118 research outputs found


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    This paper is part of the research carried out on the project "Yugoslav Wars: another face of European civilisation? Lessons learnt and enduring challenges" co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. It was presented at the international roundtable On the Phenomenon of War, on the Culture of Peace: Reflections, Analyses, Experiences, University of Kragujevac, February 6th, 2017.This paper deals with the texts by the American journalist and philologist Diana Johnstone, the British journalist Eve-Ann Prentice, and the Russian historian Elena Guskova. We shall focus on the analysis of the attitudes and insights which they have gained in their researches regarding the topics of the Kosovo and Metohija War and NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. Although it is othen heard that it is difficult to write about newer history, including wars immediately ather their termination, that it is necessary to deflect, let the events settle down and create a certain temporal distance, it does not always have to be so – a specific danger is hidden in the act of waiting, which stems from the progressive amnesia induced by the contemporary culture. Thus the question of the Yugoslav wars of the Nineties needs to be actualized, so that it does not become subjected to oblivion or, even worse, to radical revisions.Publishe

    Antioxidant activity of plant secondary metabolites

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    Oxidative stress can induce the development of many different disorders. Plant secondary metabolites may act as antioxidants by neutralisation of free radicals and by stimulation of endogenous antioxidant mechanisms. One of the important secondary plant metabolites with antioxidant activity are polyphenols. They can exert activity through different mechanisms depending on their structure. Polyphenols are widely present in herbal drugs, and some of the commonly used ones are aronia berry (Aroniae fructus) and bilberry fruit (Myrtilli fructus), both rich in anthocyanins and tannins and with high antioxidant activity. The main compounds in turmeric rhizome (Curcumae rhizome) are curcuminoides that manifest antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Furthermore, tea leaf (Camelliae sinensis folium) and coffee bean (Coffeae semen), highly present in everyday life, significantly contribute to the daily intake of antioxidants and provide necessary protection of the organism from the consequences of oxidative stress

    Victimization of Serbs and Jews in Ljubo Jandrić's novel "Jasenovac"

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    Posmatrajući Jandrićev roman kao svojevrsno svedočanstvo o zločinima nad Srbima i Jevrejima, počinjenim u koncentracionom logoru Jasenovac, u radu se bavimo genezom zla, mržnje i destrukcije. Takođe, fokus je usmeren na upotrebu dokumentarne i arhivske građe u romaneskne svrhe. Upravo iz tog razloga, tumačenje ćemo izvoditi interdisciplinarnim pristupom, konsultujući poznate ali i novije studije o ustaškim zločinima. Militantni rasizam i verska mržnja prema Srbima, Jevrejima i Romima, podsticani u okviru državnog aparata, negovani i praktikovani u redovima Katoličke crkve, proželi su sve pore društva ND Hrvatske i na koncu doživeli kulminaciju u strategijama ustaške nekropolitike koja je rezultirala totalnim genocidom. U radu smo, na primeru Jandrićevog romana, ukazali na etape razvoja ustaške ideologije i nekropolitičke prakse.Examining Jandrić's novel as a testimony about the crimes against the Serbs and the Jews, committed in the concentration camp Jasenovac, we deal with the genesis of evil, hatred, and destruction. Also, the focus of the paper is on the use of documentary and archival material. Precisely for that reason, we performed the interpretation with an interdisciplinary approach, consulting the well-known, but likewise recent studies on the Ustasha crimes as well. Militant racism and religious hatred towards the Serbs, the Jews, and the Roma, encouraged within the state apparatus, nurtured and practised in the ranks of the Catholic Church, permeated all the pores of the society of the Independent State of Croatia and finally culminated in the strategies of Ustasha necropolitics that resulted in total genocide. In the paper, through the example of Jandrić's novel, we point out the stages of development of the Ustasha ideology and necropolitical practice.Izdavanje ovog zbornika podržalo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije

    Sposobnost akumulacije teških metala Veronica vrsta sa planinskih lokaliteta u Srbiji

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    This paper describes the relationships between the concentrations of selected trace elements in soil and their bioaccumulation in the aerial parts of three Veronica species (Plantaginaceae). Plant and soil samples were collected from three mountainous areas in Serbia, prepared by microwave-assisted acid digestion and analyzed by flame and flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. The total concentrations of Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cr in the soil varied from 12.38 to 47.77, 62.78 to 138.00, 517.58 to 1675.78, 13574.22 to 35920.00 and 36.18 to 115.15 mg kg-1, respectively, while those in the plants ranged from 6.04 to 12.8, 27.66 to 58.01, 25.38 to 89.25, 35.53 to 563.26 and 0.44 to 18.96 mg kg-1, respectively. There were no significant differences in heavy metal concentrations between the tested Veronica species from the same location, indicating that their heavy metal uptake pattern was not species specific. In the case of Mn, despite its wide variation in the soil, the concentrations in the plant samples were uniform, which suggests the potential ability of the tested species to control Mn uptake and/or its translocation to the upper plant parts. Additionally, the lowest concentrations of Cu were obtained in plant samples collected from soil with the highest Fe concentrations, indicating that Cu availability to plants might be reduced due to high Fe contents in soil solution.U ovom radu prikazan je odnos sadržaja odabranih elemenata u tragovima u zemljištu i njihove bioakumulacije u nadzemnim delovima tri Veronica vrste (Plantaginaceae). Biljni i uzorci zemljišta sakupljeni su sa tri planinska lokaliteta u Srbiji, podvrgnuti su mikrotalasnoj digestiji u kiseloj sredini i analizirani primenom plamene i elektrotermalne atomske apsorpcione spektroskopije. Ukupna koncentracija Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe i Cr u uzorcima zemljišta varira od 12,38 do 47,77, 62,78 do 138,00, 517,58 do 1675,78, 13574,22 do 35920,00 i 36,18 do 115,15 mg kg-1, dok se u biljnim uzorcima kreće u opsegu od 6,04 do 12,8, 27,66 do 58,01, 25,38 do 89,25, 35,53 do 563,26 i 0,44 do 18,96 mg kg-1, redom. Nisu pokazane značajne razlike u koncentraciji teških metala između testiranih Veronica vrsta sa istih lokaliteta, što pokazuje da model usvajanja teških metala nije karakteristika vrste. Uprkos velikih variranja koncentracije Mn u zemljištu, koncentracija u biljnim uzorcima je uniformna, što ukazuje na potencijalnu mogućnost testiranih vrsta da kontrolišu preuzimanje Mn ili njegov transport do nadzemnih delova biljke. Najniža koncentracija Cu dobijena je u biljnim uzorcima sakupljenim na zemljištu sa najvećom Fe koncentracijom, sugerišući da je dostupnost Cu biljkama redukovana usled visokog sadržaja Fe u zemljišnom rastvoru

    Characterisation of natural isolate Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29, a strain producing bacteriocin IS29 and cell wall-associated proteinase

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    Soj Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29 je prirodni izolat iz sira proizvedenog u domaćinstvu koji proizvodi bakteriocin IS29 i proteinazu PI-tipa. Rezultati dobijeni biohemijskom karakterizacijom bakteriocina IS29 sugerišu da on pripada klasi II bakteriocina. DNK-DNK hibridizacija i PFGE analiza su pokazali da su geni za proteinazu i proizvodnju bakteriocina locirani na različitim genetičkim elem- entima. Proizvodila proteinaze coja BGIS29 i bakteriocina IS29 zavise od koncentracije kazitona u medijumu za rast bakterija. Veće koncentracije kazitona imaju inhibitorni efekat na aktivnost proteinaze. Nasuprot tome, proizvodila bakteriocina IS29 je izraženija u medijumu koji sadrži veće koncentracije kazitona.Strain Lactacoccus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29, a natural isolate from homemade cheese produces the bacteriocin IS29 and the Pi-type proteinase. The results obtained by biochemical characterization of bacteriocin IS29 suggest that it belongs to class II of bacteriocins. The DNA-DNA hybridization and PFGE analysis showed that the genes for proteinase and bacteriocin production are located on separate genetic elements. Production of the proteinase of BGIS29 and the bacteriocin IS29 depend on the concentration of casitone in medium. Higher concentrations of casitone expressed an inhibitory effect on the proteinase activity. In contrast, production of bacteriocin IS29 was more pronounced in medium containing high casitone concentrations

    Anatomical characterization, chemical analyses and essential oil antimicrobial activity of Hyssopus officinalis L. (Lamiaceae)

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    Introduction Hyssopus officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) is a perennial aromatic subshrub, distributed mainly in the Mediterranean area. The aerial parts of the plant are used as a culinary and medicinal herb (Hyssopi herba) against various ailments, and its essential oil is used in the perfume industry. It contains essential oil, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. However, in a number of cases, certain differences arose between samples of different origin (Mićović et al., 2019). In this work, we investigated the anatomy and chemical composition of H. officinalis from Mt. Galičica, North Macedonia. Furthermore, based on an a priori knowledge on good antimicrobial activity of essential oils, we investigated its effects against selected microorganisms.7th Congress of Pharmacy in North Macedonia with international participation, October 5-9, 2022, Ohrid, North Macedoni

    Safety aspects of herbal products containing compounds with a potential risk

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    Pojedine biljne droge i preparati biljnih droga sadrže jedinjenja sa potencijalnim rizikom primene, kao što su pirolizidinski alkaloidi (npr. u korenu gaveza, Symphyti radix, listu podbela, Farfarae folium, rizomu lopuha, Petasitidis rhizoma), kumarin (u kori kineskog cimeta, Cassiae cortex, herbi ždraljevine, Meliloti herba), estragol (u plodovima gorkog i slatkog morača, Foeniculi amari/dulcis fructus, plodu anisa, Anisi fructus, herbi bosiljka, Basilici herba), tujon (u listu žalfije, Salviae officinalis folium, herbi belog pelena, Absinthii herba) ili azaron (u rizomu iđirota, Calami rhizoma). Za ove sastojke i droge/preparate droga koji ih sadrže utvrđeni su prihvatljivi, ograničeni dnevni unosi kao i preporuke za dužinu primene. Farmaceut ima ključnu ulogu u savetovanju pacijenata o primeni proizvoda na bazi biljnih droga i preparata biljnih droga, uključujući i one koji sadrže jedinjenja sa potencijalnim rizikom i veoma je važno da bude upoznat sa karakteristikama i pravilnom primenom ovih biljnih proizvoda.Certain herbal drugs and herbal drug preparations contain compounds with a potential risk of use, such as pyrrolyzidine alkaloids (in Comfrey root, Symphyti radix, Coltsfoot leaf, Farfarae folium, Butterbur root, Petasitidis rhizoma), coumarin (in the Cassia bark, Cassiae cortex, Melilot, Meliloti herba), estragole (in Basil, Basilici herba, bitter/sweet fennel, Foeniculi amari/dulcis fructus, Aniseed, Anisi fructus), thujone (in Sage leaf, Salviae officinalis folium, Wormwood, Absinthii herba) or asarone (in Sweet flag rhizome, Calami rhizoma). For these ingredients and herbal drugs/herbal drug preparations which contain them, there are acceptable, limited daily intakes as well as recommendations for duration of use. Since pharmacist plays a key role in advising patients on the use of herbal products, including those containing compounds with a potential risk, it is very important to know the characteristics and proper use of these herbal products

    O,O'-diethyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(3-cyclohexyl)propanoate dihydrochloride enhances influx of effective NK and NKT cells in murine breast cancer

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    Background/Aim. O,O'-diethyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamineN,N'-di-2-(3-cyclohexyl)propanoate dihydrochloride (DE-EDCP) has been found to possess promising cytotoxic activity against various tumor cell lines. Also, DE-EDCP reduces tumor progression by several mechanisms such as triggering tumor cell death and inhibition of cell proliferation. The aim of present study was to further evaluate antitumor activity of DE-EDCP by investigating effects on migratory potential of tumor cells and anti-tumor immune response. Methods. Migratory potential of DE-EDCP was evaluated by scratch wound assay. Female BALB/c mice were inoculated with 4T1 breast cancer cells and treatment with DE-EDCP started five days following orthotopic tumor implantation. The frequency and phenotype of tumor-infiltrating natural killer (NK) and natural killer T (NKT) cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. Results. DE-EDCP inhibited migratory potential of highly metastatic 4T1 cells. DE-EDCP facilitated accumulation of CD3+CD49+ NKT cells and CD3-CD49+ NK cells in tumor microenvironment. DE-EDCP treatment led to significant decrement of tumor infiltrating anergic NKT cells expressing cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4), killer cell lectin like receptor G1 (KLRG-1) and programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1). Mice given DE-EDCP had significantly increased percentages of tumoricidal fas ligand (FasL) positive NK cells. Conclusion. DE-EDCP inhibits murine breast cancer progression through direct effects on tumor cells and by facilitating anti-tumor immunity. DE-EDCP enhances accumulation, promotes tumoricidal phenotype and maintenances responsiveness of NK and NKT cells in 4T1 murine breast cancer