atmospheric chemistry and climate using the SOCOL3-MPIOM chemistryâclimate model with an interactive ocean element. We examine five model simulations for the period 2000â2199, following the greenhouse gas concentration scenario RCP4.5 and a range of different solar forcings. The reference simulation is forced by perpetual repetition of solar cycle 23 until the year 2199. This reference is compared with grand solar minimum simulations, assuming a strong decline in solar activity of 3.5 and 6.5âŻWâŻmâ2, respectively, that last either until 2199 or recover in the 22nd century. Decreased solar activity by 6.5âŻWâŻmâ2 is found to yield up to a doubling of the GHG-induced stratospheric and mesospheric cooling. Under the grand solar minimum scenario, tropospheric temperatures are also projected to decrease compared to the reference. On the global scale a reduced solar forcing compensates for at most 15âŻ% of the expected greenhouse warming at the end of the 21st and around 25âŻ% at the end of the 22nd century. The regional effects are predicted to be significant, in particular in northern high-latitude winter. In the stratosphere, the reduction of around 15âŻ% of incoming ultraviolet radiation leads to a decrease in ozone production by up to 8âŻ%, which overcompensates for the anticipated ozone increase due to reduced stratospheric temperatures and an acceleration of the BrewerâDobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to a delay in total ozone column recovery from anthropogenic halogen-induced depletion, with a global ozone recovery to the pre-ozone hole values happening only upon completion of the grand solar minimum.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736
Implications of potential future grand solar minimum for ozone layer and climate
Continued anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are expected to cause further global warming throughout the 21st century. Understanding the role of natural forcings and their influence on global warming is thus of great interest. Here we investigate the impact of a recently proposed 21st century grand solar minimum on atmospheric chemistry and climate using the SOCOL3-MPIOM chemistry-climate model with an interactive ocean element. We examine five model simulations for the period 2000-2199, following the greenhouse gas concentration scenario RCP4.5 and a range of different solar forcings. The reference simulation is forced by perpetual repetition of solar cycle 23 until the year 2199. This reference is compared with grand solar minimum simulations, assuming a strong decline in solar activity of 3.5 and 6.5Wmâ2, respectively, that last either until 2199 or recover in the 22nd century. Decreased solar activity by 6.5Wmâ2 is found to yield up to a doubling of the GHG-induced stratospheric and mesospheric cooling. Under the grand solar minimum scenario, tropospheric temperatures are also projected to decrease compared to the reference. On the global scale a reduced solar forcing compensates for at most 15% of the expected greenhouse warming at the end of the 21st and around 25% at the end of the 22nd century. The regional effects are predicted to be significant, in particular in northern high-latitude winter. In the stratosphere, the reduction of around 15% of incoming ultraviolet radiation leads to a decrease in ozone production by up to 8%, which overcompensates for the anticipated ozone increase due to reduced stratospheric temperatures and an acceleration of the BrewerâDobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to a delay in total ozone column recovery from anthropogenic halogen-induced depletion, with a global ozone recovery to the pre-ozone hole values happening only upon completion of the grand solar minimum
Kattifiering : Anpassa ditt hem för katten
Katten aÌr bland de vanligaste husdjuren i Sverige och att ha innekatt blir alltmer vanligt. Katten har maÌnga behov som exempelvis att faÌ roÌra paÌ sig och vaÌssa klorna, vilket aÌr stora aspekter i deras natur. Att aktivera katten aÌr en viktig del i deras vardag foÌr att undvika att de utvecklar ooÌnskade beteenden som exempelvis att riva sin aÌgare. Bor man paÌ en mindre yta kan det dock vara mer utmanande samt problematiskt att tillfredsstaÌlla detta behov tillraÌckligt. Mitt fokus har daÌrmed varit att ta fram ett alternativt koncept paÌ kloÌsmoÌbel som aÌven passar kattaÌgare som bor mindre. PaÌ dagens marknad kraÌver de stora varianterna paÌ kloÌsmoÌbler ofta mycket golvyta, vilket kan bli ett problem om man bor mindre. Idag aÌr det vanligt att kattaÌgare bygger egna kloÌsmoÌbler, men det aÌr tidskraÌvande och daÌrmed inte alltid oÌnskvaÌrt. Under projektets gaÌng har jag intervjuat er kattaÌgare och funnit ett behov av en stoÌrre kloÌsmoÌbel som passar in i det vardagliga hemmet och som laÌmpar sig om man bor mindre. En enkaÌt skickades ut i olika kattforum daÌr det tydligt syntes att kattaÌgare ser ett vaÌrde om de sjaÌlva kunde utnyttja kloÌsmoÌbeln. DaÌrmed designade jag en kloÌsmoÌbel i kombination med en moÌbel som ofta nns i det vardagliga hemmet foÌr baÌde katten och kattaÌgaren.The cat is among the most popular pets in Sweden and having an indoor cat has become more common. A cat has many needs. For example, they need to be activated through play and allowed to sharpen their claws by scratching since these are major aspects in their nature. Activating your cat is an important part of their everyday life and to prevent them from obtaining unwanted behaviours, such as scratching their owner. However, satisfying the needs of a cat can become a di cult task and problematic for cat owners living more cramped home accommodations. Therefore, my focus has been to develop an alternate concept of a scratching post that also suits cat owners living in smaller homes. Larger scratching posts on todayâs market often require considerable space on the oor, which can be a problem if you have a small home. It has become common for cat owners to construct their own scratching posts today, but that can be rather time consuming and thus often not desirable. During the course of my project, I have interviewed multiple cat owners and found a need for a larger scratching post that blends into the ordinary household. A survey was submitted onto various cat forums where the response clearly showed that cat owners found value in the concepts where they themselves could utilise the scratching post. Thus, I combined a scratching post with a typical type of furniture you often see in the ordinary household, one that can be used by both cat and cat owner
Transition of the Sun to a Regime of High Activity: Implications for the Earth Climate and Role of Atmospheric Chemistry
Abstract It was recently suggested that the Sun could switch to a highâactivity regime which would lead to a rise of ultraviolet radiation with an amplitude of about four times larger than the amplitude of an average solar activity cycle and a simultaneous drop in total solar irradiance. Here, we applied the SOCOLv3âMPIOM model with an interacting ocean to simulate the response of chemistry, dynamics, and temperature of Earth's atmosphere to such a change in solar irradiance. We studied the effect of high activity regime on the atmosphere investigating the influence of the chemical and radiative processes on the climate, and chemistry of NO x, HO x, and O 3 . We find a climate cooling by up to 1K and a substantial increase in stratospheric ozone (up to 14%) and total ozone (up to 8%). To understand the role of the different processes we performed simulations with two sets of forcing accounting separately for the influence on chemical processes and for direct radiation energy balance. Our calculations show that the stratospheric O 3 response is almost fully driven by the chemical processes. We also found that the direct radiation processes lead to nearâsurface cooling that results in the suppression of the BrewerâDobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to the reduction of H 2 O influx from the low layers of the troposphere and to less intensive transport of ozone from the tropics to the middle latitudes. The surface climate response is dominated by direct radiation influence with only a small contribution from chemical processes.Plain Language Summary It was recently suggested that activity of the Sun could significantly rise which would lead to a rise of ultraviolet radiation and a simultaneous drop in total solar irradiance. In this study, we modeled the response of chemistry, dynamics, and temperature of Earth's atmosphere to such a change in solar irradiance. We studied the effect of high activity regime on the atmosphere investigating the influence of the chemical and radiative processes on the climate, and chemistry. We find a climate cooling by up to 1K and a substantial increase in stratospheric ozone (up to 14%) and total ozone (up to 8%). Our calculations show that the stratospheric ozone response is almost fully driven by the chemical processes. We also found that the direct radiation processes lead to nearâsurface cooling that results in the suppression of the BrewerâDobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to the reduction of water vapor influx from the low layers of the troposphere and to less intensive transport of ozone from the tropics to the middle latitudes. The surface climate response is dominated by direct radiation influence with only a small contribution from chemical processes.Key Points A switch of the Sun to a high activity regime would lead to a simultaneous increase of the UV irradiance and a drop of the longwave irradiance Solar UV changes control stratospheric ozone and temperature with only a small contribution from solar longwave Tropospheric climate is driven by direct changes in the surface radiation balance with no substantial contribution from the chemical processesAbstract It was recently suggested that the Sun could switch to a highâactivity regime which would lead to a rise of ultraviolet radiation with an amplitude of about four times larger than the amplitude of an average solar activity cycle and a simultaneous drop in total solar irradiance. Here, we applied the SOCOLv3âMPIOM model with an interacting ocean to simulate the response of chemistry, dynamics, and temperature of Earth's atmosphere to such a change in solar irradiance. We studied the effect of high activity regime on the atmosphere investigating the influence of the chemical and radiative processes on the climate, and chemistry of NO x, HO x, and O 3 . We find a climate cooling by up to 1K and a substantial increase in stratospheric ozone (up to 14%) and total ozone (up to 8%). To understand the role of the different processes we performed simulations with two sets of forcing accounting separately for the influence on chemical processes and for direct radiation energy balance. Our calculations show that the stratospheric O 3 response is almost fully driven by the chemical processes. We also found that the direct radiation processes lead to nearâsurface cooling that results in the suppression of the BrewerâDobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to the reduction of H 2 O influx from the low layers of the troposphere and to less intensive transport of ozone from the tropics to the middle latitudes. The surface climate response is dominated by direct radiation influence with only a small contribution from chemical processes.Plain Language Summary It was recently suggested that activity of the Sun could significantly rise which would lead to a rise of ultraviolet radiation and a simultaneous drop in total solar irradiance. In this study, we modeled the response of chemistry, dynamics, and temperature of Earth's atmosphere to such a change in solar irradiance. We studied the effect of high activity regime on the atmosphere investigating the influence of the chemical and radiative processes on the climate, and chemistry. We find a climate cooling by up to 1K and a substantial increase in stratospheric ozone (up to 14%) and total ozone (up to 8%). Our calculations show that the stratospheric ozone response is almost fully driven by the chemical processes. We also found that the direct radiation processes lead to nearâsurface cooling that results in the suppression of the BrewerâDobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to the reduction of water vapor influx from the low layers of the troposphere and to less intensive transport of ozone from the tropics to the middle latitudes. The surface climate response is dominated by direct radiation influence with only a small contribution from chemical processes.Key Points A switch of the Sun to a high activity regime would lead to a simultaneous increase of the UV irradiance and a drop of the longwave irradiance Solar UV changes control stratospheric ozone and temperature with only a small contribution from solar longwave Tropospheric climate is driven by direct changes in the surface radiation balance with no substantial contribution from the chemical processesAbstract It was recently suggested that the Sun could switch to a highâactivity regime which would lead to a rise of ultraviolet radiation with an amplitude of about four times larger than the amplitude of an average solar activity cycle and a simultaneous drop in total solar irradiance. Here, we applied the SOCOLv3âMPIOM model with an interacting ocean to simulate the response of chemistry, dynamics, and temperature of Earth's atmosphere to such a change in solar irradiance. We studied the effect of high activity regime on the atmosphere investigating the influence of the chemical and radiative processes on the climate, and chemistry of NO x, HO x, and O 3 . We find a climate cooling by up to 1K and a substantial increase in stratospheric ozone (up to 14%) and total ozone (up to 8%). To understand the role of the different processes we performed simulations with two sets of forcing accounting separately for the influence on chemical processes and for direct radiation energy balance. Our calculations show that the stratospheric O 3 response is almost fully driven by the chemical processes. We also found that the direct radiation processes lead to nearâsurface cooling that results in the suppression of the BrewerâDobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to the reduction of H 2 O influx from the low layers of the troposphere and to less intensive transport of ozone from the tropics to the middle latitudes. The surface climate response is dominated by direct radiation influence with only a small contribution from chemical processes.Plain Language Summary It was recently suggested that activity of the Sun could significantly rise which would lead to a rise of ultraviolet radiation and a simultaneous drop in total solar irradiance. In this study, we modeled the response of chemistry, dynamics, and temperature of Earth's atmosphere to such a change in solar irradiance. We studied the effect of high activity regime on the atmosphere investigating the influence of the chemical and radiative processes on the climate, and chemistry. We find a climate cooling by up to 1K and a substantial increase in stratospheric ozone (up to 14%) and total ozone (up to 8%). Our calculations show that the stratospheric ozone response is almost fully driven by the chemical processes. We also found that the direct radiation processes lead to nearâsurface cooling that results in the suppression of the BrewerâDobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to the reduction of water vapor influx from the low layers of the troposphere and to less intensive transport of ozone from the tropics to the middle latitudes. The surface climate response is dominated by direct radiation influence with only a small contribution from chemical processes.Key Points A switch of the Sun to a high activity regime would lead to a simultaneous increase of the UV irradiance and a drop of the longwave irradiance Solar UV changes control stratospheric ozone and temperature with only a small contribution from solar longwave Tropospheric climate is driven by direct changes in the surface radiation balance with no substantial contribution from the chemical processe
The response of mesospheric H<sub>2</sub>O and CO to solar irradiance variability in models and observations
Water vapor (H2O) is the source of reactive hydrogen radicals in the middle atmosphere, whereas carbon monoxide (CO), being formed by CO2photolysis, is suitable as a dynamical tracer. In the mesosphere, both H2O and CO are sensitive to solar irradiance (SI) variability because of their destruction/production by solar radiation. This enables us to analyze the solar signal in both models and observed data. Here, we evaluate the mesospheric H2O and CO response to solar irradiance variability using the Chemistry- Climate Model Initiative (CCMI-1) simulations and satellite observations. We analyzed the results of four CCMI models (CMAM, EMAC-L90MA, SOCOLv3, and CESM1- WACCM 3.5) operated in CCMI reference simulation REFC1SD in specified dynamics mode, covering the period from 1984-2017. Multiple linear regression analyses show a pronounced and statistically robust response of H2O and CO to solar irradiance variability and to the annual and semiannual cycles. For periods with available satellite data, we compared the simulated solar signal against satellite observations, namely the GOZCARDS composite for 1992-2017 for H2O and Aura/MLS measurements for 2005-2017 for CO. The model results generally agree with observations and reproduce an expected negative and positive correlation for H2O and CO, respectively, with solar irradiance. However, the magnitude of the response and patterns of the solar signal varies among the considered models, indicating differences in the applied chemical reaction and dynamical schemes, including the representation of photolyzes. We suggest that there is no dominating thermospheric influence of solar irradiance in CO, as reported in previous studies, because the response to solar variability is comparable with observations in both low-top and high-top models. We stress the importance of this work for improving our understanding of the current ability and limitations of state-of-the-art models to simulate a solar signal in the chemistry and dynamics of the middle atmosphere.</p
The response of mesospheric H2O and CO to solar irradiance variability in models and observations
Water vapor (H2O) is the source of reactive hydrogen radicals in the middle atmosphere, whereas carbon monoxide (CO), being formed by CO2photolysis, is suitable as a dynamical tracer. In the mesosphere, both H2O and CO are sensitive to solar irradiance (SI) variability because of their destruction/production by solar radiation. This enables us to analyze the solar signal in both models and observed data. Here, we evaluate the mesospheric H2O and CO response to solar irradiance variability using the Chemistry- Climate Model Initiative (CCMI-1) simulations and satellite observations. We analyzed the results of four CCMI models (CMAM, EMAC-L90MA, SOCOLv3, and CESM1- WACCM 3.5) operated in CCMI reference simulation REFC1SD in specified dynamics mode, covering the period from 1984-2017. Multiple linear regression analyses show a pronounced and statistically robust response of H2O and CO to solar irradiance variability and to the annual and semiannual cycles. For periods with available satellite data, we compared the simulated solar signal against satellite observations, namely the GOZCARDS composite for 1992-2017 for H2O and Aura/MLS measurements for 2005-2017 for CO. The model results generally agree with observations and reproduce an expected negative and positive correlation for H2O and CO, respectively, with solar irradiance. However, the magnitude of the response and patterns of the solar signal varies among the considered models, indicating differences in the applied chemical reaction and dynamical schemes, including the representation of photolyzes. We suggest that there is no dominating thermospheric influence of solar irradiance in CO, as reported in previous studies, because the response to solar variability is comparable with observations in both low-top and high-top models. We stress the importance of this work for improving our understanding of the current ability and limitations of state-of-the-art models to simulate a solar signal in the chemistry and dynamics of the middle atmosphere. © 2021 Copernicus GmbH. All rights reserved
The response of mesospheric H<sub>2</sub>O and CO to solar irradiance variability in models and observations
Water vapor (H2O) is the source of reactive hydrogen radicals in the middle atmosphere, whereas carbon monoxide (CO), being formed by CO2photolysis, is suitable as a dynamical tracer. In the mesosphere, both H2O and CO are sensitive to solar irradiance (SI) variability because of their destruction/production by solar radiation. This enables us to analyze the solar signal in both models and observed data. Here, we evaluate the mesospheric H2O and CO response to solar irradiance variability using the Chemistry- Climate Model Initiative (CCMI-1) simulations and satellite observations. We analyzed the results of four CCMI models (CMAM, EMAC-L90MA, SOCOLv3, and CESM1- WACCM 3.5) operated in CCMI reference simulation REFC1SD in specified dynamics mode, covering the period from 1984-2017. Multiple linear regression analyses show a pronounced and statistically robust response of H2O and CO to solar irradiance variability and to the annual and semiannual cycles. For periods with available satellite data, we compared the simulated solar signal against satellite observations, namely the GOZCARDS composite for 1992-2017 for H2O and Aura/MLS measurements for 2005-2017 for CO. The model results generally agree with observations and reproduce an expected negative and positive correlation for H2O and CO, respectively, with solar irradiance. However, the magnitude of the response and patterns of the solar signal varies among the considered models, indicating differences in the applied chemical reaction and dynamical schemes, including the representation of photolyzes. We suggest that there is no dominating thermospheric influence of solar irradiance in CO, as reported in previous studies, because the response to solar variability is comparable with observations in both low-top and high-top models. We stress the importance of this work for improving our understanding of the current ability and limitations of state-of-the-art models to simulate a solar signal in the chemistry and dynamics of the middle atmosphere.Atmospheric Remote Sensin